How will they rule ??!

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This whole big pharma thing that is making the news. I swear.It's getting to a point that you'll have to be rich to live. This whole health insurance isn't free market. At all. It's a GD scam

Then throw in Obamacare. GD what a racket. Read where the Unaffordable Care Act has actually gave 8 million people health insurance, but guess what they don't tell you? That the deductibles are so high that those 8-9 million people can't afford to get medical help.

Market tanked yesterday partially due to Dems wanting to institute price controls on big Pharma.

Yeah, I'd like MORE gov't oversight by Democrats... I'm sure we'll all benefit somehow.

Why don't the just change their name to the National Socialist Party right now and get it over with?
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Per Gallup, Fair amount of trust in the media is now down to 33% with Independents, 32% with Reps....of course Dems remain faithful at 55%.

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Market tanked yesterday partially due to Dems wanting to institute price controls on big Pharma.

Yeah, I'd like MORE gov't oversight by Democrats... I'm sure we'll all benefit somehow.

Why don't the just change their name to the National Socialist Party right now and get it over with?

I don't know what to think about the prices of meds. Pharmaceutical meds are being jacked up beyond affordability.
I know what to think about meds - GTFO. Find a more natural, cheaper/renewable alternative. Its gd stupid.

And yea, you might need to be rich to live past your expiration date, but you don't need to be rich to live good.
Why the demographic shift has made it much harder for Republicans to win the Whitehouse.

I was listening to Michael Smirkonish this morning in my car and he threw out an amazing statistic. George H. W. Bush garnered 59% of the white vote and notched 426 electoral votes easily winning in 1988. Mitt Romney garnered exactly the same 59% of white votes in 2008 but only hauled in 206 electoral votes.

This is why the Republcian brain trust is emphasizing making progress with minorities, a battle at present they seem to be losing.
Why the demographic shift has made it much harder for Republicans to win the Whitehouse.

I was listening to Michael Smirkonish this morning in my car and he threw out an amazing statistic. George H. W. Bush garnered 59% of the white vote and notched 426 electoral votes easily winning in 1988. Mitt Romney garnered exactly the same 59% of white votes in 2008 but only hauled in 206 electoral votes.

This is why the Republcian brain trust is emphasizing making progress with minorities, a battle at present they seem to be losing.

Tough to win when the other side has an open door policy for all illegals, and a win at all costs mentality.
Don't worry, you've always had stategists like Lee Atwater and Karl Rove and deep pocketed bagmen like the Koch brothers to make it a fair fight.
Yeah, everyone knows that the dems get their campaigns bankrolled off of the backs of poor people like Spielberg and George Soros two name a couple.
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80% of non citizens voted for Obama in 2008? Wonder if this would have been happened with proper voter ID. Should be something both parties could agree on.

I advocate the national ID Card which would replace the social security card with biometric technology to help prevent fraud. That would prevent illegals from voting and gaining employment in the US.
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I don't know what to think about the prices of meds. Pharmaceutical meds are being jacked up beyond affordability.
It's ok. They use those huge profit margins for drug research! *Restoril commercial plays in the background*
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Don't worry, you've always had stategists like Lee Atwater and Karl Rove and deep pocketed bagmen like the Koch brothers to make it a fair fight.

Im not a republican. And Im pretty sure billionaires like Soros fund plenty of democrat campaigns. Our politicians are bought and sold daily. Its wrong, no matter what letter is next to the name.
It's ok. They use those huge profit margins for drug research! *Restoril commercial plays in the background*

Big pharma had a profit margin last year of 18%

Here's Microsoft for the last 5 years:

Net profit margin:

Tough to win when the other side has an open door policy for all illegals, and a win at all costs mentality.
i love stuff like this, as if Republicans have some aversion to doing whatever it takes to win. Exhibit A gerrymandering districts Exhibit B repeating a lie so often it becomes truth

Both sides would stuff their granny in a trunk full of snakes if it meant they'd win an election.
Big pharma had a profit margin last year of 18%

Here's Microsoft for the last 5 years:

Net profit margin:


Uhm, why are there six numbers for Microsoft's profits the last 5 years? o_O

And what is your source for this info?

Finally, show us what percent of profits big pharma spends on research compared to marketing.
Im not a republican. And Im pretty sure billionaires like Soros fund plenty of democrat campaigns. Our politicians are bought and sold daily. Its wrong, no matter what letter is next to the name.

I've long said that the parties are the same, just controlled by different puppet masters. That's why blind partisan cheerleading baffles me.
some of these video clips coming out from the Cecile Richards hearing today are comedy gold. both sides acting like they're not trying to do what they're actually trying to do. Just ****ing say it instead of all of the doublespeak.
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Uhm, why are there six numbers for Microsoft's profits the last 5 years? o_O

And what is your source for this info?

Finally, show us what percent of profits big pharma spends on research compared to marketing.
The first number was erroneously included; its the quarterly number.

Do a Google search; you'll get all the info you need lol.
i love stuff like this, as if Republicans have some aversion to doing whatever it takes to win. Exhibit A gerrymandering districts Exhibit B repeating a lie so often it becomes truth

Both sides would stuff their granny in a trunk full of snakes if it meant they'd win an election.

Youre still missing the point. Im not a republican. Im not defending them. Both sides would stuff their granny in a trunk if it meant theyd win an election.

The difference is, Dems generally wont question their leaders. Republicans do. Thats why there have been splintered groups like the tea party, libertarians etc.

I've long said that the parties are the same, just controlled by different puppet masters. That's why blind partisan cheerleading baffles me.

This is absolutely true. There are billionaires playing chess with our nation, and politicians are the pieces.
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The difference is, Dems generally wont question their leaders.
As we see on here every single day. HRC is under investigation by the FBI and obviously very unethical and as I posted on the last page has a 71% approval rating within her party, higher than any Rep in theirs.

Have we seen any Dem, Lib, Chomsky kid, faux moderate, etc type one word about Bernie?
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That's not unexpected, though. Outside of California voters, people know very little about Fiorina and almost nothing about Carson. Trump has had way more opportunities to turn people off.
Carson will pull some minority voters and Fiorina will pull women voters naturally. Plus neither have an offensive personality like Trump. His ceiling has ended up being higher than most thought but it is still very real and pretty low overall. The only way the GOP wins is if his supporters realize that sooner than later and/or the Dems do something very stupid and nominate Bernie which is why Biden and Pocahontas are being begged to run.
As I've said, I find Rubio appealing among the Republican candidates. This "sort of" endorsement by William Galston in a WSJ editorial today doesn't really make me feel good about that:

"Assuming, as I do, that the Republican Party in the end won’t nominate a candidate with zero experience in elected office, there are four candidates with a plausible path to the nomination—Mr. Cruz, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and the current governor of Ohio, John Kasich.

If Republican primary voters want the most conservative candidate, they will choose Mr. Cruz. If they want a safe candidate who would know how to be president on Day One, they can choose between seasoned executives from the two largest swing states. And if they follow the “ Buckley rule”—nominate the most conservative candidate who could win the general election—they will back Mr. Rubio."

Although I generally agree with the positions taken on those editorial pages, Galston usually comes across to me as a condescending scold. In his dismissal of Bush and Kasich, you can tell he actually prefers them - he just thinks they are too reasonable for the current GOP. I imagine him writing this in a tweed dinner jacket while smoking a pipe.
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