How will they rule ??!

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I got somethin for'm.

The left dont wanna battle., it be over quicker than the 6 day war.
By hit back, you mean groups of cowards in ski masks using mace on unarmed people. If it ever came down to it Z, the right would kick leftist butt. The anti-Trumpers are mostly women and gays. Hardly a fearsome group. By the way, which are you?

The just interviewed a man on FOX that was at the Berkeley riot. Said he was at a locked door asking for help and a cop on the other side just stared at him. Did nothing.

He said they paid the cops for security. The cops are giving the money back.

What kind of bullshit is that? If you are going to a conservative rally, you better arm yourself.

I dont understand why these people arent armed around these events. I own 6 Glocks, I'd even lett'm borrow one.
I want to make couple of more comments. First, apparently you did not read my post very well. Insurance should cover catastrophic events, such as heart attack, cancer, getting hit by a car, etc. I specifically mentioned routine care. Those can certainly be shopped and competition introduced. Also, for routine care, people do respond to a price signal for health care. If the marginal cost of going to the doctor, the demand will increase, and it has.

Even major procedures respond to a price signal. There are people in the this country that have traveled to India to have by-pass surgery, etc., because the price is significantly less expensive there and apparently there are a few hospitals with high quality care. You obviously can't price/quality shop in an emergency, but you can for any subsequent surgeries and procedures, even major ones.

Second, if you understand the definition of a right in the context of our Constitution, you would know that health care can never be a right. It may be something that society decides to provide for everyone, but it can never be a right. No one can ever have a right to another person's labor. Now if you are hung up on a European view of the world, the State can grant rights to citizens. That, however, flies in the face of liberty and is not consistent with our view of the world and liberty as we define it. .
If someone has a sinus infection and they go to the ER, they should pay for the whole thing out of pocket. That would put a stop to people going to the ER for everything.
Good Lord you're an ignorant POS.
Yeah, "the left" is a monolithic being...they're all alike.[roll]
Rightist like to strike out at education because they don't have one. If you did then you would realize that the two extremes of both sides are actually quite a bit alike.

The left votes in lock step on capital hill. It's all one way, there is no in fighting like there has been on the republican side. And look where it's gotten you all thinking and voting the same. Eve the leftist on the supreme court are one sided and pitiful.

You might not believe in everything a liberal stands for, but it doesn't matter, you vote for that degenerate party. and whatever your individual feelings are means shit.

Western European values, disgusting morals, and little respectability. 100% across the board. If it weren't for Manchin, I'm not sure you'd have one person on the democratic side that resembles the traditional democratic party. It's a totally different lobby today.

So we get a German newspaper showing Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty and an Irish magazine showing a scope on Trump to assassinate him.

Wow! If that's not an indictment of how insane the left is and how infected journalism has become with radicals

Germany, throughout history, has been all ver the map on issues, to the most extremes of both sides.

The most pitiful of the white race, always has been.
Interesting how all of these "bigots" have no issues with Buddhists or Hindus or Jews. It's interesting that this ONE CULTURE/IDEOLOGY (Islam) has issues with EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

Not wanting to be blown up, be victim of a shooting spree, knife attacks, get run over with a truck or have your women raped by total savages somehow makes us the bad guys.

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If it was me, I'd be a little cautious around some of those flamboyant gays. A lot of them had to learn to fight to make it through wherever they grew up.

Now the little snowflake hipsters? Nothing to worry about there...
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The convoy in kentucky displaying the trump flag were navy seals. You should watch buds training on youtube to see what these men go thru for us
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The butthurt is strong in this thread. So many snowflakes we might have a white out.

Kind of ironic that the Alt right snowflakes whitened everything up with all their sweet delicious tears. I think I'll drink another glass full.
A leftist Washington State judge has blocked Trumps refugee ban.
It's only temporary. There weren't any WH/DHS lawyers even in the courtroom to litigate on the contrary. Judge deemed it unconstitutional only based on the arguments of liberal civil rights groups and lawyers.

Once the WH appeals and sends its lawyers in it'll be overturned. Non U.S. citizens who aren't in the U S. do not have constitutional rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.
If it was me, I'd be a little cautious around some of those flamboyant gays. A lot of them had to learn to fight to make it through wherever they grew up.

Now the little snowflake hipsters? Nothing to worry about there...
Throw all these radicals in jail. Damn commies. And supposedly something's wrong when me and brother Willy drink a few beers.

