How will they rule ??!

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If the feds want to pursue it, they can do so.

Cool, they will tie it to federal dollars as a way to "pursue" it. Your opinion is each level does what they see fit. Looks like we all agree. You have no clue on how many buckets of federal dollars local munis get money from.
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Yes, the media can say that Trump has the authority for the EO and that the courts are not interpreting the law properly, but they won't. Trump didn't lie, it's hyperbole. He knows that the MSM will fact check everything he says.
It isn't the media's place to say what the courts can and cannot do. They report what they do. I have seen them interview various legal experts who have all voiced a range of opinions. It is obvious that opinions differ among lawyers and in the courts. Please present your legal credentials that would give you credibility with your opinion. My strong hunch is you're just repeating what someone else has said.

Good Lord...hyperbole? Hell, not even his spin-meister Kellyanne came up with that one.
Fuzz may be terrible at making logical arguments or using reason, but he's very good shitty formatting.
And here you have it, the main reason for the carbon tax is income redistribution. Take money from those that have it and give it to those who don't.

"The blueprint involves a $40 tax on every metric ton of carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels, with the price climbing over time. To avoid an undue burden on the poor from the higher energy bills that would result, the projected $200 billion to $300 billion in annual revenue would be redistributed to households in the form of quarterly checks from the Social Security Administration. Families of four would see an average annual payout of $2,000 under the plan."

It has nothing to do with the environment or global warming.

This BS will probabaly happen won't it.
It isn't the media's place to say what the courts can and cannot do. They report what they do. I have seen them interview various legal experts who have all voiced a range of opinions. It is obvious that opinions differ among lawyers and in the courts. Please present your legal credentials that would give you credibility with your opinion. My strong hunch is you're just repeating what someone else has said.

Good Lord...hyperbole? Hell, not even his spin-meister Kellyanne came up with that one.
It IS the media's place to say what the courts can and cannot do. The way they do it is to inform the people of what the Constitution says. Trump has every right to do what he did. What he should have done was make it very clear that people who already hold visas can still travel freely. We cannot allow a single judge to have that large a voice in national security matters. The judge took an oath to uphold the Constitution, instead of doing that he has used his seat to obstruct Trump from following his duty to protect the CITIZENS.

The judge should be removed and possibly prosecuted.
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I'm starting to get to a real tipping point. I'm just not sure how much of it is bullshit being pushed by the media to get people to turn on Trump and the Republicans, and how much is reality.

Based on headlines, I becoming convinced:

Civil asset forfeiture with no conviction will be expanded
A carbon tax will be implemented
Obamacare will not be repealed
We won't get any true tax reform

All I wanted was Obamacare to be repealed, and tax reform. That was the list. Now these stupid cocksuckers have the opportunity to do it and they're going to shit all over the American people.

Republicans keep this up and the D's are going to steamroll through 2018 even with the doubling down on the divisiveness.

But as I said, I taking the wait and see approach, since I'm not sure how much of what gets reported is bullshit intended to get me pissed off.
It IS the media's place to say what the courts can and cannot do. The way they do it is to inform the people of what the Constitution says. Trump has every right to do what he did. What he should have done was make it very clear that people who already hold visas can still travel freely. We cannot allow a single judge to have that large a voice in national security matters. The judge took an oath to uphold the Constitution, instead of doing that he has used his seat to obstruct Trump from following his duty to protect the CITIZENS.

The judge should be removed and possibly prosecuted.
Thankfully judges can't be removed and prosecuted for doing things which are completely within their power to do. This is also why Federal judges get lifetime appointments, so that the Executive branch can't bully the Judicial branch with threats when they don't get their way.

Presidents can't do just whatever they want. The separation of powers has checks and balances all along the way...that's in the Constitution. Read it.

What should have been done is that Trump should have written a good EO from the beginning that didn't try and block legal visa holders. When you don't do things in the right ways, you get your EOs blocked.

People go to school to learn about the Constitution, not turn on the news. Besides, your POTUS is out blabbing about "fake news" when in fact, he is doing a pretty good job himself of providing us with fake news story after fake news story. How about that crime rate? That massacre in Bowling Green? If there is an attack by muslims anywhere in the world he can't tweet about it fast enough...but when a right-wing extremist kills people in Canada, not a word.
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Thankfully judges can't be removed and prosecuted for doing things which are completely within their power to do. This is also why Federal judges get lifetime appointments, so that the Executive branch can't bully the Judicial branch with threats when they don't get their way.

