How will they rule ??!

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So now we move the goal post...not that they weren't reported but that they weren't reported nationwide.

What percentage of local stories get reported nationwide?
There are 15000+ murders a year in this country, how many did you hear about?

Jesus! Just because you're willfully gullible doesn't mean everyone else is.

BTW: I know when you and the klan start this "Pay your bet" stuff it's because your arguments have been shredded and you can't defend your positions with reason and/or fact. Perhaps you should keep it in the kiddie pool else you'll get in over your head.
You're are pathetic. Typical liberal slander
Poor wittle snowflake got shown to be an idiot.
Why don't you post more news stories about stories that didn't get covered?[roll]
So now we move the goal post...not that they weren't reported but that they weren't reported nationwide.

What percentage of local stories get reported nationwide?
There are 15000+ murders a year in this country, how many did you hear about?

Jesus! Just because you're willfully gullible doesn't mean everyone else is.

BTW: I know when you and the klan start this "Pay your bet" stuff it's because your arguments have been shredded and you can't defend your positions with reason and/or fact. Perhaps you should keep it in the kiddie pool else you'll get in over your head.
Fuzz/RQ is getting triggered, good work guys, keep at it. [roll]
Good Lord. I'm speaking to newspapers printed in 1961.

And you are wrong. The record of birth and birth certificate were verified by the Republican Sec of State for Hawaii when this matter first came up. The certificate that was produced was the same document anyone else would produce. You must not have any kids. They don't print up a birth certificate there in the hospital when someone is born. They don't automatically mail you one once the birth has been recorded. You request it from the state where you were born, they send you a copy. Nobody gets their original document. If you think you have your original certificate, I assure you that you don't.
I just went and looked in my baby book at the original birth certificate for me. There is a seal on it and my footprints are on the back. It is not a copy.
Trump is really given it to Wall Street ain't he guys? [roll]
So tough, this guy. It's not surprising that he's axing stuff that helps the poor and middle class will protecting Wall Street and his billionaire buddies.
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That's so far from the truth, I don't even know where to begin.

Here is a start.

All the news that's fit to print....well, sort of. 16 fake news stories that have been run since Trump won:
More than half of those are inconsequential and more like 'rumors'. The travel ban is hardly fake news btw. Maybe that particular story but yeah, nice try.

Weird how it left off the 3 million people who voted illegally, the Bowling Green massacre, media not reporting terrorism, and the litany of other lies spread by this administration within 2 weeks of taking office.
No, I did not.

Yes you did. You clearly implied in this post that you were prepared to post LEK's private information you friggen' loser.

Listen to me EW and listen good. Your ONE semester at UK does not mean you have an education. If it wasn't for spell check your stupidity would be on display for all to see just like it was for years. Let me know if we need to continue this, or contact a mod like you did before. You are a fake and a liar and I'm your worst nightmare because I know your truth. That's what scares you, isn't it?
That's so far from the truth, I don't even know where to begin.

Here is a start.

I will add to my list: Don't have an encounter with police while driving around with many thousands in cash. Most of those people in the stories you cited got their property back. You are being hysterical about asset seizures.
I will add to my list: Don't have an encounter with police while driving around with many thousands in cash. Most of those people in the stories you cited got their property back. You are being hysterical about asset seizures.
Civil asset seizure is not something I would rah rah for my party. Due process is a helluva concept and our protection against this kind of thing. Don't give it away without a fight.
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I will add to my list: Don't have an encounter with police while driving around with many thousands in cash. Most of those people in the stories you cited got their property back. You are being hysterical about asset seizures.

Nothing like having your property seized, then having to fight to get it back. All without any due process or ever being accused of wrongdoing.

Ya sounds fair.
That's so far from the truth, I don't even know where to begin.

Here is a start.
Most people don't realize that your local bank is grossly over-reporting large cash withdrawals to the Federal Government. They are required to report anything over 10 grand but if you take out a few thousand just to buy a used car or something like that you can bet your ass they are sending a CTR (currency transaction report) on you to the Feds.

You have the illusion of freedom and even that illusion is fading fast. Fat asses lost a lot of money in 2008 and the trough needs to be refilled.
highest murder rate in 47 years! [roll]
- idiot in chief

Almost as funny as 5% unemployment. I guess as jobs come back instead of hearing about a lower unemployment rate we will start hearing the U6 to cover up the lies we have been told for years!
I will add to my list: Don't have an encounter with police while driving around with many thousands in cash. Most of those people in the stories you cited got their property back. You are being hysterical about asset seizures.
K. Law enforcement stealing your property with no evidence of crime is clearly no big deal. Nothing compared to BLM murders running rampant and CNN hating Trump. Now THAT is something to be hysterical about
Most people don't realize that your local bank is grossly over-reporting large cash withdrawals to the Federal Government. They are required to report anything over 10 grand but if you take out a few thousand just to buy a used car or something like that you can bet your ass they are sending a CTR (currency transaction report) on you to the Feds.

