How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] No substance. No real cause. Just out there throwing temper tantrums without a clue of what they're really fighting for. Bringing fill in the blank signs, going with the flow. Nothing is acceptable. CNN says it, they protest it.

"Mad-Lib" is so perfect and simple, I'm embarrassed that's the first time I've heard it used to describe all these protests.

A bunch of mad liberals just filling in the blank for the topic du jour, intent on keeping the narrative going regardless of what moronic drivel they need to parrot.
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Trump introducing Skype to press briefings. Media members, journalists, news anchors, radio host etc... who live more than 50 miles from D.C. will all be able to get questions in at the WH press briefing.

White House 'Skype' seats to debut on Wednesday

Natalie Herbick of FOX 8 in Cleveland, talk radio host Lars Larson, WPRI Rhode Island's Kimberly Kalunian and Jeff Jobe of Kentucky’s Jobe Publishing were named on Tuesday

“Maybe we solicit talk radio and regional newspapers to submit questions — because they can't afford to be in Washington — but they still have a question,” Spicer told The Hill on Jan. 8 as officials were formulating the idea. “Maybe we just let the American people submit questions that we read off as well.”
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Trump introducing Skype to press briefings. Media members, journalists, news anchors, radio host etc... who live more than 50 miles from D.C. will all be able to get questions in at the WH press briefing.

White House 'Skype' seats to debut on Wednesday

Natalie Herbick of FOX 8 in Cleveland, talk radio host Lars Larson, WPRI Rhode Island's Kimberly Kalunian and Jeff Jobe of Kentucky’s Jobe Publishing were named on Tuesday

“Maybe we solicit talk radio and regional newspapers to submit questions — because they can't afford to be in Washington — but they still have a question,” Spicer told The Hill on Jan. 8 as officials were formulating the idea. “Maybe we just let the American people submit questions that we read off as well.”
Great idea. Love President Trump's social media footprint. He's on it.
My stance on racism...... just don't hide it. Seriously. I don't hate many people but those that think I hate them are spot on and you know why, because I don't hide it.

The system works and we avoid each other.
Dems look unlikely to be able to filibuster Gorsuch. 7 dems are already saying that they oppose using that tactic. Only one more is needed to get to 60 and that 7 doesn't include red state dem senators up for election like Joe Donnelly (D-IN).

"Seven Democrats in the Senate – Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) – have said they oppose a filibuster."
Colorado lawmaker wants to let victims of crimes committed by immigrants sue politicians in “sanctuary cities”

It is unclear what liability politicians would have under the proposal. In the release, Williams, who is Hispanic, said it would give victims of crimes committed by people in the country illegally in sanctuary cities the right to file both “civil and criminal complaints” against politicians who support such policies.

Hey, they wanted to be able to sue gun manufacturers so that's absolutely fair and even makes more sense to sue politicians enabling the breaking of the law by refusing to enforce it.
Dems look unlikely to be able to filibuster Gorsuch. 7 dems are already saying that they oppose using that tactic. Only one more is needed to get to 60 and that 7 doesn't include red state dem senators up for election like Joe Donnelly (D-IN).

"Seven Democrats in the Senate – Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) – have said they oppose a filibuster."

On it's face I don't like this.

It makes it seem like they might be starting to become self aware.
On it's face I don't like this.

It makes it seem like they might be starting to become self aware.

They are just saving their powder for the Supreme Ct. nomination that will really count. That is the next open seat on the court (whether that be Kennedy or one of the two old libs). That could move the makeup of the court to the right for the next 10-15 years.
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Did you see that? Those mental gymnastics you just pulled simply to suck Barry's dick?

Apply the mindset which drove you to that end to the MSM and you might begin to understand how we, those whose vision isn't blocked by the big Barry ballsack, view the current political climate. This is a good opportunity to learn about yourself. Take it.
You're funny...solid, indisputable facts are "mental gymnastics".

Specify where ANYTHING is said there was incorrect.
Why do I think you will ignore that challenge???
I'm still amazed that this country somehow survived Obama. He had us on the brink, and it'll take Trump a while to clean up his mess, but surviving Obama is damn impressive. If we can survive two terms of that scumbag, we can survive anything.
What about those states that only have one provider left? How would they go about changing?

Plus, that's incorrect all the way around. Obama actually said if you like your doctor, you can keep him. If you like your plan, you can keep that, too.

So why are you defending Obama's lies by saying you have to change your plan in order to be able to keep your doctor? That's not what Obama said.
He was wrong to state that "you can keep your plan". Plans change. We have nearly 50 different plans and there are changes in those plans every year. That was true before the ACA and is true today.
Again, you can keep your doctor. Every plan has out of network benefits. As long as your doctor will see you...your welcome to see them. We process out of network benefits every day.

Had to google sharia law. After seeing Muslims act out in a free society like Germany I can see why they need those rules on their people.

In fact I'm fine having laws Muslims have to live by here in America as well, but Americans won't accept two rule books.

I think your video is a little scared of Muslims TBH. Just because you are for Sharia law doesn't make you a terrorist. I'm for the death penalty and I obey the law except for driving fast.
Explain why I didn't get to keep my doctor... Or my kids' doctor, while you;re at it.
Tell me? Did you fail to pay your bills and he cut you off?
Perhaps he was no longer in your provider's network but you were free to see would just cost you more.
He was wrong to state that "you can keep your plan". Plans change. We have nearly 50 different plans and there are changes in those plans every year. That was true before the ACA and is true today.
Again, you can keep your doctor. Every plan has out of network benefits. As long as your doctor will see you...your welcome to see them. We process out of network benefits every day.

My wife and I both lost our doctors thanks to Obamacare. Both went into concierge practices where we would have to pay an extra $5,000 to just to remain patients (you got nothing for the $5,000). Both doctors said that they only made the move because of Obamacare. O f'ed up.
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Listened to CNN last night to hear what the reaction would be to Trump's Supreme Court pick. Actually thought it was pretty tame. They actually thought it was a good pick.
Had to google sharia law. After seeing Muslims act out in a free society like Germany I can see why they need those rules on their people.

In fact I'm fine having laws Muslims have to live by here in America as well, but Americans won't accept two rule books.

I think your video is a little scared of Muslims TBH. Just because you are for Sharia law doesn't make you a terrorist. I'm for the death penalty and I obey the law except for driving fast.

It absolutely does. Sharia law directly funds terrorism and US has has accepted sharia finance because we are hypocritical whores.

Not like we ourselves don't directly fund terrorism in a variety of ways, just pointing out you should read some more about sharia.
California considering becoming a sanctuary State.
I've heard talk that there are some in California, that wants California to no longer be a part of the United States. My question is. Is there anything we can do to to expedite this process along. I mean how much better would our country be, if those weirdo, freaks out there was no longer a part of it.