Good thing those sheep gave up their privacy rights to be searched before entering...
Good thing those sheep gave up their privacy rights to be searched before entering...
And the few places that had "no beds" was due to exactly what you said ... "most facilities had to down staff", making less beds available for care. But he is not smart enough to put 2 and 2 together...No it doesn’t.
Let me explain this to you like you took the jab for a free donut…
I worked in ERs. I worked in Covid units. There was NO clogging of hospitals anywhere except NY but that’s a whole other thing I won’t get into with you. I know you can’t grasp this from your lazy boy, but hospitals are prepared for emergencies, pandemics, disasters. It’s part of our preparedness trainings. There’s whole teams dedicated to it. There’s overflow rooms, buildings, units, and sq footage ready for it. We even went so far to suspend outpatient and non emergent services across the country to make absolutely sure your CNN fearporn doomsday scenario didn’t happen.
The reality is…it was so slow that we were bored. Why do you think there’s so many healthcare worker videos dancing and all that other nonsense that went viral? There wasn’t squat to do. Most facilities had to down staff. And I frequented between three facilities in a metro area of 7.5m people not to mention the contacts I have across the country who all said the same.
You can call me a dumbass all you want…but I never caught Covid from a patient and never discriminated against vax or non vax. That’s not how it works, despite what Jimmy Kimmel convinced you of. Fast forward today, I know many who regret taking it and zero who wish they had. Neither party affects your life.
Seriously? Please? Resident Libs. I mean, C'mon, even you have to see the absurdity in this right?
At least Kentucky is trying to do their part to clean up the streets. Against the Governors wishes I would assume. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I wish they'd give the death sentence to people who deal fentanyl and opioids. Like on the spot.At least Kentucky is trying to do their part to clean up the streets. Against the Governors wishes I would assume. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Sweeping Kentucky crime bill moves closer to law after advancing in Senate committee
I wish they'd give the death sentence to people who deal fentanyl and opioids. Like on the spot.
You keep saying that it impacted you, but you could have stayed home right? we were told that those people should be okay with losing their livelihood/jobs if they didn't want to follow these things that are proven to be ineffective and actually did nothing. So why couldn't you just stay away from those dangerous people? Why did they have to stay home so you could "feel" safe? Lose their jobs so you didnt have to? In a just world, people that wanted it could have taken and wore their triple masks and those that didnt want to could have passed and then decide who they were comfortable to be around.Masks/vaccines impacted me and my family at the time.
When idiots are running to the ICU with Covid complications because they refused to get vaccines...that impacts my quality of care if I need access to hospital services.
Trans people taking meds has no impact on my life.
A woman seeking an abortion at a clinic has no impact on my life.
30 dumbasses clogging up the ER with Covid complications if I'm in a car wreck impacts me.
Your rights end where mine begin.
Masks/vaccines impacted me and my family at the time.
When idiots are running to the ICU with Covid complications because they refused to get vaccines...that impacts my quality of care if I need access to hospital services.
Trans people taking meds has no impact on my life.
A woman seeking an abortion at a clinic has no impact on my life.
30 dumbasses clogging up the ER with Covid complications if I'm in a car wreck impacts me.
Your rights end where mine begin.
Agreed. Manslaughter? When you know damn well you’re dealing lethal poison?I wish they'd give the death sentence to people who deal fentanyl and opioids. Like on the spot.
Sam needs to learn when to step away from a beatdown.More fear porn. “At capacity!” Oh no!
It’s not even worth trying to explain to you what a meaningless metric that is in the scheme of things in a hospital, but the reporting served its purpose on the public.
I work at large facilities in the Bay Area (7.8m people roughly) far from Turkeyfoot? USA. Is that “metropolitan” enough for you?
Here’s an excerpt of a more honest article I found from June 2020 and is reflective of my experience for the most part during the whole fiasco.
Across the Bay Area, hospitals are at least half full, some more than 80%, but mostly with non-COVID-19 patients. After months of planning and vigilant daily monitoring, hospital leaders said they’re cautiously optimistic that they can handle the spike in patients for now.
“We are not close to a scary number,” said Dr. Kathleen Clanon, medical director for Alameda County’s Health Care Services Agency. “I never want to say that we’re confident of anything with COVID-19 — the whole experience has been very humbling — but at this moment ... we have plenty of capacity in our hospitals, and we haven’t even come close to normal capacity, never mind surge capacity.”
Look at the big picture…when a gov is letting in 1000s of (unscreened for disease and illness) non citizens in a day at the border but telling your average Joe American they can’t go to church in order to “stop the spread”, or to the grocery unless they take a shot, you’re being played. Thats not a gov taking a so called pandemic seriously. When a Trump rally is a super spreader event but a BLM/Antifa rally is not, then you’re being played. It’s something else entirely going on and it’s anything but a gov worried about a pandemic. Maybe one day you’ll use the smallest amount of logic and figure it all out.
You must work at an immediate care doc in a box hospital. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
COVID crisis: No more ICU beds at 3 Bay Area hospitals
Three hospitals in the South Bay have reached ICU capacity, according to the Santa Clara County Health
Bay Area hospitals fill as record-breaking COVID-19 surge continues
The situation is even worse in Southern California, where ICU capacity hit 0%
The rules are only for some, and not all. That is the overwhelming message of our time.LOL the gutless judge lets Fannie stay and remove Wade.
