How will they rule ??!

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As we see on here every single day. HRC is under investigation by the FBI and obviously very unethical and as I posted on the last page has a 71% approval rating within her party, higher than any Rep in theirs.

Have we seen any Dem, Lib, Chomsky kid, faux moderate, etc type one word about Bernie?
Am I Chomsky kid? If so then here are my thoughts on Bernie. If Bernie is nominated/elected, and he won't be, he won't get anything accomplished. He will be completely isolated and won't have any support on either side. Bernie having the success he is having is good though for the future of the country. If we are going to bring about change in this country it's got to start at the grass roots level and grow from there. The long term objective should be to mobilize a formidable third party that can remove corporate influence and get back to being a government for the people. As long as this country is ran by either party, which is basically one party, then expect more of the same.
Well what's plan B because that is literally impossible. A total fairy tale. I hear you, but that's not ever happening...until states start leaving, and starting from scratch. That is less of a fairy tale, but still not happening without war.
remove corporate influence and get back to being a government for the people.
Good slogan but there's nothing behind it.
So far his campaign has been about free college, healthcare etc that has been scored to add $19T in debt and about how racist our country is. That is not the 3rd party type of saving we need. He is not a non-politician as is being sold to us, he is the ultimate populist politician.
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exactly what I was talking about...only want to discuss the, ahem, moderate?

who you for since Johnson isn't in it? you don't seem to want to answer.
I am for Gary Johnson.

If you want a candidate who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal then take a look at Gary Johnson. He wants to cut back spending in order to help balance the budget. He believes in Free Trade. He likes the EPA but would not mandate Cap and Trade. He would repeal Obama Care. In foreign policy, he opposed the Iraq War, which of course I did, and would severely limit US involvement in the ME going forward. Good, we've wasted too many lives and too much US treasury over there with nothing to show for it as it is.
He'll stop the stupid war on drugs that ruins lives and burdens tax payers and US prisons. And he won't govern as if the 10 Commandments are part of the constitution. Keep abortion legal and the government out of people's bedrooms.

There's no one else in either party who comes so close to my beliefs.

Still waiting for you to state who you support.
Good slogan but there's nothing behind it.
So far his campaign has been about free college, healthcare etc that has been scored to add $19T in debt and about how racist our country is. That is not the 3rd party type of saving we need. He is not a non-politician as is being sold to us, he is the ultimate populist politician.
The ultimate populist politician? He is definitely a politician. I disagree with the second part.
I am for Gary Johnson.

If you want a candidate who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal then take a look at Gary Johnson. He wants to cut back spending in order to help balance the budget. He believes in Free Trade. He likes the EPA but would not mandate Cap and Trade. He would repeal Obama Care. In foreign policy, he opposed the Iraq War, which of course I did, and would severely limit US involvement in the ME going forward. Good, we've wasted too many lives and too much US treasury over there with nothing to show for it as it is.
He'll stop the stupid war on drugs that ruins lives and burdens tax payers and US prisons. And he won't govern as if the 10 Commandments are part of the constitution. Keep abortion legal and the government out of people's bedrooms.

There's no one else in either party who comes so close to my beliefs.

Still waiting for you to state who you support.

He is not in the race, why can't you answer? Who are you backing today? Fiscal conservative my ass. No one here will believe that.

BTW, Johnson is only ok with abortion until viability....oopsie. Never heard any candidate talk about the 10 commandments and the constitution. You seem to like to make up positions or dramatize them on the right and always ignore any issue that challenges the left. As an example regarding spending, you decried the 8% cut at the EPA a few weeks ago as GOP hate and then ran away when I posted Johnson's position on wanting a 40+% cut. You are all over the place, but it sure isn't libertarian unless there is multiple people using your login.

KY votes late so the primary is pointless for us mostly. Would vote for Rubio today or whoever comes out of the primary in the fall unless it is Trump or Cruz. See how hard that is...
He is not in the race, why can't you answer? Who are you backing today? Fiscal conservative my ass. No one here will believe that.

BTW, Johnson is only ok with abortion until viability....oopsie. Never heard any candidate talk about the 10 commandments and the constitution. You seem to like to make up positions or dramatize them on the right and always ignore any issue that challenges the left. As an example regarding spending, you decried the 8% cut at the EPA a few weeks ago as GOP hate and then ran away when I posted Johnson's position on wanting a 40+% cut. You are all over the place, but it sure isn't libertarian unless there is multiple people using your login.

KY votes late so the primary is pointless for us mostly. Would vote for Rubio today or whoever comes out of the primary in the fall unless it is Trump or Cruz. See how hard that is...
Johnson has stated he will run as the Libertarian if they want him, but there is no reason at this time to enter the race when the Republican field is dominating the news. So you want Rubio, the anti-abortion, religious right pandering candidate - nice to finally get you to pick a side.
So you are consumed with finding out who they will vote for so you can be your typical smarmy trolling c-sucker. Got it. But not interested in choosing a candidate yourself. Got it.

