How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] A criminal illegal immigrant was detained by police in Arizona and was being held for deportation. Someone must have tipped off the eccentrics (media?, rogue cop?) because they were there waiting on ICE to arrive.

The eccentrics surrounded the ICE deportation van, purposely blocking them from transporting the criminal, protesting that they immediately release the criminal.

In the end, seven protesters were arrested, the crowd was dispersed and the illegal criminal more than likely has a one way ticket home, courtesy of the United States Government.

Abbott taking that next step on his fight against sanctuary cities. He's been threatening it for a while now, but he has finally attached a criminal provision to his sanctuary city bill.

‘Sanctuary cities’ ban may let Texas oust elected officials

A provision in a proposed ban on so-called sanctuary cities that passed the Republican-controlled state Senate on Wednesday would allow for criminal charges against city or county officials who intentionally don’t comply. Any county elected official, such as a sheriff, would face immediate removal from office if convicted of official misconduct.

Abbott, a Republican, pledged to sign an anti-sanctuary cities bill into law and threatened to boot from office elected officials who refuse to comply with it. The threat raised legal questions about the governor’s power to void local elections, but the new provision would put it in the hands of a jury.

The governor supports the bill that “hammers down and imposes criminal penalties on those who put themselves above the law to the detriment of Texans,” Abbott spokesman John Wittman said Wednesday.

The Senate bill applies to local police forces and law enforcement on college campuses, and seeks to strip authorities of state-controlled grant funding from local jurisdictions that don’t hand over immigrants already in custody awaiting possible deportation.

Abbott has already ordered the state to withhold $1.5 million from Travis County, money that also supported projects such as family violence education and a special court for veterans. But the governor told lawmakers he wanted to go further in punishing local officials who refuse to comply with federal immigration requests.

The criminal provision wasn’t part of the original proposal, but came in a series of amendments tacked on Tuesday night by bill author Sen. Charles Perry, a Lubbock Republican.
San Francisco to be the first city in the country to offer free college

On Monday, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Supervisor Jane Kim announced plans to offer free Liberal indoctrination to all of San Francisco's comrades regardless of need. It would be the first metropolitan area to do so.

San Francisco Supervisor Jane Kim told local station KGO-TV, "Making indoctrination free is going to provide greater opportunities for more San Franciscans to be brainwashed into the socialist mindset and more San Franciscans to stay in the socialist mindset if they currently are."

Under the proposed wealth redistribution deal, which is expected to take effect in the fall, the city of San Francisco would provide the City College of San Francisco with nearly $5.4 million annually. The plan is to pay for the indoctrination utilizing 540,000,000 secular pennies from Heaven

The deal would also provide full-time low-income protestors who already receive fee waivers from the state $250 per semester. These funds could be used towards drugs, protest signs, rocks and other costs.
[laughing] A criminal illegal immigrant was detained by police in Arizona and was being held for deportation. Someone must have tipped off the eccentrics (media?, rogue cop?) because they were there waiting on ICE to arrive.

The eccentrics surrounded the ICE deportation van, purposely blocking them from transporting the criminal, protesting that they immediately release the criminal.

In the end, seven protesters were arrested, the crowd was dispersed and the illegal criminal more than likely has a one way ticket home, courtesy of the United States Government.


That boy gotta pussy hole in his ear.
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In 2013 Obama had DHS set up hotlines for illegals to complain about their amnesty rights here in America; long lines, delays, conduct, conditions, etc...

Needless to say, it costs taxpayers a ton of money, $15M to be exact, and guarantee Trump pulls the plug. Through these next four years, wonder how many crazy, stupid, insane Obama things are we going to learn about?

Illegals lodge 13,000 complaints about their amnesty 'rights,' long lines

Hotlines set up by the Obama administration for illegals to vent about their treatment by border patrol agents required a staff of 208 who spent over 85,000 hours working on the complaints, according to Department of Homeland Security documents.

Over 20 months, 14,310 calls were lodged with the complaint hotline created because some illegals felt that their rights under Obama-era amnesty policies were being abused.

Documents provided under the Freedom of Information Act to Washington-based Immigration Reform Law Institute revealed that 85,414.5 man hours were spent handling the calls

IRLI, which sought the documents from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, estimated the hotline's cost to taxpayers at about $15 million.
Here is last nights Bill O'reilly talking points memo. destroys Al Franken and also goes after Elizabeth Warren. School choice, liberal hypocrisy, and the reasons why. Speaks to the problem with the far left and moderate democrats / republicans.Video is 9 minutes but the talking points are only the first 4:00. Good points.
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Abbott taking that next step on his fight against sanctuary cities. He's been threatening it for a while now, but he has finally attached a criminal provision to his sanctuary city bill.

‘Sanctuary cities’ ban may let Texas oust elected officials

A provision in a proposed ban on so-called sanctuary cities that passed the Republican-controlled state Senate on Wednesday would allow for criminal charges against city or county officials who intentionally don’t comply. Any county elected official, such as a sheriff, would face immediate removal from office if convicted of official misconduct.