China stealing intellectual property is their MO. when someone invents a widget and takes it over to china for production, they immediately reverse engineer it and start making their own knockoff version for dirt cheap. Hence we have TEMU.Awesome idea. I was invested pretty big (for me) into a clean coal co. they made scrubbers on coal fired plants and had new tech that took most of the Nox ( I think it was) out of the exhaust. China bought 5 of these from that co. They built one and China observed the construction. They were about 90% through the construction of the 2nd and China cancelled the contract and stole the tech and now the 300 new coal fired plants they have the tech they stole from a US co... (that I had bought stock in) and the US co went bankrupt.
Nobody in DC did shit about that... but they overwhelmingly vote to ban ticktok.... I just can't help but call bullshit.
Sam needs to learn when to step away from a beatdown.
HOPEFULLY people in the middle of the political spectrum are waking up to how absolutely corrupt our judicial system is.What a hilarious outcome. Corrupt Fani Willis can stay on the case if she hires a real prosecutor to replace the guy she hired simply because she was banging him.
I’m surprised the judge who donated to her campaign left her on the biggest case of her life.
There is an end game to it all. It's 99% about content and the fact TikTok allows open discourse and isn't banning conservative content. The DNC also pays "influencers" on there to spread the DNC propaganda too. Those people are obvious when you come across them. They're the ones doing live feeds with banners behind them saying something like "Who can imagine still not being vaxxed today". It's the discourse and people being able to openly communicate with each other through messages, videos, and even live chats that they don't want. They want that discourse stopped and censored. they couldn't give two shits about the data security issue, even though that's what they will pretend this is all based on. And no they won't stop at TikTok, X has a large Saudi investment I believe, in that they helped Elon finance the purchase. (i don't know all the details of that) but there is what could be construed as foreign ownership so you can bet they will be in the crosshairs.Awesome idea. I was invested pretty big (for me) into a clean coal co. they made scrubbers on coal fired plants and had new tech that took most of the Nox ( I think it was) out of the exhaust. China bought 5 of these from that co. They built one and China observed the construction. They were about 90% through the construction of the 2nd and China cancelled the contract and stole the tech and now the 300 new coal fired plants they have the tech they stole from a US co... (that I had bought stock in) and the US co went bankrupt.
Nobody in DC did shit about that... but they overwhelmingly vote to ban ticktok.... I just can't help but call bullshit.
They must make a mockery of democracy in order to save democracy, you see.So in today's Liberal "democracy", a Prosecutor can interfere in a election by trying to put the #1 candidate in jail, committ blatant purjury and LIE to a judge along the way and keep right on going.
We're worse than a 3rd world sh*t hole under Democrat "rule".
Pfffft...Phuch all them pansy ass diseases and whatnot. You got your Covid Vax and Boosters yet you Domestic Terrorist?Just wait until all these illegals are working in the food industry. What could go wrong?? Cases of vaccine-resistant Tuberculosis have also been reported. Votes justify the means though, right LiberL’s?? Most despicable act of my lifetime.
How to protect yourself from a forgotten disease now coming across the border
Your problem has always been that you can't seem to realize that perfect is the enemy of good.But hey. At least we’re focused on a forced divesture of TikTok to politically connected individuals who can run the platform as directed by the CIA and FBI, and not doing anything about China facilitating the poisoning our country with fentanyl.
The TikTok bill isn’t about stopping China from harming our country.
If you are paying any attention to the judicial and political system these days, you knew exactly what was not going to happen Fani.I’ll be surprised if anything happens to Fani. That judge was a complete pu$$y yesterday which leads me to believe him being a newer judge and up for reelection is going to use kid gloves on the poor old black female AG who clearly is a racist and believes she is untouchable by the way she acted yesterday. Am sure Soros’s people will make sure the judge “does what is best” for the cause.
NO one can routinely be this dense. It has to be the longest troll game effort in social media history. I need to respond less.
"Its easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled"It is very hard for some people to come to terms with being wrong.
Masks/vaccines impacted me and my family at the time.
When idiots are running to the ICU with Covid complications because they refused to get vaccines...that impacts my quality of care if I need access to hospital services.
Your problem has always been that you can't seem to realize that perfect is the enemy of good.
Trump says he asked for Troops but the Defense Secretary says BS. Zero proof.
Trump says he asked for Troops but NEVER made a single call from the Oval Office on Jan 6th as he watched the Capitol being attacked...FOR HOURS.
Not. One. Single. Phone. Call. Jan 6th.
Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6
New footage released Thursday of House lawmakers on Jan. 6 has sparked a resurgence of false claims and conspiracy theories about the
I guess I will say it, even though it’s not kosher: black people have been fed so much victimization that (some of them) seem to have no capacity for responsibility or even reality. I don’t know what Juwan said in response but the only correct answer would be that race had nothing to do with the record and that white guys get shitcanned every day.
I guess I will say it, even though it’s not kosher: black people have been fed so much victimization that (some of them) seem to have no capacity for responsibility or even reality. I don’t know what Juwan said in response but the only correct answer would be that race had nothing to do with the record and that white guys get shitcanned every day.
Shiff currently trails Steve Garvey in polling. Heh.I don't need Schiff to interpret what was said. Read it for yourself. It is unconstitutional to enlist a foreign country to dig up dirt on your political opponent period.
White House memo on Trump call with Ukraine president
White House memo on President Donald Trump's phone call with Ukrainian 's
Yes, President Trump Violated Campaign Finance Law by Asking Ukraine for a “Favor”
By directly requesting or suggesting that President Zelensky use Ukraine’s resources to help his reelection efforts, President Trump violated campaign finance