well... and I'm just going out on a LIMB here by saying that when you form a "country"/sovereign state, and you are writing a document that outlines the design/"Constitution" of how the government works, specifically; what the relationshop between the CITIZENS of said country, and the GOVERNMENT of said country is to be. Spelling out the role for both. And the nature of their interaction, that what people from ummm OTHER countries are of little concern to them.
I mean, I guess the framers of our Constitution could have taken a whirlwind,tour of the planet; to see if the way the United States planned on governing itself was "up to snuff" or to make sure "everyone is GOOD with this then." But that would be, well... stupid.
I don't believe for a second that you're quite THAT stupid, to posit that as a legitimate argument is just, SILLY
I just think you like to bicker.