How will they rule ??!

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Iran wants no part of the US military. None.

Skipping back to pre-Obama, remember when the youth of Iran were starting to get a little hostile towards the Muslim clerics and there was some expectation that they would throw them out? We'll, it's 8 years later and they are a little older...and a lot more of them. And...Obama is no longer our President. Wouldn't be surprised if we start hearing about Iranian uprisings again. Work from within.....

We should try a good old fashioned regime change in Iran. Probably will work out.
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Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) prohibited state agencies from cooperating with federal immigration officials Thursday, becoming the latest blue-state official to act against President Trump’s early moves against undocumented immigrants.

In a letter to Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum (D), Brown said she was “alarmed” at the steps taken by the Trump administration. Brown cited a recent incident in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested undocumented immigrants in or around Portland's Multnomah County Courthouse without seeking county or court authorization.
They should not need authorization for undocumented/illegal immigrants/aliens.
If the goal remains to provide comprehensive insurance all people, then I think you are correct. There is no functioning market where the marginal cost of going to a doctor is artificially low because of insurance and there is no competition between providers. As I said in an earlier post, all that does is raise the demand for services and since there is no functioning market, there will not be a corresponding supply side response like you see in a market. The goal of universal insurance is a stupid one and doomed to failure. If politicians don't have the stomach to get back to market forces where the cost of routine care is based on an arms length transaction, then the quality of service, or price, or both, will suffer. It's basic economics.
I agree that universal insurance is a policy doomed for failure. Universal insurance means that you are paying for the overhead of an insurance provider on top of the cost of health care.
There is no functioning market for healthcare because it isn't a product that one chooses to use or not use for the most part. If you're diagnosed with cancer, in an accident, have a heart attack or stroke you're not deciding if to seek treatment. The ambulance is called and they're taking you to the nearest place of service. If need be, a helicopter is brought in to get you where you need to go. A 6 figure medical bill doesn't require a whole lot of care.

When your child is diagnosed with leukemia, are you asking how much it's going to cost to get treatment? Your wife is diagnosed with breast cancer??? You shopping around for the cheapest doctors?
Every industrialized country in the world except the US has determined that healthcare is a right, not a privilege to only those who can pay the bill. They have all managed to provide their populations with care that has lead to longer life expectancies, lower birth mortality rates while spending half to two-thirds what we spend on healthcare. The free market works fabulously for discretionary items. Not so much for healthcare.
I'm glad you Trump snowflakes are releasing all you worry and doubt in here. Nobody should have to live in fear. Let your feelings be your guide as you are among friends here. You don't have to cower in the shadow any longer. You are good enough so let those quivering tears flow.
It is a good thing you can't count, your world would be destroyed knowing that it takes a bunch of pansy libs like yourself to take down just one conservative.
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If you are ever sick at your stomach, and need to vomit. Just imagine what that toothless, piece of shit (Barney Frank) does with that mouth of his. If this cock sucker was ever in a men's prison he would be in high demand.

I will vomit.

I refuse to even spell his name right.
Good Lord you're an ignorant POS.
Yeah, "the left" is a monolithic being...they're all alike.[roll]
Rightist like to strike out at education because they don't have one. If you did then you would realize that the two extremes of both sides are actually quite a bit alike.
Pot meet....never mind, you are too stupid to get it.
I agree that universal insurance is a policy doomed for failure. Universal insurance means that you are paying for the overhead of an insurance provider on top of the cost of health care.
There is no functioning market for healthcare because it isn't a product that one chooses to use or not use for the most part. If you're diagnosed with cancer, in an accident, have a heart attack or stroke you're not deciding if to seek treatment. The ambulance is called and they're taking you to the nearest place of service. If need be, a helicopter is brought in to get you where you need to go. A 6 figure medical bill doesn't require a whole lot of care.