GOP EVIL! But I voted for the guy who was third at CPAC in 2012!! Believe me!

Here is a newsflash for you troll. Saying you would vote for someone, as the best option as you see it, is not a blood oath or proclamation you think they are perfect. I have said many times none are great candidates due to our shitty system.
Hey FTS, this thread is 124 pages...why don't you and I have a wager. $10 per post to me on when I have criticized a Rep and $10 per post to you on when you have criticized a Dem. Should be easy money for Johnson supporter, huh?
So you are consumed with finding out who they will vote for so you can be your typical smarmy trolling c-sucker. Got it. But not interested in choosing a candidate yourself. Got it.

GOP EVIL! But I voted for the guy who was third at CPAC in 2012!! Believe me!

Here is a newsflash for you troll. Saying you would vote for someone, as the best option as you see it, is not a blood oath or proclamation you think they are perfect. I have said many times none are great candidates due to our shitty system.
You have to be the rudest person on this board, no one likes to insult others the way you do. But it's OK, I know it must be frustrating to live in those shoes. You asked me first who I was supporting and I told you - It's only fair that I got you to finally spit out who you support. Thanks for coming clean.
Im enjoying the social media fallout from the KSR debate. Apparently Drew Curtis said he would support trump and that being liberal is only something you do when youre young; and youre a republican when you grow up.

All the liberals in KY thought he was their hero. Theyre practically throwing themselves off buildings.
The populist part? Sure he is. Free stuff, corporate demonizing, and racial pandering.
Most people don't know or care that this country is ran by the corporate world. Racial pandering? Yeah that will work for a certain demographic but not everyone. Free stuff? At the cost of higher taxes. Ordinary/every day people aren't going to get behind higher taxes. Doesn't sound populist to me.
You have to be the rudest person on this board, no one likes to insult others the way you do. But it's OK, I know it must be frustrating to live in those shoes. You asked me first who I was supporting and I told you - It's only fair that I got you to finally spit out who you support. Thanks for coming clean.
Translated, trolls don't like to trolled. I am rude to lying trolls, guilty.
And as usual, no answers or reasoning.
Sorry to the rest of the board that I turned you into a daily troll from an occasional troll. Couldn't help it.
Translated, trolls don't like to trolled. I am rude to lying trolls, guilty.
And as usual, no answers or reasoning.
Sorry to the rest of the board that I turned you into a daily troll from an occasional troll. Couldn't help it.
I really think you take this board too seriously - I mean you are the one flipping out and then immediately are apologizing to everyone for your behavior. It's not that big of a deal. Perhaps you need to take a break from it, lil' Cos.
I am for Gary Johnson.

If you want a candidate who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal then take a look at Gary Johnson. He wants to cut back spending in order to help balance the budget. He believes in Free Trade. He likes the EPA but would not mandate Cap and Trade. He would repeal Obama Care. In foreign policy, he opposed the Iraq War, which of course I did, and would severely limit US involvement in the ME going forward. Good, we've wasted too many lives and too much US treasury over there with nothing to show for it as it is.
He'll stop the stupid war on drugs that ruins lives and burdens tax payers and US prisons. And he won't govern as if the 10 Commandments are part of the constitution. Keep abortion legal and the government out of people's bedrooms.

There's no one else in either party who comes so close to my beliefs.

Still waiting for you to state who you support.
I'll look into him. Only one close I like is Kasich.

Sanders is too left, Clinton? Seriously? Same thing with trump. I don't know enough about Jeb. My wife likes Carson, but he seems to soft spoken.

I'm still undecided and open
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1. Kasich
2a. Bush
2b. Rubio, although he's got some of the same red flags Obama had
Nobody else. Hillary makes my skin crawl, the trio of Trump/Carson/Fiorina belongs nowhere near the WH, and Bernie would be one of the worst executives this country has ever elected.

The rest of the GOP and Dem fields are irrelevant at this point. If Biden runs against a weak GOP candidate, I might think about it, but right now the only attractive candidates are in the GOP field.
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1. Kasich
2a. Bush
2b. Rubio, although he's got some of the same red flags Obama had
Nobody else. Hillary makes my skin crawl, the trio of Trump/Carson/Fiorina belongs nowhere near the WH, and Bernie would be one of the worst executives this country has ever elected.

The rest of the GOP and Dem fields are irrelevant at this point. If Biden runs against a weak GOP candidate, I might think about it, but right now the only attractive candidates are in the GOP field.
If those are the last three standing Bush's $$$$$$$$ will prevail, in my opinion.
Damn shame that anyone with sound mind thinks that another Clinton or a Bush is going to help America.

Neither one of those Anti-Americans will get my vote.

