How will they rule ??!

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This is the mayor of Berkeley and this is what he had to say about the insane left destroying and attacking last night.

You are trying to make a distinction that will only become a quagmire. Speech is speech. It must all be defended, or it's no longer free.
Exactly. If you allow the government to start infringing on free speech, deciding what is and isn't acceptable, biases, agendas and special interests come into play. Before you know it, it's controlled speech.
No, your right about inciting. Still reading up. From what I can tell though, Milo is trolling everyone, including the right, and its making him famous. Not sure I see what is causing such violent upheaval.

I'm not sure he's legit either. I get the feeling he's brilliantly capitalizing on a movement.

This is the mayor of Berkeley and this is what he had to say about the insane left destroying and attacking last night.

And I'm sure he totally missed the irony of his statement.

I'm not sure he's legit either. I get the feeling he's brilliantly capitalizing on a movement.

And I'm sure he totally missed the irony of his statement.

No he's legit. Been saying the same thing for quite a few years now. Always thought feminism and the left were full of it.
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UC Berkeley hit for the cycle last night. They even targeted and trashed the MLK center. Happy Black History Month, honkies.
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Odd that Antifa seems to love protesting in places like Seattle and Berkley and not Houston or Atlanta. What in the wide wide world of sports could be keeping them from starting fights with people in those states? Hmm? I can't quite put my finger on how the outcome would be different in those two places
Odd that Antifa seems to love protesting in places like Seattle and Berkley and not Houston or Atlanta. What in the wide wide world of sports could be keeping them from starting fights with people in those states? Hmm? I can't quite put my finger on how the outcome would be different in those two places
This. They always protest in the most liberal cities. It's hilarious, try doing that in the south or Midwest
Odd that Antifa seems to love protesting in places like Seattle and Berkley and not Houston or Atlanta. What in the wide wide world of sports could be keeping them from starting fights with people in those states? Hmm? I can't quite put my finger on how the outcome would be different in those two places
"Just because you shot Jesse James, don't make you Jesse James". That's why the little bitches don't go to the fly-over states.
Was in Berkely once. Oakland was too big of a shithole to actually eat anywhere.

Anyway, had to get tampons for the wife. Those hippies at Walgreens weren't going to give me a bag.

False. Made them give me a bag.

Also the wife had on a vest with faux fur. We did not fit in.
Republicans just called for a motion to suspend the rules, and vote without the Democrats since they're protesting and refusing to show.
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MJ on radio whining about people being so hostile and MY POINT RIGHT YOU SUCK YOU IDIOT....which is what his entire business model as well as the e-world phenomenon is based on, and has changed our culture tremendously. But, on the political side, Obama made it cool and acceptable to be a fart sniffing entitled asshat who makes fun and belittles the opposition. It's pathetic how he conducts himself, but I can't blame him. That's why he was elected. Why he owned the e-world. It's why Trump was elected. It's why he owned the e-world. This is just where we are as a society. I mean, we joke, but civil war is a political topic bc both sides are beginning to really hate each other.

And trump is working out pretty well for both sides, imho. The left have tons of clickbait and ammo to appease their niche. Good. Great. Get your money. Meanwhile, trump is getting shit done for the benefit of the entire country. Both sides are getting what they want. Just stfu and keep it civil please.
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On another note, seeing the photos of Obama hanging with Richard Branson, I can't even imagine the relief he feels at this point.

He's financially set for life (or will be). He no longer has to pretend to give a shit about the country as a whole. He no longer has the stress of making POTUS decisions hanging over his head. And he can blame the attempted undoing of his transformation of America on Clinton being the most shitty candidate to ever run for office.

