How will they rule ??!

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Bingo. And I’d wager psychiatric prescription medications play a significant role in all this. Of course, good luck getting big pharma to own up to it or ever finding anyone void of financial interests to want to put the pieces together.
No. I hate Big Pharma, but that's scapegoating BS. Don't be like Dylann Roof, who had no history of medications and flat out refused them. “I want to state that I am morally opposed to psychology, a Jewish invention that does nothing but invent diseases and tell people they have problems when they don't." No doctor or medication is infallible but most every one of these people fell through cracks in our system and their outbursts could've been prevented had they received help. People not having access to the help they need is the issue, not the help.
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No you clowns had a chance to pass a law that would have limited asylum claims and forced Biden to limit border entries.
Trump and his slaves shot it down.
Look at your reps and in the mirror for why the border is still wide open fool.
It was fine under remain in Mexico loser. You morons broke it. You fix it. Trump lives rent free in your head. Plenty of room with such a tiny brain.
Some do, some don't. Regardless of the outcome, the process is time consuming and overwhelming to the immigration system.
Republicans shot down a chance to limit this law because Trump told them to.
Look in the mirror and at your Republican representatives if you want someone to blame right now.

The necessary laws/tools already exist. There just needs to be enforcement. Zero tolerance enforcement and a clear message to countries of origin it won't be tolerated.

It isn't that complicated. It just needs someone who wants to actually tackle the issue.
It's definitely the majority on here and polling would suggest it's roughly a majority of the Republican party. You're underestimating Republican ability to be looney.
The necessary laws/tools already exist. There just needs to be enforcement. Zero tolerance enforcement and a clear message to countries of origin it won't be tolerated.

It isn't that complicated. It just needs someone who wants to actually tackle the issue.
You're wrong. That isn't how the border law works. Your Republican representatives lie about this every day.
The laws DON'T EXIST to stop ASYLUM claims at the border.
Until those laws are changed, the border will remain wide open. Trump slowed it down scaring immigrants by taking their kids and putting them in cages....but he did NOTHING about ASYLUM law.
Until that law is changed by CONGRESS the border is open.
The Remain in Mexico executive order slowed it....but did not stop it because it is still LEGAL to enter the US at any point on the border and claim ASYLUM.
Want that stopped....PASS a GD LAW to stop it.
It was fine under remain in Mexico loser. You morons broke it. You fix it. Trump lives rent free in your head. Plenty of room with such a tiny brain.
It was not fine idiot. It was a humanitarian disaster in the Mexican border towns and only slowed ASYLUM NEVER stopped them.
It never stopped because dumbazz Trump never worked with Congress to change border law and amend the current ASYLUM LAWS.
Biden and the Dems just tried to do that and dumbazz Trump and the ReTrumplicans stopped it from being passed. The border union wanted it passed but Trump refused.
You and your idiotic Trump party are why the border is still wide open.
Don't like your representative and tell them to pass a new Border Law that limits ASYLUM claims. Until Republicans decide to pass new ASYLUM laws just STFU.

We need a brand new Senate/Congress.

Senate Majority Leader Schumer on the $96,000,000,000 foreign aid bill:

"We witnessed one of the most get rich quick and make people poorer bills to ever pass the Senate"

That's what it would sound like if he actually told the truth. Everyone is now saying were on the verge of a financial collapse and I believe it.
The most sensible VP choice for Trump would be Tim Scott. (Almost) universally liked and respected. African American. Not crazy. Reliably religious. A lot like Mike Pence who IMO helped Trump win in 2016.
Maybe, he needed pence to calm the evangelicals in 2016…that bloc looks fully on board, but he also helps with the african American segment that he’s been chipping away at. I believe his biggest loss in 2020 tho was suburban women…that may be the reason he goes to a female.
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Here are all 22 Senate Republicans who voted in support of the spending bill:

I'm so sick that McConnell represents KY. I can proudly say that I did not vote for him in the last republican senate primary and didn't even cast a vote for senate in the 2020 general election.
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Biden has taken numerous cognitive tests over the last 3 years… every time he has stepped on stage with a microphone. He has failed such tests repeatedly.
And this guy looks good to you??🤣

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Already posted, but just wanted to point out that Elon sent this out as a notification on X. Don't know if it went to all users or just his followers.

