How will they rule ??!

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Oh, and the media has taken the bait once again. Trump throws out a meaningless comment about unreported terror attacks, and the entire media corps goes nuts fact checking him, hoping to prove him wrong. Yes, some were actually reported on, some were not, but that's not the point.

The point is, he now has the every single mainstream news organization validating, reporting, debating. discussing, and most of all... reminding American citizens of the dozens of Islamic terror attacks. It's no mistake that this happened right in the middle of his legal battle trying keep Islamic terrorists out of the country.
Ah yes, because Americans have forgotten that zero refugees and zero immigrants from the 7 countries on the ban list have been involved in terrorist attacks on Americans.

Trump is a pathological liar but somehow the right thinks he's as truthful as Jesus was. He's just lining his pockets as he laughs at just how easy it is to dupe the anti-intellectual crowd.

He has made America less safe and will continue to do so as he wages his war on democracy.
Ah yes, because Americans have forgotten that zero refugees and zero immigrants from the 7 countries on the ban list have been involved in terrorist attacks on Americans.

Trump is a pathological liar but somehow the right thinks he's as truthful as Jesus was. He's just lining his pockets as he laughs at just how easy it is to dupe the anti-intellectual crowd.

He has made America less safe and will continue to do so as he wages his war on democracy.

How has Trump made America less safe, and how is he destroying Democracy?
How has Trump made America less safe?

Ah yes, because Americans have forgotten that zero refugees and zero immigrants from the 7 countries on the ban list have been involved in terrorist attacks on Americans.

Trump is a pathological liar but somehow the right thinks he's as truthful as Jesus was. He's just lining his pockets as he laughs at just how easy it is to dupe the anti-intellectual crowd.

He has made America less safe and will continue to do so as he wages his war on democracy.

Get your facts right CardLover. There were two Iraqi immigrants arrested here in Kentucky on terrorism and WMD charges.
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A good portion of 84 Lumber's base are illegals, or employ illegals...roofers, framers, etc. So it's not as "against their customer" base as you might think. Construction has a high illegal participation rate...just the way it is.

Is that what our competitor tells you? I'd assume this is correct since you included all construction, however I'd say with the crackdown the last few years it's not as bad as it was just after the crash when 50% of the construction couldn't work.
Ah yes, because Americans have forgotten that zero refugees and zero immigrants from the 7 countries on the ban list have been involved in terrorist attacks on Americans.

Trump is a pathological liar but somehow the right thinks he's as truthful as Jesus was. He's just lining his pockets as he laughs at just how easy it is to dupe the anti-intellectual crowd.

He has made America less safe and will continue to do so as he wages his war on democracy.
OK killa, I'm going to spell this out for you yet again. The REASON our current administration is putting a temporary ban from these 7 countries is because those countries do not have central governments and cannot help in the vetting process. These are terror sponsored 'nations' and it doesn't mean and is not true that we do not accept immigrants OR refugees! Read again: temporary ban, terror sponsored nations.

Even you can admit that it's a smart thing to keep them from ever coming here right?

You also realize that other countries in the Middle East have similar bans right?

If you want to see what open border policies look like as it relates to Muslim 'refugees', just spend an hour or two researching the problems that Europe is facing right now. Complete catastrophe.
So, I personally don't assume that the fine C-level folks at 84 Lumber really knew what the hell they were doing. The owner/President is the founder's daughter which oftentimes proves intelligence isn't hereditary. We'll see as I'm sure this one will be followed closely.

The real issue is this was honestly a strategy for hiring nationwide. That's how bad this message missed! We are a 3B company nationally and began competing globally last year.

We hired a consultant to help with our message and we paid for a full 3 minute segment but fox wouldn't let us air the wall scene so we cut it in half and dropped the rest on site or YouTube when our site crashed from overload.

I've had 5 emails with instructions not to speak to the press and/or with specific ways to answer questions I know corporate is getting hammered with.

Personally I still don't see it as a bad commercial, but the execution was awful. I also think what lever message we put on our website should have been tagged at the end of the commercial to close a lot of controversy.
Ah yes, because Americans have forgotten that zero refugees and zero immigrants from the 7 countries on the ban list have been involved in terrorist attacks on Americans.
Except that's technically wrong. The only reason there weren't any involved in terrorists attacks is because they were all caught and arrested before they had a chance to carry out their attacks.

Makes no mistake, there were several from those seven countries who plotted attacks against Americans. But, of course, you won't see this on CNN.