Presidents can't do just whatever they want. The separation of powers has checks and balances all along the way...that's in the Constitution. Read it.

What should have been done is that Trump should have written a good EO from the beginning that didn't try and block legal visa holders. When you don't do things in the right ways, you get your EOs blocked.
Would not have mattered how it was written, same exact thing would have happened.
Again, it is a federal issue. If the feds want to pursue it, they can do so. They don't need permission from the cities.
As for not turning them over...that requires that the cities continue to hold these people until the feds show up to process them. Those that are committing serious crimes are very much being held and turned over. But holding people costs money and resources.

As for your constitutional rights argument...take that one to court and see where it gets you. Laughed out of the courtroom I'm guessing. Guess what else lowers wages? Busting unions.

Why would it get laughed out of the courtroom? Are you saying illegal aliens working for bread crumbs don't lower US citizens wages? Does that not directly affect a citizens livelihood in the same field of work that's in direct competition?

So you're basically admitting that there's so many illegal aliens committing crimes in sanctuary cities that it's going to cost too much to house them? That seems like the problem is higher than we've been led to believe.

Like the above poster wrote, the govt will simply withhold funds, tax payers will either pay higher taxes or cities will start turning over illegals.
Thankfully judges can't be removed and prosecuted for doing things which are completely within their power to do. This is also why Federal judges get lifetime appointments, so that the Executive branch can't bully the Judicial branch with threats when they don't get their way.

Presidents can't do just whatever they want. The separation of powers has checks and balances all along the way...that's in the Constitution. Read it.

What should have been done is that Trump should have written a good EO from the beginning that didn't try and block legal visa holders. When you don't do things in the right ways, you get your EOs blocked.

People go to school to learn about the Constitution, not turn on the news. Besides, your POTUS is out blabbing about "fake news" when in fact, he is doing a pretty good job himself of providing us with fake news story after fake news story. How about that crime rate? That massacre in Bowling Green? If there is an attack by muslims anywhere in the world he can't tweet about it fast enough...but when a right-wing extremist kills people in Canada, not a word.

Do you honestly believe Conway thought there was a massacre in Bowling Green, or did she just misspeak?
Why would it get laughed out of the courtroom? Are you saying illegal aliens working for bread crumbs don't lower US citizens wages? Does that not directly affect a citizens livelihood in the same field of work that's in direct competition?

So you're basically admitting that there's so many illegal aliens committing crimes in sanctuary cities that it's going to cost too much to house them? That seems like the problem is higher than we've been led to believe.

Like the above poster wrote, the govt will simply withhold funds, tax payers will either pay higher taxes or cities will start turning over illegals.
Don't Right To Work laws that strip unions of power to collectively bargain, lower wages? Doesn't economic policy that helps to concentrate earnings and wealth at the top, effectively lower wages for everyone else? Wages have been pretty stagnate in a whole lot of occupations that aren't being undercut by illegal workers.

So many? How many does it take if jails are already at 150-200% of capacity? Who do you want them to release to make room for these people? Even if it is only 10... you want 10 other criminals released to make room for 10 illegals?

Regardless if it costs $10 or $10 I said, the INS knows in every city the places where illegal workers go to find work. Immigration is a federal issue, if they want to pursue these people, then show up and arrest both the workers and the people who come to hire them. Quit trying to blame it on the cities. Do those things and those people disappear.
Trump gave them the rope and made it easy. Let's see what the Appeals Court says.

