How will they rule ??!

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Establishment Repubs getting the f*** blown out

Quite of few posters rode Soros backed Repubs.

Marco Rubio. Ha ha there were people who actually thought this shameless greedy money seeking whore could actually beat Trump.
Bwahha ha Rubio, RQ/Fuzz, MCCain

Goddamn riot
Here's a fun/scary thought to ponder, who would've gotten nom if Trump wasn't in race? I guess our best bet would've been Ted, he's somewhat of an outsider, not like Trump of course.

There's no way Cruz could've won Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin.
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Never understood why so many 'conservatives' liked him.

Rubio would've caved like a little bitch right now if he were President. All of them would have.

Trump doesn't give a shit if the left hates him. And its glorious.

Some people, like myself, bought into a narrative set by the establishment that only Rubio types could beat her. I'm a strategic conservative. I always considered myself someone who settles for a house demon instead of working for Satan. In lots of our minds he was the only candidate who could beat her. And for me, when all seems lost, I'm a single issue voter. Second amendment.

My dad was Trump day one. He's always tell me when I spoke to the idea above "give me liberty or give me death". He shot for the ceiling and won.

Had I thought trump could win early on, I would have been all aboard. I just didn't see it that way until mid ways through the primary when the Clinton campaign was selling Rubio as "the guy they feared running against". If they truly believed that trump wasn't a threat, they would have used him. I caught on then and was surprised more didn't.

I made a post just before the primary ended to that I suspected the Clintons were afraid of Trump. I really believe they saw it coming and Bill even told her she needed to change strategy according to several reports.

Just offering my suggestion as to why some were in favor of Rubio early.
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Have finally recuperated from my drunken stupor. Could have sworn I was hallucinating while reading Twitter Sunday night after the game.

Literally hundreds of liberals losing their shit, proclaiming NE's win was a win for white supremacy because Brady, Coach B and Kraft are friends with Trump, and because they have three white wide receivers on the team. THREE!
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Have finally recuperated from my drunken stupor. Could have sworn I was hallucinating while reading Twitter Sunday night after the game.

Literally thousands of liberals losing their shit, proclaiming NE's win was a win for white supremacy because Brady, Coach B and Kraft are friends with Trump, and because they have three wide receivers on the team. THREE!

I have to admit, as someone who doesn't have a die hard NFL team and has always liked the patriots, I'm alll in. Used to love them anyway during the Bledsoe days. After this, I'm putting a patriots sticker on my truck, right next to the basket of deplorables.
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Oh, and the media has taken the bait once again. Trump throws out a meaningless comment about unreported terror attacks, and the entire media corps goes nuts fact checking him, hoping to prove him wrong. Yes, some were actually reported on, some were not, but that's not the point.

The point is, he now has the every single mainstream news organization validating, reporting, debating. discussing, and most of all... reminding American citizens of the dozens of Islamic terror attacks. It's no mistake that this happened right in the middle of his legal battle trying keep Islamic terrorists out of the country.
I have to say this and I really like Trump.

I'm not a fan of the comments about Putin on the O'reilly interview. The man is a killer, no need in normalizing Russia's movements and actions. Just say you're treating Russia as an allied hopeful while keeping an eye on their patterns. Take the easy way out, O'reilly wouldn't press it.

I was not impressed with Trumps answer that "America isn't perfect either. Lot of killers out there". This in response to Oreilly claiming "Putin is a murderer."

America hasn't done everything right, we're human. Mistakes are going to happen. The job of the right is to show where we've made strides in this world that no other country bothers with. I don't see the point in comparing a murderer like Putin with the mistakes of America. That's closer to Michael Moore insanity than any republican. There is no moral equivalence between America's mistakes and Russian aggression. And honestly, Hannity or Oreilly would have shredded a liberal for saying something like that about America's roles. After more than a decade watching them both I know that for a fact.

Like I said, I'm happier than anyone he's the POTUS, but not a big fan of his fairly leftist positions regarding America's role and history. That's the one thing I don't like about him at all. Probably the only thing. I get just as frustrated when he says "on Bush's watch" and never sets the record straight that 911 is the result of lax policy in multiple sectors of the Clinton administration. They terrorist spent the entire Clinton administration planning that attack from US soil. Bush basically watched the planes hit during his first piss in the white house bathroom.

