How will they rule ??!

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Meanwhile, Bozo the Clown is showing his incompetence in first official military raid. I'm sure Cosby will be along to tell us how terrible Trump is for killing civilians like he did with Obamer. First dead American soldier is a direct result of his incompetence.

U.S. Central Command said in a statement that an investigating team had "concluded regrettably that civilian non-combatants were likely killed" during Sunday's raid. It added that children may have been among the casualties.

Central Command said its assessment "seeks to determine if there were any still-undetected civilian casualties in the ferocious firefight."

U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.

As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.
You are a blazing retard.

So, it's now Trump that plans military attacks?
"The top recipients of the H-1B visas are outsourcers, primarily from India, who run the technology departments of large corporations with largely imported staff."

I've had friends join Infosysis, Tata Consulting and WiPro and quit 6 months later when they realized all they were doing was outsourcing US jobs. Would go into a major retailer, take census of the IT department, match it with foreign equivalents at a lower cost and....the next thing that happens is the entire staff is released with the exception of a skeleton crew left to help train/manage the outsourced work.

Glad to see this.
"The top recipients of the H-1B visas are outsourcers, primarily from India, who run the technology departments of large corporations with largely imported staff."

I've had friends join Infosysis, Tata Consulting and WiPro and quit 6 months later when they realized all they were doing was outsourcing US jobs. Would go into a major retailer, take census of the IT department, match it with foreign equivalents at a lower cost and....the next thing that happens is the entire staff is released with the exception of a skeleton crew left to help train/manage the outsourced work.

Glad to see this.

With the contingency that they hang around and train their replacements... lest they lose any severance.
I can only imagine how far we would have gotten if the founders burned down their own crops and cities in "protest" as opposed to pouring some tea into the harbor.

I'm glad it's currently millennials and liberal pussies leading the new lefty revolution.
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God Dyson is the biggest dumbass of them all. And that's saying something. I listened to an hour long debate with him as a participant and it's just insane how illogical and irrational these liberals like him are. He's so smug and into himself. he's actually not that intelligent imo. Just Learned to recite the same crap over and over.

He's another "token black media / professor that they only bring on to talk about his skin color, never about fiscal policy or to get into the weeds. Back to the soft bigotry of the left.

Dyson's view on whites is a very popular belief among POC so that's why I get a kick out of the clowns on here who get upset that there's anyone who pushes back against racism from blacks by calling the person who responds to it "racist."

Notice they don't care one iota or speak out against the constant racism and hatred that whites are subjected to on a daily basis from the left? Notice they're not outraged about college anti-white college courses or a New York elementary school segregating whites and black kids while telling little white children that they're bad and privileged and then rewarding the black kids? Unbelievable.
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Meanwhile, Bozo the Clown is showing his incompetence in first official military raid. I'm sure Cosby will be along to tell us how terrible Trump is for killing civilians like he did with Obamer. First dead American soldier is a direct result of his incompetence.

U.S. Central Command said in a statement that an investigating team had "concluded regrettably that civilian non-combatants were likely killed" during Sunday's raid. It added that children may have been among the casualties.

Central Command said its assessment "seeks to determine if there were any still-undetected civilian casualties in the ferocious firefight."

U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.

As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.

Any unnamed source is a dead giveaway that it's made up. That's just today's msm. And goes directly to my last post.

So if anyone expects the average person to believe this president sent people into combat on a raid against the wishes of all advisers, I'm calling bs.

And as predicted by many who think Russia bought off Trump:

Freezing and nerve-shattered residents of an eastern Ukraine town battered by an upsurge in fighting between troops and Russia-backed rebels flocked to a humanitarian aid center Wednesday to receive food and warm up.

Heavy shelling of government-held Avdiivka, just north of the rebel stronghold city of Donetsk, began over the weekend and persisted into early Wednesday. Donetsk city also was hit.

This nonsense is hilarious. Russia had zero motivation to help trump. Zero. They'd already successfully bribed hillary, and for cheap. Clearly they'd prefer her
"The top recipients of the H-1B visas are outsourcers, primarily from India, who run the technology departments of large corporations with largely imported staff."

I've had friends join Infosysis, Tata Consulting and WiPro and quit 6 months later when they realized all they were doing was outsourcing US jobs. Would go into a major retailer, take census of the IT department, match it with foreign equivalents at a lower cost and....the next thing that happens is the entire staff is released with the exception of a skeleton crew left to help train/manage the outsourced work.

Glad to see this.

The indignity of being forced out to the third world and being forced to train your replacement should infuriate everyone.

Disney did this crap a couple of years ago. These people gladly sell out the country and its people to gain an extra dollar.
This is only going to get worse before it gets better. Trump is the only person who will not back down from the pressure. Draining the Swamp to me is not just cleaning the cesspool that is Washington DC, but its also dealing with these sanctuary cities, illegals and their welfare benefits, the list goes on and on.
Any unnamed source is a dead giveaway that it's made up. That's just today's msm. And goes directly to my last post.

So if anyone expects the average person to believe this president sent people into combat on a raid against the wishes of all advisers, I'm calling bs.

This nonsense is hilarious. Russia had zero motivation to help trump. Zero. They'd already successfully bribed hillary, and for cheap. Clearly they'd prefer her

They don't care about printing lies. There are zero consequences for lying and their fan base just believes it anyways.

