How will they rule ??!

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If you asked the citizens, no doubt the majority would vote to split. I know I would.

The ones who wouldn't want to are the politicians; the ones who knew they wouldn't survive without the right or would be out of a job.

But I'd love to be able to be done with the left and just give them the hardcore left regions anyways. No more dealing with their BS.

I actually think the next time democrats come into power it will be so radical and insane that many many Americans are going to start lobbying for a split. When reparation demands and pedophilia become the platform in 10 years, Southern christians aren't going to play anymore. The south could easily demand a split in the future.

The United States of America isn't really one country anyway. People abroad look at it as 50 nations under one flag. I never realized that until I played football in high school with a guy from South Africa. Listening to what he thought America to be was interesting.

I believe the way it was intended is for states to have full control over it's own laws. The federal government is there to help support the states as needed, and defense. That's it. Because of modern day politicians, that message never gets out. They don't want people to realize the states were supposed to be the power play.

But I do believe the left is going to go so far, that the south at minimum is going to want out. It would be a sad day for America, but at the same time, beauftul. The left could absolutely not survive on their own, void of conservative foreign policy and responsible adults. Without the right they couldn't fund half of the world to live in their side anyway. Seeing the destruction of the western states of America would be glorious. Maybe France would colonize and set up some camps over there or something.
All the bullshit and marketing signing all these executive orders and what is the substance? What is the reality of Trump's big campaign promises that you idiots think have been done already?

Border Wall? You really think Congress is going to give Trump 15 billion dollars for his wall? The whole idiotic idea of Mexico paying for it has been revealed as a pipe dream. Not going to happen. Chum in the water for gullible rubes to vote for a lunatic. Gone.

Banning Muslims? Watered down and now even what he signed an executive order on has been suspended by a Federal judge. Another empty hollow campaign promise that is never going to work.

Repealing Obamacare. LOL. Another marketing conjob in the form of a pointless executive order that does nothing. They'll change the color of the curtains and call it Trumpcare. Woo Hoo. Big change.

What you have got is a lot of loud brash infomercial marketing aimed squarely at stupid people: Trump's base. That's it. It all amounts to a carnival barking New York liberal that Howard Stern says only got into the presidential race as a bargaining tactic to get more money out of his TV show contract. He never imagined there would be people out there stupid enough to actually buy into his schtick.

Oh, there are. Many of them right here in this thread. Still gobbling the poop up as fast as Trump can shat it.

All the bullshit and marketing signing all these executive orders and what is the substance? What is the reality of Trump's big campaign promises that you idiots think have been done already?

Border Wall? You really think Congress is going to give Trump 15 billion dollars for his wall? The whole idiotic idea of Mexico paying for it has been revealed as a pipe dream. Not going to happen. Chum in the water for gullible rubes to vote for a lunatic. Gone.

Banning Muslims? Watered down and now even what he signed an executive order on has been suspended by a Federal judge. Another empty hollow campaign promise that is never going to work.

Repealing Obamacare. LOL. Another marketing conjob in the form of a pointless executive order that does nothing. They'll change the color of the curtains and call it Trumpcare. Woo Hoo. Big change.

What you have got is a lot of loud brash infomercial marketing aimed squarely at stupid people: Trump's base. That's it. It all amounts to a carnival barking New York liberal that Howard Stern says only got into the presidential race as a bargaining tactic to get more money out of his TV show contract. He never imagined there would be people out there stupid enough to actually buy into his schtick.

Oh, there are. Many of them right here in this thread. Still gobbling the poop up as fast as Trump can shat it.