Literally my only problems with Trump.
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Have finally recuperated from my drunken stupor. Could have sworn I was hallucinating while reading Twitter Sunday night after the game.

Literally hundreds of liberals losing their shit, proclaiming NE's win was a win for white supremacy because Brady, Coach B and Kraft are friends with Trump, and because they have three white wide receivers on the team. THREE!

Holy 1986 Boston Celtics, Batman!

Honestly, I saw it coming.
This is an amazing clip of CNN's Brian Stelter getting owned BADLY by Michael Wolff. A hollywood reporter understands what the alt left/MM doesn't. He rips Skelter and CNN toward the end but the entire segment is 7 minutes and worth every second. Best thing I've seen all week regarding CNN> Also shows the delusion of the entire network. Can you spot the hypocrisy?

Fireworks at 4:35, but try and catch it in its entirety for context.

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Respectfully, you can't have it both ways. The utilization of capacity here is a fraction of what it is in Canada. If you want everything on demand, there's a price to be paid. Having to wait on a knee replacement is an inconvenience, not a medical emergency. If you need 3 multi-million $$ MRI machines because you want to have them all performed between 8am-4pm that's a luxury that you're paying a premium whereas if you had one that was operated 24hrs/day you could service the same number of people. You're paying for 3x the machines, 3x the building space.

I work for a health care plan. One of our divisions does nothing but government sponsored care...Medicare/Medicaid, special needs, etc. We receive a fixed number of $$ per member and from that must pay for all of their medical care. So it is inherent to us that we keep our members as healthy as possible. Guess where we spend the most money? Making sure that each and every member sees their physician on a regular basis, making sure that they take their medication. The old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is very, very true. We send people out to pickup members and take them to their appointments, we have nurses and physicians who make house calls. We do all of that because we know it is a hell of a lot less expensive to care for someone in that way than to just wait for them to go to the ER when they've gone into a diabetic comma because they weren't taking their medication. We try and remove every excuse for them to not get the care they need. Bottom line, paying for primary care + critical care is less expensive than paying for only critical care. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be spending millions to make sure our members get that primary care. Your insurance company doesn't care if you get your primary care or not. They can simply raise their rates. We can't do that.

I like a lot of people have a high deductible healthcare plan. Other than annual exams I have to pay the first $5000 of care. It doesn't cover office visits or pay for drugs until I reach my deductible. I'm not too sure that most have that $5000 to cover that deductible. Still that policy between me an my employer is $13,566 that covers me and my wife. If you removed any coverage for office visits, annual exams, drugs, etc you might get that down to $12,000. But then as the frequency of catastrophic care increases because you don't get your prostate checked, your wife doesn't get her mammogram and instead of dealing with stage 1 or 2 cancers they are dealing with stage 3 and 4 which are even more expensive that rate climbs at a rate faster than what it has already risen.

Insurance is expensive because healthcare is expensive. It is the cost of care + profit for the insurance company. It isn't that $300-$500 annual checkup that is driving rates up, it's $100,000+ cancer treatments, $250,000+ heart attack and stoke patients. $50,000 ACL repairs. The purpose of a healthcare system is to provide healthcare. Every measure of care shows that universal care systems cost less and produce better outcomes.

Lastly, there is no such thing as "free healthcare". Healthcare premiums or taxes for healthcare...

Seriously how CNN can even begin to call Trump on facts and truth? And the nerve of Blitzer to talk integrity? The entire network is an alt left wing news organization that peddles in fake news and rigs debates for a political party. They carry on as if WikiLeaks never exposed them. It's bizarre. WE SEE YOU, F'N MORONS.

This is the network that spouts "independent journalist network" while starting every singe conversation -5 ON THE ideological number line. Racist and race baiters on nearly every single segment. Paid contributors like Symon Sanders, an admitted racist, Charles Blow, also admitted racist. And these types are loud, unapologetic, and arrogant. Lemon is a disgrace and peddles this pitiful commentary night after night. He's ended up far worse than piers morgan, and as a gun enthusiast, he's my least favorite.

