It's hyperbole to compare this to 20th century European fascism/totalitarianism, but not by much.
I've tried to spread the truth forthe last 15 to 20 years, concerning the left. The "left" (I hate to say liberalism, because liberalism used to be a pretty good thing) as it is currently constituted, is the very DEFINITION of a fascist totalitarian government. It dismays me when friends of mine, that are life-long Democrats/Liberals refuse to acknowledge that which is as plain as day; The Democrat party, in trying to be everything to everyone, has splintered itself, and forsaken what was once it's hardcore base. Middle class, working Americans. Folks that probably don't have a college degree, but learned a trade, or work in a factory. Those folks have, been f***ed over (as have minorities, particularly black Americans) by the Democrats for 6 decades. Not only have the Democrats not HELPED them, they've made things WORSE. It only takes an hour of honest research at the library to confirm this.
The "Elite" in this country don't sit in corporate board rooms, They all reside in Washington DC and they don't give two f***s about the middle and lower class, unless it gets close to election time.