I'd just head back home to the family farm in Kenya and retire.
I feel like I'm helping Kissinger and others look like prophets --- but I'lm more than ready to see the national guard called in to shut down RIOTS like this and many others

Sand truth be told - what that clip shows is amateurish to what an organized gang or the like will ultimately do

Let them feel a taste of their own medicine - time to respond with batons and bayonets
If you use anything remotely like a weapon to resist -- then the Guard should have orders to shoot to kill

The Guard should be authorized to Shoot to Kill, Marxists -
And I'd volunteer to help our National Guard in a heartbeat

.....and I'm far from alone
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He's still calling them "Progressive Left"
Lots of people are

That's not what this is

Run of the mill / left of center folks are more than ok and always have been
The "Left" has been HIGHJACKED and the playbook is now that of the Bolsheviks

There are "fence sitters" on the Left (like this young man) who need to realize that they are no longer represented --- the logic that he and other "traditional leftist" employ no longer matters

That's why this is about to go nuclear unless someone cools it down

But no one WANTS to cool it down do they?
He's still calling them "Progressive Left"
Lots of people are

That's not what this is

Run of the mill / left of center folks are more than ok and always have been
The "Left" has been HIGHJACKED and the playbook is now that of the Bolsheviks

There are "fence sitters" on the Left (like this young man) who need to realize that they are no longer represented --- the logic that he and other "traditional leftist" employ no longer matters

That's why this is about to go nuclear unless someone cools it down

But no one WANTS to cool it down do they?
He's not on the left, he's the guy we were talking about like 10 posts ago.
UC Berkeley hit for the cycle last night. They even targeted and trashed the MLK center. Happy Black History Month, honkies.

Oh man that is racist af

On another note, seeing the photos of Obama hanging with Richard Branson, I can't even imagine the relief he feels at this point.

He's financially set for life (or will be). He no longer has to pretend to give a shit about the country as a whole. He no longer has the stress of making POTUS decisions hanging over his head. And he can blame the attempted undoing of his transformation of America on Clinton being the most shitty candidate to ever run for office.

I'd just head back home to the family farm in Kenya and retire.

Hey hey hey smoke weed everyday
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He's still calling them "Progressive Left"
Lots of people are

That's not what this is

Run of the mill / left of center folks are more than ok and always have been
The "Left" has been HIGHJACKED and the playbook is now that of the Bolsheviks

There are "fence sitters" on the Left (like this young man) who need to realize that they are no longer represented --- the logic that he and other "traditional leftist" employ no longer matters

That's why this is about to go nuclear unless someone cools it down

But no one WANTS to cool it down do they?
Milo is far from the left. Took the social media and news outlets by storm last spring by calling trump the greatest thing to ever happen in American politics. He's a gay man, that loves black guys, Jewish, from England, and is catholic. He makes the left head explode
While you guys are wasting time arguing about pointless non-issues and the rest of the tripe you all are consumed with I am analyzing this new government and I have already detected an extremely important development that nobody else has even wrote about anywhere yet as identifying potential rifts in any government is extremely important work.

There is a very clear rift in the Trump administration already. There is no doubt that if Trump existed in a vacuum and could have done anything he wanted to outside of anyone else's input then he would have surely named Bannon as his CoS, Giuliani as his SoS, and Flynn as his SecDef. No question.

Those three are blatantly openly poaching on the responsibilities of Priebus, Mattis, and Tillerson. For Flynn to trot out yesterday on the eve of Tillerson taking the helm at State was incredibly inappropriate and I guarantee that has Giuliani's fingerprints all over it as he bragged openly that he was going to get State until Pence kneecapped him, which brings us to our final rift... Pence.

Keep in mind that Priebus and Pence got their jobs due to the Trump kids going against their dad and pushing hard for Trump to pick against his own instincts. Especially the son-in-law seemed to heavily sway Trump towards picking Pence over Christie. Then Pence completely undercut Giuliani as SoS and said as much. Told Trump that Giuliani wasn't up to the globe trotting necessary for State which was bullshit. Giuliani doesn't have the character for State and Pence knew it.

