How will they rule ??!

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Nazr Mohamed went all political. I understand his concern. I know he's Muslim. I know he's awesome as shit and a great role model for any human.

I just don't understand why people screaming about "quit hating Muslims" do not understand Muslims are not being hated, Extreme Muslim terrorists that have been successfully killing innocent American for years are being "hated" on.

It's just stupid. As Nazr said, most Muslims live in India. Most Muslims are not violent.

No mfn shit. Go preach your good shit and quit condemning those who are hating terrorists.

White ppl fn suck. I ain't gonna get mad of someone tells me that, or wants them gone. Get them the hell out of here. I agree. I'm not going to say "well most white people are good, so we gotta accept the bad ones too". F no you don't.

Yep. No one disputes there are good Muslims. No one hates islam. We just don't want murdered, no matter the religion.

Coming here is a privilege not a right. We should take every step possible to make sure people coming here are safe. It's that simple.

Apparently libs are now concerned with Eric Trump's trip allegedly costing taxpayers $97k.

After eight years of golf trips and exotic vacations and trips for Michelle and her mother, they're concerned about money all of a sudden.

Just like they're suddenly concerned with eos (which they should've been concerned with the past 8 years too).

President Obama had to pay for his vacation himself - they also have to pay for their own food and pretty much everything in the White House - even bathroom tissue. Presidents basically get housing, security, and transportation on top of the $400k salary.

Wait, so you're saying taxpayers didn't have to foot the travel bill for the obamas as they toured the world vip style?

m sure this isn't news to anyone here but confidence in the USA is slipping from nearly every significant corner of the world.

It's took soros about a week to pivot from the election loss. Instead of destroying America through his puppet he's having to do it via protesters and media manipulation.

I've never said this about another human, but we'll all be better off when he finally dies.

He's thin-skinned when he has the nerve to question your reporting.

You're not when you have the nerve to question his questioning your reporting

Great great point, along with the rest. Best monologue I've seen in quite awhile
Slippery slope not-so-fallacy. First, normalize as much degenerate behavior as possible in the public eye. Start with the less-depraved actions, work your way toward bestiality, pedophilia, coprophilia, necrophilia, et cetera. That shit was a prime factor of the Roman Empire falling.

"Pedophile Protection Act" 2004
A bill dubbed by critics as the "Pedophile Protection Act" is on the desk of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger after passing both chambers of the California Legislature.

Authored by lesbian state Sen. Sheila Kuehl, the bill drastically reduces requirements for mandatory reporting of the known or suspected sexual, physical and emotional abuse of children.

Richard D. Ackerman, vice-president of legal affairs for the Pro-Family Law Center, and a survivor of severe physical and sexual abuse, calls the bill a "reprehensible act."

"The one common denominator among civilized persons is the ability to rally around the protection of our children," he said in a statement. "Even one case of unreported abuse has the potential to begin a generational cycle of continuing abuse, and could even result in the death of a child."

Ackerman asserts the bill "appears to be the work of abortionists and others who ply in the trade of promoting sex among children."

Under existing criminal law, anyone who regularly comes into contact with children is required to report an instance in which there is reason to believe a child has been molested or abused, Ackerman points out.

Typical mandatory reporters include pastors, priests, church volunteers, teachers, school volunteers, and medical personnel.

But the bill, SB1313, would eliminate mandatory reporting for anyone who can be characterized as a "volunteer."

That means a Sunday school teacher, for example, would not be required to report her knowledge of a pastor's molestation of children.
All the bullshit and marketing signing all these executive orders and what is the substance? What is the reality of Trump's big campaign promises that you idiots think have been done already?

Border Wall? You really think Congress is going to give Trump 15 billion dollars for his wall? The whole idiotic idea of Mexico paying for it has been revealed as a pipe dream. Not going to happen. Chum in the water for gullible rubes to vote for a lunatic. Gone.

Banning Muslims? Watered down and now even what he signed an executive order on has been suspended by a Federal judge. Another empty hollow campaign promise that is never going to work.

Repealing Obamacare. LOL. Another marketing conjob in the form of a pointless executive order that does nothing. They'll change the color of the curtains and call it Trumpcare. Woo Hoo. Big change.

What you have got is a lot of loud brash infomercial marketing aimed squarely at stupid people: Trump's base. That's it. It all amounts to a carnival barking New York liberal that Howard Stern says only got into the presidential race as a bargaining tactic to get more money out of his TV show contract. He never imagined there would be people out there stupid enough to actually buy into his schtick.

Oh, there are. Many of them right here in this thread. Still gobbling the poop up as fast as Trump can shat it.
[laughing] You are simmering nicely. Four more years of basting should have you cooked to perfection.
Trump says some outrageous shit...but the following tweet is simple, and I'm not sure anyone could argue.