People think NSA looks bad with Obama. Just wait. either one of those 2 will make NSA indestructible.
Damn, Jamo. I really wish you would give Carson a chance. You are so dead set against him, tho. Is it simply because he has little political experience? Seems to be the case.

<----- still solidly behind Rubio. Kasich not far behind simply because he can win the general. Carson a solid third.
Rand or Johnson are the only true small gov't candidates out there.

Every other single candidate will expand the power of the gov't.

So when Johnson nor Rand don't get elected. I can't wait for the bullshit blaming to begin. I am gonna set back and laugh, because people's delusions trump (no pun intended) common GD sense.

Mark my words. People will blame blame blame, because piece of shit Americans can't be burdened for being responsible for their awful GD decision making. Easier to blame. Sad state of affairs.
Rand or Johnson are the only true small gov't candidates out there.
Hey Willy, you are long time libertarian on here and true Johnson supporter....have you seen one post from FTS that would put him in that camp?
I really think you take this board too seriously - I mean you are the one flipping out and then immediately are apologizing to everyone for your behavior. It's not that big of a deal. Perhaps you need to take a break from it, lil' Cos.
No idea what you are babbling about, and you likely don't either.
Your goal here is to troll, nothing else. You have yet to address one point about Johnson or your contradictions. So don't get your feelings hurt when you get trolled back. Deee minus 15 iq points. And there have been quite a few that have lumped you with him. Much deserved.
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Im enjoying the social media fallout from the KSR debate. Apparently Drew Curtis said he would support trump and that being liberal is only something you do when youre young; and youre a republican when you grow up.

All the liberals in KY thought he was their hero. Theyre practically throwing themselves off buildings.
I would imagine what Curtis loses goes to Conway, not that he really needs them. I see him winning by 5-7 points. Bevin is just not a good campaigner.
President: None of the above

The GOP guys like church too much. The Dems waste money and lie too much. I'll wait until later in the game after primary season. (And yes, I'll vote for Cankles Clinton only IF she's against Cruz, Suck-a-dee, Santorum or Trump)


Write in vote for a random heavy metal guitarist. (Thinking Slayer's Jeff Hanneman who has been dead since 2013)

Curtis is meh. Conway is an arrogant, limp-wristed douche and I think Bevin might for real be retarded.

Joke time:

Q: What's the easiest way to get rid of Planned Parenthood?
A: Make Carly Fiorina its CEO
More of the same...from WaPo.

The Secret Service’s assistant director urged that unflattering information the agency had in its files about a congressman critical of the service should be made public, according to a government watchdog report released Wednesday.

“Some information that he might find embarrassing needs to get out,” Assistant Director Edward Lowery wrote in an e-mail to a fellow director on March 31, commenting on an internal file that was being widely circulated inside the service. “Just to be fair.”
No idea what you are babbling about, and you likely don't either.
Your goal here is to troll, nothing else. You have yet to address one point about Johnson or your contradictions. So don't get your feelings hurt when you get trolled back. Deee minus 15 iq points. And there have been quite a few that have lumped you with him. Much deserved.
No hurt feelings here - you should really get over yourself.
Hey Willy, you are long time libertarian on here and true Johnson supporter....have you seen one post from FTS that would put him in that camp?

I wish I could say yes, but I can't.

I think FTS brings talking points that may appear Libertarian, but it sure gets overlooked by a lot defensiveness for the democrat party.

I think a lot of democrats think they are Libertarian, because they get individual freedoms mixed with social welfare.

As a Libertarian, we believe in individual freedom, but not at the expense of hard working tax payers.
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I wish I could say yes, but I can't.

I think FTS brings talking points that may appear Libertarian, but it sure gets overlooked by a lot defensiveness for the democrat party.

I think a lot of democrats think they are Libertarian, because they get individual freedoms mixed with social welfare.

As a Libertarian, we believe in individual freedom, but not at the expense of hard working tax payers.
Willie, I wouldn't expect you to remember my posts that buttress my support of Johnson, but if you were to go back you would find examples of me railing against the crappy war on drugs, support of Rand Paul's stance against US interventionism, ones get to the heart of my support of separation of church and state. We're never gonna agree on every point, and you lean libertarian right whereas I lean libertarian left. But it's all good, and I consider you of fair opinion.
Thanks Willy, I wish the GOP could move that way but religion and populism are killing them.

"Libertarian left"
Willie, I wouldn't expect you to remember my posts that buttress my support of Johnson, but if you were to go back you would find examples of me railing against the crappy war on drugs, support of Rand Paul's stance against US interventionism, ones get to the heart of my support of separation of church and state. We're never gonna agree on every point, and you lean libertarian right whereas I lean libertarian left. But it's all good, and I consider you of fair opinion.

I remember your support for Johnson posts. I appreciate that. It's just that there's nothing that Obama has done to warrant any support for. Especially, any of the upcoming democrat candidates. Keep the focus on both sides.

Don't let anyone tell you that your vote is wasted. It's not.