How will they rule ??!

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Because our CONSTITUTION applies to AMERICAN citizens you douche.

We know you hate both. But another nice attempt at a "false equivalency" argument.
Why? I thought they were inalienable human rights bestowed by God?
He "probably" understands the difference between a citizen and non-citizen; he just doesn't like what that means vis a vis "his" so-called argument.

Same as before. Rinse. Repeat.
Again, why? Why do rights from God only apply to American citizens?
Same question for you as @BlueRunner11 and @cat_in_the_hat, if gun rights are natural human rights given by God, why do you want to suppress them?

I believe you have a God given right to self defense. In the more modern or gun era, firearms is what that that looks like. The 2A agrees with that and restrains gov from infringing upon its citizens in that regard.

“The people”’ you find mentioned in the Bill of Rights is the same persons as “We the People”’in the Preamble… meaning US nationals and citizens.

You’re simply trying to loophole other rights enjoyed by citizens by saying the 2A now pertains to illegals so x and y should as well or simply just playing devils advocate here. I assume it’s the latter because surely you can see the insanity of tens of thousands of adversarial militants walking across our border and heading straight to the gun shops.
Why? I thought they were inalienable human rights bestowed by God?

Again, why? Why do rights from God only apply to American citizens?
They don’t. You seem to be confused by the term “America”. For a self proclaimed AP calculus savant, you truly struggle with some basic concepts, like “citizen”, “sovereign”, and “nation”.

Nowhere, ever, did the Founders write that possession of God-given rights meant there was or should be a one world government. Even idiots know that the phrase “certain unalienable rights” appears in a document proclaiming Independence. You’re not an idiot, are you?
You're wrong so often it has to physically hurt. 🤣
"Jerome H. Powell first took office as Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on February 5, 2018, for a four-year term.
He was reappointed to the office and sworn in for a second four-year term on May 23, 2022."

Who was president in 2018?
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I believe you have a God given right to self defense. In the more modern or gun era, firearms is what that that looks like. The 2A agrees with that and restrains gov from infringing upon its citizens in that regard.

“The people”’ you find mentioned in the Bill of Rights is the same persons as “We the People”’in the Preamble… meaning US nationals and citizens.

You’re simply trying to loophole other rights enjoyed by citizens by saying the 2A now pertains to illegals so x and y should as well or simply just playing devils advocate here. I assume it’s the latter because surely you can see the insanity of tens of thousands of adversarial militants walking across our border and heading straight to the gun shops.
We can get into the legal ramifications afterwards. I simply want to understand y'all's position. If these rights come from God as everyone here claims, like you yourself do here, why do you want to suppress them? That's flouting God's will. What does it have to do with any country or citizenship? If you claim these rights come from God you should support them for people regardless of any Constitution or legality.
They don’t. You seem to be confused by the term “America”. For a self proclaimed AP calculus savant, you truly struggle with some basic concepts, like “citizen”, “sovereign”, and “nation”.

Nowhere, ever, did the Founders write that possession of God-given rights meant there was or should be a one world government. Even idiots know that the phrase “certain unalienable rights” appears in a document proclaiming Independence. You’re not an idiot, are you?
See above. I'm asking about your personal view, not the legality/constitutionality.
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Agree 1000%.

Can anyone here, left or right, tell me how what the state of NY/James is doing is any diff than straight up stealing money/property from Trump? He and a bank(s) came to an agreement, bank(s) did its due diligence, loan was given, loan was repaid, bank(s) made money and have noted they were not wronged and would do business with Trump again.

How exactly is there a crime here? I’m serious. Someone please explain using something other than CNN talking points. Because if this is allowed, we are no better than any other banana republic sh*thole out there.
We’re already a Banana Republic. They’re setting precedents right and left though. I wish some republican AG’s would start going after corrupt democrat politicians. Not because I think it’s the right thing to do, it’s not, but they set the precedent and the only way to break it is to play them at their own game.
good f’n grief. how do you counter this kind of brainwashing? certainly not with logic

Indoctrinated idiot should just leave and go find somewhere in the eastern hemisphere to live if he gates the west do damn much. Decolonize… where we gonna go? …. Herp a derp leave the Capitol, derp herp. Dude had no coherent response.
Both sides man. The ridiculous rhetoric from both sides makes me ill.

