How will they rule ??!

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Because you criticized me and said I sounded like a democrat while republicans are sitting on their asses.

You seem to think there’s something the republicans could do that would benefit the country, and I’m asking you what that is.
No, I criticized you for thinking this impeachment was of value other than for emotion release. That's all it's good for.

As for doing something, the House could attach a border bill - HB2 won't get thru - to the Senate's Ukraine et al bill & try to work something out. Probably won't work, but more useful effort than the Mayorkas impeachment - LOL - thing.
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Which you gleefully and willfully misconstrue to your end.
Let's see...did I "gleefully and willfully" misconstrue Trump's words when he ridiculed Nikki Haley this past weekend due to the fact that her husband wasn't campaigning with her? Turns out he was serving our nation, something Trump would never actually do. I found this criticism to be an extremely hypocritical jab, anyway, since his wife NEVER campaigns with him, despite him paying her hairdresser and physical consultant hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign contributions. Look it up.

Did I "gleefully and willfully misconstrue". Trump's obvious lie about some hypothetical leader of a "big Nato country" asking if Trump would defend them from Russian attacks if he didn't "pay his bill"-whatever that means-, this story was clearly made up, as even you probably know). Did I misconstrue Trump's word that he would encourage Russia to bomb the hell out of them if they didn't pay their bill?

Did I "gleefully and willfully misconstrue" Trump's words on his taped deposition for the E. Jean Carrol case where he swore that "for a million years" stars have been allowed to grab women by the genitals"fortunately or unfortunately?: Is there a secret MAGA decoder ring to translate what that actually means.

Did I "gleefully and willfully misconstrue" Trumps post on his social media site where he clearly called for the suspension or even termination of the US constitution? Where he repeatedly said immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of Americans (despite the fact that his mother, wife and grandfather are all immigrants). Where he called for the execution of American Generals? Shoplifters? Anyone he considers to be vermin?

If these things were all mischaracterizations of Trump's words, please tell me where I can get the Magic MAGA decoder ring and actually understand what this monster is actually trying to say.
Let's see...did I "gleefully and willfully" misconstrue Trump's words when he ridiculed Nikki Haley this past weekend due to the fact that her husband wasn't campaigning with her? Turns out he was serving our nation, something Trump would never actually do. I found this criticism to be an extremely hypocritical jab, anyway, since his wife NEVER campaigns with him, despite him paying her hairdresser and physical consultant hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign contributions. Look it up.

Did I "gleefully and willfully misconstrue". Trump's obvious lie about some hypothetical leader of a "big Nato country" asking if Trump would defend them from Russian attacks if he didn't "pay his bill"-whatever that means-, this story was clearly made up, as even you probably know). Did I misconstrue Trump's word that he would encourage Russia to bomb the hell out of them if they didn't pay their bill?

Did I "gleefully and willfully misconstrue" Trump's words on his taped deposition for the E. Jean Carrol case where he swore that "for a million years" stars have been allowed to grab women by the genitals"fortunately or unfortunately?: Is there a secret MAGA decoder ring to translate what that actually means.

Did I "gleefully and willfully misconstrue" Trumps post on his social media site where he clearly called for the suspension or even termination of the US constitution? Where he repeatedly said immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of Americans (despite the fact that his mother, wife and grandfather are all immigrants). Where he called for the execution of American Generals? Shoplifters? Anyone he considers to be vermin?

If these things were all mischaracterizations of Trump's words, please tell me where I can get the Magic MAGA decoder ring and actually understand what this monster is actually trying to say.

TLDR, but yes. No "decoder" ring required, just honesty.
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How dumb do YOU have to be to take the one issue you own and turn it over to the Dems?
Pubs are now the party of Open Borders and pregnant children.
Good luck selling that in 2024.

Let's not move the goal posts bro.
I am embarrassed for you if you really think Biden is cognitively equal to Trump.
Forget everything else for a second, you actually believe that?
Let's not move the goal posts bro.
I am embarrassed for you if you really think Biden is cognitively equal to Trump.
Forget everything else for a second, you actually believe that?
Dementia vs Demented.
An old Basset Hound that sometimes pees on the carpet vs a rabid raccoon that wants to lash out at anything that moves.
Biden has half a brain vs Trump having no soul.
Biden opposes Putin vs Trump licking Putin's boots.
That said....I would prefer Nikki Haley.
The choice is clear unless you love hate and division.
Hmmm.... can't imagine why. 🤣

As we all know, the higher your education level the more likely you are to vote Dem and twist young minds in a university setting.

An award-winning Penn State professor arrested in a sickening bestiality case faces more charges after videos emerged of him allegedly engaged in lewd acts in a park — including inserting a tree branch and lollipop in his butt.
The disgraced academic has written multiple books, published dozens of journal articles and won at least three teaching awards, including the Premier Teaching Award from the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society in 2017, the Centre Daily Times reported.
Democrats with mental illness either shoot up churches now or shove branches up their butts....but Trump is a Nazi....LOL. Enjoy.