We both know what the appeals court in San Francisco is going to say, it's a circus sideshow out there.
The point is that the President has the authority to do exactly what Trump did. The Congress had already voted and approved the 7 nations on the list. Trump isn't doing anything but enforcing, TEMPORARILY ,the article congress approved.
The media has acted as if he just pulled this list out of his ass, he didn't.
Wonder why the media isn't running poll after poll showing how many democrats know that, or how many think it is a Muslim ban?
Do you honestly believe Conway thought there was a massacre in Bowling Green, or did she just misspeak?
She did make mention of it several times.
She NOW says that she misspoke...I wonder when the POTUS will admit that he "misspoke" about the crime rate, about a list of attacks that they claimed weren't covered, about how the 1st Lady isn't trying to profit off her position...this White House is truly the gift that keeps on giving. SNL will probably have to add Monday - Friday Night Live shows to keep up with all of the material.
I'm not sure how even the most ardent Trump supporter can't admit that they aren't their own worst enemy.
Don't Right To Work laws that strip unions of power to collectively bargain, lower wages? Doesn't economic policy that helps to concentrate earnings and wealth at the top, effectively lower wages for everyone else? Wages have been pretty stagnate in a whole lot of occupations that aren't being undercut by illegal workers.

So many? How many does it take if jails are already at 150-200% of capacity? Who do you want them to release to make room for these people? Even if it is only 10... you want 10 other criminals released to make room for 10 illegals?

Regardless if it costs $10 or $10 I said, the INS knows in every city the places where illegal workers go to find work. Immigration is a federal issue, if they want to pursue these people, then show up and arrest both the workers and the people who come to hire them. Quit trying to blame it on the cities. Do those things and those people disappear.

You're barking up the wrong tree on right to work with me, but those advocating for right to work are US CITIZENS!! Do you seriously not see the difference in the 2 situations?

They do go to these places and arrest people FUZZ, but if the police dept arrest an illegal, and the federal govt asks them to hold them, and they refuse that's a load of shit.

I happen to agree with you on charging those that hire them too, but that doesn't give a government agency the right to just ignore a federal law.

If we're going for states rights on this then let's really go in, but it's not about that to you.
In reality you're for sanctuary cities because your party is for it. You don't see the damage it's inflicting because you don't want to.
So Obama was operating drones for the military?

You cannot ban travel to US residents who hold US resident and work visas. The travel ban got shelved because it was a piss poor written order. If the man was smart he would have immediately rescinded the order and issued a better written order that excluded those protected groups. But that would have required that he admit that he phucked up. But he has no time for that. He's too busy creating his own fake news like...
The President said Tuesday that the US murder rate "is the highest it's been in 47 years."
"I'd say that in a speech and everybody was surprised because the press doesn't like to tell it like it is," Trump said during a meeting with US sheriffs at the White House. "It wasn't to their advantage to say that. The murder rate is the highest it's been in I guess 45-47 years."

2015 is the most recent year the FBI released its annual report compiled by its Uniform Crime Reporting Program. FBI data for crime in the U.S. in that report shows that the murder rate in 2015 was 4.9 per 100,000 inhabitants -- the highest murder rate in six years. In 2009, the murder rate was at 5.0, while 10 years ago, in 2007, the murder rate was at 5.7.

It's simply amazing that the little boy who cries about fake news is himself the biggest creator of fake news known to mankind.
Obama opened the door for this type of behavior even more than it had ever been and now we are reaping the rewards. It is no surprise you can't see this.
She did make mention of it several times.
She NOW says that she misspoke...I wonder when the POTUS will admit that he "misspoke" about the crime rate, about a list of attacks that they claimed weren't covered, about how the 1st Lady isn't trying to profit off her position...this White House is truly the gift that keeps on giving. SNL will probably have to add Monday - Friday Night Live shows to keep up with all of the material.
I'm not sure how even the most ardent Trump supporter can't admit that they aren't their own worst enemy.

Its obvious she misspoke fuzz. I honestly don't give a rip if Trump said crime had gone up 47%, crime is going up, I don't need the government telling me it is in order to see it.

The Dems continue on the path they're on and they'll keep losing. People are sick and tired of the BS in Washington, and they're simply reinforcing that notion right now.
Not so fast my friend......because most "youth" grow up, get jobs, pay taxes, have kids and at some point in their lives realize that BS is BS. All hope is not lost.
Only the ones like Fuzz, Killa, and a few others that still live in their mothers basement or live off of the government teet stay with the left because, if they did not, they would actually have to work.
Presidents can't do just whatever they want. The separation of powers has checks and balances all along the way...that's in the Constitution. Read it.


In this case he can do just about what he wants according to the Immigration and Naturalization Act. Perhaps you should read it. If you understood the separation of powers as well as you think you do, you would know that it works both ways. The judicial branch must also adhere to the Constitution.

