How will they rule ??!

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This will be my last comment about it, but the Canuck/JohnKBA/StantheCaddy...a guy who went ballistic when anyone questioned his supposed wealth, desperately claiming he would show his W2 to strangers on a message board...

A guy who once took a ban for calling Warrior's wife the b-word. A woman he has never don't talk about another man's wife you little b-tch. I have always said if the Canuck ever had to be face to face with Warrior in person he would kiss his ass so much it would be incredibly hilarious to watch.

A guy who called most here racists but lost one account for calling Clarence Thomas the N-word...seriously spent months if not years on here calling probably every conservative a racist and yet if a black man didn't agree with him politically...he was one using the N-word.

See I thought he was a drunk, couldn't hold his liquor...thus the erratic behavior...a douchebag drunk due to that whole W2 weirdness. But this StantheCaddy laughing about every story about rapes and murders and children hurt...He still might be a drunk, but he is seriously mentally ill.

All of these are not examples of someone who got a little too mad in the heat of the moment or had a bad day...these are examples of someone in a mental state that I don't think he is going to recover from...maybe he lost his real or imagined money, maybe something happened in his life, but this piece of sh-t has lost it. If rape and innocent people killed is funny to you man, damn....I will pray for you chief.
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Wrong. There was one granted by a SCOTUS ruling and then taken away by the same. I understand your theory of God-given rights but that doesn't make it correct. From 1973 to 2022 someone had a "fundamental" right to an abortion if they needed one. The state could infringe on that right with certain restrictions to balance the interests involved, just like our rights to speech and arms, but it was a fundamental right from our Constitution in the exact same way as any of those others.
where was it explicitly stated as such in the Constitution? What article of what what Amendment? I can point to the one regarding arms, can you point to the one regarding abortion?
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Trump will have to put someone like Haley on the ticket to win im sorry to say. He has to pull votes from 2/3 of the electorate still. I know the folks on the right don’t want it but trump needs to find someone who will pull in some never trumper and independents.
The Trump/Haley bridge has been burned. There's no turning back on that one. Not happening and would piss a ton of Trump supporters off. I would suggest he make amends with Desantis if that's what you're looking for. But Haley is a hard no at this point.

Well the Cards were last place and only won 71 games last year...I think they will be better than 71 wins haha.

They will be better, improved the pitching staff, have a lot of good young players...still don't have an ace pitcher...I predict they will be an above .500 ball club...doubtful they truly compete for the division, probably win like 84 games.
I'm just hoping the Reds can keep their pitching staff mostly healthy once and for all. They have the pieces to win the division if they can do that and David Bell can stay out of the way at times and let the guys do their thing.
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You have to be a complete idiot not to believe that these criminals in Washington are absolutely laundering money in Ukraine. They are openly sticking the middle finger at the American people and laughing to the bank. It takes a special kind of evil to wake up every morning excited to stick it to the people you are supposed to be fighting for.
So the DC criminals are only laundering money in Ukraine? LOL. I mean they are criminals, right?
Trump will have to put someone like Haley on the ticket to win im sorry to say. He has to pull votes from 2/3 of the electorate still. I know the folks on the right don’t want it but trump needs to find someone who will pull in some never trumper and independents.
You at least realize MAGA MAGA MAGA isn't enough to win.
The most sensible VP choice for Trump would be Tim Scott. (Almost) universally liked and respected. African American. Not crazy. Reliably religious. A lot like Mike Pence who IMO helped Trump win in 2016.
Just another unhinged democrat moonbat

Just another lovely democrat who claims to "fight for DuHmOcRaThY" yet wants to wipe her ass with the Constitution. There are lots of countries that don't allow private gun ownership. Perhaps she move there. Trannies and Criminals shoot people, therefore Law abiding citizens should be punished and prevented from protecting themselves from said trannies and criminals.
This will be my last comment about it, but the Canuck/JohnKBA/StantheCaddy...a guy who went ballistic when anyone questioned his supposed wealth, desperately claiming he would show his W2 to strangers on a message board...

A guy who once took a ban for calling Warrior's wife the b-word. A woman he has never don't talk about another man's wife you little b-tch. I have always said if the Canuck ever had to be face to face with Warrior in person he would kiss his ass so much it would be incredibly hilarious to watch.

A guy who called most here racists but lost one account for calling Clarence Thomas the N-word...seriously spent months if not years on here calling probably every conservative a racist and yet if a black man didn't agree with him politically...he was one using the N-word.

See I thought he was a drunk, couldn't hold his liquor...thus the erratic behavior...a douchebag drunk due to that whole W2 weirdness. But this StantheCaddy laughing about every story about rapes and murders and children hurt...He still might be a drunk, but he is seriously mentally ill.

All of these are not examples of someone who got a little too mad in the heat of the moment or had a bad day...these are examples of someone in a mental state that I don't think he is going to recover from...maybe he lost his real or imagined money, maybe something happened in his life, but this piece of sh-t has lost it. If rape and innocent people killed is funny to you man, damn....I will pray for you chief.

A large part of the reason why people on the left act like they do here is because they can't do it in real life; so this is just an outlet, a form of catharsis.
Is Chuck Todd a journalist? Shall we list those who Chuck Todd interviewed?