Trump says people are going to lose their jobs/ whole industries because of dem policies and lays out the who, what, when, where, and why.

The left wants to end the country.

Both sides. Man, I’m glad I’m independent and above all of this.

And Trump is wrong on that how?
A bigly number of Trumps pre-election predictions of what would happen if Biden won have come to fruition.
Why? I thought they were inalienable human rights bestowed by God?

Again, why? Why do rights from God only apply to American citizens?
Your a child with a childish argument. Really? Some ppl think better of you on here. Not me, I see you for the evil POS you are, but some people do.

Anyway, as a BELIEVER in the true God, yes everyone has a right to defend themselves. So fing what?
However, as an AMERICAN, the Constitution ONLY applies to Americans. Again, we know you HATE both.

So, a childish non-equivalent argument is the best you have. Go play in the street. Pick a busy one.
We can get into the legal ramifications afterwards. I simply want to understand y'all's position. If these rights come from God as everyone here claims, like you yourself do here, why do you want to suppress them? That's flouting God's will. What does it have to do with any country or citizenship? If you claim these rights come from God you should support them for people regardless of any Constitution or legality.

See above. I'm asking about your personal view, not the legality/constitutionality.
They don’t. You seem to be confused by the term “America”. For a self proclaimed AP calculus savant, you truly struggle with some basic concepts, like “citizen”, “sovereign”, and “nation”.

Nowhere, ever, did the Founders write that possession of God-given rights meant there was or should be a one world government. Even idiots know that the phrase “certain unalienable rights” appears in a document proclaiming Independence. You’re not an idiot, are you?
He is a fing idiot. Childish arguments is all he has left.
Your a child with a childish argument. Really? Some ppl think better of you on here. Not me, I see you for the evil POS you are

Identify Prohibited Persons​

The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition, to include any person:
  • convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;

  • who is a fugitive from justice;

  • who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);
  • who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;

  • who is an illegal alien;

  • who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;

  • who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or
  • who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
The GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(n) also makes it unlawful for any person under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition.
Further, the GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(d) makes it unlawful to sell or otherwise dispose of firearms or ammunition to any person who is prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition.

Same question for you as @BlueRunner11 and @cat_in_the_hat, if gun rights are natural human rights given by God, why do you want to suppress them?
Ignorant question since you do not believe in God however, even the Bible tells us that we must adhere to the laws of the land except when those laws tell us to go against Gods commandments. So, illegals should adhere to the laws of this country which first and foremost say they must come through the borders the legal way and must be a citizen or green card holder before they can buy or own a weapon in the US.

"Foreigners in the United States are generally prohibited from purchasing firearms. The purchase and ownership of firearms in the U.S. are regulated by federal and state laws. In most cases, individuals must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (green card holders) to buy guns".

Quit being an ass. You thought you had a gotcha and are too dumb to realize it.
Your a child with a childish argument. Really? Some ppl think better of you on here. Not me, I see you for the evil POS you are, but some people do.

Anyway, as a BELIEVER in the true God, yes everyone has a right to defend themselves. So fing what?
However, as an AMERICAN, the Constitution ONLY applies to Americans. Again, we know you HATE both.

So, a childish non-equivalent argument is the best you have. Go play in the street. Pick a busy one.
So you should be against government suppressing your God-given rights. Right? You're openly admitting here you support the US government suppressing God-given rights. Conservatives say they're against that.
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Why? I thought they were inalienable human rights bestowed by God?

Again, why? Why do rights from God only apply to American citizens?
You need to read up on the Bible or at least understand. You are doing exactly what your masters have showed you by being disingenuous, corrupt, evil, and a liar.

Identify Prohibited Persons​

The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition, to include any person:
  • convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;

  • who is a fugitive from justice;

  • who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);

  • who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;

  • who is an illegal alien;

  • who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;

  • who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;

  • who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or

  • who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
The GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(n) also makes it unlawful for any person under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition.
Further, the GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(d) makes it unlawful to sell or otherwise dispose of firearms or ammunition to any person who is prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition.

