How will they rule ??!

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So basically, as their actions are showing, the Dems' panting about the Gang of 8 bill not getting passed was for show. They obviously wanted nothing that limiting and would have ignored the parts they did not like just as the GOP was surmising.
I would like someone to explain to me how taking in all of these people ever fixes the freaking issue?

Why not try to fix these countries instead of having a constant group of savages being ushered in? You're never fixing the source. Nothing ever changes.

It's like getting mop buckets instead of fixing the damn leak. No matter how many buckets you get to catch the rain, nothing is stopping the constant flow of water.
Fix them? We're the ones who broke most of these countries by our short-term thinking military policy. Yet the military wants MORE money.
You're actually talking about all those Trump voters in Eastern KY, Ohio, PA, and Michigan who live in their parents basement and don't work, collect welfare and disability. I haven't lived with my parents since I was 15.

I believe folks like yourself are incapable of rational thought. You start shaking if a comment makes you have to think and instead of trying to debate it, you just launch into your lame a$$ word salads.

As far as this EO goes, there's no reason to believe that Trump is basing this off 'intel' as he said he was going to ban Muslims before he got a shred of information that was actually fact based. He gets advice from military vets on call-in shows and conspiracy theorist nut jobs. He continues to lie to the American public, which is why he is so dangerous. No one really knows when he is telling the truth. It's pretty obvious he only kinda tells the truth when it's something he can use to further his propaganda.

It is not surprising that he is now attacking the judiciary, as it's the only remaining branch of our government that can stop him. This is straight from the dictator playbook. It would not surprise me to see a false flag attack so that he can declare martial law and gain even more power for himself.

This entire administration is full of liars and cheaters. If I'm an ally, I'd find it hard to believe a word they tell me. That's the problem with liars.

You and Fuzz talk about lying and fake news when the left started all of the fake news. From Harry Reids admitted lying about Romney and how well it worked to Hillary and Obama blaming a video on Benghazi. You guys are the most corrupt immoral people the world has ever known.
You're actually talking about all those Trump voters in Eastern KY, Ohio, PA, and Michigan who live in their parents basement and don't work, collect welfare and disability. I haven't lived with my parents since I was 15.

I believe folks like yourself are incapable of rational thought. You start shaking if a comment makes you have to think and instead of trying to debate it, you just launch into your lame a$$ word salads.

As far as this EO goes, there's no reason to believe that Trump is basing this off 'intel' as he said he was going to ban Muslims before he got a shred of information that was actually fact based. He gets advice from military vets on call-in shows and conspiracy theorist nut jobs. He continues to lie to the American public, which is why he is so dangerous. No one really knows when he is telling the truth. It's pretty obvious he only kinda tells the truth when it's something he can use to further his propaganda.

It is not surprising that he is now attacking the judiciary, as it's the only remaining branch of our government that can stop him. This is straight from the dictator playbook. It would not surprise me to see a false flag attack so that he can declare martial law and gain even more power for himself.

This entire administration is full of liars and cheaters. If I'm an ally, I'd find it hard to believe a word they tell me. That's the problem with liars.
Do you even have a clue what your party stands for or the people who populate it? Dictator? Liars? Cheaters? The curtain has been pulled back lad, we've all seen who you are. We know what you want.
I'm not worried about Trumps agenda getting through, because it will have to whether the GOP likes it or not. It's the ridiculously slow pace that is very bothersome. Theres absolutely no reason why Soros bitch Paul Ryan and others haven't voted AT LEAST to repeal Obamacare. Zero excuse.

This is EXACTLY why Trump was elected. We are sick and tired of do nothing politicians. All talk and no action has to end!
Its obvious she misspoke fuzz. I honestly don't give a rip if Trump said crime had gone up 47%, crime is going up, I don't need the government telling me it is in order to see it.

The Dems continue on the path they're on and they'll keep losing. People are sick and tired of the BS in Washington, and they're simply reinforcing that notion right now.
So you don't see a need for the POTUS to be accurate with their statements?
Especially when they are calling out others on their statements...

Making claims that are false... not ideas that one might agree or not agree with...making outright claims that are totally fictional. You don't see an issue?
I'm not worried about Trumps agenda getting through, because it will have to whether the GOP likes it or not. It's the ridiculously slow pace that is very bothersome. Theres absolutely no reason why Soros bitch Paul Ryan and others haven't voted AT LEAST to repeal Obamacare. Zero excuse.

This is EXACTLY why Trump was elected. We are sick and tired of do nothing politicians. All talk and no action has to end!
They haven't voted to repeal it because they have nothing to replace it with. There are about 20 million people with Obamacare. Until they have a plan how they will keep those people covered they won't touch a thing. Besides, Obamacare set forth guidelines for healthcare policies for everyone. Insurance company policies aren't formulated overnight. What will be the new guidelines?
What are they going to do about pre-existing conditions?

It was irresponsible for Trump to boast that he would do away with it on day one...and only the ignorant believed he would.
They haven't voted to repeal it because they have nothing to replace it with. There are about 20 million people with Obamacare. Until they have a plan how they will keep those people covered they won't touch a thing. Besides, Obamacare set forth guidelines for healthcare policies for everyone. Insurance company policies aren't formulated overnight. What will be the new guidelines?
What are they going to do about pre-existing conditions?

