How will they rule ??!

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I see. So Dred Scott was Constitutional even though it was overturned. I never took you for a slaver.
America was a slaving country, of course slavery was constitutional. Wtf are you talking about Dred Scott was overturned? No it wasn't. It had to be superseded by the 13th Amendment after the Civil War. Awful embarrassing for you, sticking your nose in with completely wrong information.
Concerned about the safety of our cretin ruling class. Shoot them dead!

Unconcerned about the safety of Americans because of the Biden Open Border. Let them in!
Republicans are the ones that REFUSED to enact new border law not Dems. That is a fact.
Here's another example of Traitor Trump sticking his head up Putin's ass for all the world to see. People gave their lives for freedom and democracy in Europe and this POS mfer is talking like a low level mafia mob boss about letting Russia have whatever they want.
He's hell bent on turning us into a dictatorship.
Republicans are the ones that REFUSED to enact new border law not Dems. That is a fact.
Here's another example of Traitor Trump sticking his head up Putin's ass for all the world to see. People gave their lives for freedom and democracy in Europe and this POS mfer is talking like a low level mafia mob boss about letting Russia have whatever they want.
He's hell bent on turning us into a dictatorship.
No it’s not, you keep ignoring example after example and ignoring this admins actions, all the while believing the talking point that all 6 million ppl that have came over are asylum seekers.

Don’t care about whatever the other thing you’re rambling about but stop calling Ukraine a democracy. It’s not, at all. That has nothing to do with Russia or whatever anyones stance is on that. In other words you’re similarly saying Stalin and the Soviet Union were great…I mean they fought nazi germany!
Hold up! Didn't the Right wing just send one of it's own- the old testicle tanner Tucker Carlson- to suckle on the joy stick of one of the world's worst authoritarians and dictators? Didn't Tucker just give ol' Vlad a free two hour commercial to white wash his invasion of a soverign nation and murder tens of thousands of it's citizens?

Didn't the Great Orange Jeebus of the Right Wing sit and openly wish for America's economy to fail to make him look better? I have a clip if you need to see it again.

Now who is working to destroy our country?
When FJB does that to the Chinese Communist authoritarian Xi.....its okay why exactly? When FJB pays billions to the Ayatollah in Iran and removes/ignores restrictions on their oil sales that brings them billions to give to fund terror as they assemble a Nuke in their stated goal of erasing Israel from the planet....all those things are fine with you because of....why exactly?

Putin is a bad guy, clearly, but he is no worse than dictators and thugs you guys actually assist. Putin is bad when we are weak...and that is with a Democrat beta POTUS not willing to do what is necessary.
Support a genocide and you get one. Thoughts and prayers!
Ah so what you called Islamophobia was justified then. Support brutality to women, no human rights…might as well kill them.

Seriously tho- yet to answer. It’s all over when hostages are released, it’s all over when Hamas surrenders. But then again, the ceasefire now crowd has been silent time and time again, when Hamas refuses every one.

My favorite is all the progressives were crying about the IDF going into Rafah, yet they saved two hostages, hostages you don’t care about…no one else has to die tho but the savages just can’t quit.

When’s your march for the Yemen civil war…300k dead. No oppressor angle or?
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Support a genocide and you get one. Thoughts and prayers!
You do know that you support...and may in fact be the mental illness known as leftism. It is a clinical fact. Being disposed to your ideology means that you are on a spectrum of one of many forms of mental illness. Become a conservative. You will be much happier.
No it’s not, you keep ignoring example after example and ignoring this admins actions, all the while believing the talking point that all 6 million ppl that have came over are asylum seekers.

Don’t care about whatever the other thing you’re rambling about but stop calling Ukraine a democracy. It’s not, at all. That has nothing to do with Russia or whatever anyones stance is on that. In other words you’re similarly saying Stalin and the Soviet Union were great…I mean they fought nazi germany!
Never said all are asylum seekers but many are using that as a means to enter the country.
Don't like it....tell your Republican Rep to pass a damn law that makes it illegal and takes the whole issue out of old man Biden's hands.
It's a simple fix unless you are just wanting to use it as an election issue but never actually do a damn thing about it. Politicians would never do something like that right???
Yeah, it was directly ordered by him. Protestors changed their scheduled protest day away from their original day to Jan 6th at his request.

There's nothing wrong with peaceful protest, which is verbatim what he called for, not violence like you radical leftists.

I care about human values. Sometimes Christians purport to as well. The value of life is supposed to be one of those times.

No you don't. You care only about humans that share your values, and that's only so far as you can use them.