Abbott, a Republican, pledged to sign an anti-sanctuary cities bill into law and threatened to boot from office elected officials who refuse to comply with it. The threat raised legal questions about the governor’s power to void local elections, but the new provision would put it in the hands of a jury.

The governor supports the bill that “hammers down and imposes criminal penalties on those who put themselves above the law to the detriment of Texans,” Abbott spokesman John Wittman said Wednesday.

The Senate bill applies to local police forces and law enforcement on college campuses, and seeks to strip authorities of state-controlled grant funding from local jurisdictions that don’t hand over immigrants already in custody awaiting possible deportation.

Abbott has already ordered the state to withhold $1.5 million from Travis County, money that also supported projects such as family violence education and a special court for veterans. But the governor told lawmakers he wanted to go further in punishing local officials who refuse to comply with federal immigration requests.

The criminal provision wasn’t part of the original proposal, but came in a series of amendments tacked on Tuesday night by bill author Sen. Charles Perry, a Lubbock Republican.

They should absolutely be removed. They all take oaths to obey and uphold the law. They're openly refusing to do that.
If anyone has ever seen a video or read about those detention centers you'd realize how much of a joke a complaint hotline is. They live like kings, much better than millions of Americans.

Flat screens, satellite dish, telephones, PlayStation/Xbox, basketball court, soccer field, playground, fully equipped gym, refrigerators stacked full of food, fully staffed cafeteria, fully staffed classrooms, free medical/dental care, rooms literally filled wall to wall with clothes. They want for absolutely naught, and have never lived better in their entire lives.
If anyone has ever seen a video or read about those detention centers you'd realize how much of a joke a complaint hotline is. They live like kings, much better than millions of Americans.

Flat screens, satellite dish, telephones, PlayStation/Xbox, basketball court, soccer field, playground, fully equipped gym, refrigerators stacked full of food, fully staffed cafeteria, fully staffed classrooms, free medical/dental care, rooms literally filled wall to wall with clothes. They want for absolutely naught, and have never lived better in their entire lives.
Yeah, but there aren't any women to stone or little boys to diddle.
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Yeah, but there aren't any women to stone or little boys to diddle.
I know this is a joke but there are plenty of women and children. It's not a prison for males. No one is locked behind bars. It's like an apartment complex within their own community. Barbershop, counselor, etc.. They're slap full of families that can roam around the grounds as they see fit.
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I know this is a joke but there are plenty of women and children. It's not a prison for males. No one is locked behind bars. It's like an apartment complex within their own community. Barbershop, counselor, etc.. They're slap full of families that can roam around the grounds as they see fit.

They do that in Sicily for the Africans that raft over from wherever the hell they came from. One of the nicer military housing installations was converted into a refugee community several years ago.
Even though I disagreed with bernie, I used to really respect him. Then after the first hint of national attention and funding, he's turned into one of the biggest whores out there. And that's really saying something

He's always been fos. If you can find the old clips of the Vermont town halls in the late 90's, he's never had one real answer for his radical socialist views. When pressed he folds like a lawn chair. That's why I laugh at the notion that he could have beaten trump. He would have slaughtered him in a national debate on economics.
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Bernie preyed on the weak minded. The guy saw an opportunity to become relevant and make some real money off of it and he took his shot. The second he told Hillary nobody cared about her emails I knew the guy was not serious about winning.
Major Isis terror plot thwarted in Turkey. Four in custody. No one is reporting what the plot actually was, but said it very serious and would have had major ramifications if carried out.

Some are pointing to CIA director Pompeo arriving in Turkey today, asking if it's a coincidence or not. I think it's doubtful they were brazen enough to go after him, but you never know.
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Major Isis terror plot thwarted in Turkey. Four in custody. No one is reporting what the plot actually was, but said it very serious and would have had major ramifications if carried out.

Some are pointing to CIA director Pompeo arriving in Turkey today, asking if it's a coincidence or not. I think it's doubtful they were brazen enough to go after him, but you never know.

I'm sure it involved Russia attacking Turkey from the rear.
Sessions re marijuana. I hope he comes out with guns blazing. If he pushes hard enough then the states will push for weed to be decriminalized at the federal level. That is what needs to happen.

I like what he said about "it's not the job of the AG to decide which laws to enforce". He may slow down the spread of weed for awhile, but he will speed up the implementation of other laws we need enforced immediately. Weed will happen sooner rather than later which will increase supply and cause a precipitous drop in price. Thanks Jeff.
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You do realize inside of your "20 million" speech that liberals rant about over and over, there's about 4 times that many or more hurting badly because of it, right? Obamacare was one of the mandates Trump was elected to eliminate. So now it's Trumps fault that the bill was forced through without American approval and disintegrated in action? It's Trumps fault it doesn't work and your idiots made a shaky structure worse? Everyone must suffer now because of that 20 million?

