How will they rule ??!

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I was in a waiting room yesterday morning at a medical facility and had to watch a CBS talking head show. They were discussing the latest attack in France and dude said "...was reported to have shouted "God is great" in Arabic." Why did they shy away from using his exact words? Is it because alluhah Akbar has been associated with Islamic terrorism?

They are protecting us from the truth by never reporting it. Thanks msm, I can just keep working and let you guys worry about the little things.

Those exact words were used by the local talking head on the Fox affiliate in Louisville. They all got the liberal MSM correct usage email, I guess.
Truth hurts so why am I surprised you would characterize it as, moronic. The numbers are what is paid in federal tax vs what is returned in federal tax...including subsidies.
What is moronic is that you would attempt to argue such a well documented fact.

I characterizing the people who think the numbers mean anything as moronic.

Honestly, I would like to see your numbers. You're saying they do account for the fact that states like NY, CA, and IL have very high state tax rates, and the resident individuals and business taxpayers of those states get deductions for those high state taxes they're paying, reducing their federal income tax bills? So the subsidization is factored in?
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What do you think happens to that economy when it's forced to pay additional tax on everything it does with other states? Or when it takes several months to get an auto plant up and going? Or when they try to get all those dependants up and working?

No water. No power.

Then add in all the new welfare immigrants.

But, I'm sure it would be utopia
Guess you're forgetting the taxes it would be receiving from states. CA would be a net exporter. It already has auto plants.
More brilliant points. I'm sure California and New York need to take lessons from Arkansas and Mississippi on how to get things done. The hive of economic prowess known as the Southeastern United States is a model of economic efficiency and talent for the rest of the world to marvel at. You guys are geniuses.
You really have limited reasoning abilities. People can move just like businesses. They don't have to replace all of their employees to relocate. Employees move with companies all the time.
Truth hurts so why am I surprised you would characterize it as, moronic. The numbers are what is paid in federal tax vs what is returned in federal tax...including subsidies.
What is moronic is that you would attempt to argue such a well documented fact.
Take a look at the electoral map of California in the last election. Take notice of how many counties voted red vs how many voted blue. Moronic would be thinking all the people and businesses in CA would remain there if there was a secession.

Talk of secession is moronic because liberals hatched the idea. Once again they have thought with their asses and not with their brains.
I'm just happy that for now our system of checks and balances is functioning with the Judicial checking the Executive as it should because it was designed to. Of course the Executive is impugning the Judicial in the process which is very dangerous, but at least they are not opening flaunting it yet under Trump as once that happens we will very quickly move into the realm of impeachment and the trap for Trump will be sprung.

Damn, I am good.
And there CNN goes with talking about Trump's attack on the Judiciary. I have this one sniffed out. CNN is like a drumbeat introducing the groundwork for impeaching Trump. If the majority of all other news sources start up this as well and Trump falls into the trap that has been set for him in defying the Judicial branch then we are on the doorstep of impeachment already.
My point is they are goading Trump into defying the Judiciary and they have already flirted with it dangerously in their criticisms.
Just the military implications alone both strategically in losing access to the Pacific.

Shewwww, you're right. Except for our bases in Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, strategic ally Australia, and a base we could reopen at Midway (pending it does not capsize) we pretty much have no presence in the pacific.

How much is Cali going to dish out to rent our services in Whale's Vagina or do we need to move them to Oregon and Washington? Or they leaving too? Be a Republican country until the End Of Days in that case. I'm sure Cali could purchase some ships and planes from,, to repopulate those facilities.

What a clown argument. Thank God for being on the opposite side of RQFuzz and Z on this and any other topic. MAGA.
Guess you're forgetting the taxes it would be receiving from states. CA would be a net exporter. It already has auto plants.

No. Because taxes would make California products cost more. Combined with the increased state taxes to make up for wasteful illegals, would be more than ample opportunity for lower priced competition to just take over.

Or increased taxes may cause the businesses and/organizations employees to leave.

That's all just gravy though. Really the argument is over at water and power.
This video was the best during the campaign that did not get a ton of play but I always think of it when I think of Trump. In time folks on the fence or do not like Trump are going to start to believe in themselves. Inner cities, struggling veterans, unemployed miners, list goes on. This guy sums up the real Donald Trump. He gave up a life none of us can imagine to save this country. I would take a bullet for this man if need be because I believe with every being I have he is our last hope.

