How will they rule ??!

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The DeVos outrage was straight up bike shedding. Very few have done international deals or led the military, but everyone went to school . . . . thus we get everyone freaking out for the education secretary, and relatively nobody for state or defense. Everyone thinks they have an enlightened opinion, but in reality nobody knows wtf the education secretary does.

I'm pleased as all get out the libs engineered their own outrage over Education Secretary. And I hope Trump appoints Deputy positions that make them shit their pants. It's the least he can do after Obama appointed Kevin Jennings to Dept. Sec. of Education, a whacko who founded GLSEN (gay, lesbian, and straight education network) back in the 90s, an organization who openly promoted the strategy of homosexuality indoctrination for public school children as early as age 5. Democrats, liberals . . . they seemed to be just fine with Mr. Jennings, who had a long history of drug abuse, and who had also published his autobiography "Mama's Boy" in 2006 where he detailed his hatred for God, religion, and very graphically illustrated his preferred methods for taking a dick. This book, similar to suggesting readings Mr. Jennings is known to promote for schoolchildren ages 7 - 12. So f'k you, democrats. This is the filth your president appointed to run our public schools and you want to get twisted over Ms. DeVos? Get twisted anyway.
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Came here to post that. Unreal. Dems are pure evil.

The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters' mission to combat "government misinformation," ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuitsagainst the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a "digital attacker" to delegitimize Trump's presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat "fake news."
Whats funny is Brock plans on doing all of that, even though none of it will work.

These clowns have been trying to destroy Trump for years now, and Trump steps over them like they're a piece of dog shit on the sidewalk. These people think they're shooting Trump with a rocket launcher, when in reality they are shooting blanks with spit balls. Its comical at this point, they still haven't learned.
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Liberal judges in the appeals court asking for evidence connecting the seven countries with terrorism. Just goes to show how far off they're veering from the law and trying to create new law. That question should have never came up. It's completely irrelevant.

Only one question should be asked. Does the president have the constitutional power to implement such a travel ban? Absolutely nothing else matters.
Liberal judges in the appeals court asking for evidence connecting the seven countries with terrorism. Just goes to show how far off they're veering from the law and trying to create new law. That question should have never came up. It's completely irrelevant.

Only one question should be asked. Does the president have the constitutional power to implement such a travel ban? Absolutely nothing else matters.

Trump temporarily ban travel from non citizens from 7 countries on a religion neutral basis? No way.

Obama drone killing an American citizen on foreign soil? Absolutely fine

Welcome to liberal logic
If this goes to the Supreme Court Ginsberg needs to recuse herself. We already knows how she feels about Trump.

The fact that this would go to the Supreme Court is so ridiculous. These people are not citizens and it is written clear as day what the law is. Trump has the authority to do this. This should have taken less than five minutes.
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The fact that this would go to the Supreme Court is so ridiculous. These people are not citizens and it is written clear as day what the law is. Trump has the authority to do this. This should have taken less than five minutes.

Yep. The NY court got it right. They struck down the portions concerning those already granted visas etc. Upheld the rest. The correct decision
I was reading an article this morning from Jorge Ramos, he was writing that he didn't recognize the US anymore because apparently we're now anti-immigrant.. He goes into detail about how he immigrated in the 80's and the oppurtunities it afforded him.

I'm going to assume he came here legally, does he and Democrats honestly not see the issue is illegal immigration, not legal immigration? Can the Democrats on here explain to me how they don't understand the issue with illegal immigrants? Is this all a ruse simply to weaken Trump, or do Democrats honestly feel we should simply let everyone into the country?

I'm a simple man, but I can't wrap my head around why this is so difficult for all of us to agree on.
I am still trying to wrap my head around how unelected judges are able to dictate the validity of an Executive Order. The Dems have no power in Congress and this is their only path now. A very dangerous path it is.

We know this is going to the Supreme Court and hopefully Justice Kennedy rips the stupid thing up and tells the Dems to go F themselves.
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I am still trying to wrap my head around how unelected judges are able to dictate the validity of an Executive Order. The Dems have no power in Congress and this is their only path now. A very dangerous path it is.

We know this is going to the Supreme Court and hopefully Justice Kennedy rips the stupid thing up and tells the Dems to go F themselves.

Even with Kennedy siding with the conservatives it would be a 4-4 tie. In the case of a tie, the lower court decision stands. Trump will need Breyer or Ginsburg to actually uphold the constitution on this one. You can forget about Kagen and Sotomeyor as they are political hacks who invent law to reach their desired position. Alternatively Trump can wait a few weeks until Gorsuch is confirmed (Sen. Grassley says that it will take until Easter).
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Even with Kennedy siding with the conservatives it would be a 4-4 tie. In the case of a tie, the lower court decision stands. Trump will need Breyer or Ginsburg to actually uphold the constitution on this one. You can forget about Kagen and Sotomeyor as they are political hacks who invent law to reach their desired position. Alternatively he can wait a few week until Gorsuch is confirmed (Sen. Grassley says that it will take until Easter).
I had read that Kennedy could rule on it himself since he is above the 9th Circuit or he could choose to bring it to the entire court to review.
I had read that Kennedy could rule on it himself since he is above the 9th Circuit or he could choose to bring it to the entire court to review.

Kennedy being over the 9th means that he gets to decide if he wants to pull in a case up to the Supreme Ct. on an emergency basis. So yes he could take it out of the 9th's hands. However, I am not aware of any way that he can single-handedly overrule a court of appeals decision on his own.