Being appointed a district judge does not give him the right to act in an arbitrary and capricious manner regarding national security. The SCOTUS has already ruled in the past that immigration is between the legislative and executive branches. They said something like this...

"The Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of the Chinese Exclusion Acts in 1889 in the case of Chae Chan Ping v. United States, where the Court said that immigration matters were part of the plenary power shared by the legislative and executive branches and disputes over those laws “are not questions for judicial determination.”"

People who hold valid current visas should not have been denied travel.
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I think Trump is on very solid footing in the banning immigration EO. Going to take some real legal gymnastics to roll back the executive power on that one. Our President needs the power to act decisively in order to protect the country. That's why you better not elect a lunatic president.
Check this out.

In 2003, 70 percent of the 2,300 babies born in Stockton's San Joaquin Hospital were anchor babies.

By 2013, Stockton was bankrupt. Same police department also showed that 44 percent of hit and runs were illegals and that was like three years ago when the data was given.
Yes, the media can say that Trump has the authority for the EO and that the courts are not interpreting the law properly, but they won't. Trump didn't lie, it's hyperbole. He knows that the MSM will fact check everything he says.
Don't even try, it is lost on Fuzz. He is a liberal nut hugger that toes the party line with no knowledge of anything else.
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It isn't the media's place to say what the courts can and cannot do. They report what they do. I have seen them interview various legal experts who have all voiced a range of opinions. It is obvious that opinions differ among lawyers and in the courts. Please present your legal credentials that would give you credibility with your opinion. My strong hunch is you're just repeating what someone else has said.

Good Lord...hyperbole? Hell, not even his spin-meister Kellyanne came up with that one.

[roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll][roll]this is rich.
I think Trump is on very solid footing in the banning immigration EO. Going to take some real legal gymnastics to roll back the executive power on that one. Our President needs the power to act decisively in order to protect the country. That's why you better not elect a lunatic president.

Lunatic or not we don't have the same intel that he has. Nor should he have to share it. I heard a military vet on a call in show explain that they were told not to trust anybody in the ME and even the ones the armed services throughly vetted. Yet we are suppose to let people in from countries with no id's and no government in place to help us vet them.

This is a personal attack on Trump and zero to do with protecting anybody else whether it be the immigrants or the great people of the USA.
If only our forefathers could have foreseen what the left would do to us through third world migration.

Unlike some, I'm absolutely against third world migration whether legal or not. Our country was not meant to be a total shit show. European migration & actual cultures that are compatible with ours is all that should be considered but when you have a party that thrives by growing the welfare state and lessening the white population, you get this.
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I would like someone to explain to me how taking in all of these people ever fixes the freaking issue?

Why not try to fix these countries instead of having a constant group of savages being ushered in? You're never fixing the source. Nothing ever changes.

It's like getting mop buckets instead of fixing the damn leak. No matter how many buckets you get to catch the rain, nothing is stopping the constant flow of water.
Only the ones like Fuzz, Killa, and a few others that still live in their mothers basement or live off of the government teet stay with the left because, if they did not, they would actually have to work.
You're actually talking about all those Trump voters in Eastern KY, Ohio, PA, and Michigan who live in their parents basement and don't work, collect welfare and disability. I haven't lived with my parents since I was 15.

I believe folks like yourself are incapable of rational thought. You start shaking if a comment makes you have to think and instead of trying to debate it, you just launch into your lame a$$ word salads.

As far as this EO goes, there's no reason to believe that Trump is basing this off 'intel' as he said he was going to ban Muslims before he got a shred of information that was actually fact based. He gets advice from military vets on call-in shows and conspiracy theorist nut jobs. He continues to lie to the American public, which is why he is so dangerous. No one really knows when he is telling the truth. It's pretty obvious he only kinda tells the truth when it's something he can use to further his propaganda.

It is not surprising that he is now attacking the judiciary, as it's the only remaining branch of our government that can stop him. This is straight from the dictator playbook. It would not surprise me to see a false flag attack so that he can declare martial law and gain even more power for himself.

This entire administration is full of liars and cheaters. If I'm an ally, I'd find it hard to believe a word they tell me. That's the problem with liars.