How will they rule ??!

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Dementia vs Demented.
An old Basset Hound that sometimes pees on the carpet vs a rabid raccoon that wants to lash out at anything that moves.
Biden has half a brain vs Trump having no soul.
Biden opposes Putin vs Trump licking Putin's boots.
That said....I would prefer Nikki Haley.
The choice is clear unless you love hate and division.
Once again, goalposts bro.
You continue to prove my point every time you type.
Nobody in here takes you seriously, but let's try it this way.

Cognitively- of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) cognitive impairment.

Now once again, tell me you think Biden and Trump are equals when it comes to that word above. There is no way a serious person really thinks that. As someone posted earlier, either you are a damn liar or you are so ate up with TDS that your COGNITIVE ability itself has been totally compromised.
This is the truth of it. Some people just believe their “eyes and ears” and previous experience over all facts. No matter how many times they were correctly told it was going to happen(Some states counted day-of voting first. They had a Trump lead and it slowly diminished as mail-ins were counted. Some states counted mail-ins first. They had a Biden lead that slowly went to Trump as day-of was counted, see OH.) they just can’t accept when something new happens that hasn’t happened before. It’s new and different and that’s scary so must be wrong. They will never change when shown facts because they didn’t arrive at their own position with facts.

It didn’t slowly diminish though, it instantaneously diminished.

Huge ballot dumps of statistical impossibilities all for Biden in the swing states where Trump had large leads and all taking place in the middle of the night.
It didn’t slowly diminish though, it instantaneously diminished.

Huge ballot dumps of statistical impossibilities all for Biden in the swing states where Trump had large leads and all taking place in the middle of the night.

And the betting markets had Trump a lock because they knew it was statistically extremely improbable that the ballots left could possibly be enough for Baideng.
Nah, people have eyes and ears. It was witnessed in real time. All the studies, videos, statistical anomalies, reports, bellwethers, etc just solidified what everyone watched that night.

Joe Biden = most votes in our country’s history. Hilarious really
Which is why so many right wingers are also flat earthers, climate change deniers, vaccine deniers, and are generally governed by impulse and knee jerk emotional reaction rather than investigation and evidence.
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TLDR, but yes. No "decoder" ring required, just honesty.
Since you're clearly an intellectual giant, the "adult in the room" and a very serious thinker, you could have clearly used your Magic MAGA decoder and explained what Trump meant by any of the things I listed, and how it was mischaracterized by the media. I could have gone on for pages, but I just gave you a few recent ones to explain. I also tried to give you more or less exact wording and verbatim quotations. I'll be happy to post even more using clips from actual Trump speeches and rallies.
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And you accuse us of TDS? Not even hardcores say this about Trump. You're blinded by partisanship and hate.

How many times have I heard you dumbasses talk about “tax cuts for the rich” and other legislation signed by Trump.

There is zero chance congress would send an immigration bill to Biden’s desk that would make the country better and he’d be allowed to sign it. Nothing would ever even get to his desk.
Since you're clearly an intellectual giant, the "adult in the room" and a very serious thinker, you could have clearly used your Magic MAGA decoder and explained what Trump meant by any of the things I listed, and how it was mischaracterized by the media. I could have gone on for pages, but I just gave you a few recent ones to explain. I also tried to give you more or less exact wording and verbatim quotations. I'll be happy to post even more using clips from actual Trump speeches and rallies.

I have no desire to deconstruct your misconstructions for you.

They are lies, i.e. obviously purposefully made mischaracterizations, and anyone clear thinking can see right through them. It's as simple as that. They fool no one but the already willing.