You are totally out of touch. They do not care if his "promises" work to precision and they do not care if it is even in the image of Donald Trump that fails or succeeds. What they care about is the image of a US President who does actually resist, who does actually send that message, who does actually say those words "radical Islamic terrorism", and so on, etc. They care that the man in the Big House sends the message to rag-heads the world over, saying "we would rather you stay the f'k away." They have this, in this way they have succeeded, yet this you do not see. They do not care what you are unable to see. They do not care if he fails to garner the support of congress as necessary to enact major change to obamacare. They only care that a US President sends the message that those things are bad policy, they care to be validated this way, as people like you cared to be validated when sexually confused adult men were allowed to use the bathroom with our daughters, and validated you were. This is the difference between men like them, and men like you, and it pleases me to be the one to make this distinction, for why men like you are not man enough to understand them. There is nothing you can say to those men about what President Trump may or may not be able to do, on the basis of whether those things are practical or otherwise, that can make them feel the least bit sorry for why Hillary Clinton is not the US President. Trump was largely supported by men who do for themselves anyway, men who rely on themselves anyway. Another man's failure is tolerable when the cost is no worse than the previous man's successful destruction. Still though, it is no surprise your concentration on whether their political choice was valid lies within whether Trump is successful, as men like you are spun from a cloth of dependency, and rely, your life throughout, on your politicians, in their ability to succeed in fulfilling political promises, corrupt as those liberal promises are to men like me, virtuous and caring as they are to men like you. Same old, same old. Have a nice evening.
Let's just do a rough recap of all of the Islamic terrorism instances that have not swayed the left's minds on Islam. There's way too many to even come close to mentioning for the west let alone the world. Oh, and then compare it to their stances with gun grabs and white people doing something.

Madrid train bombings
London subway bombings
Boston Marathon bombing
Fort Hood shootings
2015 Chatanooga recruitment office shootings
Charlie Hebdo shootings
Attempt to kill people in the "Draw Muhammed contest"
Paris attacks
San Bernardino
French priest gets decapitated in church and nuns held hostage
Munich mall shooting
Berlin attack
Nice attack
Orlando gay nightclub shooting
Ohio State attack
Washington state mall shooting
UC Merced

These are just off the top of my head and I'm not even mentioning the knife attacks, terrorism outside the west, the rapes, etc. After all of this, the left refuses to even associate terrorism with Islam.

Keep in mind this is the same group who advocates for gun control when something happens, bashes our troops for killing someone overseas and will blame whites or anything to claim a "systematic wide problem."

Then we are told by these people if we are critical of them that we are "Islamophobic." If we don't want to have open borders and rush them in here, they cry, "You better let them in because if you don't, they will become terrorists."

I thought terrorism had nothing to do with Islam? ;)
Let's just do a rough recap of all of the Islamic terrorism instances that have not swayed the left's minds on Islam. There's way too many to even come close to mentioning for the west let alone the world. Oh, and then compare it to their stances with gun grabs and white people doing something.

Madrid train bombings
London subway bombings
Boston Marathon bombing
Fort Hood shootings
2015 Chatanooga recruitment office shootings
Charlie Hebdo shootings
Attempt to kill people in the "Draw Muhammed contest"
Paris attacks
San Bernardino
French priest gets decapitated in church and nuns held hostage
Munich mall shooting
Berlin attack
Nice attack
Orlando gay nightclub shooting
Ohio State attack
Washington state mall shooting
UC Merced

These are just off the top of my head and I'm not even mentioning . . .
I thought terrorism had nothing to do with Islam? ;)

Well, if I could request a polite inclusion for the original, Feb. 1993 WTC bombing that killed six Americans, including a woman 7 months pregnant, also injured approximately a thousand. Somehow this is routinely forgotten. And why not? It was instantly forgotten by Bill Clinton, having occurred just the month after he become US President, and dealt with nada for the remaining 7 years and 11 months of his presidency. Instead, he sent the Feds after the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas two days later. Yeah, great president, Bill Clinton.

Eventually, each of the radical Islamic terrorists were caught, save for Abdul Rhaman Yahsin (not sure about that spelling), who was taken into custody and questioned by the Feds in single digit days after the 1993 WTC bombing. But they let him go soon after. He was found in an Iraq prison in the early 2000s for a time, and even interviewed there by major US media (60 minutes or something like that). Yet somehow he got out of prison prior to the invasion. Probably living right under our noses somewhere thanks to the perpetual welcome mat laid out for people like him by our previous administration, recent court ruling, and by the virtuous emotional support of moral posters like Z. But make no mistake, David Koresh and seventy-something "worshipers" are f'king DEAD. Almost puts me in a state of some odd vertigo, to accept those events were almost a 1/4 century ago.
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Border Wall? You really think Congress is going to give Trump 15 billion dollars for his wall? The whole idiotic idea of Mexico paying for it has been revealed as a pipe dream. Not going to happen. Chum in the water for gullible rubes to vote for a lunatic. Gone.

