How will they rule ??!

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Anybody that bet on the banking sector due to Trump's victory... well, kudos to you.

You're up 25% plus since the election, depending on the the exact stock.

Tired of winning yet?
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Can we stop with the stock market all time high recognition?

Not to be negative but what did people think would happen once Obama flooded our country with billions of dollars to aid us out of the recession? That money is still in circulation along with our normal output of currency, so yea we are going to see and increase in a lot of things but not the value of our money!

Are you triggered by winning lol?
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Circuit Court has had more than enough time to render their decision. Seems they are just stalling for now.
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I don't know how any one can respect Bernie. He is such a phony. He knew he wasn't allowed to be president, and still convinced many stupid people he really had a chance. It's a complete shame. His entire existence is. Total fantasy.

Of course it wouldn't work and I disagree with everything he said. But I respected a person's ability to stick with a message with little fanfare for decades.

Circuit Court has had more than enough time to render their decision. Seems they are just stalling for now.

They were stalling before that. Issuing an order without an opinion on the stay was a joke.


After hearing time after time about how terrible these politicians are for getting rich from political office, now the hypocrites are cheering it on!! WOO HOO

But, yeah, Bernie is the one cashing in.
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He's always been fos. If you can find the old clips of the Vermont town halls in the late 90's, he's never had one real answer for his radical socialist views. When pressed he folds like a lawn chair. That's why I laugh at the notion that he could have beaten trump. He would have slaughtered him in a national debate on economics.
His socialist ideals are clown car crazy. He was all over Venezuela saying how great their model is a few years ago..yeah well, ppl are now having to smuggle baby formula over the border there, bc yeah, socialism.
They do that in Sicily for the Africans that raft over from wherever the hell they came from. One of the nicer military housing installations was converted into a refugee community several years ago.
And also up in Germany. At least one of my former bases there was converted for this purpose. Many Germans are against the idea..


After hearing time after time about how terrible these politicians are for getting rich from political office, now the hypocrites are cheering it on!! WOO HOO

But, yeah, Bernie is the one cashing in.

Pretty sure Ivanka has money outside of politics bub.
Senator Tim Scott (R) of South Carolina:

“If you sign up to be a black conservative, the chances are very high you will be attacked,” the South Carolina Republican stated. “It comes with the territory, and I’ve had it for 20 years, two decades, but my friends and my staff, they’re not used to the level of animus that comes in from the liberal left that suggests that I somehow are not helpful to the cause of liberal America and therefore I am not helpful to black America.”

“I left out all the ones that used the n-word,” Scott told his peers. “I just felt like that would not be appropriate.”

“What I’m surprised by just a smidgen,” he continued, “is that the liberal left that speaks and desires for all of us to be tolerant do not want to be tolerant of anyone that disagrees with where they are coming from.”

Libs are the true racists.
I don't know how any one can respect Bernie. He is such a phony. He knew he wasn't allowed to be president, and still convinced many stupid people he really had a chance. It's a complete shame. His entire existence is. Total fantasy.
Not only a phony but a major hypocrite. I can't listen to someone whine about rich people, who themselves just bought their 3rd house. Man of the people there.
And this is exactly what Trump is trying to change. You can't knock Ivanka for doing what is best for her business. She didn't make the rules, only played by them.

Unfortunately, the way politicians have sold out the American worker and economy; cheap foreign labor, way too high taxes, regulations out the ass, etc..., making things in America isn't financially responsible or very profitable.


After hearing time after time about how terrible these politicians are for getting rich from political office, now the hypocrites are cheering it on!! WOO HOO

But, yeah, Bernie is the one cashing in.
I think you get a little too excited and then make bad comparisons.

Some people are rich and then get into politics, some get into politics and get rich. Ivanka isn't really either.

If her line was performing poorly and they have the records to prove it, they should pull the line. If they pulled it because they don't like her daddy and wanted to make a headline, that's pretty shitty.
"First, I'm directing Department of Justice andHomeland Security to undertake all necessary and lawful action to break the back of the criminal cartels that have spread across our nation and are destroying the blood of our youth and other people, many other people," said Trump.

"Secondly, I'm directing Department of Justice to form a task force on reducing violent crimein America," the president added.

"And thirdly, I'm directing the Department of Justice to implement a plan to stop crime and crimes of violence against law enforcement officers," he said. "It's a shame what's been happening to our great, truly great law enforcement officers. That's going to stop as of today."

Hell yeah Trump! Get em.
I am still trying to figure out why Elizabeth Warren is even relevant. Been there for only 4 years, has done nothing but whine and complain, real potential to lose her seat next election cycle, and all of the sudden someone with no real world experience (career crazy liberal professor) is all of the sudden qualified to lecture the American people on business, healthcare, etc. Just like Sanders, a hard left socialists blowhard with all bark and no bite. Please run in 2020 Pocahontas.
"First, I'm directing Department of Justice andHomeland Security to undertake all necessary and lawful action to break the back of the criminal cartels that have spread across our nation and are destroying the blood of our youth and other people, many other people," said Trump.

Dammit. Now we get to hear Z yelling about the US being a banana republic with the R POTUS going after the D party.
I am still trying to figure out why Elizabeth Warren is even relevant. Been there for only 4 years, has done nothing but whine and complain, real potential to lose her seat next election cycle, and all of the sudden someone with no real world experience (career crazy liberal professor) is all of the sudden qualified to lecture the American people on business, healthcare, etc. Just like Sanders, a hard left socialists blowhard with all bark and no bite. Please run in 2020 Pocahontas.
Shes putting her name out there for 2020. Thats all its about with her right now.
Some people are rich and then get into politics, some get into politics and get rich. Ivanka isn't really either.
The Hillary comparison was quite funny. One left the WH dead broke (her words), hasn't held a single job outside of politics since, yet is worth millions upon millions.