Gaslighting the ignorant is the demo☭rat directive. Led by the shameless dipshits who have no honor or self respect.

The "idea" is that allowing Russia to win will inevitably lead to WW3, China taking taiwan and Putin the rest of Europe.

It's ridiculous. Were it actually true, we wouldn't have made the gambit which we did, which was to force Putin's hhand through Ukrainian NATO membership. We wouldn't have taken the unnecessary risk that Ukraine could lose, which they will.
Ukraine isn't in NATO nor has been offered such.
Read the law Lecter. You are WRONG as you most often are.

(a)Authority to apply for asylum
(1)In general
Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.

Even if coming from Mexico they may qualify for asylum due to threats of gang violence, drug cartel threats, or other issues that qualify for asylum.

READ THE LAW!!!!!!!!

Don't like the law... tell your lazy azz Republican Representative to do something about it besides bitching and moaning about Biden. Dems tried but Trump stopped them cold.
Biden doesn't have the authority to break border laws dude.
Put up or shut up.
...and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters)

Is English your first language or is it G-School upbringing? Do you know the rules of punctuation? Was there a period before the word AND? The rest of the sentence blows you out of the water, international or otherwise.
If Trump and DeSantis truly care about America first, they’ll team up. But I don’t see DeSantis getting on board. He’d rather run Florida than work alongside Trump.
Of course it has to be RD's fault, not Trump's. LMAO. Oh, they can't both be on the ticket as things stand now.
You're wrong. That isn't how the border law works. Your Republican representatives lie about this every day.
The laws DON'T EXIST to stop ASYLUM claims at the border.
Until those laws are changed, the border will remain wide open. Trump slowed it down scaring immigrants by taking their kids and putting them in cages....but he did NOTHING about ASYLUM law.
Until that law is changed by CONGRESS the border is open.
The Remain in Mexico executive order slowed it....but did not stop it because it is still LEGAL to enter the US at any point on the border and claim ASYLUM.
Want that stopped....PASS a GD LAW to stop it.

That's exactly how it works. The way we interpret asylum claims is ridiculous and intended to do nothing but give politicians an out. Actual political asylum claims are clearly so very limited that barely any should ever be granted.

Patrol the border. Repel people by whatever force is needed. Force all asylum claims to be applied for at specified intake locations. Countries of origin for a legitimate asylum claim should be clearly directed and limited in nature. Any not from those countries summarily denied. Any that are, what few would be left, could easily be quickly adjudicated.

Again it isn't complicated. It's all in existence already. The only part this isn't is the list of potential asylum countries of origin. That wouldn't even be needed but for the appointment of a littany of liberal judges and the insane libs who freely appeal and clog up the system trying to litigate every one of these insanely baseless claims.

If people wanted to stop it, they more than have those resources. They just don't want to.
The Biden administration could fix the border tomorrow.

In the grand scheme of things, 9 more months of the Biden invasion doesn’t really matter if it means he’s out of office.

Biden isn’t going to be allowed to sign a border bill that actually fixes the illegal alien invasion even if it’s sent to his desk by Congress.

So the options are for republicans to sign on to a shitty border bill that doesn’t fix anything and absolve democrats of their complicity in the invasion, or let democrats own the issue for the next 9 months which is bad for them politically and therefore better for the country.

If 9 additional months of the democrat sponsored invasion mean less democrats in office, that’s obviously better for the country.