Go on for days wasting your time. Stop wasting mine.
If I was a black man, there's absolutely no way I could look at myself in the mirror every day after voting for Baideng, and that's before this... ridiculous and shameless pandering.
If you were a black man, you would more than likely understand concepts like slavery, and would avoid symbols of the old confederacy like the confederate battle flag-and those that regularly use those symbols. You'd probably understand that there is actual systemic racism in the United States, since your Grandfathers and Grandmothers (or maybe even fathers and mothers) had to fight for such simple rights as voting, not being beaten up because they had to use the bathroom, or even participate in sports at UK if they were talented enough.
If you were a black man, you would more than likely understand concepts like slavery, and would avoid symbols of the old confederacy like the confederate battle flag-and those that regularly use those symbols. You'd probably understand that there is actual systemic racism in the United States, since your Grandfathers and Grandmothers (or maybe even fathers and mothers) had to fight for such simple rights as voting, not being beaten up because they had to use the bathroom, or even participate in sports at UK if they were talented enough.

Blah blah. Whatever caricature of a conservative you think you are talking to here bears no resemblance to reality. I am not even a conservative.

There is not systemic racism in modern day America, no. Well, except instituted by the left.
As we all know, the higher your education level the more likely you are to vote Dem and twist young minds in a university setting.

An award-winning Penn State professor arrested in a sickening bestiality case faces more charges after videos emerged of him allegedly engaged in lewd acts in a park — including inserting a tree branch and lollipop in his butt.
The disgraced academic has written multiple books, published dozens of journal articles and won at least three teaching awards, including the Premier Teaching Award from the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society in 2017, the Centre Daily Times reported.
Democrats with mental illness either shoot up churches now or shove branches up their butts....but Trump is a Nazi....LOL. Enjoy.

Is this fellow running for President or are you using some mindless turd you've sniffed out of the anus of the internet in order generalize from the anecdotal to the general?
It didn’t slowly diminish though, it instantaneously diminished.

Huge ballot dumps of statistical impossibilities all for Biden in the swing states where Trump had large leads and all taking place in the middle of the night.
That just did not happen. You could follow the changes in real time as the votes came in. GA took days for Biden's lead to finally materialize, not the middle of the night.
In A PARK? He didn't even have the decency to do that shit in the privacy of his own home? Creepy pervert wanted to be seen.
Two Gay Dems screwed on Sen. Whatsherfaces desk in the US Senate judiciary committee room. You know where Dems cry wolf over Clarence Thomas and a pube on a coke can? But they do buttsex in the room out in public. Dems, especially ones on a spectrum of deviancy, Alphabet people,....just do this kind of stuff as second nature. Normal.
Yes, your pedo in chief is running for reelection.
You mean the pedo that was was a big buddy with Jeffrey Epstein and brgeagged about chasing young girls with Epstein? Let me hear you say it-you know he did!!!!!! The pedo that ran beauty pageants for young teens for years, where young girls were encouraged to actually dance for him, the pedo that walked into dressing rooms full of young girls in states of undress and bragged about it on Howard Stern? The pedo that bragged about his daughters body? The Pedo that is on tape saying that disturbed young women are the "best in bed?"

That Pedo?
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Is this fellow running for President or are you using some mindless turd you've sniffed out of the anus of the internet in order generalize from the anecdotal to the general?
I've missed your similar reply to JussLies32 whenever he posts a meme or link to a MSNBC story about a Repub dog catcher in Monkeys Eyebrow who said the Nword while repeating a Rap lyric. You are a FRAUD so go away and waste someone else's time with your trolling. Congrats on your brevity though.
I've missed your similar reply to JussLies32 whenever he posts a meme or link to a MSNBC story about a Repub dog catcher in Monkeys Eyebrow who said the Nword while repeating a Rap lyric. You are a FRAUD so go away and waste someone else's time with your trolling. Congrats on your brevity though.
You should probably post more in the mornings before the drugs get up in your brain and nervous system.
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I've missed your similar reply to JussLies32 whenever he posts a meme or link to a MSNBC story about a Repub dog catcher in Monkeys Eyebrow who said the Nword while repeating a Rap lyric. You are a FRAUD so go away and waste someone else's time with your trolling. Congrats on your brevity though.
Maybe you should continue hanging your head in shame from your performance yesterday and including shutting the f*** up while your betters are speaking.
Once again, goalposts bro.
You continue to prove my point every time you type.
Nobody in here takes you seriously, but let's try it this way.