And I think what Obama did in 2011 was actually solid leadership and he shouldn't have been afraid to be forward and release that info.
The jobs report was only expecting an increase of 20k jobs from last month to this month, 150k to 170k. Final tally for amount of new jobs in the month of January? 227k. Crushed the expectations. Tax cuts haven't even came, yet.
Trump says some outrageous shit...but the following tweet is simple, and I'm not sure anyone could argue.

And I think what Obama did in 2011 was actually solid leadership and he shouldn't have been afraid to be forward and release that info.

The libs being so insane about this should tell you how messed up they are. The same people who want open borders also don't want its citizens to have guns and do not want voter ID laws.

The brainwashing is so strong. I've said it so many times on here but talking to the left about this is like warning a toddler to not stick a fork in an electrical outlet and then they turn adound and just call you "racist" and do it anyways.

We cannot continue to lose our nation's identity with the importing of the third world all because Democrats need votes.
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Go back and watch some old interviews and just coverage of Trump. The guy was very well-liked and then he decided to take on the Democrats and our entire corrupt system and all of a sudden, he's portrayed as a villain.

It takes a very strong person to leave a billionaire lifestyle and not deal with the headaches to take on the political establishment and have the worst things said about you and your family 24/7. Then have people calling for you to be murdered and your wife to be raped and have your 10-year old kid targeted by libs.

He has been under attack by Dems, their puppet media, Soros, Republican hacks, foreign enemies, domestic terrorists, special interests groups & those who want to bleed us dry and he took on all of this to actually help this country. That's incredible to me. I don't think anyone else could have done what he has done.
The Washington order to stop the travel ban is embarrassing to jurisprudence. The constitution does not apply to non citizens or people not on US soil. It just doesnt. Its logically absurd and embarrassing to think otherwise.

Then add the fact it was already fully litigated in another courtroom, and a decision rendered (which was actually the correct decision, striking down parts of the ban).

IMO a split up of the USA results in the final m significant collapse of capitalism (which Marx predicted ... i.e. Capitalism has no choice but to continue seeking new markets - but will eventually run out of options and the whole thing is supposed to come apart)
I've thought a lot about this, and I'm not sure I agree with this. In my mind, the thing that is keeping us from fulling embracing capitalism is that several States have strong socialist leanings. Without those folks opposing capitalism and liberty, it may flourish again.

I think the likely States to secede would have a hard time being successful. As someone mentioned earlier, California and New York have tremendous debt. Politically, they lean toward socialism. The combination will require high taxes, especially on business, since this is how they hide tax increases on the general population. I would think that over time business would flee those states and return to the remaining portion of the United States. Without those states, I'm assuming the USA moves more toward capitalism and a tax code that creates an environment that is very friendly to business. It could actually be a good thing for capitalism.
I was in a waiting room yesterday morning at a medical facility and had to watch a CBS talking head show. They were discussing the latest attack in France and dude said "...was reported to have shouted "God is great" in Arabic." Why did they shy away from using his exact words? Is it because alluhah Akbar has been associated with Islamic terrorism?

They are protecting us from the truth by never reporting it. Thanks msm, I can just keep working and let you guys worry about the little things.
I've thought a lot about this, and I'm not sure I agree with this. In my mind, the thing that is keeping us from fulling embracing capitalism is that several States have strong socialist leanings. Without those folks opposing capitalism and liberty, it may flourish again.

I think the likely States to secede would have a hard time being successful. As someone mentioned earlier, California and New York have tremendous debt. Politically, they lean toward socialism. The combination will require high taxes, especially on business, since this is how they hide tax increases on the general population. I would think that over time business would flee those states and return to the remaining portion of the United States. Without those states, I'm assuming the USA moves more toward capitalism and a tax code that creates an environment that is very friendly to business. It could actually be a good thing for capitalism.

Of course the liberal states wanting to secede would all fall flat on their face in 5 years or less. Although they don't like admitting it, it takes more than good vibes and rainbows to make things work
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Go back and watch some old interviews and just coverage of Trump. The guy was very well-liked and then he decided to take on the Democrats and our entire corrupt system and all of a sudden, he's portrayed as a villain.

It takes a very strong person to leave a billionaire lifestyle and not deal with the headaches to take on the political establishment and have the worst things said about you and your family 24/7. Then have people calling for you to be murdered and your wife to be raped and have your 10-year old kid targeted by libs.

He has been under attack by Dems, their puppet media, Soros, Republican hacks, foreign enemies, domestic terrorists, special interests groups & those who want to bleed us dry and he took on all of this to actually help this country. That's incredible to me. I don't think anyone else could have done what he has done.

I never liked Trump with his egomaniac and narcissist attitude, but he may just turn out to be what we need. I hope he's very successful.
I never liked Trump with his egomaniac and narcissist attitude, but he may just turn out to be what we need. I hope he's very successful.