I never thought I'd say this, but with Brian Williams, Joe Scarbrough, and Chris Matthews on a good day, MSNBC is far more moderate and far better than CNN. That is truly an incredible statement.

Without Fox there'd be no "real" unbiased cable news reporting at all. I think WikiLeaks has pretty much exposed that. CNN, ABC, NBC, MS, PBS, all of them. I'll never understand the left not liking the media. Progressives bitch as loud as conservatives. And it's funny because conservatives just want fair and unbiased news, the progressives don't think they're crazy left enough.
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This is an amazing clip of CNN's Brian Stelter getting owned BADLY by Michael Wolff. A hollywood reporter understands what the alt left/MM doesn't. He rips Skelter and CNN toward the end but the entire segment is 7 minutes and worth every second. Best thing I've seen all week regarding CNN> Also shows the delusion of the entire network. Can you spot the hypocrisy?

Fireworks at 4:35, but try and catch it in its entirety for context.

Wow. Huge guts to stand up to his own profession. Need more of that.
Wow. Huge guts to stand up to his own profession. Need more of that.

A beautiful thing to see for sure. And he didn't back off a bit. Would love to see a lot more and the left would be wise to rein in the media. There are many progressives that know it's hurting them. Like this segment on the Jimmy Dore show. Ultra left but kind of gets what the democrats / media doesn't. You're hurting yourself and look ridiculous.

The libs can continue to act shocked/upset at what Trump said about we ain't angels/whatever, and they will look like hypocritical idiots because that's their whole stance on everything. Because the USA is evil, we have to pay the world back. That's been the message for 8 years.
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This is an amazing clip of CNN's Brian Stelter getting owned BADLY by Michael Wolff. A hollywood reporter understands what the alt left/MM doesn't. He rips Skelter and CNN toward the end but the entire segment is 7 minutes and worth every second. Best thing I've seen all week regarding CNN> Also shows the delusion of the entire network. Can you spot the hypocrisy?

Fireworks at 4:35, but try and catch it in its entirety for context.

Wow that is a great video. I detest that rat cnn host
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Trump is entrenched with enemies on both sides of the aisle. He is not dumb and knows exactly what the deal is. I think that is a big reason he brought Jerod into the WH along with a few other very trusted advisors who will watch his back.

Washington is infested with scumbags and only the people can get rid of them. We need more brave leaders to rise up and run against these folks and get them out of Washington.

I still cannot believe how many folks bought into the Rubio BS. It took me two minutes to realize that weasel was a bought and paid for puppet just like Obama and many others are.
A good portion of 84 Lumber's base are illegals, or employ illegals...roofers, framers, etc. So it's not as "against their customer" base as you might think. Construction has a high illegal participation rate...just the way it is.
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Oh, and the media has taken the bait once again. Trump throws out a meaningless comment about unreported terror attacks, and the entire media corps goes nuts fact checking him, hoping to prove him wrong. Yes, some were actually reported on, some were not, but that's not the point.

The point is, he now has the every single mainstream news organization validating, reporting, debating. discussing, and most of all... reminding American citizens of the dozens of Islamic terror attacks. It's no mistake that this happened right in the middle of his legal battle trying keep Islamic terrorists out of the country.
They will never get it ha
You would think that the brain trusts at these large retailers would be smart, strategic and consider every variable before making such a bold move. No, they aren't and they don't. I work with them every day and many at the highest levels...and I've seen some of the most blatantly obvious stupid decisions you could possibly imagine.

Watched one sizable regional DIY retailer blow themselves up on one incredibly dumb CEO mandate. And he was warned, (Hechinger's back in the 90's.) Someone mentioned Toys-R-US a few days ago in GYERO, they'll be gonzo or significantly downsized in the next 12-18 months---and they are owned by three of the largest most successful leveraged buyout firms in the world. (Supposedly smart people, but collapsing from both inside and external market forces.)

So, I personally don't assume that the fine C-level folks at 84 Lumber really knew what the hell they were doing. The owner/President is the founder's daughter which oftentimes proves intelligence isn't hereditary. We'll see as I'm sure this one will be followed closely.