How will they rule ??!

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For that matter, Village Idiot, who was president in 1980?

Did you learn the correct answer to my question after being mocked here mercilessly by everyone?
Jimmy Carter was the sitting President.
Ronald Reagan was the President elect.
Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend?
Juan scum Williams just said on Fox that Trump said he despised hispanics.

Where did he say that? Conveniently, Juan said he didn't have the exact quote in front of him.

That's defamation stuff isn't it???
As much crap as Trump says about others and you're wanting a defamation suit? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
He just said that any Jew that votes Democrat hates their religion and Israel. He spews more garbage out of his mouth than a Waste Management truck at a landfill.
Dems protect the Union/Union heads, Union heads get fat paychecks, Union heads allow Union members to work less and keep getting paid more, then Union heads tell their members that R is bad and D is good and to donate to D.

It’s that simple.
In most cases it’s the union heads that back the Democrat, for the reasons you list.
In current times a majority of union members back the Republican national candidate. At least manufacturing union members.
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M Blackburn just said that the capital police investigated and had to call the parents and the school of a kid that threatened to kill her over tik tok.

Loser parents raising loser kids. Society is circling the turlet.
As much crap as Trump says about others and you're wanting a defamation suit? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
He just said that any Jew that votes Democrat hates their religion and Israel. He spews more garbage out of his mouth than a Waste Management truck at a landfill.
I think it's a bigger problem, considering Trump is a private citizen at the moment, that the leader of the senate, who's also jewish...actively called for intervention in an ally country's leadership whos at war after a terrorist attack, so much so that even the opposition party in that country told him to stfu...but didn't bother to say the same about the invading country that's ran by terrorists or its financier Iran who hasn't held elections in almost 20 years.

Or for some reason didn't bother to say it to Mexico.

Maybe schumer thinks he's king of the jews.
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In most cases it’s the union heads that back the Democrat, for the reasons you list.
In current times a majority of union members back the Republican national candidate. At least manufacturing union members.
You're so completely clueless.
The Union heads are echoing the union member's wishes or they wouldn't be the union heads.
Biden is very popular with many of the union members for his unwavering support of the auto union.
Biden also got the endorsement of the United Steelworkers Union and AFL/CIO.

Trump hates unions.
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Jimmy Carter was the sitting President.
Ronald Reagan was the President elect.
Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend?

I comprehend you.making wild arguments that Reagan was the president in 1980 with high interest rates and inflation.

Problem is, he wasn't. Amd everyone here mocked your Village Idiot ass for it.

Especially when you doubled down, as it appears you are trying to do again.
The Constitution was written for Americans. I know you want me to separate this fact from the discussion, but how do I do that when that’s the key difference between us and everyone else?
This is ultimately what it boils down to. How can you fundamentally believe there is a difference in God's eyes between Americans and anyone else? If this right comes from God you shouldn't want it suppressed, completely independent of the Constitution, or any country, their laws, or anything.

Very simply. You say directly in your post it comes from God. Then why are you wanting it taken away from people? You have yet to offer a single justification for your position. It's just nationalist bigotry.
Obviously you didn't read the article. Reagan was elected President in Nov. 1980 and inaugurated in Jan. 1981. The inflation rate article I sent you was pointing out this is the highest inflation rate since 1982. Reagan was President in 1981 (10%) and 1982 (6%) when inflation was terrible.
I did make a mistake regarding 1980. Carter was President that year and inflation was 13%. Hopefully we don't have 8 years in a row of inflation like we did from 74 to 82.

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Your a child with a childish argument. Really? Some ppl think better of you on here. Not me, I see you for the evil POS you are, but some people do.

Anyway, as a BELIEVER in the true God, yes everyone has a right to defend themselves. So fing what?
However, as an AMERICAN, the Constitution ONLY applies to Americans. Again, we know you HATE both.

So, a childish non-equivalent argument is the best you have. Go play in the street. Pick a busy one.
You sound very grumpy today.
One thing's for sure....It ain't the stock market causing that temper flare up.
Buildin Back Better Baby!!!
Record Stock market as the US is Riden with Biden!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

So much better than this dreary memory. The Shi**y Trump years.....

You sound very grumpy today.
One thing's for sure....It ain't the stock market causing that temper flare up.
Buildin Back Better Baby!!!
Record Stock market as the US is Riden with Biden!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

So much better than this dreary memory. The Shi**y Trump years.....

Bipolar Village Idiot, can't decide if he hates Biden or wants to suck him off on the beach.
There are only two rights in the Constitution that I am aware of reserved for citizens, voting and holding elected office. All other rights are natural and theoretically pertain to all people. That being said, it's not that simple because people here illegally are already criminals. I'm not a legal scholar, so I don't know how the law deals with this situation. I would speculate that due to being the Country illegally, that they forfeit the right to own a firearm. I could be wrong, it's just speculation on my part.
Your post basically sums up my line of inquiry. If these rights are "natural and theoretically pertain to all people" then you should support them having those rights, correct? Especially if the rights derive directly from God Himself.

