These people are here though. Heriberto Carbajal-Flores was in Chicago. Regardless, no matter where they are, the US, Indonesia, or Timbuktu, if God has given us a right, why do you think it's a good idea to suppress that right? You believe in God. It's the same God for Americans and non-Americans.How much weed have you smoked tonight?
Because America was created on the basis of respecting those rights for their citizens. Other countries not so much.
But which rights are you talking about? I don’t recall abortion being mentioned in the Constitution. Surely this isn’t the destination you were trying to take us to all along? I thought this was about illegals owning guns.
This has nothing to do with abortion, that was only used an example of a law @warrior-cat disagreed with when he tried to say Christians have to respect all the earthly laws. Don't think he respects Oregon's abortion laws.