How will they rule ??!

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You sound like a Dimocrat: All about messaging and feelings. Or, IOW, jack sh...

WTF are you talking about?

It’s up to America to vote Biden out. A terrible border bill wasn’t going to solve any problems at the border, and it was going to absolve democrats of their invasion complicity.

What should republicans in Washington do at this point?

Texas and other states should work on securing the border. Any legislation signed into law by Biden will make the country worse off. He wouldn’t be allowed to sign anything that fixed the problem, even if Congress passed something (they won’t).
So say if I go to buy a car… and the car has lots of problems, it’s overpriced, no warranty, missing a wheel, been wrecked, the salesman is shady, etc and I walk away from his “deal of a lifetime”

Does this mean I’m the clown and deserve to walk everywhere instead of ever drive a car again for the rest of my life?

Your scenario of Rs owning the border mess because they turned down a crap deal is just as ridiculous.
Because the person wanting that car (border patrol union) is currently without any transportation at all. They would rather have a faulty car than no car at all.
It was actually a decent car but the opposing car dealership (Trump) decided to blow up the other dealer's car hoping to get the customer to buy his car that hasn't even been built and may never even arrive on his car lot.
That is a better description of what happened.
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Here's the reality of what voters are seeing now that Trump and the House refused to pass a damn good border bill that had the stamp of approval from the Border Patrol union.
Republicans are now the Open Border Party with moderates/independents whether you are smart enough to realize it or not. The Dems are already running commercials dude.

Now that he's under Jefferies' control, his border hawking days are over. LOL.
You said no offense then you spent the post offending him
Now that he's under Jefferies' control, his border hawking days are over. LOL.
Idk. The migrant influx in NYC is not popular with Dems in that state. Immigration has become a big issue with Dems too. That was one of the reasons the tanked border deal had dem support.
Republicans tanking that bill is now a gift for more hawkish and moderate Dems in swing states/districts.
Vote Biden!! Republicans are for open borders and Biden definitely wants them closed!! Also, the economy is great!!

I think most republicans are disappointed Biden was actually deemed mentally incompetent because he’s such a terrible candidate, and any Republican would easily get more legal votes.

However, sambowieshin just continues pressing forward with messages only someone who is mentally incompetent would stand behind.

Going to be funny when the DNC pulls the rug and acknowledges all the failures sambowieshin has been told don’t exist, but they blame them all on Biden.
This sorta highlights the main difference between Repubs and Dems in DC: Repubs are spineless pvssies... but Dems are just stupid.

Its literally like Dems held a "Career Day" for sub-100 IQ folks... "Hey, wanna go to DC? So you've blown half of Oakland? No problem... sign here...".
It’s up to America to vote Biden out. A terrible border bill wasn’t going to solve any problems at the border, and it was going to absolve democrats of their invasion complicity.

What should republicans in Washington do at this point?

Texas and other states should work on securing the border. Any legislation signed into law by Biden will make the country worse off. He wouldn’t be allowed to sign anything that fixed the problem, even if Congress passed something (they won’t).
Another 11 months & maybe 5 years+ of invasion yet to go as Pubs sit on their a$$es. As I said in another post, you like first of all being able to b!tch.

Why do you get to ask the questions w/o giving your actions?
I won’t fault them for impeaching someone who purposefully allowed an invasion of millions into our country.

Remember, Trump was impeached over a phone call.
He was impeached because he was refusing to release money for Ukrainian defense unless the Ukrainian President agreed to investigate his political opponent.
He was impeached because he was overstepping his authority by withholding that money which is legally controlled by the House.
He was impeached for breaking Constitutional law and asking a foreign power to take down his rival.

Another 11 months & maybe 5 years+ of invasion yet to go as Pubs sit on their a$$es. As I said in another post, you like first of all being able to b!tch.

Why do you get to ask the questions w/o giving your actions?

Jesus Christ, are you having a stroke like McConnell?

Passing a terrible bill that does nothing to fix the border and absolves democrats of their complicity in the invasion is 100x worse for America than telling the Biden administration to use the authority they already have, and impeaching the administration’s figurehead.

The uniparty thought they’d get a shitty border bill through by tying it to the Ukrainian grift they actually care about. Thankfully Americans in the House said no.

There literally no legislation republicans can pass that could ever be signed into law. If the House passed a hill, it’d be the exact same scenario as a DOA impeachment.

It’s stupid to argue otherwise. I know you’re just butthurt because McConnell’s shitty deal was spiked by actual Americans.

After all due process, of course, everyone involved should be hung in the Capitol.
Vote Biden!! Republicans are for open borders and Biden definitely wants them closed!! Also, the economy is great!!

I think most republicans are disappointed Biden was actually deemed mentally incompetent because he’s such a terrible candidate, and any Republican would easily get more legal votes.

However, sambowieshin just continues pressing forward with messages only someone who is mentally incompetent would stand behind.

