How will they rule ??!

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So if KY had backed her, and said we aren't going to follow the SCOTUS ruling, there wouldn't have been an issue?
The state could have appealed the decision and pending a ruling on that decision it wouldn't have been an issue. The state would have still had to defend why they thought their position didn't violate the equal protection clause of the US Constitution. The state didn't fight it because the knew they couldn't win.
Thing is, why would the left give up and try to appease old voters? This is chess, not checkers and they have won the youth who will eventually radically change this country forever.

Not so fast my friend......because most "youth" grow up, get jobs, pay taxes, have kids and at some point in their lives realize that BS is BS. All hope is not lost.

I lost my first bid today over that damn commercial and now I'm pissed!

Here is the kicker it was a smaller job(26K) but the superintendent requested to not award us the job even though we were low bid. The Project manager I work with contacted me and said sorry then we discussed the commercial which of course they hadn't seen the whole thing, and was personally more offended that Fox wouldn't show the wall because it was a pro trump scene.
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The state could have appealed the decision and pending a ruling on that decision it wouldn't have been an issue. The state would have still had to defend why they thought their position didn't violate the equal protection clause of the US Constitution. The state didn't fight it because the knew they couldn't win.

Then what? Because that's basically where we are with sanctuary cities. It's against federal law as it stands now, what the cities are doing now is directly opposing federal law, just as KY would've been doing had it supported Kim Davis.
I'm not supporting her, I don't, im simply pointing out the obvious.
So Obama was operating drones for the military?

You cannot ban travel to US residents who hold US resident and work visas. The travel ban got shelved because it was a piss poor written order. If the man was smart he would have immediately rescinded the order and issued a better written order that excluded those protected groups. But that would have required that he admit that he phucked up. But he has no time for that. He's too busy creating his own fake news like...
The President said Tuesday that the US murder rate "is the highest it's been in 47 years."
"I'd say that in a speech and everybody was surprised because the press doesn't like to tell it like it is," Trump said during a meeting with US sheriffs at the White House. "It wasn't to their advantage to say that. The murder rate is the highest it's been in I guess 45-47 years."

2015 is the most recent year the FBI released its annual report compiled by its Uniform Crime Reporting Program. FBI data for crime in the U.S. in that report shows that the murder rate in 2015 was 4.9 per 100,000 inhabitants -- the highest murder rate in six years. In 2009, the murder rate was at 5.0, while 10 years ago, in 2007, the murder rate was at 5.7.

It's simply amazing that the little boy who cries about fake news is himself the biggest creator of fake news known to mankind.

If he gets credit for taking out obl, he gets blame for droning an American citizen. Can't have it both ways.

Incidentally, that drone murder was almost certainly the most egregious violation of civil rights in American history. We knew he was there. He was a citizen. Killed him anyway.

I didn't argue with the part that applied to current visa holders. The NY court struck that down and it was the correct decision.

Even if the Oregon court defied all logic and struck down the ban, it certainly shouldn't be nationwide. Only the states that applied for relief. That court applied a remedy to all 50 states without them even seeking it.

Also anyone arguing separation of powers obviously has no idea what they're really talking about. It sounds good. But it's actually an argument AGAINST striking down the ban.

For its entire existence, scotus and the courts exercised judicial restraint through doctrines such as national security and political question. These exist to give deference to the executive and legislative branch. Striking this down just shat all over 100+ years of separation of powers. Then the appellate court denied the request without even providing rationale. Unheard of.
These cocksuckers.

Old-Guard Republicans to Push Carbon Tax at White House Meeting

Yeah, let's remove limits on emissions, but keep driving the price of energy up. At least with emissions limits people would have to invest in other technologies. Now we just get the same old technology with hundreds of billions more dollars flowing to Washington be wasted (which is intent).
These mega corporations like Time Warner and Comcast are using ever resource they have to fight Trump. My question is why? It makes no sense. The news media's job is to report the news not make the news. There has to be a money trail somewhere.
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I'm telling you guys, you need to pick up that Ann Coulter book "Adios, America." It's fantastic.

I learned a lot of stuff that I didn't know about how the flooding of non-Europeans occurred and anchor babies. Ignoring the Kennedy stuff from 1965, the Justice that gave us the 5-4 decision to allow anchor babies here was very informative.

You should also what Harry Reid said about illegals and trying to earn birthright citizenship back in the early 90s.

The amount of money these rats get from taxpayers is crazy.
These cocksuckers.

Old-Guard Republicans to Push Carbon Tax at White House Meeting

Yeah, let's remove limits on emissions, but keep driving the price of energy up. At least with emissions limits people would have to invest in other technologies. Now we just get the same old technology with hundreds of billions more dollars flowing to Washington be wasted (which is intent).

