How will they rule ??!

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Ps, you.dont take credit, when called out for being wrong, you accept responsibility, and acknowledge you were wrong, which you didn't. 'Educator'.

It might have been a minor error had you not argued back then that you were right and Reagan was President in 1980.

As it stands, one of MANY examples of you being the dumbest poster here.

That's the liberal dems biggest problem. They are never able to admit and accept responsibility for the wrongs they commit. They are quick to ask for mercy when they need it, but will always blame someone or something else for why they made a bad choice. Never a true apology or willingness to make amends
Then fkn BILL THEM for transportation costs since they let them use their country for illegal egress. Fences work 2 ways. Either they are enforcing border laws or they're not. If they're not, consider them as derelict and hostile to this country. That's how proper govts of nations function.

Anyone coming over the border illegally is a hostile actor, period, because they DO NOT respect our laws by the VERY definition. They shouldn't be deported, but shot at the border. If there is no threat of that, then we have no border. If we have no border, we are no longer a nation. If we are no longer a nation, then any laws against shooting illegal trespassers are voided. They are a threat
You are correct. Things should have never reached this point, but since it has, something harsh has to be done or we are done. We know a lot of bad actors are entering, but we don't even know how many. As Ron Paul has predicted, something bad will happen sooner or later (likely sooner).
I love America's founding aspirational ideals,
Bulltits. I DO NOT believe that horse hockey for one split second.
You're the one saying those ideals are only good enough for Americans for some reason. If they're good for citizens living here why wouldn't they be good for noncitizens living here?
You are just a troll. We're discussing illegals, but nice TRY to move the goalposts.

How many illegal aliens or "displaced people of a non-descript origin" have you housed in your parents basement? How many, Karl? How many times have you given up your privilege Karl?? You should be ASHAMED of yourself...stealing from these poor NWPOCs. SHAME on YOU.

You are correct. Things should have never reached this point, but since it has, something harsh has to be done or we are done. We know a lot of bad actors are entering, but we don't even know how many. As Ron Paul has predicted, something bad will happen sooner or later (likely sooner).

Easily one tenth the number of our previous adult population has entered this country illegally and is of ideal fighting age and gender. All given cell phones and money. Way more than the 4% typically needed to subdue the entire population as the reich did in Germany and Europe.

China and the world banking cartels got tired of waiting for the politicians they elected to take our guns and our rights.
Ps, you.dont take credit, when called out for being wrong, you accept responsibility, and acknowledge you were wrong, which you didn't. 'Educator'.

It might have been a minor error had you not argued back then that you were right and Reagan was President in 1980.

As it stands, one of MANY examples of you being the dumbest poster here.
Lord have mercy you are dense....or can't read....or both.
The 2 year old post that YOU POSTED is the evidence that contradicts your idiotic post.....

"Obviously you didn't read the article. Reagan was elected President in Nov. 1980 and inaugurated in Jan. 1981. The inflation rate article I sent you was pointing out this is the highest inflation rate since 1982. Reagan was President in 1981 (10%) and 1982 (6%) when inflation was terrible.

"I did make a mistake regarding 1980."

Carter was President that year and inflation was 13%. Hopefully we don't have 8 years in a row of inflation like we did from 74 to 82."

Try reading your own posts before accusations that I never admitted to that mistake....I did....TWO YEARS AGO. 🤣
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You are just a troll. We're discussing illegals, but nice TRY to move the goalposts.
The ruling applies to both undocumented and documented noncitizens. Your hair-splitting is moot. Regardless, I was referring to undocumented people just like we had previously been. I wasn't even drawing the distinction you're trying to accuse me of conflating.
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Your position is that yes, it is your God-given right and China is wrong for suppressing it. So why is the US right for suppressing it?

For the umpteenth time…you have a God given right to the act of self defense. The manner in which you do so is and has always been dictated by government. The Biblical command is to submit to that gov authority. There is no Biblical command to defend yourself or not with a firearm.

The founders extended that manner of defense to include firearms for Americans.

You asked for my personal opinion…that’s it.
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Bulltits. I DO NOT believe that horse hockey for one split second.

You are just a troll. We're discussing illegals, but nice TRY to move the goalposts.

How many illegal aliens or "displaced people of a non-descript origin" have you housed in your parents basement? How many, Karl? How many times have you given up your privilege Karl?? You should be ASHAMED of yourself...stealing from these poor NWPOCs. SHAME on YOU.