Going to be funny when the DNC pulls the rug and acknowledges all the failures sambowieshin has been told don’t exist, but they blame them all on Biden.
I don't want Biden. I don't want Trump.
I just donated to Nikki Haley's campaign.

The Party of Trump is a sick joke.
They just voted for open borders.
They make fun of military service men.
They support Putin over America.
They support children having rapist's babies.
They hate public education.
The House is a hot mess.
They trash our allies in NATO and invite Russia to attack them.
They embrace white nationalists.

The ReTrumplicans are extremists that don't represent moderate Americans at all.
Vote Biden!! Republicans are for open borders and Biden definitely wants them closed!! Also, the economy is great!!

I think most republicans are disappointed Biden was actually deemed mentally incompetent because he’s such a terrible candidate, and any Republican would easily get more legal votes.

However, sambowieshin just continues pressing forward with messages only someone who is mentally incompetent would stand behind.

Going to be funny when the DNC pulls the rug and acknowledges all the failures sambowieshin has been told don’t exist, but they blame them all on Biden.
Trump and Republicans trashing that border bill was a gift to the Dems. You just don't get it. Y'all are the Open Borders Party now.
Don't like it....pass an ASYLUM Law.
This Dem just won on it.
Jesus Christ, are you having a stroke like McConnell?

Passing a terrible bill that does nothing to fix the border and absolves democrats of their complicity in the invasion is 100x worse for America than telling the Biden administration to use the authority they already have, and impeaching the administration’s figurehead.

The uniparty thought they’d get a shitty border bill through by tying it to the Ukrainian grift they actually care about. Thankfully Americans in the House said no.

There literally no legislation republicans can pass that could ever be signed into law. If the House passed a hill, it’d be the exact same scenario as a DOA impeachment.

It’s stupid to argue otherwise. I know you’re just butthurt because McConnell’s shitty deal was spiked by actual Americans.
Then why did you ask me what Pubs in DC should do when you already know the answer?
Doesn't matter why. He said it & it's offensive wrt her husband. Anyone with common decency would apologize. Sick SOB.
You know, There was a time when I would give you the benefit of the doubt. you would on occasion say something i might have agreed with, but anymore your posts are no better or different than Sam's or Mad's or any other of the TDS infected ranting Lib posters on here. I'm literally at the point of just scrolling past you now, so I'm going to hit the ignore button for now.
Then why did you ask me what Pubs in DC should do when you already know the answer?

Because you criticized me and said I sounded like a democrat while republicans are sitting on their asses.

You seem to think there’s something the republicans could do that would benefit the country, and I’m asking you what that is.
I don't want Biden. I don't want Trump.
I just donated to Nikki Haley's campaign.

The Party of Trump is a sick joke.
They just voted for open borders.
They make fun of military service men.
They support Putin over America.
They support children having rapist's babies.
They hate public education.
The House is a hot mess.
They trash our allies in NATO and invite Russia to attack them.
They embrace white nationalists.

The ReTrumplicans are extremists that don't represent moderate Americans at all.
I knew you were dumb and obviously have said so repeatedly. But this may top the list as dumbest things you’ve ever posted.

He was impeached because he was refusing to release money for Ukrainian defense unless the Ukrainian President agreed to investigate his political opponent.
He was impeached because he was overstepping his authority by withholding that money which is legally controlled by the House.
He was impeached for breaking Constitutional law and asking a foreign power to take down his rival.

Is this the Adam Schiff version?
So? What does that have to do with the % of the country that loves Trump? Hillary's unpopularity just reinforces my point about Trumpers being a minority. Millions of people were willing to throw their votes away on a dead-end third party because they didn't like either major party candidate. Trump lovers are not anywhere close to a majority of our country. That's just a fact.
Is this the Adam Schiff version?
I don't need Schiff to interpret what was said. Read it for yourself. It is unconstitutional to enlist a foreign country to dig up dirt on your political opponent period.

I don't need Schiff to interpret what was said. Read it for yourself. It is unconstitutional to enlist a foreign country to dig up dirt on your political opponent period.

Funny we haven’t hear a peep from you about the Obama administration (we’ll give Biden the benefit of the doubt and anssume they kept him in the dark like the mentally incompetent fool he is) and the CIA enlisting foreign agents to frame Donald Trump for Russia collusion.
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Man you libs in here are really trying to say Biden and Trump are equal cognitively?

I will never cease to be amazed what TDS has done to some people.
How dumb do YOU have to be to take the one issue you own and turn it over to the Dems?
Pubs are now the party of Open Borders and pregnant children.
Good luck selling that in 2024.

Because you criticized me and said I sounded like a democrat while republicans are sitting on their asses.

You seem to think there’s something the republicans could do that would benefit the country, and I’m asking you what that is.
No, I criticized you for thinking this impeachment was of value other than for emotion release. That's all it's good for.

As for doing something, the House could attach a border bill - HB2 won't get thru - to the Senate's Ukraine et al bill & try to work something out. Probably won't work, but more useful effort than the Mayorkas impeachment - LOL - thing.
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