Fact check: No arrests from 7 nations in travel ban? Judge in Seattle was wrong

Cardkilla is such a little used condom. Nothing original. Doesn't research his opinions worth a shit. Just spouts media matters crap and has no idea how big of a dumbass he is.
I have to say this and I really like Trump.

I'm not a fan of the comments about Putin on the O'reilly interview. The man is a killer, no need in normalizing Russia's movements and actions. Just say you're treating Russia as an allied hopeful while keeping an eye on their patterns. Take the easy way out, O'reilly wouldn't press it.

I was not impressed with Trumps answer that "America isn't perfect either. Lot of killers out there". This in response to Oreilly claiming "Putin is a murderer."

America hasn't done everything right, we're human. Mistakes are going to happen. The job of the right is to show where we've made strides in this world that no other country bothers with. I don't see the point in comparing a murderer like Putin with the mistakes of America. That's closer to Michael Moore insanity than any republican. There is no moral equivalence between America's mistakes and Russian aggression. And honestly, Hannity or Oreilly would have shredded a liberal for saying something like that about America's roles. After more than a decade watching them both I know that for a fact.

Like I said, I'm happier than anyone he's the POTUS, but not a big fan of his fairly leftist positions regarding America's role and history. That's the one thing I don't like about him at all. Probably the only thing. I get just as frustrated when he says "on Bush's watch" and never sets the record straight that 911 is the result of lax policy in multiple sectors of the Clinton administration. They terrorist spent the entire Clinton administration planning that attack from US soil. Bush basically watched the planes hit during his first piss in the white house bathroom.

Literally my only problems with Trump.
I have a theory on why Trump said it. Trump has said before, lots of times, that he wants to work with Putin to destroy Isis. Maybe Trump is thinking that it's not a good idea to be calling someone names that you intend to work with. Again, just a theory, but Trump must've had a reason why he made that comment, because we all know that hes a Patriot.
When are they voting on Sessions? They gotta get him in there. He will make so many things better.

I generally like Sessions, but he needs to tone it down on his anti-marijuana rhetoric. If he threatens or follows through in invalidating state referendums that have legalized, he's going to piss off and alienate a lot of voters.
Conservatives are supposed to be for state's rights, so he needs to respect the referendums and the will of the people.
MLK was a registered Republican.

Prolly more Libertarian than true Reaganite. But MLK hates Cardkilla.
Reagan was a Democrat when MLK was alive.

Willy, do you honestly believe that the Republican and Democratic parties are the same today as they were 50 years ago? Tell me you are smarter than that.

Where is the Rockefeller wing of the GOP today? Where are the Blue Dog Democrats?
Good Lord! Republicans were considered the liberal party when Lincoln was in office. Southern states were all "Democrats" for 100 years following the end of the Civil War.

What does any of that have to do with today?
I have a theory on why Trump said it. Trump has said before, lots of times, that he wants to work with Putin to destroy Isis. Maybe Trump is thinking that it's not a good idea to be calling someone names that you intend to work with. Again, just a theory, but Trump must've had a reason why he made that comment, because we all know that hes a Patriot.
Many of Putin's cronies are investors in Trump's real estate deals. Fact.
I'll tell you what still impacts today, blacks vote democrat because JFK bailed MLK out of jail.

Nixon wanted to and his advisors said not to polarize himself politically and boom! Democrats been pandering false promises to blacks ever since to keep there voting block.
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I have a theory on why Trump said it. Trump has said before, lots of times, that he wants to work with Putin to destroy Isis. Maybe Trump is thinking that it's not a good idea to be calling someone names that you intend to work with. Again, just a theory, but Trump must've had a reason why he made that comment, because we all know that hes a Patriot.

I think that's definitely some of the reason. And really, me and Trump wouldn't see eye to eye on some foreign policy matters anyway, so it's probably just a disagreement too. I hold an unpopular opinion today that America is the worlds police because someone has got to do it. I think we've established our greatness from that perspective. If every community, state, government etc needs "police", how can someone justify the world not? And if not America, who? As we've seen through collaborating governments, it doesn't work. You need a big guy on the block to handle business. And simply doing nothing results in 9/11. The sikes-picot agreement did start a lot of these problems, but it's over. You must deal from today.

However I absolutely do not agree with nation building, and if you kill them, take what they have, leave ruins, and give their children the next 30 years cleaning it up. If we have to come in, they get 3-5 decades to explain to future generations why you don't f*** around with America.

-"you'll create more terrorist then!"- the left

Then we take two weeks, go back, and leave more ruins. Eventually their great grandchildren will figure it out.

Of course, because our political landscape changes so much, I'm not as strong on intervention as I once was. All it takes is another president to come in and screw it up. Poof, we just waisted a few trillion being morons, but I digress.