They're worried about a little carbon emission while Fukushima Power Plant is leaking 300 tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean every single phucking day. They sent a robot to inspect the damage to the pipe and the son-of-a-bitch died in a few hours of radiation exposure.
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Then what? Because that's basically where we are with sanctuary cities. It's against federal law as it stands now, what the cities are doing now is directly opposing federal law, just as KY would've been doing had it supported Kim Davis.
I'm not supporting her, I don't, im simply pointing out the obvious.
There are many laws at every level that are not enforced. It's illegal to jaywalk, illegal to spit on the sidewalk, illegal to swear in public. It's illegal to sell pot anywhere but some states are allowing it. It comes down to whether or not an entity has the stomach to try and enforce that law. Trump has talked a lot about punishing sanctuary cities...let's see if that's a battle he wishes to fight. If he does, what will he not be able to do because the resources that would be used to do whatever "it" is aren't available because they are pursuing this issue?
Many cities already have overcrowded jails, overworked police forces. Who is going to pay the additional cost? Immigration is a federal issue. Where are the federal resources? Why isn't the INS down at the local gas station where all of the illegal workers congregate everyday hoping to be picked up for day labor? It's no secret where they are. Are the feds going to extend the resources to handle the problem? Do they want the blowback that is created when they are trying to deport a parent or parents of legal US citizen children? The community blowback from the Hispanic communities in those cities that support these people. The economic blowback from the loss of their labor, rental income, business income. While you and others will argue that they cost us more than they contribute, that equation isn't as lopsided as you would think. As long as they are breaking other laws the answer to all of those questions has been "no" going back pretty much forever.
Those laws give the feds an easy out to deport those who do get arrested.

Yes, there may be many sympathetic voices and officials in any sanctuary city but there is nothing to stop the federal govt from doing THEIR job.
Soros bitch Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are useless bastards who need replaced. The GOP owns everything and they still aren't doing anything.

The GOP has had 8 years to come up with an Obamacare replacement, and they have nothing. These imbeciles are delaying parts of Trumps agenda, its sickening.
They're worried about a little carbon emission while Fukushima Power Plant is leaking 300 tons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean every single phucking day. They sent a robot to inspect the damage to the pipe and the son-of-a-bitch died in a few hours of radiation exposure.

This was the last known pic of the robot before he took his final journey.


I'm sure we will get pics of him blowing our birthday candles on robot cakes or in a cap and gown.

You know shiz is about to go down
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Yes, but the MSM will never play it that way. They will say that Trump lied about the murder rate though.
The MSM doesn't decide what happens in the courts.
Trump did lie about the murder rate. Or were those just "alternative facts"?
Soros bitch Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are useless bastards who need replaced. The GOP owns everything and they still aren't doing anything.

The GOP has had 8 years to come up with an Obamacare replacement, and they have nothing. These imbeciles are delaying parts of Trumps agenda, its sickening.
Welcome to having to actually do something.
It's easy to just be against everything...quite a bit harder to actually have to do something.
Where is Trump's Obamacare replacement?
That is why he could never answer that question when it was asked before the election. His plan was...Repeal and replace Obamacare. <-- That isn't a plan.
Not sure why you thought Ryan or McConnell had any plans either because they sure never have given any hints that they did.
I've already said it but they will replace Obamacare with something that is 98% Obamacare and cheer and tell us what a great thing they have done.
There are many laws at every level that are not enforced. It's illegal to jaywalk, illegal to spit on the sidewalk, illegal to swear in public. It's illegal to sell pot anywhere but some states are allowing it. It comes down to whether or not an entity has the stomach to try and enforce that law. Trump has talked a lot about punishing sanctuary cities...let's see if that's a battle he wishes to fight. If he does, what will he not be able to do because the resources that would be used to do whatever "it" is aren't available because they are pursuing this issue?
Many cities already have overcrowded jails, overworked police forces. Who is going to pay the additional cost? Immigration is a federal issue. Where are the federal resources? Why isn't the INS down at the local gas station where all of the illegal workers congregate everyday hoping to be picked up for day labor? It's no secret where they are. Are the feds going to extend the resources to handle the problem? Do they want the blowback that is created when they are trying to deport a parent or parents of legal US citizen children? The community blowback from the Hispanic communities in those cities that support these people. The economic blowback from the loss of their labor, rental income, business income. While you and others will argue that they cost us more than they contribute, that equation isn't as lopsided as you would think. As long as they are breaking other laws the answer to all of those questions has been "no" going back pretty much forever.
Those laws give the feds an easy out to deport those who do get arrested.

Yes, there may be many sympathetic voices and officials in any sanctuary city but there is nothing to stop the federal govt from doing THEIR job.

Listen, the petty laws you mentioned are all city ordinances or state laws, illegal immigration is a whole other ball game.