It was irresponsible for Trump to boast that he would do away with it on day one...and only the ignorant believed he would.
I actually agree with you on this.
Wonder how many of these liberals going nuts over DeVos can even name who holds the position currently?

Oh, I know. I was in a college class filled with liberals a few years ago and they had no freaking clue who the Vice President was. They are the least informed group ever but they jump when they're told to with the (insert name here) is racist BS.
So you don't see a need for the POTUS to be accurate with their statements?
Especially when they are calling out others on their statements...

Making claims that are false... not ideas that one might agree or not agree with...making outright claims that are totally fictional. You don't see an issue?

About the crime rate? No, I don't really care.

It's not like he stretched the truth on a billion dollar ransom payment to a terrorist sponsoring regime.
LOL at Jessica Tarlov:

"Donald Trump is meddling in the free market, Like he did with Carrier, like he did with Lockheed Martin, like he did with Boeing...... I want everyone to have high paying jobs but this is an abuse of the presidency"

So now it's a negative that he's keeping/bringing back jobs to America. He's meddling in the free market and was guilty of bullying Carrier, Boeing, etc. Man, it doesn't matter what he does, they will find some way to paint it as a negative.
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Check this out.

In 2003, 70 percent of the 2,300 babies born in Stockton's San Joaquin Hospital were anchor babies.

By 2013, Stockton was bankrupt. Same police department also showed that 44 percent of hit and runs were illegals and that was like three years ago when the data was given.
You utterly failed to establish a causal relationship between your 2003 and 2013 points but I would imagine that doesn't bother you in the least.
LOL at Jessica Tarlov:

"Donald Trump is meddling in the free market, Like he did with Carrier, like he did with Lockheed Martin, like he did with Boeing...... I want everyone to have high paying jobs but this is an abuse of the presidency"

So now it's a negative that he's keeping/bringing back jobs to America. He's meddling in the free market and was guilty of bullying Carrier, Boeing, etc. Man, it doesn't matter what he does, they will find some way to paint it as a negative.

There is no reason to follow those networks. They're so GD insane and biased. Like I said, it would be like us going to Louisville fans and Louisville's admin for news of what we were doing and how we were doing. I'm sure no bias there, huh?
According to an immigration lawyer, since the judge put the temporary halt on the ban, 100 Syrian refugees have been allowed entry into the country this week, and the vetting was done by the United Nations, not the DHS/FBI.
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There is no reason to follow those networks. They're so GD insane and biased. Like I said, it would be like us going to Louisville fans and Louisville's admin for news of what we were doing and how we were doing. I'm sure no bias there, huh?
It was on Fox that she said that. She is a regular contributor there. She is a democrat but I don't know much more than that about her. Pretty cute but short on brains.
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According to an immigration lawyer, since the judge put the temporary halt on the ban, 100 Syrian refugees have been allowed entry into the country this week, and the vetting was done by the United Nations, not the DHS/FBI.
Thanks Judge asshole...I mean Robart
They haven't voted to repeal it because they have nothing to replace it with. There are about 20 million people with Obamacare. Until they have a plan how they will keep those people covered they won't touch a thing. Besides, Obamacare set forth guidelines for healthcare policies for everyone. Insurance company policies aren't formulated overnight. What will be the new guidelines?
What are they going to do about pre-existing conditions?

It was irresponsible for Trump to boast that he would do away with it on day one...and only the ignorant believed he would.

You do realize inside of your "20 million" speech that liberals rant about over and over, there's about 4 times that many or more hurting badly because of it, right? Obamacare was one of the mandates Trump was elected to eliminate. So now it's Trumps fault that the bill was forced through without American approval and disintegrated in action? It's Trumps fault it doesn't work and your idiots made a shaky structure worse? Everyone must suffer now because of that 20 million?

Unless something is done, Obamacare could become far more detrimental. It's not Trumps fault Obama crafted a horrid model. Trump could do nothing about Obamacare and Obama's approval rating would be 32% in 10 years.
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According to an immigration lawyer, since the judge put the temporary halt on the ban, 100 Syrian refugees have been allowed entry into the country this week, and the vetting was done by the United Nations, not the DHS/FBI.
if true.
So you don't see a need for the POTUS to be accurate with their statements?
Especially when they are calling out others on their statements...

Making claims that are false... not ideas that one might agree or not agree with...making outright claims that are totally fictional. You don't see an issue?
We have been making those assertions for 8 years now and it was not a problem for you until now? Do you actually know how ridiculous this makes you look? Incredible.[eyeroll]
Senator Tim Scott (R) of South Carolina:

“If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked,” the South Carolina Republican stated. “It comes with the territory, and I’ve had it for 20 years, two decades, but my friends and my staff, they’re not used to the level of animus that comes in from the liberal left that suggests that I somehow are not helpful to the cause of liberal America and therefore I am not helpful to black America.”

“I left out all the ones that used the n-word,” Scott told his peers. “I just felt like that would not be appropriate.”

“What I’m surprised by just a smidgen,” he continued, “is that the liberal left that speaks and desires for all of us to be tolerant do not want to be tolerant of anyone that disagrees with where they are coming from.”
