How will they rule ??!

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If Biden gets replaced on the ticket, this is exactly why I want Newsome to be the candidate.

Rolling blackouts, insane immigration policies, income based utility bills... good luck winning nationally with that on your resume lol.

That's why they don't leave it to "luck." It's a dead man's party. And there are a lot of zombies that will vote dem regardless of their destructive policies, if the candidate looks OK in photo ops.
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I don’t agree with that tax either.

If it’s simply about the kids…you regulate these apps pushing smut the same way you do it buying a Hustler in a gas station. You have to be 18. I think TikTok min age is 13. FB and Insta are 13 as well. If there is access to pornography, make it for adults or force them to clean up the apps with fines.

At the end of the day, kids will get their hands on it just like we did those gas station mags years ago regardless, just may have to work a bit harder for it.

Yep. It will discourage enough that it can make a difference
Again, data collection is just the excuse being used. They could care less about that. It’s more about being able to control a platform they can’t right now.
I appreciate that and i agree you are standing on principle. I do respect that and do not disagree with that principle one bit. I think there is something different than just a free speech issue. I believe Tiktok as we know it today is informational warfare. People need to recognize it for what it is, and something needs to be done about it. A consistent argument would be that FB, YT have also conducted informational warfare against the American populace as well. EDIT: I believe that they have ... and I wouldn't mind something being done about them too. Throw in the corporate uniparty media too.
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Like most 'pop' music nowadays, awful dreck. Just because it's some weirdo, trans activist 'singing' doesn't make it better or worse. It's a sh!t song regardless. The video is hard to watch because it's trying to normalize an individual's delusional behavior as somehow normal. Dylan Mulvaney may be many things, but 'normal' is not one of them.
Yea, pretty stupid what people fall for. A 30-something weirdo guy singing about girlhood should be offensive to all real women. But I see the beta cuck "males" on here like it.
So why do you get so worked up over abortions, as a self described fat, 50 something male?

How does THAT impact your life?

Village Idiot.

I guess if you're grooming 10 year olds, though, it might be very important. Paying child support for 18 years would suck! So, there is that...
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No it doesn’t.

Let me explain this to you like you took the jab for a free donut…

I worked in ERs. I worked in Covid units. There was NO clogging of hospitals anywhere except NY but that’s a whole other thing I won’t get into with you. I know you can’t grasp this from your lazy boy, but hospitals are prepared for emergencies, pandemics, disasters. It’s part of our preparedness trainings. There’s whole teams dedicated to it. There’s overflow rooms, buildings, units, and sq footage ready for it. We even went so far to suspend outpatient and non emergent services across the country to make absolutely sure your CNN fearporn doomsday scenario didn’t happen.

The reality is…it was so slow that we were bored. Why do you think there’s so many healthcare worker videos dancing and all that other nonsense that went viral? There wasn’t squat to do. Most facilities had to down staff. And I frequented between three facilities in a metro area of 7.5m people not to mention the contacts I have across the country who all said the same.

You can call me a dumbass all you want…but I never caught Covid from a patient and never discriminated against vax or non vax. That’s not how it works, despite what Jimmy Kimmel convinced you of. Fast forward today, I know many who regret taking it and zero who wish they had. Neither party affects your life.
I have to say I don’t know what to believe about the tik tok situation.

Why can’t it explicitly say that it applies only to the CCP?

And why are people like Rand Paul standing up for it when it’s a known tool of the CCP?

Very troubling. We have been sold out, people.
Paul is on the take from Tik-Tok
I think it’s a cancer too. But so is a lifetime of cigarette smoking…still people have the liberty to engage.

You start banning this and that…where does it end? And yes, I can’t stand the CCP. Maybe living in ban happy CA for years has made me more sensitive on the subject when it comes to being told what you can and can’t do.

China gets no more data from this app than they do from a myriad of other ways they have their tentacles in our country.
Not about the data at all. It’s the brainwashing of American youth.
Y'all are sitting here straight-faced questioning his economic academic credentials when he literally invented the word capitalism. Nobody, including Marx, preaches we should through brute force enforce equal outcome, equal resources communism tomorrow. If they do they're an idiot. But attaching all actions of authoritarian governments to their economic systems is ridiculous. If socialism gets every Mao and Stalin death then capitalism gets every death from something relatively small like today's problem of late diagnoses or insurance denials due to lack of universal healthcare, all the way back to the genocidal exploitation of entire races and continents for profit. Everything from the exploitation of the natural resources in all of the Americas, Africa, Australia, and Asia by Europe; to the atrocities committed to attain them from the natives; to the American chattel enslavement of an entire race just to profit from the whips on their backs; to the European wars of expansion that killed millions; to the toxic pollution of our environment for the sake of profit margins; to the imperialist corporate wars where young people fought and died to line the pockets of a select few and maintain their hegemony; to food insecurity, poverty, lack of mental healthcare, drug addiction, and homelessness in our own communities like Appalachia, Detroit, Mississippi, and San Francisco. Capitalism gets it all.
I appreciate that and i agree you are standing on principle. I do respect that and do not disagree with that principle one bit. I think there is something different than just a free speech issue. I believe Tiktok as we know it today is informational warfare. People need to recognize it for what it is, and something needs to be done about it. A consistent argument would be that FB, YT have also conducted informational warfare against the American populace as well. EDIT: I believe that they have ... and I wouldn't mind something being done about them too. Throw in the corporate uniparty media too.

It would take a supermajority to overturn the propaganda law Obama put in place, wouldn't it? The problem isn't Fb, TT, or YT but our govt is also influencing them to censor information the govt knows to be true. How do you change that? Agencies and depts that answer to no one but the people that put them there years and years ago.

Like the people Biden put on the payroll because they were part of his fictitious deanship at Penn funded by China that made criminal Joe 1M per year to do absolutely nothing....
I appreciate that and i agree you are standing on principle. I do respect that and do not disagree with that principle one bit. I think there is something different than just a free speech issue. I believe Tiktok as we know it today is informational warfare. People need to recognize it for what it is, and something needs to be done about it. A consistent argument would be that FB, YT have also conducted informational warfare against the American populace as well. EDIT: I believe that they have ... and I wouldn't mind something being done about them too. Throw in the corporate uniparty media too.
You know, it’s all Al Gores damn fault.

Phuch him for inventing the internet.
Then show me one military assault made by this invading force? You can’t because there haven’t been. You are the one who’s “patently naive” with your inherent prejudices being played on by those in power. Your assertion is just flat untrue and you have no reason for holding it other than bigotry. Migrants are the same people as you and me, not sleeper terrorists.
Pay up, Joe.