[laughing] It's already been authorized. Congress is already on board, they have to be. They know this is the one thing Trump will not back down on. No way, no how. The wall is a given at this point. If they want any political capital going forward, giving him this is their only option.

Also, does General Kelly really come across as the type of man who likes to bullshit and waste, not only his own time, but other's as well?

After the trip, he came away more confident than before, saying he thinks it could be finished in two years.
DHS Head John Kelly Says He Only Needs Two Years to Build That Wall

Banning Muslims? Has been suspended by a Federal judge.

Revisit this in a few weeks. All they're doing is holding up the process. Once it goes through for good, Trump might even give them the middle finger and start the 90 day clock over.

New York liberal

That has appointed one of the most conservative cabinets and chosen the most conservative nominee from his Scotus list. If only the rest of you were as liberal as him, then the ideology might be worth a damn.
If you asked the citizens, no doubt the majority would vote to split. I know I would.

The ones who wouldn't want to are the politicians; the ones who knew they wouldn't survive without the right or would be out of a job.

But I'd love to be able to be done with the left and just give them the hardcore left regions anyways. No more dealing with their BS.

IMO a split up of the USA results in the final m significant collapse of capitalism (which Marx predicted ... i.e. Capitalism has no choice but to continue seeking new markets - but will eventually run out of options and the whole thing is supposed to come apart)

I believe that a "Balkanization" of the USA would harm more than just to the inter-state/regional/cultural entities here.

I'm sure this isn't news to anyone here but confidence in the USA is slipping from nearly every significant corner of the world.

Powerful nations like Russia and China are seeking alternatives to using the US Dollar (for an example of this - look back to the agreement they cut about a year ago to start handling some of their energy related business [Natural Gas / Gazprom] with alternating support from the Ruble and Renminbi - the dollar was dropped.

Now Iran has threatened to drop the dollar as well -- here's a link from Forbes:
.....damn - there has to be a better-looking way to add a link than that.....that looks like Fred Sanford's garage....

Any who

I'm not an economist and I don't know all the details - but it seems to make good sense that you have the potential for increased economic damage to the US economy if fewer nations continue to use the dollar.

Now factor in the potential for a breakup of the nation -- and I would expect that you'd see counties rising to make local/regional arrangements (assuming they hadn't already done it)

So the string of events continues from there...
Since the US Dollar is the world reserve currency the expanding crises thats described above would likely spell the end for capitalism (in the original Marxist sense) and also probably usher in a major war (if history is any indicator)

So then the world would need to regroup -- and (barring some fairly predictable wildcards) they would probably march under the banner of some type of socialism......which, according to Marx and Engels, is only a temporary stage of human evolution ANYWAY ....socialism's intent is to lead to Communism.

So I agree with Lincoln -- we can't afford to have the Union dissolve

If CA truly starts to secede, then let them learn the lesson of the CSA -- send in federal troops and quash the movement at all costs.
Another creepy angle to the scenario above (as if it weren't creepy enough) - is that the voluntary breakup of the USA would seem to play right into the hands of what someone like G Soros wants.....we'd be essentially guaranteeing the emergence of a New World Order that would be more than words and would soon probably carry the same authority as a national superpower - it would be the end of a significant era much like WW1 was the end of the more traditional monarchial arrangements in Eurasia

It almost seems like the kind of scenario where we think we're acting of our own free will but we've been engineered to do what we're doing
Sleeping walking through life and through history while someone else pulls the strings....

Which reminds me of this great quote from George Orwell (from "All Art is Propaganda" - the Essay within that collection is called Politics vs Literature)

In that article he states that, " of the aims of totalitarianism is not merely to make sure that people will think the right thoughts, but actually to make them less conscious"
[emphasis his]
Let's just do a rough recap of all of the Islamic terrorism instances that have not swayed the left's minds on Islam. There's way too many to even come close to mentioning for the west let alone the world. Oh, and then compare it to their stances with gun grabs and white people doing something.