In the words of Rupp, "I'd rather be the most hated winner instead of being the most liked loser."

One thing is for sure, we needed Trump. Another passive pathetic establishment Republican wasn't going to get it done.
Back to the Washington decision. If foreign individuals who never stepped foot on American soil get constitutional protection (through the states who've claimed they've been harmed); consider:

Is every enemy soldier entitled to miranda protections? Can they now sue an American soldier for excessive force?

Are warrants now required anytime a us soldier enters a premises anywhere in the world?

I know. It sounds silly. But if someone is granted constitutional protection, they get the protection of the entire constitution. Not just bits and pieces.

I understand this ruling didn't explicitly say foreign individuals get constitutional rights. But the states claiming injury and getting their remedy means those rights flowed from somewhere. That can be the only rationale.
I've thought a lot about this, and I'm not sure I agree with this. In my mind, the thing that is keeping us from fulling embracing capitalism is that several States have strong socialist leanings. Without those folks opposing capitalism and liberty, it may flourish again.

I think the likely States to secede would have a hard time being successful. As someone mentioned earlier, California and New York have tremendous debt. Politically, they lean toward socialism. The combination will require high taxes, especially on business, since this is how they hide tax increases on the general population. I would think that over time business would flee those states and return to the remaining portion of the United States. Without those states, I'm assuming the USA moves more toward capitalism and a tax code that creates an environment that is very friendly to business. It could actually be a good thing for capitalism.
Yeah, Silicon Valley could be relocated to tap into all that talent in Macon, Mississippi .
Of course the liberal states wanting to secede would all fall flat on their face in 5 years or less. Although they don't like admitting it, it takes more than good vibes and rainbows to make things work
More brilliant points. I'm sure California and New York need to take lessons from Arkansas and Mississippi on how to get things done. The hive of economic prowess known as the Southeastern United States is a model of economic efficiency and talent for the rest of the world to marvel at. You guys are geniuses.
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From what I'm reading on twitter, it looks like that dumbass Judges ruling from last night will be overruled today. Which is good because this is a national security issue!

I can't believe this imbecile ruled it as unconstitutional.
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More brilliant points. I'm sure California and New York need to take lessons from Arkansas and Mississippi on how to get things done. The hive of economic prowess known as the Southeastern United States is a model of economic efficiency and talent for the rest of the world to marvel at. You guys are geniuses.

Silicon Valley is very important. But without the blue collar guy on the oil right mining the coal, etc; they have no electricity.

Uber is great. But good luck with that if there wasn't the hard working person in Detroit assembling the cars or mechanics keeping them on the road.

Amazon? I love that company. But can't make it work without blue collar delivery people delivering your goods all over.

Never mind the fact that California has neither the water nor the power supply to make it; that's even without considering their awful fiscal policies.

See...the difference is common sense people know it will take all of us to make this country go. The good and bad. The white and blue collar. Whereas libs just think all that stuff I described above just magically appears, as if there's some necessities fairy.
From what I'm reading on twitter, it looks like that dumbass Judges ruling from last night will be overruled today. Which is good because this is a national security issue!

I can't believe this imbecile ruled it as unconstitutional.
DHS not following Trump's executive order and the State Dept reversing its stance as well and not complying with Trump's nonsense and instead, as they should, are complying with the ruling of the Federal Judge.

This is great as Trump is frothing at the mouth with rage and it is only a matter of time until the impeachable offenses accumulate enough to bounce his ass out of there, which even mediocre imbeciles like you idiots should be able to see coming from a mile away. No way on earth Trump makes it to year 3 without being impeached. The man is unstable.
DHS not following Trump's executive order and the State Dept reversing its stance as well and not complying with Trump's nonsense and instead, as they should, are complying with the ruling of the Federal Judge.

This is great as Trump is frothing at the mouth with rage and it is only a matter of time until the impeachable offenses accumulate enough to bounce his ass out of there, which even mediocre imbeciles like you idiots should be able to see coming from a mile away. No way on earth Trump makes it to year 3 without being impeached. The man is unstable.

Speaking of unstable.....
Silicon Valley is very important. But without the blue collar guy on the oil right mining the coal, etc; they have no electricity.

Uber is great. But good luck with that if there wasn't the hard working person in Detroit assembling the cars or mechanics keeping them on the road.

Amazon? I love that company. But can't make it work without blue collar delivery people delivering your goods all over.

Never mind the fact that California has neither the water nor the power supply to make it; that's even without considering their awful fiscal policies.