Why don’t you democrat parrots just go back to claiming there is no crisis at the border like you did for the past 3 years?
It's 11+ months.
I have no problem with this. If they wish to help them and take care of them, then by all means go ahead. Just don't get government assistance to help with it. Taxpayers should not be on the hook for it. The money should all come from those people who agreed to take them in.
Plus those that vote for these policies!
Here are all 22 Senate Republicans who voted in support of the spending bill:

I'm so sick that McConnell represents KY. I can proudly say that I did not vote for him in the last republican senate primary and didn't even cast a vote for senate in the 2020 general election.
I just e-mailed my 2 RINO senators about it. They must think they're safe stabbing us in the back since Idaho always overwhelming votes for them. Disgusting.
That's exactly how it works. The way we interpret asylum claims is ridiculous and intended to do nothing but give politicians an out. Actual political asylum claims are clearly so very limited that barely any should ever be granted.

Patrol the border. Repel people by whatever force is needed. Force all asylum claims to be applied for at specified intake locations. Countries of origin for a legitimate asylum claim should be clearly directed and limited in nature. Any not from those countries summarily denied. Any that are, what few would be left, could easily be quickly adjudicated.

Again it isn't complicated. It's all in existence already. The only part this isn't is the list of potential asylum countries of origin. That wouldn't even be needed but for the appointment of a littany of liberal judges and the insane libs who freely appeal and clog up the system trying to litigate every one of these insanely baseless claims.

If people wanted to stop it, they more than have those resources. They just don't want to.
Don't disagree on some of your points but until the current law is changed it will remain a mess.
The law has to change and be narrowed in order to stop the frivilous claims and expedite the entire process.
As the law is written now it is open to abuse and immigrants know exactly how to exploit it.
The law has to change and ONLY CONGRESS has that power.
And this guy looks good to you??🤣

If you’re putting these two together on a cognitive scale, there is no comparison. Most sane, rational people who have at least two eye balls and the same number of firing neurons can see this and agree. Hell something like 86% of people polled believe Biden is too old and isn’t up to the job, and these polls basically NEVER achieve such a level of agreement… until now.
...and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters)

Is English your first language or is it G-School upbringing? Do you know the rules of punctuation? Was there a period before the word AND? The rest of the sentence blows you out of the water, international or otherwise.
Lord you are a goofy one. The word "AND" in that legal sentence means including BOTH examples....not excluding one over the other.
Read the law dude.

Is seeking asylum legal?
Yes, seeking asylum is legal. Asylum seekers must be in the U.S. OR at a port of entry (an airport or an official land crossing) to request the opportunity to apply for asylum.

"There’s no way to ask for a visa or any type of authorization in advance for the purpose of seeking asylum,” says Byrne. “You just have to show up".

Here are all 22 Senate Republicans who voted in support of the spending bill:

I'm so sick that McConnell represents KY. I can proudly say that I did not vote for him in the last republican senate primary and didn't even cast a vote for senate in the 2020 general election.
Funny how ole Warhawk Lyndsey Graham is not on that list. Guess Trump dominating SC has him on edge for his next election aspirations.
If you’re putting these two together on a cognitive scale, there is no comparison. Most sane, rational people who have at least two eye balls and the same number of firing neurons can see this and agree. Hell something like 86% of people polled believe Biden is too old and isn’t up to the job, and these polls basically NEVER achieve such a level of agreement… until now.
Both candidates suck.
How does this show good cognitive functioning and decision making skills for a President?? He's an idiot.
That's fine if he wants to say stuff like this to alllies behind closed doors....but announcing this to the world in public is insane, irresponsible and dangerous.

Lord you are a goofy one. The word "AND" in that legal sentence means including BOTH examples....not excluding one over the other.
Read the law dude.

Is seeking asylum legal?
Yes, seeking asylum is legal. Asylum seekers must be in the U.S. OR at a port of entry (an airport or an official land crossing) to request the opportunity to apply for asylum.

"There’s no way to ask for a visa or any type of authorization in advance for the purpose of seeking asylum,” says Byrne. “You just have to show up".

We all know that anyone can claim they are seeking asylum. If you want to hang your hat on that then Biden TODAY can reinstate his overturn of remain in Mexico. Its a farce and you know it.

AND not OR. You are selling OR. Its not either. Its BOTH. Englis hard. When an illegal crosses the border ILLEGALLY, breaks the law, and then requests asylum as every one of them does in the farce.....they do not do so after being interdicted at sea.