Madrid train bombings
London subway bombings
Boston Marathon bombing
Fort Hood shootings
2015 Chatanooga recruitment office shootings
Charlie Hebdo shootings
Attempt to kill people in the "Draw Muhammed contest"
Paris attacks
San Bernardino
French priest gets decapitated in church and nuns held hostage
Munich mall shooting
Berlin attack
Nice attack
Orlando gay nightclub shooting
Ohio State attack
Washington state mall shooting
UC Merced

These are just off the top of my head and I'm not even mentioning the knife attacks, terrorism outside the west, the rapes, etc. After all of this, the left refuses to even associate terrorism with Islam.

Keep in mind this is the same group who advocates for gun control when something happens, bashes our troops for killing someone overseas and will blame whites or anything to claim a "systematic wide problem."

Then we are told by these people if we are critical of them that we are "Islamophobic." If we don't want to have open borders and rush them in here, they cry, "You better let them in because if you don't, they will become terrorists."

I thought terrorism had nothing to do with Islam? ;)

Yea but there was some white guy who shot up an abortion clinic a few years or decades back........- Fuzz
Well, if I could request a polite inclusion for the original, Feb. 1993 WTC bombing that killed six Americans, including a woman 7 months pregnant, also injured approximately a thousand. Somehow this is routinely forgotten. And why not? It was instantly forgotten by Bill Clinton, having occurred just the month after he become US President, and dealt with nada for the remaining 7 years and 11 months of his presidency. Instead, he sent the Feds after the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas two days later. Yeah, great president, Bill Clinton.

Eventually, each of the radical Islamic terrorists were caught, save for Abdul Rhaman Yahsin (not sure about that spelling), who was taken into custody and questioned by the Feds in single digit days after the 1993 WTC bombing. But they let him go soon after. He was found in an Iraq prison in the early 2000s for a time, and even interviewed there by major US media (60 minutes or something like that). Yet somehow he got out of prison prior to the invasion. Probably living right under our noses somewhere thanks to the perpetual welcome mat laid out for people like him by our previous administration, recent court ruling, and by the virtuous emotional support of moral posters like Z. But make no mistake, David Koresh and seventy-something "worshipers" are f'king DEAD. Almost puts me in a state of some odd vertigo, to accept those events were almost a 1/4 century ago.

Waco and Katrina are the reasons listed by many NRA nuts like myself for what we do. If the government wants to disarm or slaughter you, they can and have done it.
Asian guy dropping the mic on Shia LaBeouf's stupid project. [cheers]

[laughing] I'm not laughing at him or anything he said. I'm laughing at the fact that I've tried to explain, debated this time and again with a couple of the liberals in this thread and liberals that I personally know.

Those guys are more than likely your average, shit posting, kek meme worshipping alt-righters from 4chan, 8chan, etc..., yet liberals will have you believe they're all a bunch of white supremacy Nazis, who are a greater threat to our society than Islamic terrorists.
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Idiot Robert Reich on CNN fake news show Don Lemon tonight spouting absolute nonsense. Now the protesters are all Alt right paid protesters. "paramilitary".[laughing] Nice way to use some of that reverse reality to whats happening on the left.

If CA truly starts to secede, then let them learn the lesson of the CSA -- send in federal troops and quash the movement at all costs.

California is $454 billion in debt. They will never make it on their own. Not with their generous handout program such as the one in San Fran that gives $300 bucks a month for illegals.

It's all a pipe dream. I'm not sure Hillary wins California if it wasn't for the illegal votes.

I agree with everything you pointed out. I also think we are waking up to the terrors of globalization.
Idiot Robert Reich on CNN fake news show Don Lemon tonight spouting absolute nonsense. Now the protesters are all Alt right paid protesters. "paramilitary".[laughing] Nice way to use some of that reverse reality to whats happening on the left.

Someone should make him aware that the left wing group Antifa was responsible, and that the radical left has not only claimed it, but are defending it.
for anyone that thinks pedophilia is going to be part of the democratic platform, why do you believe this? Is there anything to suggest that's ultimately their goal? This makes no sense
Does anyone think it's going to be part of the Democrat platform?

