
A dude who lives down the street from me has a framed pic of Trump on his Lanai table that is visible from the street. It has American flags on both sides of it, as well as crosses, and what looks like a copy of the US Constitution hanging from the front of the table. This is beyond weird. It would still be weird if it was a sports figure, sports team or musician. What he has out there is creepy, but he is a creepy dude. He's also an HOA Karen. The old guy who lives next to us has a little dog. When he goes out to his VFW post to watch football or baseball at night, she will bark some if she hears something. It's never bothered us or any of our other neighbors, but he came to the lady who lives on the other side of the guy with the dog one night after 10:30, beating on her door and asking her to do something about his dog, scaring the crap out of her in the process. . I would have loved for him to have knocked on my door that night. He's also been warned about walking around other people's property and looking for things that he perceives are against HOA rules. He's a touching weirdo, and I didn't need his shrine to Trump to know that.
Like I get being vigilant and wanting to keep a neighborhood clean and safe, but HOA's are fiefdoms. And not good ones at that.

The framed picture of any President is a bit weird. Especially in a prominent place. I mean if you met the person or had a relationship with them, I get it. But the pseudo-idolatry has always been a bit weird to me.