So watching this rift play out will be interesting. There is a definite cabal of Bannon, Flynn, and Giuliani working together that have very quickly attempted to consolidate their power and influence while cutting Priebus and Pence out to the periphery. They also have managed to position themselves above virtually all of Trump's actual appointments suggesting Trump will be using them as his closest confidants while Priebus, Tillerson, Mattis, and Pence already on the outside looking in at that core group.

That's going to be a knife fight, folks.
There are leaks streaming out of Trump's White House already and the rift I have identified above is the major reason why. They are jostling hard and there was no clearer example of that than when Bannon incredibly tried to cut the JCOS and ODNI out of NSC meetings while giving himself a seat he simply has no business getting. Must have pissed Priebus off royally. Definite shot across the bow. Bannon and his cabal had the upper hand because Trump's appointees actually had to wait to take their seats but now that they are in place it will be interesting to see how this shakes out.
Why would anyone not a democrat want to live in California in the current political climate there is beyond me.
I have a SAR Navy buddy based in socal. He's having a tough time hanging in as a life-long native when just a year (or less) ago, he was one of the steadfast Cali conservatives calling for other conservatives to stand and fight instead of flee. He says it looks more and more like a losing battle everyday. The recent gun law changes have almost pushed him over the edge like they already have so many others.
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Why would anyone not a democrat want to live in California in the current political climate there is beyond me.
The San Diego area is a little more conservative (typically) than the rest of the state but, as a conservative, it would be tough to put up with the state gov'ts stupidity day after day...
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Lol. Only in Zs mind. And CNNs. They put this BS out months ago. Ya know when trump was about to announce his picks for VP.

Such an idiot. What a miserable existence.
Yea, don't look over there at the terrorist burning property because they don't like someone else's political views, that's no big deal. I have some fake news I want to share...right Z?
Actually, the courts have made a distinction. Just trying to research what it is.
Yes, my statement was an oversimplification because there are some limited exceptions to our freedom of speech, but hate speech is *not* an exception. It's why the KKK can organize a march and receive police protection. Haters gonna hate...because they have the right of free speech.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
That is the essence of freedom of speech.
The San Diego area is a little more conservative (typically) than the rest of the state but, as a conservative, it would be tough to put up with the state gov'ts stupidity day after day...
California will gladly take a conservatives or independents money, cause God knows that need it. They almost treat you though like Germany did the Jews, conservatives are evil and are what is wrong with the world. All our problems are because of them and you better agree with us or else! I expect them to eventually make a law that any republican has to have a "R" on their clothes so everyone around them knows how evil they are.
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I honestly dont know much about Milo. I am reading up on him.

Serious question, I dont know, is hate speech, free speech? (Researching legal ramifications) Does limiting hate speech equal the same thing as free speech?

I also dont know if Milo is spouting hate speech. Havent read up on him enough.
There you go, blowing your cover again. "hate speech" is a rallying cry of the far left, your people. Freedom of speech was intended to cover unpopular words and opinions. You people think that just because you don't like something it's automatically illegal or distasteful.

Go ahead and jump on the bandwagon, we know how you felt and spoke BEFORE you lost the election. If you want to blend in with the right though, check your buzzwords.
hate speech is bogus b/c who gets to determine it? And then are you kidding me you're going to PUNISH someone for expressing themselves? F that any sort of legislation on speech (fairness doctrine, hate speech) etc.. is soooooooo bogus and an attempt to silence opposition. That will mean war if people try to police opinions over here.
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There you go, blowing your cover again. "hate speech" is a rallying cry of the far left, your people. Freedom of speech was intended to cover unpopular words and opinions. You people think that just because you don't like something it's automatically illegal or distasteful.

Go ahead and jump on the bandwagon, we know how you felt and spoke BEFORE you lost the election. If you want to blend in with the right though, check your buzzwords.
Exactly! Maybe Lek can tell us if he/she/it thinks burning property and not allowing people to speak because their views are different from their own is a form of terrorism?
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