The other grew up rich with billionaire father, has helped run her father's empire since she's been old enough to work, worked in the boardroom on her father's hit TV show, and has ventured out to start her own companies.
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Eccentrics in Arizona now throwing a pity party for the criminal illegal immigrant today because it's not fair they say. Where's the pity party for the victim of her crime, who had their name, birth certificate and social security number stolen from them? Was that fair? An American citizen would be facing up to five years in a federal prison for her crime. She may get deported, but at least she'll still have her freedom.

Moaning that she's been here since she was 14, and now she's in her 40's or 50's. Well, all that means is that she's had 30+ years to get in line and become a legal citizen. More than enough time. She chose to continue to be here illegally.

Crying that she's a mother of two teenagers. Well, she's also a convicted felon. Identify theft/fraud. Her children are more than welcomed to accompany her home. U.S. Government might even foot the bill if they ask nicely.
So I've got all of my trucking loads out on the road, not driving myself this week, and headed out to do some shooting in a few hours. Loading up the ever scary liberal assassin AR-15, and it's BLACK too. Gonna shoot my 1911 WW2 colt .45 and my newer piston driven LWRC carbine with spiral barrel. Probably gonna give hell with those evil high capacity magazines in my Glock 17 and 23. Might even take a few "safer" choices like an old FOX double barrel.

and just because I'm in such a great mood today, and Trump says I can grab'm how I want'm, I'm gonna use the woman as a bi-pod. Something extra for the feminist like @fuzz77 and @cardkilla.

Just got my new baby. Springfield saint and it is the shit. Literally kills snowflakes at just the sight of it.

Also bought some tannanite and had a lot of fun this weekend. That crap is CRAZY.
"CNN's Chris Cuomo: Saying I Make 'Fake News' Is Just Like A Racial Slur"

Hell, why not... errrbody racists

Cuomo is a nut job. He's a liar that tries to pretend he's not purely in the tank. He's an alt left radical parading around as a "moderate journalist". This exchange shows him for what he is. Won't listen, won't entertain conflicting information, and has the galll to look at Conway and ask "when?" in response to her alluding to the clinton support from the network.

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This F*ck White People show sounds interesting.

Maybe it can replace the new 24 with the black Jack Bauer, Mexican POTUS, white male crazy PTSD soldier and female CTU head in my viewing rotation.

Need something else that blatantly panders to minority groups at the expense of actually making good television.
Gorsuch playing good cop to Trump's bad cop, and the Democrats and liberal media have taken the his bait. They're so easily manipulated. Trump made a meaningless comment calling that judge a "so called judge" and Gorsuch seized on the opportunity.

When Trump nominated Gorsuch, the Democrats and liberal media immediately went into attack mode, saying Gorsuch was nothing but a Trump lap dog, who couldn't be independent, and would never go against or speak the truth to Trump.

Now, since it's negative press for Trump, the Democrats and liberal media are cheering Gorsuch on, giving him a standing ovation. Hootin' and hollerin' about how he showed his independence, went against Trump, and spoke the truth.

Welp, there goes their one and only baseless argument against Gorsuch. The Democrats just lost their Scotus nomination fight, aided by the liberal media, weeks before the hearings, and they are too caught up in their Trump derangement syndrome to even realize it.
Cuomo is a nut job. He's a liar that tries to pretend he's not purely in the tank. He's an alt left radical parading around as a "moderate journalist". This exchange shows him for what he is. Won't listen, won't entertain conflicting information, and has the galll to look at Conway and ask "when?" in response to her alluding to the clinton support from the network.

God, I love Conway. I hope she runs for an office one day, I'd vote for her.
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[laughing] Americans are so fat, safety researchers are having to make heavier, wider, fatter crash test dummies to accurately and more realistically mimic the happenings of car crashes.

True story. Not a fat joke.
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Gorsuch playing good cop to Trump's bad cop, and the Democrats and liberal media have taken the his bait. They're so easily manipulated. Trump made a meaningless comment calling that judge a "so called judge" and Gorsuch seized on the opportunity.

When Trump nominated Gorsuch, the Democrats and liberal media immediately went into attack mode, saying Gorsuch was nothing but a Trump lap dog, who couldn't be independent, and would never go against or speak the truth to Trump.

Now, since it's negative press for Trump, the Democrats and liberal media are cheering Gorsuch on, giving him a standing ovation. Hootin' and hollerin' about how he showed his independence, went against Trump, and spoke the truth.

Welp, there goes their one and only baseless argument against Gorsuch. The Democrats just lost their Scotus nomination fight, aided by the liberal media, weeks before the hearings, and they are too caught up in their Trump derangement syndrome to even realize it.
Great post! Trump is so creative in trolling the left and they don't even know it. He is so far ahead of them, I'm not sure he knows it.
I am still trying to figure out why Elizabeth Warren is even relevant. Been there for only 4 years, has done nothing but whine and complain, real potential to lose her seat next election cycle, and all of the sudden someone with no real world experience (career crazy liberal professor) is all of the sudden qualified to lecture the American people on business, healthcare, etc. Just like Sanders, a hard left socialists blowhard with all bark and no bite. Please run in 2020 Pocahontas.
Looking forward to Schilling giving her a beatdown for her seat.