I mean sure, there are a bunch of peds in and around Clinton's inner circle, and Democrats in CA have decriminalized the act of a child selling his or her body, but I don't think they'll make it a part of their platform, per se.
for anyone that thinks pedophilia is going to be part of the democratic platform, why do you believe this? Is there anything to suggest that's ultimately their goal? This makes no sense

I don't think the public has enough information on what's going on behind the scenes.

I don't think pedophilia is a part of their platform. That's crazy. But there is definitely a movement happening within the party to portray pedophiles as "victims". Like Ted Nickerson from leftwing fake news site, Salon, with the article, I'm a pedophile, not a monster"

California is $454 billion in debt. They will never make it on their own. Not with their generous handout program such as the one in San Fran that gives $300 bucks a month for illegals.
NYC is in the same position. A welfare state with plenty of handouts to go around. Basically a dependency. $100 billion in debt that they could possibly never pay off, so they'll just keep borrowing more, paid for by the rest of the state and country.
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NYC is in the same position. A welfare state with plenty of handouts to go around. Basically a dependency. $100 billion in debt that they could possibly never pay off, so they'll just keep borrowing more, paid for by the rest of the state and country.


Cavuto: Trump is no saint, but media are hardly without sin

Think quick, What's the difference between the markets and the media when it comes to Donald Trump?

Give up?

One trades up on what he says

The other talks down what he says.

One is making money betting on what he is doing.

The other's still trying to make sense of what he is doing.

One is seeing green

The other still seeing red.

It is as if the mainstream media just can't get Trump, so they continue fighting the same-old battle going after Trump.

That's consistent.

So is their inconsistency

Like saying there's zero evidence of widespread voter fraud in the last election.

But apparently plenty of evidence the Russians hacked that election.

I guess that means zero evidence voter fraud affected those election results.

But zero doubt the Russians likely did affect those election results.

So "hint" that the Russians might have altered the outcome.

But unequivocally dismiss fake voting might have been "part" of the outcome.

Whatever suits your case. Or your bias.

Question whether Trump would accept the results of that election before votes were cast because you had your doubts.

Don't even bother asking Hillary Clinton the same question because you had no doubt.

Call his different set of facts "lies" when it comes to judging the size of crowds for this president.

But yours, nothing short of an innocent oversight, when you overlook a Martin Luther King bust in the office of this president.

Your facts are reliable

His are not.

He's thin-skinned when he has the nerve to question your reporting.

You're not when you have the nerve to question his questioning your reporting.

He's a loose cannon.

You're just loose with the facts.

He botches things his first days in the White House.

You're not, when you said he'd never make it to the white house.

He's petty when he calls out what you got wrong, and says it's fake news.

You're not when you report him saying that and still insist you're just reporting the news.

So the New York Times can say Trump lies on its front page.

But Hillary Clinton just "evolves" explaining any position on any page.

Donald trump's crowds are crass and loud.

Million women marcher crowds are brave and virtuous.

So you all but report he's a clown, even though it's your reporting that's been a joke.

He's too wrapped up in grudges, even though you seem the one intent on settling old scores.

He won't cut you breaks, so you won't cut him slack.

Who's smaller?

The media firing the shots or the president who is calling the shots?

Look, you're free not to buy his facts.

But you're not free to pick and choose your own facts.

Just like you're free to go after his excuses.

But make no note of your own.

No, his are doozies.

Yours make me delirious.

Because, as bad as some of his poll numbers look, yours look worse.

All of us in the media, much worse. Trust me.

He's no saint.

But you folks are hardly without sin.

Because words matter.

Just like you insist crowds matter.

Like when you say his don't measure up.

Even though during the campaign they were breaking records, yet you never, ever brought it up.

No, he's reckless.

You're righteous.

His executive orders are over-reach.

His predecessor's under-reported.

Face it, say it. You hate this president.

Scream it, admit it, you loved the last president. It's okay.

That guy could almost do no wrong.

This one, just about nothing right.

You're free not to like him. So quit feigning shock when he doesn't like you.

