How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Muslims and Dems do not fool me with their victim act. No one should ever feel sorry for Muslims. They play people to simply conquer their land. That's what they're called to do. Why do people think they come to the west yet hate the west?

Come here, don't assimilate, get whitey to pay for them while they spit out tons of radical and wait for us to be taken over or killed.
There's probably a huge discrepancy because it's pretty hard to do a poll with someone that lives in much of those regions. Also, don't you think not many people will admit to wanting to blow up Americans?

It's an estimate.
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So, basically, in order to come up with their 2% figure they jump through hoops, arguing semantics.

The key qualifier is "at risk of becoming radical." That doesn't mean they will pick up a gun or start plotting an attack.

"Radicalization and violent extremism are two different things," Mr. Rabasa says. "Violent extremist behavior only comes about if a radicalized individual falls in with a circle of people who are open to using violence."

According to Rabasa, a "radical" Muslim could also be an individual who belongs to an Islamist organization that is advocating for a Sharia legal system

Sorry, but if you're advocating for and demanding Sharia law, you should not get a pass and get conveniently left out of the % of those considered a danger to America, imo.

Sharia and Western civilization is simply incompatible. According to that person, you're only considered an extremist after you blow someone up.
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That link discusses numbers that are possible to radicalize and it's a pro Christian site. Could it be off? Yes.

Still 325,000 is a small army and logically sounds fair and that is about 2%
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That link discusses numbers that are possible to radicalize and it's a pro Christian site. Could it be off? Yes.

Still 325,000 is a small army and logically sounds fair and that is about 2%
No doubt. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying it's simply two totally different point of views. I clearly see where the large discspency comes from now, and both sides have a valid argument.

The study I ready counts all radicals, violent and non violent but at risk of becoming violent, as a threat. The study you linked only counts those that are violent.
I hope so bad Trump does something about H1-Bs. Nothing will make people flip out more, but it's not so easy for a US citizens out there with a STEM degree. We're getting undercut so hard. Because I'm a masochist, I looked up the company last company I had multiple interviews with and wasn't hired + h1-b . . . sure enough they have an h1-b on file for that position, for 25% less than the number we discussed.

I don't mean to be a whiny bitch. I do believe in competing in the free market, but how do you compete with that? A company would never offer me what the other person accepted.
Not sure why they bother!

One way to slow Tucker down is to not let him talk and completely have no point yet argue as confident as can be like you do.

I mean that has to work in a 5 minute window.
Dems shouldn't blow their load on this one.

Laura Ingraham said she believes there will be another seat open in 3-4 months...

Whew. Thankful for Trump

Hillary would've tried to appoint a muslim who distorts the Constitution to the point that George Washington said "Allah Akubar" when the U.S won the war against King George III
[laughing] No substance. No real cause. Just out there throwing temper tantrums without a clue of what they're really fighting for. Bringing fill in the blank signs, going with the flow. Nothing is acceptable. CNN says it, they protest it.

They're like children. It's just sad. They don't even know what they're protesting. You can guarantee these protestors had no idea who this guy was two days ago.

By the way, how pathetic are these protestors? Is that seriously their job? Are they that pitiful that they do this for a living? You go and just yell and cause a nuisance?

How can any sane and nornal person vote for this group?
Actually it's kidnap, torture, rape, and then kill. The Hillary Clinton way.

Well, more empathy went towards Jon Benet than Nicole Brown Simpson.

Get your facts straight stop with the misinformation. Notice you conveniently left off then sell their organs to their rich decaying cronies to extend their quest for eternal life all in the name of Moloch.
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[laughing] No substance. No real cause. Just out there throwing temper tantrums without a clue of what they're really fighting for. Bringing fill in the blank signs, going with the flow. Nothing is acceptable. CNN says it, they protest it.

100 day plan tsunami is jamming copiers. They can't get their signs out in time. Dem game plan switched to dry erase boards.
I hope so bad Trump does something about H1-Bs. Nothing will make people flip out more, but it's not so easy for a US citizens out there with a STEM degree. We're getting undercut so hard. Because I'm a masochist, I looked up the company last company I had multiple interviews with and wasn't hired + h1-b . . . sure enough they have an h1-b on file for that position, for 25% less than the number we discussed.

I don't mean to be a whiny bitch. I do believe in competing in the free market, but how do you compete with that? A company would never offer me what the other person accepted.
H1-B strongly affects me, too. I lost my job in 2010 as a direct result thereof. The amount of layoffs in IT has been staggering over the past couple years. Fortunately, H1-B is also a bi-partisan issue. and garners lots of attention.
H1-B strongly affects me, too. I lost my job in 2010 as a direct result thereof. The amount of layoffs in IT has been staggering over the past couple years. Fortunately, H1-B is also a bi-partisan issue. and garners lots of attention.

Democrats fought to save slave labor. The history continues. But but we care about immigrants. No you want them to be illegal you want to keep them under the table so you can pay them nothing. Bomb their country and disrupt their governments. All in the name of human rights.
Sanctuary city = Slave labor city
Nancy Pelosi during protest whispers to Schumer - "Let's do the real people now." As opposed to who? The fake people? You mean they had paid, fake protesters out there? Could've fooled me. This whole time I thought all these protests were a grassroots movement.

It gets worse. When one of the "real" people finally shows up, she coaches him, whispers to him "Tell them you're a Muslim.", not 30 seconds after she just told them he was a Muslim. I guess whatever he had to say was irrelevant, just as long as they all knew he was Muslim.