No one can make demoncrats out to be the phony hypocrites that they are like Bill Maher.
Bill is correct. Like I said in an earlier post....The average Democrat is just as unhappy with open borders as the average Republican.
The problem for Republicans now is that Democrats, independents and moderates just watched Democrats (and some Republicans with balls) agree to the most restrictive border bill in our lifetime.....then watched Trump and his MAGAts turn away from it.
People have tvs....radios....phones....and internet. They watched Republicans turn down a border bill that was approved by the border patrol union. You know....the guys on the front line.
Dems want something done....tried and were stopped by REPUBLICANS.
Not smart. Not smart at all.
Dems are even running political ads now touting toughness on the border.
Right or wrong... Outside of the Pub echo guys are now viewed as the do nothing Open Borders Party by many Americans.

I don't need Schiff to interpret what was said. Read it for yourself. It is unconstitutional to enlist a foreign country to dig up dirt on your political opponent period.

Where does withholding foreign aid money unless they fire the prosecutor who’s going after your son’s shady business dealings rank up there?

I mean, the video is on YouTube for everyone to see.
Chance Biden wrote that, or even knows it was tweeted, is zero.

In other news, I'm intrigued by Barbara Lee's support of a $50 dollar minimum wage in California. Just think, high school sweethearts could skip senior year of high school, get a GED, and flip burgers full time and rake in $208,000 per year. Meanwhile, those poor suckers in college are racking up debt and may not be able to find a job in their field upon graduation.

Barbara Lee: paragon of economic sense. I'm sure small business owners all over California support her
They’re getting ready to pull some bs and blame Russia.

I think they’ll probably use someone who illegally entered through the southern border and blame republicans.

You already see lapdogs like sambowieshin parroting the “blame republicans” message.

Couple that with the security threat noise today, and it’s guaranteed at this point.
Nah, people have eyes and ears. It was witnessed in real time. All the studies, videos, statistical anomalies, reports, bellwethers, etc just solidified what everyone watched that night.

Joe Biden = most votes in our country’s history. Hilarious really.
This is the truth of it. Some people just believe their “eyes and ears” and previous experience over all facts. No matter how many times they were correctly told it was going to happen(Some states counted day-of voting first. They had a Trump lead and it slowly diminished as mail-ins were counted. Some states counted mail-ins first. They had a Biden lead that slowly went to Trump as day-of was counted, see OH.) they just can’t accept when something new happens that hasn’t happened before. It’s new and different and that’s scary so must be wrong. They will never change when shown facts because they didn’t arrive at their own position with facts.
Chance Biden wrote that, or even knows it was tweeted, is zero.

In other news, I'm intrigued by Barbara Lee's support of a $50 dollar minimum wage in California. Just think, high school sweethearts could skip senior year of high school, get a GED, and flip burgers full time and rake in $208,000 per year. Meanwhile, those poor suckers in college are racking up debt and may not be able to find a job in their field upon graduation.

Barbara Lee: paragon of economic sense. I'm sure small business owners all over California support her

Why not make it $200/hr? Then we'll ALLLLLLLLLL be rich.
As we all know, the higher your education level the more likely you are to vote Dem and twist young minds in a university setting.

An award-winning Penn State professor arrested in a sickening bestiality case faces more charges after videos emerged of him allegedly engaged in lewd acts in a park — including inserting a tree branch and lollipop in his butt.
The disgraced academic has written multiple books, published dozens of journal articles and won at least three teaching awards, including the Premier Teaching Award from the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society in 2017, the Centre Daily Times reported.
Democrats with mental illness either shoot up churches now or shove branches up their butts....but Trump is a Nazi....LOL. Enjoy.

In A PARK? He didn't even have the decency to do that shit in the privacy of his own home? Creepy pervert wanted to be seen.
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I think they’ll probably use someone who illegally entered through the southern border and blame republicans.

You already see lapdogs like sambowieshin parroting the “blame republicans” message.

Couple that with the security threat noise today, and it’s guaranteed at this point.

Agree with that. Perfectly capable of pulling off both actions.

Edit: CNN “hearing” Russia.

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Republicans are so stupid. Trying to play the high moral ground by ousting Santos who is no worse than 75%+ of the rest of Congress with an already super thin majority. Just handed the seat back to the Dems who have no problem keeping Congressmen/women sleeping with Chinese spies, insider trading, list goes on and on. I swear I think the GOP deep down hates being in power. Much easier to sit around and complain all the time about the Dems in control and always campaigning on fixing things when back in power.
Classic example of one of the biggest flaws in our two-party system. You want to protect someone who's an obvious crook and liar like Santos just because it helps your team, because you think your team benefits the country at large more than the other. So all bad behavior is not just attempted to be concealed but actively dismissed and covered for even when exposed. Advancing scum should never be incentivized.
Ken Starr didn't he just lose his job at Baylor over some kind of scandal? HMMMMM
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Baylor kicking ass financially.

The endowment gained 6.4% for the fiscal year ended June 30, beating all the Ivy League endowments. Over the past five years, its 10.9% annualized return outpaced that of all the Ivies except for Brown University, which notched a 13.3% average annual gain. Baylor ranks in the top 5% of all U.S. endowments for the period, according to Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service.

Commence howling and screaming in 5.... 4.... 3....