Only he has the gumption to say it, even crudely.

You're just more sneaky faking it, what's the word?


That's why, for the moment, investors are buying his story.

Not your story.

Which is their way of saying, he's a buy.

And you're a sell.

Which is why they're shorting you.

I think it's their way of saying, they see no value at all, in you.

*Edited to add video
Last edited:
Cavuto: Trump is no saint, but media are hardly without sin

Think quick, What's the difference between the markets and the media when it comes to Donald Trump?

Give up?

One trades up on what he says

The other talks down what he says.

One is making money betting on what he is doing.

The other's still trying to make sense of what he is doing.

One is seeing green

The other still seeing red.

It is as if the mainstream media just can't get Trump, so they continue fighting the same-old battle going after Trump.

That's consistent.

So is their inconsistency

Like saying there's zero evidence of widespread voter fraud in the last election.

But apparently plenty of evidence the Russians hacked that election.

I guess that means zero evidence voter fraud affected those election results.

But zero doubt the Russians likely did affect those election results.

So "hint" that the Russians might have altered the outcome.

But unequivocally dismiss fake voting might have been "part" of the outcome.

Whatever suits your case. Or your bias.

Question whether Trump would accept the results of that election before votes were cast because you had your doubts.

Don't even bother asking Hillary Clinton the same question because you had no doubt.

Call his different set of facts "lies" when it comes to judging the size of crowds for this president.

But yours, nothing short of an innocent oversight, when you overlook a Martin Luther King bust in the office of this president.

Your facts are reliable

His are not.

He's thin-skinned when he has the nerve to question your reporting.

You're not when you have the nerve to question his questioning your reporting.

He's a loose cannon.

You're just loose with the facts.

He botches things his first days in the White House.

You're not, when you said he'd never make it to the white house.

He's petty when he calls out what you got wrong, and says it's fake news.

You're not when you report him saying that and still insist you're just reporting the news.

So the New York Times can say Trump lies on its front page.

But Hillary Clinton just "evolves" explaining any position on any page.

Donald trump's crowds are crass and loud.

Million women marcher crowds are brave and virtuous.

So you all but report he's a clown, even though it's your reporting that's been a joke.

He's too wrapped up in grudges, even though you seem the one intent on settling old scores.

He won't cut you breaks, so you won't cut him slack.

Who's smaller?

The media firing the shots or the president who is calling the shots?

Look, you're free not to buy his facts.

But you're not free to pick and choose your own facts.

Just like you're free to go after his excuses.

But make no note of your own.

No, his are doozies.

Yours make me delirious.

Because, as bad as some of his poll numbers look, yours look worse.

All of us in the media, much worse. Trust me.

He's no saint.

But you folks are hardly without sin.

Because words matter.

Just like you insist crowds matter.

Like when you say his don't measure up.

Even though during the campaign they were breaking records, yet you never, ever brought it up.

No, he's reckless.

You're righteous.

His executive orders are over-reach.

His predecessor's under-reported.

Face it, say it. You hate this president.

Scream it, admit it, you loved the last president. It's okay.

That guy could almost do no wrong.

This one, just about nothing right.

You're free not to like him. So quit feigning shock when he doesn't like you.

Only he has the gumption to say it, even crudely.

You're just more sneaky faking it, what's the word?


That's why, for the moment, investors are buying his story.

Not your story.

Which is their way of saying, he's a buy.

And you're a sell.

Which is why they're shorting you.

I think it's their way of saying, they see no value at all, in you.
Should be required reading for all MSM.
I don't think the public has enough information on what's going on behind the scenes.

I don't think pedophilia is a part of their platform. That's crazy. But there is definitely a movement happening within the party to portray pedophiles as "victims". Like Ted Nickerson from leftwing fake news site, Salon, with the article, I'm a pedophile, not a monster"

Slippery slope not-so-fallacy. First, normalize as much degenerate behavior as possible in the public eye. Start with the less-depraved actions, work your way toward bestiality, pedophilia, coprophilia, necrophilia, et cetera. That shit was a prime factor of the Roman Empire falling.
Slippery slope not-so-fallacy. First, normalize as much degenerate behavior as possible in the public eye. Start with the less-depraved actions, work your way toward bestiality, pedophilia, coprophilia, necrophilia, et cetera. That shit was a prime factor of the Roman Empire falling.