We all know the far left will never embrace him but the Trump Army is growing by the day.


Shewwww, you're right. Except for our bases in Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, strategic ally Australia, and a base we could reopen at Midway (pending it does not capsize) we pretty much have no presence in the pacific.

How much is Cali going to dish out to rent our services in Whale's Vagina or do we need to move them to Oregon and Washington? Or they leaving too? Be a Republican country until the End Of Days in that case. I'm sure Cali could purchase some ships and planes from,, to repopulate those facilities.

What a clown argument. Thank God for being on the opposite side of RQFuzz and Z on this and any other topic. MAGA.
You're right. What was I thinking. There are no strategic implications to losing Pacific access via California either militarily or commercially. Handing over the technological jewel of the entire world is something the military would have no problems with. No military implications there as I'm sure something like oh say Silicon Valley microchip technology is a concern since nothing uses those. Nothing but northern ports available to the continental United States Pacific access. No big deal. Nothing arives in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach anyway. No military significance to those. And finally, resupply and defense of Pacific theater is no concern due to the loss Navy ports up and down the California coast. We don't need those carrier ports to project power anyway. Of course California as a free independent Nation pissed off at us enough to secede would not potentially be interested in any foreign alliances with say China that would present a strategic nightmare to the US.

What was I thinking. Sorry about that.
This is a fun exercise. Think it should be its own thread on the Paddock. What if California secedes?
East coast, southern, and western Canadian ports see a boom in activity.
More Mexican made goods instead of Chinese due to shipping costs and time.
Federal tax increase to pay for the loss of revenue from California.
Austin, TX is the new Silicon Valley.
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East coast, southern, and western Canadian ports see a boom in activity.
More Mexican made goods instead of Chinese due to shipping costs and time.
Federal tax increase to pay for the loss of revenue from California.
Austin, TX is the new Silicon Valley.
I think a lot of these Libs don't understand that big tech can set up and be ready to go in Texas almost immediately.
Sir, Rex Kwan Do has a brilliant plan. We will resupply the entire Pacific theater out of Bremerton Washington in the middle of winter. Just need a couple extra trucks and you need to find somewhere else to park half your Pacific fleet while we bring in those container ships.

What sir? Get out? No sir... my head is not in my ass, why?
California would lose 95% if its population when the U.S. treated it like Cuba and made it illegal to enter from either direction. Who wants to be cut off from their families? That would leave the real zealots and they wouldn't last long.
Sir, Rex Kwan Do has a brilliant plan. We will resupply the entire Pacific theater out of Bremerton Washington in the middle of winter. Just need a couple extra trucks and you need to find somewhere else to park half your Pacific fleet while we bring in those container ships.

What sir? Get out? No sir... my head is not in my ass, why?
We will buy Baja California. Easy as that.
Sir, Rex Kwan Do has a brilliant plan. We will resupply the entire Pacific theater out of Bremerton Washington in the middle of winter. Just need a couple extra trucks and you need to find somewhere else to park half your Pacific fleet while we bring in those container ships.

What sir? Get out? No sir... my head is not in my ass, why?
You're the nuanced thinker that said we'd lose military access to the pacific, not me. Read your quote.

And I never said there wouldn't be implications either. It would be a royal pain in the ass, but I'm quite certain the United States of America has survived worse.

And I never said I had a plan, I was just making fun of your terrible post. The one about losing military access to the pacific. You have lots of terrible posts, I figure I should clarify.
for anyone that thinks pedophilia is going to be part of the democratic platform, why do you believe this? Is there anything to suggest that's ultimately their goal? This makes no sense

it's already happening in some Western European counties that have a huge influx of immigrants from countries that have a cultural difference with the west. When you have blocks of immigrants who grow too large too quick they don't have time to "become normalized" in western culture it becomes a huge problem. The average age of consent in a good amount of these nations is 12. There are places in Germany for example where the refugees outnumber Germans 2 to 1. Pedophilia is totally Normal to these people.

