How will they rule ??!

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No, I am smart enough to get the point across without trying to sell it. You babble on spouting fake news until our eyes bleed.
The next point you make will be your first.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, liberal blah...isn't a point, it's bloviating.

You be sure and point out anywhere where I reference "fake news". Because you don't like it doesn't make it fake.
The next point you make will be your first.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, liberal blah...isn't a point, it's bloviating.

You be sure and point out anywhere where I reference "fake news". Because you don't like it doesn't make it fake.
[roll]Just about everything you spout is fake. You don't have a mind of your own. Like many of your kind you spout talking points you heard on the liberal media networks. But hey, keep on keeping on. It has lost you guys many seats across the country the past few years. Winning just feels "right".
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"I want to keep us safe." -Boo
"I want to put our citizens first."-Boo
"I'm bringing back jobs."-Boo

He's literally Hitler & I'm shaking.
The DeVos outrage was straight up bike shedding. Very few have done international deals or led the military, but everyone went to school . . . . thus we get everyone freaking out for the education secretary, and relatively nobody for state or defense. Everyone thinks they have an enlightened opinion, but in reality nobody knows wtf the education secretary does.
JCPS voted to become a safe zone for students and will not cooperate with ICE without a court order. Louisville is becoming a very liberal city. I hope the Feds withhold funds!

Becoming? It's been a liberal city for quite awhile.

If I'm trump, I send the majority of my ice agents to safe cities since you know that's where they'll mostly be.

But really what needs to happen is anyone not following the law should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting criminal activity. That will solve it quickly
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State issues. I'm not too versed but once we legalized the gay marriage it wasn't the clerks job to refuse. On the other side even though federally we do not support sanctuary cities at the state level it is their choice.

A better more accurate example is the states legalizing weed but not the Feds.
State issues. I'm not too versed but once we legalized the gay marriage it wasn't the clerks job to refuse. On the other side even though federally we do not support sanctuary cities at the state level it is their choice.

A better more accurate example is the states legalizing weed but not the Feds.

That doesn't make sense, marriage is a state issue as well.
Like I said I am not too versed. But when you file federal taxes and get the tax advantage for filing jointly inassumed that made marriage a federal issue.

Otherwise what's stopping me from marrying in another state without getting a divorce?
Like I said I am not too versed. But when you file federal taxes and get the tax advantage for filing jointly inassumed that made marriage a federal issue.

Otherwise what's stopping me from marrying in another state without getting a divorce?

Their is no difference in the 2 examples, the only difference is doing the backing.

The lady should've resigned or been put in jail, which she was. As should the officials promoting sanctuary cities.
What's the difference in the lady in eastern KY not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, and city officials openly going against federal law with sanctuary cities?

I'm not trying to be a wise ass, I'd like to know.
And I am to the right of Atilla the Hun
The law is the law. period
You can't pick and choose what you enforce.

State laws trump (no pun intended) local laws and Federal law supersedes state law. A Civil War was fought over that concept
Their is no difference in the 2 examples, the only difference is doing the backing.

The lady should've resigned or been put in jail, which she was. As should the officials promoting sanctuary cities.

Ok trick question! Cut that shit out.

Came here to post that. Unreal. Dems are pure evil.

The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters' mission to combat "government misinformation," ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuitsagainst the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a "digital attacker" to delegitimize Trump's presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat "fake news."
They have already started their BS with Twitter. They have changed it to where the verified blue checks automatically go to the top of replies so anh Trump tweet is filled with leftist hacks. And they have already started censoring tweets to not be shown up on people's timelines as there are noticeably less retweets and favorites since that.

Also, if you have a Facebook, you should nuke that garbage.

We are seriously at war with pure evil right now.
Just to kinda show just how much Republicans talk out of both sides of their mouth, supporting the government seizing assets BEFORE a conviction of any kind belies their anti-government, constitution 'loving' schtick as pure, unadulterated bull$hit. The corrupt police departments have used any excuse to confiscate suspects property and it is a struggle to get it back. I know you guys think it's all drug dealers but more and more normal people are being abused by this system law enforcement has set up.
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Came here to post that. Unreal. Dems are pure evil.

The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters' mission to combat "government misinformation," ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuitsagainst the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a "digital attacker" to delegitimize Trump's presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat "fake news."
bwahaha, Free Beacon.

I think they just took a memo about Obama and changed some words. Sounds like it's right out of the playbook from the past 8 years.
What's the difference in the lady in eastern KY not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, and city officials openly going against federal law with sanctuary cities?

I'm not trying to be a wise ass, I'd like to know.

Just depends what side theyre on. Partisan politics.

The true difference though, is Kim Davis was punished as she should've been. But nothing will happen to sanctuary cities, etc