All the bullshit and marketing signing all these executive orders and what is the substance? What is the reality of Trump's big campaign promises that you idiots think have been done already?

Border Wall? You really think Congress is going to give Trump 15 billion dollars for his wall? The whole idiotic idea of Mexico paying for it has been revealed as a pipe dream. Not going to happen. Chum in the water for gullible rubes to vote for a lunatic. Gone.

Banning Muslims? Watered down and now even what he signed an executive order on has been suspended by a Federal judge. Another empty hollow campaign promise that is never going to work.

Repealing Obamacare. LOL. Another marketing conjob in the form of a pointless executive order that does nothing. They'll change the color of the curtains and call it Trumpcare. Woo Hoo. Big change.

What you have got is a lot of loud brash infomercial marketing aimed squarely at stupid people: Trump's base. That's it. It all amounts to a carnival barking New York liberal that Howard Stern says only got into the presidential race as a bargaining tactic to get more money out of his TV show contract. He never imagined there would be people out there stupid enough to actually buy into his schtick.

Oh, there are. Many of them right here in this thread. Still gobbling the poop up as fast as Trump can shat it.

Z the problem is you act as if you've gobbled it all up. Two weeks in you expected 4 years worth of policy should be done? Did you really buy into what Trump said he would and EXPECT to be complete in 2 weeks?

I'd say the groundwork is laid for a successful 4 years but you wouldn't dare pay attention to the reality of what's going on here. Nope you've bought into the idiocy of what CNN tells you is the story and you as well as they focus on that.

Congrats on being able to ignore some success while focusing on punchlines that were meant to distract idiots from reality. Democrats been playing the "news" punchline game on their sheep for years now.
CastleRubic the problem isn't America will crumble from within. The problem is capatilism tried to share the wealth globally which it never should have been forced to do. Our markets were designed to benefit from foreign countries by shipping our goods globally, but when we shipped the jobs globally and tried to profit we spread the wealth and created the worst case scenario for this govt.

Globalism is not a path we should ever want. I understand capitalism needs new markets for growth, I've seen that, but that is completely different than the path we took.

As we step back from the last 24 years America will be better served moving forward. The globalist are plenty powerful to give us BS to watch on TV as resistance but they will lose.
Think about's own party questioning the recommendations of the President. Open discussion. I like it, when was the last time the Dems...or even Republicans really challenged one of their own openly? (Probably happens more than I realize but I don't remember many Dems ever questioning Obama.)

House Republicans face opposition to their plan to overhaul the way corporations pay federal taxes from a powerful group of lawmakers - other Republicans.
for anyone that thinks pedophilia is going to be part of the democratic platform, why do you believe this? Is there anything to suggest that's ultimately their goal? This makes no sense
just wondering how members of groups like the North America Man Boy Love Assoc voted? may be wrong but i'guess the majority would be dems
Can't trump the constitution
You mean the Constitution that doesn't afford rights to non citizens? Hate to tell you, but some Muslim, or Christian for that matter, living in Iraq does not have constitutional U.S. rights. It's going to be awfully funny when the ban goes back into place because of the Constitution.
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Wonder what the sneaky bastards were trying to access? Democrats stealing from and hacking the U.S. government now. Traitors.

Police probing IT contractors for House Dems over ‘unauthorized’ computer access

U.S. Capitol Police are probing the activities of several IT contractors who worked for dozens of House Democrats after they allegedly inappropriately accessed House computers, took congressional computer hardware and made questionable IT-related purchases on behalf of lawmakers.

Fox News is told the contract employees, shared by about 40 House Democratic members, removed hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment from offices, including computers and servers. There also were bookkeeping and inventory irregularities where the employees would purchase equipment at one price, bill the congressional office for another and potentially pocket the difference.

Fox News is told the employees made “unauthorized access” to the House computer system.

Further, there were instances where House information was discovered in an external “cloud” server. The contractors in question reportedly were sending and storing House-related information in that off-site server.