The thing is, for the normal people in this country, this barrage of constant criticism and backing of Islam will ultimately push more people toward Trump.
I mean, we are at war with islamic terrorism. Lets call it like it is. When you are fighting ISIS and other crazed groups there will be causalities. It sucks. War is hell. I feel terrible the little girl died. I feel terrible the US soldier died.

War isnt perfect. There is no perfect information. That soldier sacrificed everything for our freedoms. Instead of bashing Trump, maybe understand we are war, and thank that soldier, and every other soldier you see, for all they do. I wish the world was without violence and deaths, I do, but its not.
"The top recipients of the H-1B visas are outsourcers, primarily from India, who run the technology departments of large corporations with largely imported staff."

I've had friends join Infosysis, Tata Consulting and WiPro and quit 6 months later when they realized all they were doing was outsourcing US jobs. Would go into a major retailer, take census of the IT department, match it with foreign equivalents at a lower cost and....the next thing that happens is the entire staff is released with the exception of a skeleton crew left to help train/manage the outsourced work.

Glad to see this.
Yep. Happened in 2010 to me. NXP purchased our Set Top Box division from Conexant. Level-1 tech support went to Malaysia and Level-2 to India.
I honestly dont know much about Milo. I am reading up on him.

Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.
Fun story, my wife's first cousin was the second season winner of The Apprentice so we have had fun throughout the whole election. They reunited at the Army and Navy football game.

The people who know Trump the best have always liked him. The fact that he's the enemy of the left is also a glowing endorsement.
Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?
If I'm not mistaken, according to the Constitution and Scotus, unless you're inciting, all speech is free speech.

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.
He's a British, Jewish, fag that loves black cock. Not much left out there for him to hate on.

He's far right, which automatically makes him a Nazi racist in their eyes. That is their excuse. Anything he says is "hate speech" to them.
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No, your right about inciting. Still reading up. From what I can tell though, Milo is trolling everyone, including the right, and its making him famous. Not sure I see what is causing such violent upheaval.
Schools are different though.

Tinker protected student free speech rights by outlining two key prongs of when schools could limit student speech. If the speech causes either a (1) material and substantial disruption or (2) collides with the rights of others, K-12 public school leaders can legally restrict such speech.

The Fraser case followed and allowed schools to limit student speech that was lewd, vulgar, or counter to the educational mission of the school. In Hazelwood, the Court established that school officials could exert editorial control in school-sponsored expressive activities, such as the student newspaper. In a 5-4 decision, the Court held that “…educators do not offend the First Amendment by exercising editorial control over the style and content of student speech in school-sponsored expressive activities….” In short, school personnel control school-sponsored expression that could reasonably be seen as bearing the stamp of approval of the school. These three cases provide the foundation for legal interpretations of First Amendment cases in schools.
Lol. I see @cardkilla just skipped right over all his cohorts acting a fool. Macing young women(it was like a 60 year old man who did it..,real tough guy) burning stores. Beating ppl etc

You're a stand up guy cardkilla
I honestly dont know much about Milo. I am reading up on him.

Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.

From what I recall:

In general all speech is protected from state action based on its content. But there are exceptions. Fighting words, clear and present danger are two, and they're narrow. No exception for anything defined as hate speech. Probably fighting words would be closest.

In fact there's case law that says when someone is speaking and a crowd becomes unruly, the police can't make the speaker stop. Instead, if they take any action, they're supposed to protect the speaker from harm.
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Big Milo fan. He's fearless and doesn't give a crap. He also shows how insane and hostile the left becomes toward minorities and gays if they're not on the left.
I got introduced to him early last year. Literally sat one Saturday watching 6 hours of speeches and videos of him. One of the most intelligent conservative commentators out there. What is best is that he is flamboyantly gay and the left can not stand seeing someone who is gay but stood for trump
I honestly dont know much about Milo. I am reading up on him.

Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.
He's a flamboyantly gay, ethnically Jewish, culturally Catholic immigrant who supports Trump and is completely against the censorship of speech and the liberalization and stifling of opinions in intellectual circles.

"Facts don't care about your feelings" is the best way to sum him up.
I honestly dont know much about Milo. I am reading up on him.

Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.
If you don't know about him you should. Guy is phenomenal. Inspiring actually. Helped trump win this election by showing the hypocrisy of the left
Well the speech didn't cause the disruption, the speech hadn't started...the riot caused the disruption...and it wasn't K-12, so that aint gonna work for an argument.
He's a flamboyantly gay, ethnically Jewish, culturally Catholic immigrant who supports Trump and is completely against the censorship of speech and the liberalization and stifling of opinions in intellectual circles.

"Facts don't care about your feelings" is the best way to sum him up.

He also prefers to date black men, which makes it all the funnier when he gets called a white supremacist by libs.
National Prayer Breakfast
Obama: lecturing about the evil christian crusades
Trump: trolling Arnold and the new Apprentice ratings
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I honestly dont know much about Milo. I am reading up on him.

Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.
You are trying to make a distinction that will only become a quagmire. Speech is speech. It must all be defended, or it's no longer free.
For all you liberals that still do not get it. Trump changed the game as we know it. Liberalism in the United States is borderline dead. The vast majority is tired of the status quo and liberals will die. I remember reading about 5 years ago that the GOP/conservatives/republicans need to change something in order to survive, this from liberal pundits. Well we did and we will flourish