I've done some research on the issue and there's good reason to believe the left will do as Western Europe (they always follow this lead) and start to lower age of consent in liberal areas. That's the start. California is already purposing lowering consent laws and have made several gains starting with child prostitution. As we've seen, everything on the left is a slippery slope. I debated a few leftist last year on the national board who were arguing for age of consent to be 16. Again, that's how it starts. And in America currently we are showing pedophiles as victims in leftist circles. Check out the Standif ovation Roman Polanski got from the left during the awards. These people are sick.
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I don't think the public has enough information on what's going on behind the scenes.

I don't think pedophilia is a part of their platform. That's crazy. But there is definitely a movement happening within the party to portray pedophiles as "victims". Like Ted Nickerson from leftwing fake news site, Salon, with the article, I'm a pedophile, not a monster"

Well yea it's crazy right now to make it part of the platform. You start by making pedophiles normal and victimized. Once you've got a population that buys in, it's easier to move to the next goal. Liberals do this over and over in different areas and people still don't seem to catch on.
Slippery slope not-so-fallacy. First, normalize as much degenerate behavior as possible in the public eye. Start with the less-depraved actions, work your way toward bestiality, pedophilia, coprophilia, necrophilia, et cetera. That shit was a prime factor of the Roman Empire falling.

Exactly. Amazes me how much people are blind to the slippery slope of the left. They never start where they intend to finish. They've been this way forever. They call it "progression". Code words.
I am surprised that the idiot libs are still out there protesting. Makes me wonder how bad it will get when the weather turns nice.
1) All of you discussing pedophilia in here are sick, delusional, and are seriously dangerously insane.

2) All of you that think the tech giants in Silicon Valley would relocate to "Nevada or Arizona" (or Texas... LOL) missed the part where most of the tech giants have already spoken out against Trump's Muslim ban. Most of the technology talent is coming from immigrants not our playstation addled zombie youth here in the US so they would be slitting their own throats to support or join such a ban.

3) Rex Quon Do's idea of supporting all our bases in the Pacific by using drones to deliver pizza's to them in the hopes that it takes more than 30 minutes thus the pizzas are free is a stroke of genius and I have forwarded that plan to the DoS for review.
1) All of you discussing pedophilia in here are sick

3) Rex Quon Do's idea to deliver pizza's to them in the hopes that it takes more than 30 minutes thus the pizzas are free is a stroke of genius and I have forwarded that plan to the DoS for review.

1) All of you discussing pedophilia in here are sick, delusional, and are seriously dangerously insane.

2) All of you that think the tech giants in Silicon Valley would relocate to "Nevada or Arizona" (or Texas... LOL) missed the part where most of the tech giants have already spoken out against Trump's Muslim ban. Most of the technology talent is coming from immigrants not our playstation addled zombie youth here in the US so they would be slitting their own throats to support or join such a ban.

3) Rex Quon Do's idea of supporting all our bases in the Pacific by using drones to deliver pizza's to them in the hopes that it takes more than 30 minutes thus the pizzas are free is a stroke of genius and I have forwarded that plan to the DoS for review.
We know California cannot exist without water correct? Tech companies have to go somewhere.
The Colorado is absolutely critical for California to survive and to certainly be a major player in agriculture. I'm not sure the loss of the agricultural region of California would be an acceptable outcome in any dispute over resources for either side. Food production is already a critical issue and growing and I don't think that would be a viable bartering chip to a large extent. You secede and we'll turn the Colorado canals off would be life or death for a helluva lot of people.
Thoughts? MJ picking up steam with his lil think tank thing idk what it is really. Very vague and same ol mass marketed liberal BS message pushing for more govt "fixing" disguised as "grassroots movement". It's anything but. Don't fn tell me the problem is people are misinformed, and if they knew better they would vote for more govt intervention in their lives. That's insulting. MJ is insulting. He would make a great politician and I don't believe for one minute he doesn't have plans to do something in that arena.

Shewwww, you're right. Except for our bases in Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, strategic ally Australia, and a base we could reopen at Midway (pending it does not capsize) we pretty much have no presence in the pacific.

How much is Cali going to dish out to rent our services in Whale's Vagina or do we need to move them to Oregon and Washington? Or they leaving too? Be a Republican country until the End Of Days in that case. I'm sure Cali could purchase some ships and planes from,, to repopulate those facilities.

What a clown argument. Thank God for being on the opposite side of RQFuzz and Z on this and any other topic. MAGA.
Hawaii is a solid blue state, they'll likely join with CA.