"Brock sought to raise $40 million in 2017 for his organizations, and hoped the retreat would lead to the creation of a liberal donor network to rival the network of the conservative Koch brothers."

Posted an article a couple of weeks ago on Brock, he's an opportunist....nothing more nothing less. He'll shift his focus and message to whatever topic will generate the most income. The prior article indicated that many in the Democratic camp are turning against him as they feel he is doing more harm than good with his approach.

If Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders are the key voices of your party and you appoint a Muslim as your party Chair, then you've dug your own grave. It might impress the liberal media and make great press---but you aren't going to connect with the greater populace.
nothing makes me happier than to see the left learned not one damn thing about why they lost all of America save tiny enclaves in new england & far left coast. even more virulent shrill PC protesting, slamming even farther left politicians to the forefront as spokesmen and leaders. is there really any doubt that Fauxahontas Warren will be the '20 nominee? probably with Bearnie as the VP.
That doesn't make sense, marriage is a state issue as well.
But it isn't a county issue.
The states were ordered to comply with the SCOTUS ruling. If the state wanted to fight the ruling it could do so and ordered all clerks to stop issuing licenses. As an agent for the state her job was to comply with the rules being followed in all 120 counties.
Guarantee all the f*ck Trumps, f*ck white people, etc... will carry on unabated. From what I've witnessed on Twitter during the election year, I have no doubt those with left leaning opinions will be given a pass.

One of the examples was someone with "hitler" in their name, that account was banned, but it came back. Lmao
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Even with Kennedy siding with the conservatives it would be a 4-4 tie. In the case of a tie, the lower court decision stands. Trump will need Breyer or Ginsburg to actually uphold the constitution on this one. You can forget about Kagen and Sotomeyor as they are political hacks who invent law to reach their desired position. Alternatively Trump can wait a few week until Gorsuch is confirmed (Sen. Grassley says that it will take until Easter).
You can forget about Ginsberg also. She has already stated her dislike for Trump during the election. She needs to, but won't, recuse herself.
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nothing makes me happier than to see the left learned not one damn thing about why they lost all of America save tiny enclaves in new england & far left coast. even more virulent shrill PC protesting, slamming even farther left politicians to the forefront as spokesmen and leaders. is there really any doubt that Fauxahontas Warren will be the '20 nominee? probably with Bearnie as the VP.
We could ask the centrist/moderate/notafanofhillary posters why they aren't challenging their party but they pretty much all left.
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You can forget about Ginsberg also. She has already stated her dislike for Trump during the election. She needs to, but won't, recuse herself.

Zero chance she does. The Oregon Judge should've too, but didnt.

They'll do everything they can to stop trump, law, ethics, morals be damned
Trump temporarily ban travel from non citizens from 7 countries on a religion neutral basis? No way.

Obama drone killing an American citizen on foreign soil? Absolutely fine

Welcome to liberal logic
So Obama was operating drones for the military?

You cannot ban travel to US residents who hold US resident and work visas. The travel ban got shelved because it was a piss poor written order. If the man was smart he would have immediately rescinded the order and issued a better written order that excluded those protected groups. But that would have required that he admit that he phucked up. But he has no time for that. He's too busy creating his own fake news like...
The President said Tuesday that the US murder rate "is the highest it's been in 47 years."
"I'd say that in a speech and everybody was surprised because the press doesn't like to tell it like it is," Trump said during a meeting with US sheriffs at the White House. "It wasn't to their advantage to say that. The murder rate is the highest it's been in I guess 45-47 years."

2015 is the most recent year the FBI released its annual report compiled by its Uniform Crime Reporting Program. FBI data for crime in the U.S. in that report shows that the murder rate in 2015 was 4.9 per 100,000 inhabitants -- the highest murder rate in six years. In 2009, the murder rate was at 5.0, while 10 years ago, in 2007, the murder rate was at 5.7.

It's simply amazing that the little boy who cries about fake news is himself the biggest creator of fake news known to mankind.
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But it isn't a county issue.
The states were ordered to comply with the SCOTUS ruling. If the state wanted to fight the ruling it could do so and ordered all clerks to stop issuing licenses. As an agent for the state her job was to comply with the rules being followed in all 120 counties.

So if KY had backed her, and said we aren't going to follow the SCOTUS ruling, there wouldn't have been an issue?
nothing makes me happier than to see the left learned not one damn thing about why they lost all of America save tiny enclaves in new england & far left coast. even more virulent shrill PC protesting, slamming even farther left politicians to the forefront as spokesmen and leaders. is there really any doubt that Fauxahontas Warren will be the '20 nominee? probably with Bearnie as the VP.
Just more proof that liberals are insane. The very definition of Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results. They are just trying to push the square peg into a round hole with greater force.
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I am still trying to wrap my head around how unelected judges are able to dictate the validity of an Executive Order. The Dems have no power in Congress and this is their only path now. A very dangerous path it is.

We know this is going to the Supreme Court and hopefully Justice Kennedy rips the stupid thing up and tells the Dems to go F themselves.
It's called, separation of powers.
Thing is, why would the left give up and try to appease old voters? This is chess, not checkers and they have won the youth who will eventually radically change this country forever. Hell, Dems did a great job of shaming enough old people into buying what Obama was selling. In 20-30 years there will be no hope.

They own the media, Hollywood, school system, etc. All they had to do was not trot out someone like Hillary who is more old and out of touch than any politician I've ever seen.