Unless something is done, Obamacare could become far more detrimental. It's not Trumps fault Obama crafted a horrid model. Trump could do nothing about Obamacare and Obama's approval rating would be 32% in 10 years.
Where did you address even one word that I wrote?
I stated that Trump was irresponsible to claim that he would repeal and morons keep forgetting that he ALWAYS said "replace" Obamacare on day one because he never put forth any plan with which to replace it.
I said that it wouldn't be repealed until said replacement was formulated.
Did I blame Trump for anything other than making a irresponsible claim?

If you were dumb enough to believe it would happen "just like that" then that's on you and everyone else who believed it.

It's easy to be against things when you have no responsibility for actually doing something. No different than fans complaining about play-calling when plays don't work. Ok smart guy, now YOU have to call the plays and if they don't work we get to point the finger at you. Just repeal Obamacare and all the fallout is now on your hands.

BTW, I have said here many times that Obamacare would fail and that the ultimate solution will be a single payer system. Your boy Trump has even said, "everyone must be covered". You can rest assured that Trumpcare will look 95%+ like Obamacare...and it will suffer from the same problems.
San Francisco to be the first city in the country to offer free college

On Monday, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Supervisor Jane Kim announced plans to offer free Liberal indoctrination to all of San Francisco's comrades regardless of need. It would be the first metropolitan area to do so.

San Francisco Supervisor Jane Kim told local station KGO-TV, "Making indoctrination free is going to provide greater opportunities for more San Franciscans to be brainwashed into the socialist mindset and more San Franciscans to stay in the socialist mindset if they currently are."

Under the proposed wealth redistribution deal, which is expected to take effect in the fall, the city of San Francisco would provide the City College of San Francisco with nearly $5.4 million annually. The plan is to pay for the indoctrination utilizing 540,000,000 secular pennies from Heaven

The deal would also provide full-time low-income protestors who already receive fee waivers from the state $250 per semester. These funds could be used towards drugs, protest signs, rocks and other costs.
The Republican governor of TN has proposed that the state's community colleges all be made free to everyone.
Apparently there's momentum to split up the 9th circuit since it's 20% of the US population and 40% of the US land mass. That would be a great move.
Yep. It's doesn't just cover the liberal west coast of Oregon, Washington, and California. Hawaii, Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada are even in the 9th Circuit district. Even Idaho and Montana. Way too much power.
So I've got all of my trucking loads out on the road, not driving myself this week, and headed out to do some shooting in a few hours. Loading up the ever scary liberal assassin AR-15, and it's BLACK too. Gonna shoot my 1911 WW2 colt .45 and my newer piston driven LWRC carbine with spiral barrel. Probably gonna give hell with those evil high capacity magazines in my Glock 17 and 23. Might even take a few "safer" choices like an old FOX double barrel.

and just because I'm in such a great mood today, and Trump says I can grab'm how I want'm, I'm gonna use the woman as a bi-pod. Something extra for the feminist like @fuzz77 and @cardkilla.
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Even though I disagreed with bernie, I used to really respect him. Then after the first hint of national attention and funding, he's turned into one of the biggest whores out there. And that's really saying something
I don't know how any one can respect Bernie. He is such a phony. He knew he wasn't allowed to be president, and still convinced many stupid people he really had a chance. It's a complete shame. His entire existence is. Total fantasy.
I know this is a joke but there are plenty of women and children. It's not a prison for males. No one is locked behind bars. It's like an apartment complex within their own community. Barbershop, counselor, etc.. They're slap full of families that can roam around the grounds as they see fit.
Guess I should have read further up the page...I thought you were talking about GITMO.
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I don't know how any one can respect Bernie. He is such a phony. He knew he wasn't allowed to be president, and still convinced many stupid people he really had a chance. It's a complete shame. His entire existence is. Total fantasy.

As the poster above said, he prayed on the weak and used "caring" rhetoric as his platform. Once you dig into his past and positions, it's crystal clear he's a fraud.

Just backing Hillary Clinton proves it. If he's the change agent the progressives think he is, that wouldn't have happened. Could you see Trump selling out to Jeb Bush? Hell no.

Bernie took the gamble because he figured she'd win and he'd get a good position in the cabinet. I bet when she lost he felt every ounce of credibility go down the drain. Had he stood against her I wouldn't agree with him, but I'd know he truly believes his nonsense. In the end he backed a career liar, wall street sweetheart, and an "admitted" establishment hack.
what's going on in France? Seeing that they are having a 5th day of riots after a cop sodomized a black teen. Interesting.

f'n CBS trying to turn terrorism into an "exclusion" issue. They wouldn't get it if an ISIS terrorist were about to cut their head off while telling them "this isn't for exclusion, it's for heaven".

More Obama "give them a job" nonsense. Who buys into this crap?

And those cops were charged with crimes. Why are these people acting like animals? This doesn't help the left with the perception of immigrants in America. They are really bad at this.
Can we stop with the stock market all time high recognition?

Not to be negative but what did people think would happen once Obama flooded our country with billions of dollars to aid us out of the recession? That money is still in circulation along with our normal output of currency, so yea we are going to see and increase in a lot of things but not the value of our money!
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