We aren't even talking about the illegal immigrants that haven't broken the law in sanctuary cities, these are people that have come here illegally and also committed crimes that the cities won't turnover to the feds.

Do illegal aliens have constitutional rights in the US over citzens? Because by allowing them to stay artificially lowers wages of Americans, thus hampering their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
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Chicago Public School students sent home with anti-Trump and anti-governor letter. That's 381,000 students.

Imagine if this was a Netflix series but about another race. There would be riots.

It is mind blowing that so many cucks are totally cool with the constant white bashing yet lose their minds if anyone is dare critical of someone who isn't white.

I won't watch any leftist BS movies or shows with this crap. I'm pretty sick of the anti-white crap and the people who fall for it.
The MSM doesn't decide what happens in the courts.
Trump did lie about the murder rate. Or were those just "alternative facts"?
Yes, the media can say that Trump has the authority for the EO and that the courts are not interpreting the law properly, but they won't. Trump didn't lie, it's hyperbole. He knows that the MSM will fact check everything he says.
There are many laws at every level that are not enforced. It's illegal to jaywalk, illegal to spit on the sidewalk, illegal to swear in public. It's illegal to sell pot anywhere but some states are allowing it. It comes down to whether or not an entity has the stomach to try and enforce that law. Trump has talked a lot about punishing sanctuary cities...let's see if that's a battle he wishes to fight. If he does, what will he not be able to do because the resources that would be used to do whatever "it" is aren't available because they are pursuing this issue?
Many cities already have overcrowded jails, overworked police forces. Who is going to pay the additional cost? Immigration is a federal issue. Where are the federal resources? Why isn't the INS down at the local gas station where all of the illegal workers congregate everyday hoping to be picked up for day labor? It's no secret where they are. Are the feds going to extend the resources to handle the problem? Do they want the blowback that is created when they are trying to deport a parent or parents of legal US citizen children? The community blowback from the Hispanic communities in those cities that support these people. The economic blowback from the loss of their labor, rental income, business income. While you and others will argue that they cost us more than they contribute, that equation isn't as lopsided as you would think. As long as they are breaking other laws the answer to all of those questions has been "no" going back pretty much forever.
Those laws give the feds an easy out to deport those who do get arrested.

Yes, there may be many sympathetic voices and officials in any sanctuary city but there is nothing to stop the federal govt from doing THEIR job.
What do you mean, "who will pay for it"? The federal government pays and if you want to stay a sanctuary city? You will pay. People will have to decide to keep voting for libtards but lose federal funding. If that's what they want? THEY will pay. Probably in the form of higher local taxes. Choice is theirs.
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These cocksuckers.

Old-Guard Republicans to Push Carbon Tax at White House Meeting

Yeah, let's remove limits on emissions, but keep driving the price of energy up. At least with emissions limits people would have to invest in other technologies. Now we just get the same old technology with hundreds of billions more dollars flowing to Washington be wasted (which is intent).
And here you have it, the main reason for the carbon tax is income redistribution. Take money from those that have it and give it to those who don't.

"The blueprint involves a $40 tax on every metric ton of carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels, with the price climbing over time. To avoid an undue burden on the poor from the higher energy bills that would result, the projected $200 billion to $300 billion in annual revenue would be redistributed to households in the form of quarterly checks from the Social Security Administration. Families of four would see an average annual payout of $2,000 under the plan."

It has nothing to do with the environment or global warming.
Listen, the petty laws you mentioned are all city ordinances or state laws, illegal immigration is a whole other ball game.

We aren't even talking about the illegal immigrants that haven't broken the law in sanctuary cities, these are people that have come here illegally and also committed crimes that the cities won't turnover to the feds.

Do illegal aliens have constitutional rights in the US over citzens? Because by allowing them to stay it artificially lowers wages of Americans, thus hampering their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Again, it is a federal issue. If the feds want to pursue it, they can do so. They don't need permission from the cities.
As for not turning them over...that requires that the cities continue to hold these people until the feds show up to process them. Those that are committing serious crimes are very much being held and turned over. But holding people costs money and resources.

As for your constitutional rights argument...take that one to court and see where it gets you. Laughed out of the courtroom I'm guessing. Guess what else lowers wages? Busting unions.
Again, it is a federal issue. If the feds want to pursue it, they can do so. They don't need permission from the cities.
As for not turning them over...that requires that the cities continue to hold these people until the feds show up to process them. Those that are committing serious crimes are very much being held and turned over. But holding people costs money and resources.

As for your constitutional rights argument...take that one to court and see where it gets you. Laughed out of the courtroom I'm guessing. Guess what else lowers wages? Busting unions.
Are you an attorney?
Don't know what violent crime comment fuzz is so upset about but violent crime is up ~17% in the top 50-60 cities. But not like that is actual policy he is lying to pass like UCA that fuzz was/is a whore for. Those lies made him wet.

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