How will they rule ??!

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How much weed have you smoked tonight?

Because America was created on the basis of respecting those rights for their citizens. Other countries not so much.

But which rights are you talking about? I don’t recall abortion being mentioned in the Constitution. Surely this isn’t the destination you were trying to take us to all along? I thought this was about illegals owning guns.
These people are here though. Heriberto Carbajal-Flores was in Chicago. Regardless, no matter where they are, the US, Indonesia, or Timbuktu, if God has given us a right, why do you think it's a good idea to suppress that right? You believe in God. It's the same God for Americans and non-Americans.

This has nothing to do with abortion, that was only used an example of a law @warrior-cat disagreed with when he tried to say Christians have to respect all the earthly laws. Don't think he respects Oregon's abortion laws.
These people are here though. Heriberto Carbajal-Flores was in Chicago. Regardless, no matter where they are, the US, Indonesia, or Timbuktu, if God has given us a right, why do you think it's a good idea to suppress that right? You believe in God. It's the same God for Americans and non-Americans.

This has nothing to do with abortion, that was only used an example of a law @warrior-cat disagreed with when he tried to say Christians have to respect all the earthly laws. Don't think he respects Oregon's abortion laws.

Just like I stated earlier, you have a God given right to self defense.

God never permitted or prohibited the use of firearms. America did, as an extension of that right because it determined its best way to do so in a more modern era obviously based from their own experience. This is specific to Americans for their citizens.

Whether you believe that right comes from the God of the Bible, Generic Creator, Zeus, Spaghetti Monster, Mother Nature etc in this context it’s irrelevant.

Point being is that the right of defending oneself comes from something greater than man, therefore it can not be removed by man. I support that right for everyone, Americans and non Americans.

Now when it comes to firearms…the same America that extended that God given self defense right to mean firearms also regulates it and ofc that is a constant debatable issue on how much/how little is necessary. Although, shall not be infringed is the language, arguably its been infringed upon since its inception and will continue to be the case to the extent the public will agree to allow.

Saying all that, yes I agree with the universal God given right to self defense for all, but the means of that defense is dictated by the citizens own governing body which they are in lawful submission to. Illegals by their existence, are operating outside of this relationship so the idea of legal gun ownership is impossible.
Low Energy Trump announced last night. Worst reader of teleprompter ever.
Saying all that, yes I agree with the universal God given right to self defense for all, but the means of that defense is dictated by the citizens own governing body which they are in lawful submission to.
What does this mean? You believe in the right to self defense but also in the "governing body"'s, aka the government's, ability to curtail that right? You don't seem to take the same stance on other rights like speech and religion.

Seems to me like what's good for the goose would be good for the gander. You seem to admit these people have the same God-given right to self defense you do. You say the way to guarantee that right is firearms. So why would you want them to not have that same God-given right and ability you do?

I'm not speaking constitutionally/legally. That's another discussion. I'm not currently advocating for anything either way as there are many ramifications and I haven't thought through them all yet. But if you believe our rights come from God then he gave them to all of us, Americans and not, and it wouldn't make sense to support suppressing them for some people.
Of all the inane horses I’ve seen Dion beat to death, this might be the dumbest.

Yes, people can think rights are inherent, and the Bill of Rights, which prevents the United States government from infringing on this rights, would only apply to people in the United States legally. Some may even argue illegal aliens are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

Not a single case has been cited to argue the merits of the ruling, just a complete inability to understand some may think the Constitution of the United States of America is in place to protect the inherent rights of United States citizens and those subject to the jurisdiction of its laws from the United States government.

I understand there are legal arguments to the contrary. But your straw man is stupid.
Boomers are greedy assholes that refuse to step down from power and happily destroying future generations with their stupid decisions. Their greed and embrace of ass backwards Reaganomics has ****ed our economic systems.
Meanwhile, back in the real world.

And then there's this:

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What does this mean? You believe in the right to self defense but also in the "governing body"'s, aka the government's, ability to curtail that right? You don't seem to take the same stance on other rights like speech and religion.

Seems to me like what's good for the goose would be good for the gander. You seem to admit these people have the same God-given right to self defense you do. You say the way to guarantee that right is firearms. So why would you want them to not have that same God-given right and ability you do?

I'm not speaking constitutionally/legally. That's another discussion. I'm not currently advocating for anything either way as there are many ramifications and I haven't thought through them all yet. But if you believe our rights come from God then he gave them to all of us, Americans and not, and it wouldn't make sense to support suppressing them for some people.

I didn’t state government restrictions are something I agree or disagree with. I just said they exist and are expected to be followed. I think I’ve been pretty open over the years when it comes to my disgust with the 2A getting continuously attacked and chipped away at.

1. As a human being, you have a God given right to defend yourself. There is Biblical evidence to support this. (If we’re going this route). That’s all of us.

2. As an American, that right is clarified, defined, etc or extended up to meaning with use of a gun because that’s what the founders believed and was their vision for this country and without infringement. Obviously there’s nothing in the Bible about firearms, but there are weapons and they’re not forbidden for warfare or for self defense.

Many countries/people will believe point 1. Not all believe or would allow for point 2 and when they do it almost always comes with strings attached, ours included. But that still doesn’t violate point 1.

The Constitution was written for Americans. I know you want me to separate this fact from the discussion, but how do I do that when that’s the key difference between us and everyone else?
These people are here though. Heriberto Carbajal-Flores was in Chicago. Regardless, no matter where they are, the US, Indonesia, or Timbuktu, if God has given us a right, why do you think it's a good idea to suppress that right? You believe in God. It's the same God for Americans and non-Americans.