Support a genocide and you get one. Thoughts and prayers!

As I was saying. "Happy" for you.

America was a slaving country, of course slavery was constitutional. Wtf are you talking about Dred Scott was overturned? No it wasn't. It had to be superseded by the 13th Amendment after the Civil War. Awful embarrassing for you, sticking your nose in with completely wrong information.
Your spin and need to "win" by parsing words...and you come up with superseded? The constitution was amended. We have a 10th pal in the Bill of Rights. It leaves to the states what is not specifically mentioned in the then existing constitution. "Overturned" is closer in reality than "superseded."
I care about human values. Sometimes Christians purport to as well. The value of life is supposed to be one of those times.
You'd see how much he values human lives if he were to take out an active shooter with his concealed carry preventing further carnage.
Your spin and need to "win" by parsing words...and you come up with superseded? The constitution was amended. We have a 10th pal in the Bill of Rights. It leaves to the states what is not specifically mentioned in the then existing constitution. "Overturned" is closer in reality than "superseded."
The entire argument was word-parsing. He specifically took issue with me saying SCOTUS cases are all denotatively constitutional:
"Denotatively?" You sure you want to die on this hill?

Plessy v. Ferguson says hi. So does Dred Scott.
Even the 'wrong' ones that are eventually "overturned"(Dred Scott was his own example as you can see here and his follow-up post). The 13th Amendment wasn't a SCOTUS case that overturned the existing precedent of Dred Scott, it was an amendment that changed the Constitution itself so that any future ruling from SCOTUS would be interpreting that and not the previous Constitution. They're entirely different constitutional mechanisms.

Regardless of this Dred Scott tangent, all SCOTUS rulings are inherently, denotatively constitutional. In regards to the original contention, both Roe and Dobbs were constitutional, and we all had a constitutional right to abortion until we didn't.
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I went to a small expensive college. I have no student loan debt. I'm in the 10%. Those of us like Bernie willing to admit we've profited off of a broken system and stand up for workers are to be commended. We're few and far between. Most people are just interested in getting theirs, keeping up with the Jones's until there's nothing left.
You have to be a complete idiot not to believe that these criminals in Washington are absolutely laundering money in Ukraine. They are openly sticking the middle finger at the American people and laughing to the bank. It takes a special kind of evil to wake up every morning excited to stick it to the people you are supposed to be fighting for.
There were no constitutional rights to abortion taken away.
Wrong. There was one granted by a SCOTUS ruling and then taken away by the same. I understand your theory of God-given rights but that doesn't make it correct. From 1973 to 2022 someone had a "fundamental" right to an abortion if they needed one. The state could infringe on that right with certain restrictions to balance the interests involved, just like our rights to speech and arms, but it was a fundamental right from our Constitution in the exact same way as any of those others.
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There's nothing wrong with peaceful protest, which is verbatim what he called for, not violence like you radical leftists.

No you don't. You care only about humans that share your values, and that's only so far as you can use them.

As I was saying. "Happy" for you.

What a joke. Calls for a peaceful protest my azz. 🤬
You can't call for a massive rally by telling thousands of people a huge lie for weeks that their Presidential election was STOLEN from them....Come gather on Election Certification day....The VP has the right to overturn the election.....You gotta "Fight Like Hell to Take Your Country Back!!"...."The Dems stole the election from you".....but throw in the word peaceful right when the crowd is frothing at the mouth and convinced the government took away their vote.
Total Bullsh** dude.
You cool with Kamala overturning your vote if Trump wins and telling thousands of BLM rioters to come to the Capitol on election certification day because the Republicans took their vote away...but be peaceful. Wonder how that will turn out?
Nothing but a buncha anti democracy 🤡's if you think anything about that scenerio is ok.
Fascist fools and tools.
What President in US history has EVER even held a F'ing rally on election certification day after losing?????
F Trump
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Trump will have to put someone like Haley on the ticket to win im sorry to say. He has to pull votes from 2/3 of the electorate still. I know the folks on the right don’t want it but trump needs to find someone who will pull in some never trumper and independents.
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You have to be a complete idiot not to believe that these criminals in Washington are absolutely laundering money in Ukraine. They are openly sticking the middle finger at the American people and laughing to the bank. It takes a special kind of evil to wake up every morning excited to stick it to the people you are supposed to be fighting for.
You are being lied to by Putin and the party of Trump. Not much difference between the two anymore.

Trump will have to put someone like Haley on the ticket to win im sorry to say. He has to pull votes from 2/3 of the electorate still. I know the folks on the right don’t want it but trump needs to find someone who will pull in some never trumper and independents.