Cognitively- of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) cognitive impairment.

Now once again, tell me you think Biden and Trump are equals when it comes to that word above. There is no way a serious person really thinks that. As someone posted earlier, either you are a damn liar or you are so ate up with TDS that your COGNITIVE ability itself has been totally compromised.
Yes Biden is cognitively impaired. He is sometimes forgetful and shows evidence of early stage dementia.
I'm not arguing that.
But Trump also shows cognitive impairment as well. He gets confused repeatedly about whether he ran against Biden, Obama or Clinton. He confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi recently. He said Joe Biden was going to get us into WW2.
Trump ain't all there either.
Is he as impaired as Biden? No...But he is impaired and displays poor judgement, lack of self control and there are numerous rumors out now that Trump wears diapers.
I'm really not comfortable with either in the Oval Office.

You mean the pedo that was was a big buddy with Jeffrey Epstein and brgeagged about chasing young girls with Epstein? Let me hear you say it-you know he did!!!!!! The pedo that ran beauty pageants for young teens for years, where young girls were encouraged to actually dance for him, the pedo that walked into dressing rooms full of young girls in states of undress and bragged about it on Howard Stern? The pedo that bragged about his daughters body? The Pedo that is on tape saying that disturbed young women are the "best in bed?"

That Pedo?
Actually the Pedo in Chief who showered with his daughter (incest) and according to her, messed her up sexually for the rest of her life. The Pedo who exposes himself to female SecService agents as he gets himself a cheap thrill by skinny dipping and walking around naked in their sunroom.

He like most democrats on the deviancy spectrum are perverts. Just a fact.
Actually the Pedo in Chief who showered with his daughter (incest) and according to her, messed her up sexually for the rest of her life. The Pedo who exposes himself to female SecService agents as he gets himself a cheap thrill by skinny dipping and walking around naked in their sunroom.

He like most democrats on the deviancy spectrum are perverts. Just a fact.
Don't bother responding to that moron. He doesn't even understand the definition of "pedophile." Trump doesn't fall into that category at all.
So, anyone want to make guesses on this earth shattering news? My guess is either Iran has nukes or Russia sold nukes to Venezuela.

Can you hear the war drums yet?

So, anyone want to make guesses on this earth shattering news? My guess is either Iran has nukes or Russia sold nukes to Venezuela.

Can you hear the war drums yet?

The Republican's Dream Leader wants to put nukes in space to shoot down satellites. Putin is a stable genius like Trump.
What could possibly go wrong?

So, anyone want to make guesses on this earth shattering news? My guess is either Iran has nukes or Russia sold nukes to Venezuela.

Can you hear the war drums yet?

Would the Dems and Rinos allow a nuke to be detonated in the US in order to keep their Ukraine money laundering operation going and to stay in power? Magic 8 ball says Signs point to yes.
Putin putting Nukes into space. So lets defend Ukraine's border! Its amazing how the world is falling apart under Biden.
You think his suck buddy Trump will do anything about it?? Hell he just announced he's all for Russia attacking NATO allies if they are delinquent in military payments.
And probably in a state they don’t care about, like Kentucky.
Dems and Rinos my ass. 🤡
Trump and the MAGAts are the ones who think Putin is a great guy that is just a harmless little sweetheart as he bombs the F out of Ukraine and wants to nuke our satellites.
Trump and the MAGAts are the ones cheering for Tucker Carlson serving as a useful idiot megaphone for a homicidal Russian dictator.
Y'all are the clowns that wanna pet the Russian viper. Idiots.
It would never happen under Trump. Your Beta puss Dems are a vacuum that gets filled by strongmen around the world.
Never happen under Trump?? Ok. 🤡