The legality at that point is a separate issue from the morality. There are many legal/constitutional questions that would take a really long time to discuss thoroughly and accurately, none of which will be resolved anytime soon. That however does not preclude us from discussing where our personal positions on the underlying issues lie.
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Of course you would, Village Idiots hate being shown proof they are Village Idiots.
I already took credit for that minor error (President vs President elect) in the post you resurrected from over 2 years ago.
What does that have to do with any topic at hand today?
How many hours did you spend looking for a post that is over 2 years old?? 🤣
You sound very grumpy today.
One thing's for sure....It ain't the stock market causing that temper flare up.
Buildin Back Better Baby!!!
Record Stock market as the US is Riden with Biden!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

So much better than this dreary memory. The Shi**y Trump years.....

Why were job report numbers adjusted downward after press release the past 24 months?

Edit: why do you hate america and christians so much?

And why is the stock market so high? That is not the best measure, but stupid people do not understand that. A better measure would be rate of growth. I did 2x better under Trump than I did under Queen Barry I and China Joe. That's a fact.

Do not bother answering. You are not smart enough.
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Why were job report numbers adjusted downward after press releasethe past 24 months?

Edit: why do you hate america and christians so much?

Do not bother answering. You are not smart enough.
Why do you hate that the stock market and SandP 500 are at RECORD highs.....
the GDP is at 5 percent.....
the unemployment rate is 3.9 percent....
US auto sales jumped 16.4 percent last month.....
Manufacturing jobs are at highest levels since 2008.....
US exports are up a billion dollars from 2020.....
Inflation is down to 3 percent.....

A record prosperous America makes you angry. So damn bizzare.

All I know is houses are going up all around my community. New ground breaking on businesses....and ALL of our 401ks are busting at the seams.
I'll stick with Biden.
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And there we have it guys ... Karl has been playing this game for days just to call us bigots because we love our country and he hates it.

I love America's founding aspirational ideals, which is exactly what we're discussing. Foundational morals and philosophy. You're the one saying those ideals are only good enough for Americans for some reason. If they're good for citizens living here why wouldn't they be good for noncitizens living here?
I already took credit for that minor error (President vs President elect) in the post you resurrected from over 2 years ago.
What does that have to do with any topic at hand today?
How many hours did you spend looking for a post that is over 2 years old?? 🤣

About 5 seconds. It's called a search function. Reagan, 1980, Village Idiot...

Popped right up.
I’m all for them having firearms….in their own countries. If citizenship is established here, then sure.

Also, has does an illegal alien pass a background check for a firearm purchase or for a transfer?

Yep. Ship the firearms to their places of residence in their home country. Tell them thank you and keep sending them back to the other side of the fence.
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I already took credit for that minor error (President vs President elect) in the post you resurrected from over 2 years ago.
What does that have to do with any topic at hand today?
How many hours did you spend looking for a post that is over 2 years old?? 🤣

Ps, you.dont take credit, when called out for being wrong, you accept responsibility, and acknowledge you were wrong, which you didn't. 'Educator'.

It might have been a minor error had you not argued back then that you were right and Reagan was President in 1980.

As it stands, one of MANY examples of you being the dumbest poster here.
This is ultimately what it boils down to. How can you fundamentally believe there is a difference in God's eyes between Americans and anyone else? If this right comes from God you shouldn't want it suppressed, completely independent of the Constitution, or any country, their laws, or anything.

Very simply. You say directly in your post it comes from God. Then why are you wanting it taken away from people? You have yet to offer a single justification for your position. It's just nationalist bigotry.

I don’t know how to make it anymore clear to you. You’re surely just trolling at this point.

You don’t understand believing it’s a God given right to defend yourself, but submitting to the fact that the US says you can do that with a gun, X country says with a knife, Y country says a rock, and Z country says only your fist. ???

Can I take my handgun with me to visit China and tell them it’s my God given right to have it? Why not?

How is any of this controversial?

And Yes, I’m a nationalist bigot because I believe the Constitution, Bill of Rights was written specifically for Americans. Insane concept I know.

Are you even reading what you’re posting?

Then fkn BILL THEM for transportation costs since they let them use their country for illegal egress. Fences work 2 ways. Either they are enforcing border laws or they're not. If they're not, consider them as derelict and hostile to this country. That's how proper govts of nations function.

They either pay and stop letting them through, or we stop letting ANYTHING THROUGH that border- goods, services, tourists - then see what kind if interest they show in letting migrants walk through their country into ours.

Anyone coming over the border illegally is a hostile actor, period, because they DO NOT respect our laws by the VERY definition. They shouldn't be deported, but shot at the border. If there is no threat of that, then we have no border. If we have no border, we are no longer a nation. If we are no longer a nation, then any laws against shooting illegal trespassers are voided. They are a threat

The bottom line is this, however. --- Our govt needs to stop funding this (and it IS funding it).
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