Did he ask questions of Putin that you afraid to hear? Do you look for the fainting couch when you are triggered? Grow a pair, Alice.
Carlson is not a journalist. He's a provocateur who plays on emotions of the weak minded and emotionally damaged like you. Trump wants to destroy NATO and our allies..and he's subservient to Putin for reasons we don't fully understand just yet. Putin is KGB, at one time reaching the rank of Colonel, I believe Those KGB guys are experts in trapping guys like Trump and placing them in compromising positions-then blackmailing them for life...that's literally what the KGB does.

By the way, you never addressed how you can still support someone who openly roots for our country to fail..for our economy to crash. Do you think you would personally duck an economic catastrophe? What is missing that you are fine with a candidate that says he hopes America crashes?
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This sums up the state of the government perfectly.

Younger people do not want perpetual war bullshit, layering additional debt on the future generations.

Older senators just need to secure the bag before they retire.

Speaking of perpetual debt, shall I remind you of the massive debt Trump created in just four years...ONE FOURTH of the entire debt of the history of our country. If someone of any age wants to avoid debt then Trump would be the last place they would look.
Carlson is not a journalist. He's a provocateur who plays on emotions of the weak minded and emotionally damaged like you. Trump wants to destroy NATO and our allies..and he's subservient to Putin for reasons we don't fully understand just yet. Putin is KGB, at one time reaching the rank of Colonel, I believe Those KGB guys are experts in trapping guys like Trump and placing them in compromising positions-then blackmailing them for life...that's literally what the KGB does.

By the way, you never addressed how you can still support someone who openly roots for our country to fail..for our economy to crash. Do you think you would personally duck an economic catastrophe? What is missing that you are fine with a candidate that says he hopes America crashes?

This is all a mischaracterization of what Trump says of course.

Which isPar for the coarse for you is to perpetuate the various media created hoaxes. Yoour KGB theory is just a conspiracy theory and Trump never says he hopes America crashes.

You're not honest and no one here shoudl take you seriously. They don't.
Condescending comments like 'our base cannot possible know' is evidence there isn't a well-reasoned argument for giving Ukraine endless you hide behind classified briefings rhetoric

The "idea" is that allowing Russia to win will inevitably lead to WW3, China taking taiwan and Putin the rest of Europe.

It's ridiculous. Were it actually true, we wouldn't have made the gambit which we did, which was to force Putin's hhand through Ukrainian NATO membership. We wouldn't have taken the unnecessary risk that Ukraine could lose, which they will.

From the article:

Citing nameless experts, Reuters floated the notion that "the conflict is based on the availability of resources rather than ethnic or religious differences."

The International Crisis Group, whose work is supported by George Soros' Open Society Foundations and cited by the Biden State Department, claims that "climate change has aggravated" "farmer-herder violence."

"Increasingly, the security implications of changing weather patterns are visible in deadly land resource disputes between farmers and herders across the continent," added the group.

The European Parliament appears willing to similarly cast the persecution not as a sustained jihad but as a resource dispute caused by the specter of anthropogenic climate change.
Good Lord, and there are actually souls out there who will bite into this blatant propaganda bait, hook, line and sinker. more Soros, WEF/UN narrative pushing, when most sane people with the ability to think for themselves know exactly what's happening.
These people are morons. Pay people $50 and you completely destroy the whole economy of the state. You would be paying Ruth's Chris Steakhouse prices for fast food. I can't imagine anyone would be willing to do that. Then all fast food restaurants in the state shut down. Same goes with grocery and retail stores.

Even the more expensive stores and restaurants would go under because they aren't paying their employees $50 an hour (at least most of them). Those electric cars they want to force you to get will probably double in price. I'd imagine all the utilities that they can't keep from running out of will be to expensive for people to afford. Everything will be impacted by this.

Pretty soon the government will come in and have to takeover everything. That's probably their ultimate plan.
These morons just fail to realize it's all relative. Raise the Minimum wage, prices get raised to account for it, then you're right back where you started.
Whatever their ideology or motivations, something they basically all have in common is they don't tend to be the most stable or rational people.

Bingo. And I’d wager psychiatric prescription medications play a significant role in all this. Of course, good luck getting big pharma to own up to it or ever finding anyone void of financial interests to want to put the pieces together.
Fascism has many tenets. One of which is the dismantling of democracy and installation of a dictator. Joe Biden is many things, but an attempted dictator ain't one. The same cannot be said of Trump.
The Trump/Haley bridge has been burned. There's no turning back on that one. Not happening and would piss a ton of Trump supporters off. I would suggest he make amends with Desantis if that's what you're looking for. But Haley is a hard no at this point.
If Trump and DeSantis truly care about America first, they’ll team up. But I don’t see DeSantis getting on board. He’d rather run Florida than work alongside Trump.
This is all a mischaracterization of what Trump says of course.

Which isPar for the coarse for you is to perpetuate the various media created hoaxes. Yoour KGB theory is just a conspiracy theory and Trump never says he hopes America crashes.

You're not honest and no one here shoudl take you seriously. They don't.
They mistake, well actually twist, Trump's predictions into "hope". predicting a crash due to inept leadership is not the same as hoping for one.