This has nothing to do with abortion, that was only used an example of a law @warrior-cat disagreed with when he tried to say Christians have to respect all the earthly laws. Don't think he respects Oregon's abortion laws.
This is my last post on it and I’m going to bed. You just answered it. “Americans”.

Nobody is stopping anyone else from creating a government based on the same concept. They are for everyone who accepts the concept.

But it’s not written anywhere that accepting this concept means dissolution of national sovereignty. That’s a farcical argument that's beneath any serious person.
He is trolling and twisting what people are posting and making up conclusions that are not consistent with the intent of other people's messages.
Person from Libs favorite group (LBGT) gets shot by person from their second favorite group (violent illegal)...Libs going to have to ignore this story completely or just refuse to report who the shooter was.


How disappointing this must be for demoncrats, that they don't get to play their weirdo card & blame this shooting on Trump MAGA supporters. I'm waiting for dems to call the shooter the Hispanic face of white supremacy.
I didn’t state government restrictions are something I agree or disagree with. I just said they exist and are expected to be followed. I think I’ve been pretty open over the years when it comes to my disgust with the 2A getting continuously attacked and chipped away at.

1. As a human being, you have a God given right to defend yourself. There is Biblical evidence to support this. (If we’re going this route). That’s all of us.

2. As an American, that right is clarified, defined, etc or extended up to meaning with use of a gun because that’s what the founders believed and was their vision for this country and without infringement. Obviously there’s nothing in the Bible about firearms, but there are weapons and they’re not forbidden for warfare or for self defense.

Many countries/people will believe point 1. Not all believe or would allow for point 2 and when they do it almost always comes with strings attached, ours included. But that still doesn’t violate point 1.

The Constitution was written for Americans. I know you want me to separate this fact from the discussion, but how do I do that when that’s the key difference between us and everyone else?
That has been his whole argument, separating fact from the discussion and inserting his thoughts of how it should be for him and the rest of us proving his want for us to be under communistic and socialistic rule. Typical liberal position in every argument they take on. Their way at all cost.
So you should be against government suppressing your God-given rights. Right? You're openly admitting here you support the US government suppressing God-given rights. Conservatives say they're against that.
Unfortunately, we have to live in a world with c0cksuck3rs like you. I wonder, if YOU disavow God, do you forego all God-given rights? Hmmm. ponder that.

But here is the deal ... you and sam HATE God and HATE America and you HATE us that believe in one or both. You are 100% intent on removing God and any mention of God from the public square and you want "open borders", meaning NO America. You also want to arm the gang members coming over here who are set on taking our lives (i.e. God given rights) away.

AS JJ pointed out, you've made a FOOL of yourself and you're not smart enough to realize it. You are the absolute worst poster and person on here. And you're not making any DEEP point, you're being a POS troll. Pretty much all you do. So ... GFY.
These people are here though. Heriberto Carbajal-Flores was in Chicago. Regardless, no matter where they are, the US, Indonesia, or Timbuktu, if God has given us a right, why do you think it's a good idea to suppress that right? You believe in God. It's the same God for Americans and non-Americans.

This has nothing to do with abortion, that was only used an example of a law @warrior-cat disagreed with when he tried to say Christians have to respect all the earthly laws. Don't think he respects Oregon's abortion laws.
How many times have you invited Heriberto Carbajal-Flores into your house ... and allowing him to have his gun? How many illegals have you let into your parents property? And not counting the ones doing the yard or the roof?

See? you're just a hypocrite.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure IIRC, that Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams were not even Christians. They were deists/agnostic?
You are. You're directly supporting, even advocating for, suppressing those rights of the people. The very rights you think were directly given by God to humans.
Think slowly and carefully. If these rights are universal to those who accept God, then they exist in every place. Nobody is suppressing them. Every people has the right and responsibility of self-determination to enact a government that best reflects these rights.

You are intentionally conflating the rights of citizenship with natural rights.

You also bastardize the whole concept when you argue that rights belong,
and are even owed to, those who break the law. Every country and culture has a concept that rights are forfeited by those who choose criminality.
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I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure IIRC, that Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams were not even Christians. They were deists/agnostic?
Jefferson and Franklin were deists IMO. Not sure about Washington, Adams was a full-blown Christian.
He is trolling and twisting what people are posting and making up conclusions that are not consistent with the intent of other people's messages.
He never engages in honest debate and this is a perfect example. He thinks he is smart and is trying to implement the rules for radicals. But the bottom line is that he, and ppl like shins, hate america, hate God, and hate us. This "debate" illustrates all 3. And like i pointed out previously, he isnt taking these illegals into HIS (or his parents) home, he isnt giving up HIS "privilege". He is lazy and extremely dishonest.

The great thing about the country he was privileged to be born into is, he is free to prove me wrong that he doesnt hate America, hate us, or hate God.
Think slowly and carefully. If these rights are universal to those who accept God, then they exist in every place. Nobody is suppressing them. Every people has the right and responsibility of self-determination to enact a government that best reflects these rights.

You are intentionally conflating the rights of citizenship with natural rights.

You also bastardize the whole concept when you argue that rights belong,
and are even owed to, those who break the law. Every country and culture has a concept that rights are forfeited by those who choose criminality.

Lol, after reading all that trash from Dion mocking Christians, how does it make you feel to be called an ISLAMAPHOBE BIGOT from the same guy? 😂
So you're championing the ruling that undocumented people in the US can carry guns? You'd be the first so far in this thread I've seen.
There are only two rights in the Constitution that I am aware of reserved for citizens, voting and holding elected office. All other rights are natural and theoretically pertain to all people. That being said, it's not that simple because people here illegally are already criminals. I'm not a legal scholar, so I don't know how the law deals with this situation. I would speculate that due to being the Country illegally, that they forfeit the right to own a firearm. I could be wrong, it's just speculation on my part.