You have the illusion of freedom and even that illusion is fading fast. Fat asses lost a lot of money in 2008 and the trough needs to be refilled.

This was required prior to them I'm pretty sure. The requirement is 10k in cash per day per institution. So if you make 3 deposits tomorrow in different branches that all adds up.

They really don't care about the criminal activity imo. They just don't want to let untaxed cash slide through. Ridiculous
Almost as funny as 5% unemployment. I guess as jobs come back instead of hearing about a lower unemployment rate we will start hearing the U6 to cover up the lies we have been told for years!
You're behind on your talking points. Now the unemployment rate is the greatest most fantastic big league job growth ever because of so much confidence in Trump. Those numbers are 100% accurate so don't believe the fake news that says they aren't.
This was required prior to them I'm pretty sure. The requirement is 10k in cash per day per institution. So if you make 3 deposits tomorrow in different branches that all adds up.

They really don't care about the criminal activity imo. They just don't want to let untaxed cash slide through. Ridiculous
I know what the requirements are. What I am telling you is they are sending CTRs on amounts well below 10g. You withdraw 6 grand and a CTR is going in on your ass. They want to know who is walking around with cash.
I know what the requirements are. What I am telling you is they are sending CTRs on amounts well below 10g. You withdraw 6 grand and a CTR is going in on your ass. They want to know who is walking around with cash.

Don't doubt it all. US made a big push to prosecute bank tellers for failing to do this. They knew it would trigger crr on much lower amounts out of safety.

They want to basically eliminate cash altogether
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I'm old enough to remember when the state taking your property was something Republicans hated.

Halcyon days
Nowadays here's what your fellow Republicans are cheering on:

President Donald Trump offered to inflict political damage on lawmakers who try to limit civil asset forfeiture, making a joke about a practice that has come under serious criticism in recent years from Democrats and libertarian-minded Republicans.

During a meeting at the White House with county sheriffs, Trump said he would “destroy” the career of a Texas state legislator who had proposed restrictions on seizures of property belonging to suspected criminals.

“Do you want to give his name?” Trump asked Rockwall County, Texas, Sheriff Harold Eavenson after he complained about the legislator.
“We’ll destroy his career.”


Likening such efforts to the Iran nuclear deal he has often lambasted, Trump said no one understands the phenomenon.

He said Congress would be “beat up” badly by the voters if it stood in the way of police efforts to conduct civil asset forfeiture.

A 2014 Washington Post investigation found that police had taken billions of dollars in cash from motorists without search warrants, and without charging them with a crime
I'm actually glad Trump supports civil asset forfeiture.

It's a moronic thing to support, but at least we'll finally be hearing about how bad it is on the nightly news.
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You're behind on your talking points. Now the unemployment rate is the greatest most fantastic big league job growth ever because of so much confidence in Trump. Those numbers are 100% accurate so don't believe the fake news that says they aren't.

Talking point? Logically explain this to me:

We were at 5% unemployment the last year or so.

We were projected to increase jobs by ~150K in Jan and exceeded that by 120K and hit an increase of 270K.

As this continues in time we can't keep lowering that number without looking stupid.

I mean can you imagine what would happen if CNN had to report Trump had a 2% unemployment rate?

The answer is no! Our U6 is currently at 9.4% and that stat will be your new go to stat CNN will start to pump.
Good Lord. I'm speaking to newspapers printed in 1961.

And you are wrong. The record of birth and birth certificate were verified by the Republican Sec of State for Hawaii when this matter first came up. The certificate that was produced was the same document anyone else would produce. You must not have any kids. They don't print up a birth certificate there in the hospital when someone is born. They don't automatically mail you one once the birth has been recorded. You request it from the state where you were born, they send you a copy. Nobody gets their original document. If you think you have your original certificate, I assure you that you don't.
Who turns your computer on for you?
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Too the uneducated moron perhaps.
I'll allow the irony of this statement to stand on its own.

Hint: When calling others "uneducated moron" it's smart to not make grammatical errors.
Too or had a 50/50 chance to get it right and failed. [roll]
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Trump is really given it to Wall Street ain't he guys? [roll]
So tough, this guy. It's not surprising that he's axing stuff that helps the poor and middle class will protecting Wall Street and his billionaire buddies.
Yeah it was so bad under Obama for wall street. The dumb in your posting just keeps getting dumber. Duh, huh, duh, I am Killa and i knows whats a goin on because cnnnnn told me so.