I’m hoping the fact he’s keeping Vivek close is an indication there’s no goddam chance he’d do something as stupid as pick Haley as his VP.

He’d be assassinated the minute after inauguration if they even waited that long.
That one hurt man. My Cats crapped the bed, then my Niners crapped the bed.

Hey, you were awfully quiet last baseball season. Honest question, what's your outlook for your Cardinals this season?

Well the Cards were last place and only won 71 games last year...I think they will be better than 71 wins haha.

They will be better, improved the pitching staff, have a lot of good young players...still don't have an ace pitcher...I predict they will be an above .500 ball club...doubtful they truly compete for the division, probably win like 84 games.
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You have to be a complete idiot not to believe that these criminals in Washington are absolutely laundering money in Ukraine. They are openly sticking the middle finger at the American people and laughing to the bank. It takes a special kind of evil to wake up every morning excited to stick it to the people you are supposed to be fighting for.
They know that at least half of them are too GD ignorant, stupid and/or politically brainwashed to realize they're being manipulated. It's a depressing situation.
Wrong. There was one granted by a SCOTUS ruling and then taken away by the same. I understand your theory of God-given rights but that doesn't make it correct. From 1973 to 2022 someone had a "fundamental" right to an abortion if they needed one. The state could infringe on that right with certain restrictions to balance the interests involved, just like our rights to speech and arms, but it was a fundamental right from our Constitution in the exact same way as any of those others.

You clearly do not understand the “theory” of “god-given“ rights.

Rights do not come from the constitution. The rights exist and are protected from government infringement on them by the Constitution.

SCOTUS interprets the Constitution and its protection of those rights.
The entire argument was word-parsing. He specifically took issue with me saying SCOTUS cases are all denotatively constitutional:

Even the 'wrong' ones that are eventually "overturned"(Dred Scott was his own example as you can see here and his follow-up post). The 13th Amendment wasn't a SCOTUS case that overturned the existing precedent of Dred Scott, it was an amendment that changed the Constitution itself so that any future ruling from SCOTUS would be interpreting that and not the previous Constitution. They're entirely different constitutional mechanisms.

Regardless of this Dred Scott tangent, all SCOTUS rulings are inherently, denotatively constitutional. In regards to the original contention, both Roe and Dobbs were constitutional, and we all had a constitutional right to abortion until we didn't.
You still have a right to an abortion. WTF are you talking about?
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What a joke. Calls for a peaceful protest my azz. 🤬
You can't call for a massive rally by telling thousands of people a huge lie for weeks that their Presidential election was STOLEN from them....Come gather on Election Certification day....The VP has the right to overturn the election.....You gotta "Fight Like Hell to Take Your Country Back!!"...."The Dems stole the election from you".....but throw in the word peaceful right when the crowd is frothing at the mouth and convinced the government took away their vote.
Total Bullsh** dude.
You cool with Kamala overturning your vote if Trump wins and telling thousands of BLM rioters to come to the Capitol on election certification day because the Republicans took their vote away...but be peaceful. Wonder how that will turn out?
Nothing but a buncha anti democracy 🤡's if you think anything about that scenerio is ok.
Fascist fools and tools.
What President in US history has EVER even held a F'ing rally on election certification day after losing?????
F Trump

This is just a hysterical delusion created for you by your media, to exploit your anxieties and other weaknesses for political expediency.

Nothing more.
What a joke. Calls for a peaceful protest my azz. 🤬
You can't call for a massive rally by telling thousands of people a huge lie for weeks that their Presidential election was STOLEN from them....Come gather on Election Certification day....The VP has the right to overturn the election.....You gotta "Fight Like Hell to Take Your Country Back!!"...."The Dems stole the election from you".....but throw in the word peaceful right when the crowd is frothing at the mouth and convinced the government took away their vote.
Total Bullsh** dude.
You cool with Kamala overturning your vote if Trump wins and telling thousands of BLM rioters to come to the Capitol on election certification day because the Republicans took their vote away...but be peaceful. Wonder how that will turn out?
Nothing but a buncha anti democracy 🤡's if you think anything about that scenerio is ok.
Fascist fools and tools.
What President in US history has EVER even held a F'ing rally on election certification day after losing?????
F Trump
What party has encouraged and paid for hundreds of riots across the nation "expecting" them to be mostly peaceful....but became mostly fiery. The DEMOCRATS. So we should, if you are not a hypocrite, agree that Democrats should be held accountable for the actions of their BLM/Antifa foot soldiers.

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