ONe cannot simultaneously believe in our foundational ideals and not belive in natural rights, natural law. It's literally our first sentence as a nation. The first sentence describing our nation is restating what natural law is, to which we shall aspire, and why.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

No amount of pseudo-intelligent doublespeak typical of "his" argumentation can circumvent this reality.
MSM is entirely gov controlled propaganda at this point.
Yeah and the social media clown show news you guys get your info from has convinced you that a deadly, violent riot on Jan 6th was just a peaceful sightseeing tour.
So spare us the propaganda lesson.
I love America's founding aspirational ideals, which is exactly what we're discussing. Foundational morals and philosophy. You're the one saying those ideals are only good enough for Americans for some reason. If they're good for citizens living here why wouldn't they be good for noncitizens living here?
well... and I'm just going out on a LIMB here by saying that when you form a "country"/sovereign state, and you are writing a document that outlines the design/"Constitution" of how the government works, specifically; what the relationshop between the CITIZENS of said country, and the GOVERNMENT of said country is to be. Spelling out the role for both. And the nature of their interaction, that what people from ummm OTHER countries think about it is of little concern to them.

I mean, I guess the framers of our Constitution could have taken a whirlwind,tour of the planet; to see if the way the United States planned on governing itself was "up to snuff" or to make sure "everyone is GOOD with this then." But that would be, well... stupid.

I don't believe for a second that you're quite THAT stupid, to posit that as a legitimate argument is just, SILLY

I just think you like to bicker.

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For the umpteenth time…you have a God given right to the act of self defense. The manner in which you do so is and has always been dictated by government. The Biblical command is to submit to that gov authority. There is no Biblical command to defend yourself or not with a firearm.

The founders extended that manner of defense to include firearms for Americans.

You asked for my personal opinion…that’s it.
So the right to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment comes from the "government" and not from God?
well... and I'm just going out on a LIMB here by saying that when you form a "country"/sovereign state, and you are writing a document that outlines the design/"Constitution" of how the government works, specifically; what the relationshop between the CITIZENS of said country, and the GOVERNMENT of said country is to be. Spelling out the role for both. And the nature of their interaction, that what people from ummm OTHER countries are of little concern to them.

I mean, I guess the framers of our Constitution could have taken a whirlwind,tour of the planet; to see if the way the United States planned on governing itself was "up to snuff" or to make sure "everyone is GOOD with this then." But that would be, well... stupid.

I don't believe for a second that you're quite THAT stupid, to posit that as a legitimate argument is just, SILLY

I just think you like to bicker.

The Bill of Rights may or may not apply to only citizens or to all people living here. Lots of legal ins and outs that the courts haven't gone through yet. Regardless of that legality though, morally shouldn't we support the expansion of those rights? If those rights are good for us, and we basically all agree that they are, then why would we want to deny those same rights to others?
You’ve read it.

The founders believed it was a God given right of the citizens to keep and bear arms and that the US Gov shall not infringe on that right.

How you choose to interpret that is up to you.
Then if that's what you believe it's true of all people, regardless of government. Why do you only support it for American citizens and not all people?
Wouldn't it HAVE to come the government? Since God isn't allowed to pipe up in matters of government.

WiTF are we arguing here.? I just don't have the energy to wallow through an endless quagmire of nonsense.
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Then if that's what you believe it's true of all people, regardless of government. Why do you only support it for American citizens and not all people?
Dion, just stop it already. You're just being an asshat contrarian. I'll admit, when it's slow around here, that it's fun to goof around with you, but, just, you know; stop being silly and stupid.
As much crap as Trump says about others and you're wanting a defamation suit? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
He just said that any Jew that votes Democrat hates their religion and Israel. He spews more garbage out of his mouth than a Waste Management truck at a landfill.
“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black!”

Remember when shinbone was outraged by this?
The Bill of Rights may or may not apply to only citizens or to all people living here. Lots of legal ins and outs that the courts haven't gone through yet. Regardless of that legality though, morally shouldn't we support the expansion of those rights? If those rights are good for us, and we basically all agree that they are, then why would we want to deny those same rights to others?
Jesus dude. Just take a break. You just try TOO hard sometimes. I worry about you.
Wouldn't it HAVE to come the government? Since God isn't allowed to pipe up in matters of government.

WiTF are we arguing here.? I just don't have the energy to wallow through an endless quagmire of nonsense.
Dion, just stop it already. You're just being an asshat contrarian. I'll admit, when it's slow around here, that it's fun to goof around with you, but, just, you know; stop being silly and stupid.
Maybe don't chime in if you're too lazy to find out what you're commenting on. Doesn't add much to the conversation.
So the right to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment comes from the "government" and not from God?
You still trying to make this dumb shit happen?

You still want to tell us all that you’re smarter than us all while simultaneously pretending that you don’t understand the difference in natural rights and citizenship rights? When it’s taught in middle school?

Aren’t you embarrassed to keep going when you’re obviously wrong? Because we’re all embarrassed for you.
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