When your child is diagnosed with leukemia, are you asking how much it's going to cost to get treatment? Your wife is diagnosed with breast cancer??? You shopping around for the cheapest doctors?
Every industrialized country in the world except the US has determined that healthcare is a right, not a privilege to only those who can pay the bill. They have all managed to provide their populations with care that has lead to longer life expectancies, lower birth mortality rates while spending half to two-thirds what we spend on healthcare. The free market works fabulously for discretionary items. Not so much for healthcare.
Go ahead and load up those country's with a 15% black population and 15% Mexican population of which maybe 30% pay taxes, and see how they fare. Tell us about the taxes the working people pay to foot the bill. Tell us about the wait times for care and about the elderly who are left to die so a thirty year old heroin addict can get a new liver.

You and Z are both pretty smart guys who channel your gift into being stupid. Why?
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I didn't realize there was any monolithic being that spoke for either side. No one certainly speaks for me.
Again, failing to understand that the world isn't a binary place is your problem, not mine.
You do not understand that silence is compliance or you do understand and are a punk who likes what he sees when conservatives get beat up for their beliefs.
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It's because they are scared. They hope hating the enemy of your enemy will keep them from getting their heads cut off.

Spoiler: it wont.
Their heads were cut off long ago, see these posters post for confirmation: Fuzz, ZZZZZZ, Blowhard (Windy), Killa, Jameslee, etc....
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You do know that when you reply he wins.

He actually gets sad when his dumb ass jokes don't get a reply. He is a person without a life who exists only to troll. Don't feed him.

No clue why people engage with a troll. Same goes for Milo. He has a right to speak but why engage him. Same with trolls on this board. Let them speak but don't try to have a real conversation with them. I miss Kellyanne's Muff drive byes. They cracked me up but no way would I have an intelligent discussion with that.
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... who likes what he sees when conservatives get beat up for their beliefs.
Yes. I really, really enjoy watching that. I scour the internet (especially liveleak) seeking out those videos. They are my very favorite.

White loud mouthed Trump racist gets beatdown by angry black democrat. It just doesn't get any better than that because they lose every single time. They are 0-10,000 in every video I've watched.

Trump voters love to talk loud and brag about how tough they are, but as soon as the fists start flying they go down like Liberace at a boy scout convention.
I like Libs quoting a sonnet on the Statue of Liberty as some government doctrine to make their claim of why we need mass immigration.
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So we get a German newspaper showing Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty and an Irish magazine showing a scope on Trump to assassinate him.

Wow! If that's not an indictment of how insane the left is and how infected journalism has become with radicals then what is?
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Yeah, they are going to take action that causes 20+ million people to lose their insurance.
That's line is a false talking point. More than half of those 20 million are on the poor end who receive Obamacare for free or basically nothing. They would be covered by Medicaid if Obamacare didn't exist.
Nazr Mohamed went all political. I understand his concern. I know he's Muslim. I know he's awesome as shit and a great role model for any human.

I just don't understand why people screaming about "quit hating Muslims" do not understand Muslims are not being hated, Extreme Muslim terrorists that have been successfully killing innocent American for years are being "hated" on.

It's just stupid. As Nazr said, most Muslims live in India. Most Muslims are not violent.

No mfn shit. Go preach your good shit and quit condemning those who are hating terrorists.

White ppl fn suck. I ain't gonna get mad of someone tells me that, or wants them gone. Get them the hell out of here. I agree. I'm not going to say "well most white people are good, so we gotta accept the bad ones too". F no you don't.
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Yes. I really, really enjoy watching that. I scour the internet (especially liveleak) seeking out those videos. They are my very favorite.

White loud mouthed Trump racist gets beatdown by angry black democrat. It just doesn't get any better than that because they lose every single time. They are 0-10,000 in every video I've watched.