Yeah, that's the law the ruling just said was unconstitutional. Duh.
We can get into the legal ramifications afterwards. I simply want to understand y'all's position. If these rights come from God as everyone here claims, like you yourself do here, why do you want to suppress them? That's flouting God's will. What does it have to do with any country or citizenship? If you claim these rights come from God you should support them for people regardless of any Constitution or legality.

See above. I'm asking about your personal view, not the legality/constitutionality.

Personal view only?

Gods will would be for them to not break the US law and remain in their own country or pursue a legal path to proper citizenship here.

Romans 13

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Break man’s law, Break Gods law.

Disobedience to God in general typically results in a loss of Gods blessings and those God given rights are often jeopardized because of it. Lots of examples of this.

I think the US is fairly consistent with that view as we have restrictions on Gun ownership for those that are offenders of various laws. Obviously adapted for public safety reasons and not religious decisions but imo it goes to show how deeply rooted we are in Biblical morals and values that keep societal order despite being mostly ignorant of their origin. Just another reason, I believe it’s hard to ignore Gods divine hand in the founding and establishing of this country.
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I've never taken the founders' "rights bestowed by God" (paraphrasing) as meaning the God of the Old and New Testament, the God of Abraham etc.

I've always taken it to mean Natural Law. Meaning it's a moral compass we're born with, that exists outside of our circumstance/upbringing.

I can't imagine anyone that has actually studied the founding of our country, and the men that did it, thinking otherwise.
This is called protecting democracy, y’all. Just so everyone knows, the Chinese hate this guy because he spearheaded Trump’s efforts to bring back manufacturing.

It's hyperbole to compare this to 20th century European fascism/totalitarianism, but not by much.

I've tried to spread the truth forthe last 15 to 20 years, concerning the left. The "left" (I hate to say liberalism, because liberalism used to be a pretty good thing) as it is currently constituted, is the very DEFINITION of a fascist totalitarian government. It dismays me when friends of mine, that are life-long Democrats/Liberals refuse to acknowledge that which is as plain as day; The Democrat party, in trying to be everything to everyone, has splintered itself, and forsaken what was once it's hardcore base. Middle class, working Americans. Folks that probably don't have a college degree, but learned a trade, or work in a factory. Those folks have, been f***ed over (as have minorities, particularly black Americans) by the Democrats for 6 decades. Not only have the Democrats not HELPED them, they've made things WORSE. It only takes an hour of honest research at the library to confirm this.

The "Elite" in this country don't sit in corporate board rooms, They all reside in Washington DC and they don't give two f***s about the middle and lower class, unless it gets close to election time.
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Ignorant question since you do not believe in God however, even the Bible tells us that we must adhere to the laws of the land except when those laws tell us to go against Gods commandments. So, illegals should adhere to the laws of this country which first and foremost say they must come through the borders the legal way and must be a citizen or green card holder before they can buy or own a weapon in the US.

"Foreigners in the United States are generally prohibited from purchasing firearms. The purchase and ownership of firearms in the U.S. are regulated by federal and state laws. In most cases, individuals must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (green card holders) to buy guns".

Quit being an ass. You thought you had a gotcha and are too dumb to realize it.
Abortion is also the law of the land and that doesn't keep you from advocating against that law. You shouldn't support a law that removes God given rights, whether it's legal or not is of no consequence to whether it's moral. You obviously aren't saying that every single thing that's legal is moral and everything that's illegal is immoral so you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Abortion is also the law of the land and that doesn't keep you from advocating against that law. You shouldn't support a law that removes God given rights, whether it's legal or not is of no consequence to whether it's moral. You obviously aren't saying that every single thing that's legal is moral and everything that's illegal is immoral so you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.
False equivalent because murder is against Gods law. Read and comprehend my post. You are once again trolling and being disingenuous.

You are dismissed.
You're openly admitting here you support the US government suppressing God-given rights.
Another day, another hare-brained argument from the smartest guy in the room.

Karl, how can it be possible that the mention of God-given rights appears in a document proclaiming political independence?

We clearly see two disparate concepts on one piece of paper. How can that be, Karl?
False equivalent because murder is against Gods law. Read and comprehend my post. You are once again trolling and being disingenuous.

You are dismissed.
If you have no right to self defense you get murdered. That's where the supposedly God-given right of self defense comes from. It's not only functionally the same it's literally exactly the same.