Is there no justice?
We need to find a way to to help these nut jobs get what they want. Every liberal needs to take in an immigrant to stay with them for one year. If they can't go the distance, both must go to the country the immigrant came from. If they do make it, legal status for their board. Oh yeah, one other stipulation, the lib must pay for it themselves and not live off of the hard working taxpayer.
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We need to find a way to to help these nut jobs get what they want. Every liberal needs to take in an immigrant to stay with them for one year. If they can't go the distance, both must go to the country the immigrant came from. If they do make it, legal status for their board. Oh yeah, one other stipulation, the lib must pay for it themselves and not live off of the hard working taxpayer.
I say just give em Oregon Washington cali and NY as new settlements with all residents being liberals
College campus liberals have reached Islamic mob status. All you have to do to these eccentrics is say something bad about liberalism or draw a cartoon of Hillary, and they ferment into third world outrage.
Theres never really been a difference between terrorists and liberals tbh. Speak out against either group and that group tries to destroy you.

Radical leftists are no different than radical islamists.
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If you asked the citizens, no doubt the majority would vote to split. I know I would.

The ones who wouldn't want to are the politicians; the ones who knew they wouldn't survive without the right or would be out of a job.

But I'd love to be able to be done with the left and just give them the hardcore left regions anyways. No more dealing with their BS.
It's only temporary. There weren't any WH/DHS lawyers even in the courtroom to litigate on the contrary. Judge deemed it unconstitutional only based on the arguments of liberal civil rights groups and lawyers.

Once the WH appeals and sends its lawyers in it'll be overturned. Non U.S. citizens who aren't in the U S. do not have constitutional rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.
Just read it was a Bush appointed Judge. Pathetic.

Like you said, its not unconstitutional. Hopefully the DHS won't comply with the ruling.
Just read it was a Bush appointed Judge.
That's nothing but a Democrat talking point. Regardless of who appointed him he's still as liberal as they come.

Them saying "Well, Bush appointment the judge who put a temporary halt on the order" is only trying to mislead that he's some moderate or conservative judge going against big, bad, meanie Trump.
President Obama had to pay for his vacation himself - they also have to pay for their own food and pretty much everything in the White House - even bathroom tissue. Presidents basically get housing, security, and transportation on top of the $400k salary.
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Hannity is live, outdoors, at the Super Bowl in Houston surrounded by hundreds of Trump supporters.

Where are all the eccentrics at? Why aren't they out there violently protesting to shout his Nazi rhetoric down, standing up to fascism? Are they scared when it's not hundreds vs a few?

We all see it for exactly what it is. Those cowards only have courage in insurmountable numbers. Basically, they're all pussies.
Hopefully the DHS won't comply with the ruling.
Just read that they have to or face possible contempt charges. Also read that what's probably going to happen is the WH/DHS will file an appeal and send their lawyers this time to litigate the case. Since that my take some time, in the meantime they'll file for an injunction that blocks the judge's block.
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Just read that they have to or face possible contempt charges. Also read that what's probably going to happen is the WH/DHS will file an appeal and send their lawyers this time to litigate the case. Since that my take some time, in the meantime they'll file for an injunction that blocks the judge's block.
The ONLY mistake Trump made IMO is not waiting for Sessions to be confirmed before he did this EO. Then again, maybe he assumed Sessions would've been voted in pretty quickly, so he did it anyway, which didn't happen. I think if Sessions was there these issues would be fought pretty quickly.
The ONLY mistake Trump made IMO is not waiting for Sessions to be confirmed before he did this EO. Then again, maybe he assumed Sessions would've been voted in pretty quickly, so he did it anyway, which didn't happen. I think if Sessions was there these issues would be fought pretty quickly.
True, but with how the Democrats are trying to play the confirmations, I don't think Republicans mind Sessions being delayed.

Right now he's a major wildcard in their back pocket because he's still part of the Senate and gets a vote just like the rest of them. Which his vote will obviously go to their side. It's looking like they'll definitely need him for the Devos confirmation vote.
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Throw all these radicals in jail. Damn commies. And supposedly something's wrong when me and brother Willy drink a few beers.

Is there no justice?
Is prohibition back also? Did The Donald execute another suddenly legitimate EO? Crap!! Just got a brewery passport at Ethereal.
All the bullshit and marketing signing all these executive orders and what is the substance? What is the reality of Trump's big campaign promises that you idiots think have been done already?

Border Wall? You really think Congress is going to give Trump 15 billion dollars for his wall? The whole idiotic idea of Mexico paying for it has been revealed as a pipe dream. Not going to happen. Chum in the water for gullible rubes to vote for a lunatic. Gone.

Banning Muslims? Watered down and now even what he signed an executive order on has been suspended by a Federal judge. Another empty hollow campaign promise that is never going to work.

Repealing Obamacare. LOL. Another marketing conjob in the form of a pointless executive order that does nothing. They'll change the color of the curtains and call it Trumpcare. Woo Hoo. Big change.

What you have got is a lot of loud brash infomercial marketing aimed squarely at stupid people: Trump's base. That's it. It all amounts to a carnival barking New York liberal that Howard Stern says only got into the presidential race as a bargaining tactic to get more money out of his TV show contract. He never imagined there would be people out there stupid enough to actually buy into his schtick.

Oh, there are. Many of them right here in this thread. Still gobbling the poop up as fast as Trump can shat it.