Trump voters love to talk loud and brag about how tough they are, but as soon as the fists start flying they go down like Liberace at a boy scout convention.
That is because cowards like you and them gang up in bunches. Guarantee one on one they lose every time. Pansies like you can't take an old man like me and I mean it.
I agree that universal insurance is a policy doomed for failure. Universal insurance means that you are paying for the overhead of an insurance provider on top of the cost of health care.
There is no functioning market for healthcare because it isn't a product that one chooses to use or not use for the most part. If you're diagnosed with cancer, in an accident, have a heart attack or stroke you're not deciding if to seek treatment. The ambulance is called and they're taking you to the nearest place of service. If need be, a helicopter is brought in to get you where you need to go. A 6 figure medical bill doesn't require a whole lot of care.

When your child is diagnosed with leukemia, are you asking how much it's going to cost to get treatment? Your wife is diagnosed with breast cancer??? You shopping around for the cheapest doctors?
Every industrialized country in the world except the US has determined that healthcare is a right, not a privilege to only those who can pay the bill. They have all managed to provide their populations with care that has lead to longer life expectancies, lower birth mortality rates while spending half to two-thirds what we spend on healthcare. The free market works fabulously for discretionary items. Not so much for healthcare.
I want to make couple of more comments. First, apparently you did not read my post very well. Insurance should cover catastrophic events, such as heart attack, cancer, getting hit by a car, etc. I specifically mentioned routine care. Those can certainly be shopped and competition introduced. Also, for routine care, people do respond to a price signal for health care. If the marginal cost of going to the doctor is low, the demand will increase, and it has.

Even major procedures respond to a price signal. There are people in the this country that have traveled to India to have by-pass surgery, etc., because the price is significantly less expensive there and apparently there are a few hospitals with high quality care. You obviously can't price/quality shop in an emergency, but you can for any subsequent surgeries and procedures, even major ones.

Second, if you understand the definition of a right in the context of our Constitution, you would know that health care can never be a right. It may be something that society decides to provide for everyone, but it can never be a right. No one can ever have a right to another person's labor. Now if you are hung up on a European view of the world, the State can grant rights to citizens. That, however, flies in the face of liberty and is not consistent with our view of the world and liberty as we define it. .
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Lot of Trump snowflakes getting beat down. They need to stay in their safe spaces and STFU if they are too fragile to defend themselves from a good ass whipping.
Yeah, such badasses amongst those eccentrics. Takes several hundred of them just to stand up to a flamboyant fag.
Bowling Green Massacre was a terrible day in American history. I hope nothing like that ever happens again. Thank God Kellyanne told us about it otherwise the lame stream media would have covered it up as usual.
Pretty sure most logical, reasonable people knew she was talking about the plot of a massacre that was foiled. But continue to stay a dumb.
Yes. I really, really enjoy watching that. I scour the internet (especially liveleak) seeking out those videos. They are my very favorite.

White loud mouthed Trump racist gets beatdown by angry black democrat. It just doesn't get any better than that because they lose every single time. They are 0-10,000 in every video I've watched.

Trump voters love to talk loud and brag about how tough they are, but as soon as the fists start flying they go down like Liberace at a boy scout convention.

Can someone explain this outrage over Conway today

Haven't had time to fact check the lib talking points and this lib woman is flipping out over it.

So we get a German newspaper showing Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty and an Irish magazine showing a scope on Trump to assassinate him.

Wow! If that's not an indictment of how insane the left is and how infected journalism has become with radicals
Der Spiegel is relatively leftist. They haven't changed much since I lived and worked over there. You should have seen their covers during the Reagan administration. Yikes!

"Der neue SPIEGEL. Ab jetzt zum Download und ab morgen im Laden erhältlich"

The latest SPIEGEL. Download now and available tomorrow in newsstands.
I just don't understand why people screaming about "quit hating Muslims" do not understand Muslims are not being hated, Extreme Muslim terrorists that have been
They always fail to make the distinction between moderate Muslims and Islamic terrorists. There are only two reasons for conflating the two. They're either too stupid to realize it or they are pushing an agenda.
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Anyone else find this guy painfully unfunny? His jokes are so awful but you can tell he works hard on them.


The GOP is filled with so many establishment stooges.

I'm not big on Gutfeld. Believe he's gay too.