But I guess my reality is I'm just not going to agree with Trump on everything, and that's probably the point. I believe 100 people could enter a room, and if honest, could find something to agree with him on. That's a populist.
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I generally like Sessions, but he needs to tone it down on his anti-marijuana rhetoric. If he threatens or follows through in invalidating state referendums that have legalized, he's going to piss off and alienate a lot of voters.
Conservatives are supposed to be for state's rights, so he needs to respect the referendums and the will of the people.
I'm hoping with all the lawlessness/illegals/BLM/Sanctuary Cities/Chicago etc. they'll have too much on their plate to **** with weed. I agree, it would be very disappointing to see Trump's AG go after weed when it's the will of the people and we have far more pressing concerns which actually mean lives.

Trump is pretty sharp, I can't fathom weed is something he wants to fight considering his populist tone and general social moderation on this type of issue.
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I think that's definitely some of the reason. And really, me and Trump wouldn't see eye to eye on some foreign policy matters anyway, so it's probably just a disagreement too. I hold an unpopular opinion today that America is the worlds police because someone has got to do it. I think we've established our greatness from that perspective. If every community, state, government etc needs "police", how can someone justify the world not? And if not America, who? As we've seen through collaborating governments, it doesn't work. You need a big guy on the block to handle business. And simply doing nothing results in 9/11. The sikes-picot agreement did start a lot of these problems, but it's over. You must deal from today.

However I absolutely do not agree with nation building, and if you kill them, take what they have, leave ruins, and give their children the next 30 years cleaning it up. If we have to come in, they get 3-5 decades to explain to future generations why you don't f*** around with America.

-"you'll create more terrorist then!"- the left

Then we take two weeks, go back, and leave more ruins. Eventually their great grandchildren will figure it out.

Of course, because our political landscape changes so much, I'm not as strong on intervention as I once was. All it takes is another president to come in and screw it up. Poof, we just waisted a few trillion being morons, but I digress.

But I guess my reality is I'm just not going to agree with Trump on everything, and that's probably the point. I believe 100 people could enter a room, and if honest, could find something to agree with him on. That's a populist.
Yeah thats a fair post. Disagreements always will happen, nobody is perfect, not even our Presidents. I'm sure Trump will do a few things we don't like, but the good will outweigh the bad bigly.
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And in the democrats are f****** retarded department...

CBS Poll: Most Democrats Think Christianity Is as Violent as Islam

Obviously the
I have a theory on why Trump said it. Trump has said before, lots of times, that he wants to work with Putin to destroy Isis. Maybe Trump is thinking that it's not a good idea to be calling someone names that you intend to work with. Again, just a theory, but Trump must've had a reason why he made that comment, because we all know that hes a Patriot.
We worked with the russians to destroy Germany.
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Obviously the

We worked with the russians to destroy Germany.

Good point. This is actually true. And the way the left is going apeshit over the whole Russia ordeal is insane. Not just due to their hypocrisy on the subject, but their overreaction.


Russia is the bully on the phone, America is the bully in the room. If we can use them, I'm game. I just don't like diminishing what their end goal is. If Russia could destroy America (can't), they'd do it tomorrow and start WW3.
Pay your bet @fuzz77 @rqarnold

That should be the only response he gets. Pay up or shut up.
Of course, because you get shredded with facts if you do otherwise.

The birther movement proved that people will believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts put before them. You want to believe that rqarnold and fuzz77 are the same person. That's on you.
Of course, because you get shredded with facts if you do otherwise.

The birther movement proved that people will believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts put before them. You want to believe that rqarnold and fuzz77 are the same person. That's on you.

And guess what? It STILL has not been proven that Obama was born here. The doctor claiming he birthed him in Kenya never wavered, the birth certificate form isn't proof in and of itself (too easy to make), and Obama has never provided one shred of evidence besides a document that can be forged by any computer wiz.


The truth is out there, but you couldn't guarantee it either way.
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Of course, because you get shredded with facts if you do otherwise.

The birther movement proved that people will believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts put before them. You want to believe that rqarnold and fuzz77 are the same person. That's on you.
STFU and PAY BRADY!!!!!!!:chairshot::chairshot::chairshot:
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And guess what? It STILL has not been proven that Obama was born here. The doctor claiming he birthed him in Kenya never wavered, the birth certificate form isn't proof in and of itself (too easy to make), and Obama has never provided one shred of evidence besides a document that can be forged by any computer wiz.


The truth is out there, but you couldn't guarantee it either way.
I would put the chances he was actually born in Hawaii at around 10%.