See...the difference is common sense people know it will take all of us to make this country go. The good and bad. The white and blue collar. Whereas libs just think all that stuff I described above just magically appears, as if there's some necessities fairy.
So your actual arguments are that Southeastern coal mining and the Michigan auto industry are the economic counterweight to California and New York? LOL, what is this, 1973? There is no Michigan auto industry and coal supplied electrical power in the State of California is at around 11% and will be 0% by 2024... not to mention what little coal they use is all supplied by western states (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Oregon) and by 2025 California will have ceased all affiliations with coal-fired power period.

New world out there junior, try learning something about it.
Water is the Achilles heel of California. I've already posted that they'd better find a way to take the Colorado river with them if they secede. Particularly with the ongoing decline of the Sierra snow pack although that is currently rebounding.
So your actual arguments are that Southeastern coal mining and the Michigan auto industry are the economic counterweight to California and New York? LOL, what is this, 1973? There is no Michigan auto industry and coal supplied electrical power in the State of California is at around 11% and will be 0% by 2024... not to mention what little coal they use is all supplied by western states (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Oregon) and by 2025 California will have ceased all affiliations with coal-fired power period.

New world out there junior, try learning something about it.

Counter weight? No.

Are white collar and silicon Valley dependant on blue collar workers, and vice versa? Yes
Of course the liberal states wanting to secede would all fall flat on their face in 5 years or less. Although they don't like admitting it, it takes more than good vibes and rainbows to make things work
Lost on you is that California by itself is the 8th largest economy in the world.
Also lost is that most if not all of those "liberal states" contribute much more in tax revenues than what they receive unlike all of the southeast and most red states that receive more in federal aide than what they contribute. I'm sure California, NY would love to get you off of their collective tit.
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Very slight but very real chance the US could break up. People need to start taking those conversations a little more seriously. The major political parties are too polarized as the right is stoking the neanderthals to a fever pitch and the left is convincing minorities lynching is about to be reinstated. Very dangerous stuff. You can't put that stuff back in the bottle once you've let it out. Look around the world at what happens when countries fracture along racial lines. Bad stuff.
Also lost is that most if not all of those "liberal states" contribute much more in tax revenues than what they receive unlike all of the southeast and most red states that receive more in federal aide than what they contribute. I'm sure California, NY would love to get you off of their collective tit.

This has been beat to death so many times on here, it's embarrassing that people still say it.

Aside from it being a moronic was to look at things, do the numbers you look at factor in the effective federal tax subsidization of those states with higher tax rates?
Lost on you is that California by itself is the 8th largest economy in the world.
Also lost is that most if not all of those "liberal states" contribute much more in tax revenues than what they receive unlike all of the southeast and most red states that receive more in federal aide than what they contribute. I'm sure California, NY would love to get you off of their collective tit.

California makes up 34 percent of the nation's welfare recipients. They have a growing Mexican/Latino/Hispanic population that bleeds them dry. They drive businesses away with taxes. They're one of the worst run state governments. They're in a ton of debt.

They would fall apart given their BS entitements and stupidity.
I've thought a lot about this, and I'm not sure I agree with this. In my mind, the thing that is keeping us from fulling embracing capitalism is that several States have strong socialist leanings. Without those folks opposing capitalism and liberty, it may flourish again.

I think the likely States to secede would have a hard time being successful. As someone mentioned earlier, California and New York have tremendous debt. Politically, they lean toward socialism. The combination will require high taxes, especially on business, since this is how they hide tax increases on the general population. I would think that over time business would flee those states and return to the remaining portion of the United States. Without those states, I'm assuming the USA moves more toward capitalism and a tax code that creates an environment that is very friendly to business. It could actually be a good thing for capitalism.

As long as we're all in on hypotheticals, in addition to their accumulated debt thus far, they would have their portions of the federal debt and federal property to purchase. If they didn't want to purchase federal land we can set up more Guantanamos.
This has been beat to death so many times on here, it's embarrassing that people still say it.

Aside from it being a moronic was to look at things, do the numbers you look at factor in the effective federal tax subsidization of those states with higher tax rates?
Truth hurts so why am I surprised you would characterize it as, moronic. The numbers are what is paid in federal tax vs what is returned in federal tax...including subsidies.
What is moronic is that you would attempt to argue such a well documented fact.
You don't think CA has its share of blue collar workers? Again, it is the 8th largest economy in the world. It would be alright.

What do you think happens to that economy when it's forced to pay additional tax on everything it does with other states? Or when it takes several months to get an auto plant up and going? Or when they try to get all those dependants up and working?

No water. No power.

Then add in all the new welfare immigrants.

But, I'm sure it would be utopia
The contributions California makes to our country are so overwhelming that it isn't even worth pursuing this discussion any further as it is absurd. It would be cataclysmic to the United States to lose California and anyone who argues otherwise is a complete imbecile. Just the military implications alone both strategically in losing access to the Pacific and the technological impacts alone are unimaginable so as to make the entire conversation moot.
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