How will they rule ??!

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Not sure he realizes those members are just as much against Trump as Democrats are. Citing them as proof isn't really an indictment on Trump. I'm assuming he's talking about McCain and Graham which makes it all the more laughable. They hate Trump more than Schumer.

For sure, Fuzz thinks Paul cuck Ryan, Lindsay cuck Grhama, Mitch cuck McConnell, John cuck McCain are actual Trump's people. That ought to tell you the stupidity of Fuzz.
How many even know someone in the KKK or have ever had any direct experience with someone that did?
Never known anyone who admitted it. Ran into a open air Klan meeting in Clarksville Tn. while driving to a friends house to watch a game. They were blocking the road waving people in with shotguns in their hands and burning a cross. Not a good recruiting tool to me, it would scare more people off than bring them in.

P.S. That was the mid 80's
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You got Moe and jameslee and another lib on here to stop that.

There is zero to gain from a Fuzz or LEK post. Fuzz will write four paragraphs blindly supporting something, LEK will come by and say something crude like he told a guy he hoped his wife got raped and Z just trolls.

I think Moe, jameslee and Cardkilla are more than enough for the left POV. And you also have to remember, we are all exposed to the left's view everywhere else in life especially in media and social media.
Rarely read Fuzz's post. Always too long usually meaning trying too hard to push his stance which is probably a lie or very weak.
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So all of the huffin' and puffin' about the "ban" only got them a Kelly press conference where he called out more of the media's lies? In the end, the law is still going to be enforced.

Bout time they realize Trump isn't your typical politician. Political correctness, protests and slurs of isms, ists and phobes do not phase him.
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Watch the left explode when some trash muslim causes another terrorist act from a lack of Obama's vetting only to blame it on Trump for not doing enough.

Watch, that will a CNN fake news headline
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pulitzer approved

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fuzz is a GD liar, everyone should keep that in mind when reading his runny shit posts

Fuzz thinks he's credible, yet his words have no weight nor value.

His credibility was shot when he refused to pay on a $1000 bet on the internet.

Look how smug that asshole was. He thought he was so GD right that he bet another person on the internet for $1000. When he lost, his narcissistic ass didn't want to pay up. And here he is on here trying to lecture people about credibility. Wow.
I'm sure they are glad that they have plenty of simpletons that will lap up and defend anything they say. They have already been proven to be liars and proven that they will double down on lies...How about those inauguration crowds???

You want to carte blanche defend everything they do...that's on you. Even members of his own party have asked him to quit telling lies... Guess it's true, you can't fix stupid.
Yeah, those simpletons are sorry ass people. I mean, "we were under sniper attack on the tar mac" Lap, Lap. "a video made this happen" Lap, Lap. "you can keep your doctor" Lap, Lap. "your rates will not go up" Lap, lap. This could go on for ever.
You can change your insurer to one who offers a network where the doctor you want practices.
What about those states that only have one provider left? How would they go about changing?

Plus, that's incorrect all the way around. Obama actually said if you like your doctor, you can keep him. If you like your plan, you can keep that, too.

So why are you defending Obama's lies by saying you have to change your plan in order to be able to keep your doctor? That's not what Obama said.
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There is nothing in the ACA that required doctors to change insurance networks.
If a doc leaves your insurer's network you still have the option to see that doc out of network...You can change your insurer to one who offers a network where the doctor you want practices. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him..." is not a lie. It might cost you more to keep him but there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

Dude, I work for a health care plan that serves about 6 million members in all 50 states! We have doctors joining and leaving our network all the time! They did so before the ACA and they will continue to do so as long as we use private insurers to pay for healthcare.
Lap, Lap.
The video I saw showed a black dude on the floor under a cops knee and a white guy bleeding to death in a chair. Don't want to jump to conclusions though.
How does the old saying go? If you're under 30 & if you're not a liberal you don't have a heart. BUT, if you are over 30 & not a conservative you don't have a brain.

AKA, That's being young and dumb. And then getting older & wiser.
I thought the old saying was, "A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged yet."
There is nothing in the ACA that required doctors to change insurance networks.
If a doc leaves your insurer's network you still have the option to see that doc out of network...You can change your insurer to one who offers a network where the doctor you want practices. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him..." is not a lie. It might cost you more to keep him but there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

Dude, I work for a health care plan that serves about 6 million members in all 50 states! We have doctors joining and leaving our network all the time! They did so before the ACA and they will continue to do so as long as we use private insurers to pay for healthcare.
Did you see that? Those mental gymnastics you just pulled simply to suck Barry's dick?

Apply the mindset which drove you to that end to the MSM and you might begin to understand how we, those whose vision isn't blocked by the big Barry ballsack, view the current political climate. This is a good opportunity to learn about yourself. Take it.
That about does it for me. I was a narrow minded, three issues voter this round. Didn't care how many pussy grabbin' tapes or Russian accusations they rolled out. I voted for Trump simply because of immigration, Scotus and tax/regulatory reform. Two boxes checked, one to go.
That about does it for me. I was a narrow minded, three issues voter this round. Didn't care how many pussy grabbin' tapes or Russian accusations they rolled out. I voted for Trump simply because of immigration, Scotus and tax/regulatory reform. Two boxes checked, one to go.

Had a similar mindset.

1. Immigration was No. 1 issue for me and Trump became my guy after he was the first one to bring it up. Having to live around a ton of illegals really made this my top issue and seeing Muslims destroy Europe really made this even more important.

2. Protecting the second amendment. With the libs getting Hillary, no doubt she would have tried to get rid of that through the SCOTUS and basically be an end to this nation.

3. Having a candidate that could actually be free from donors and lobbyists and special interest groups and actually help the people. No more Bush family, no more Clintons, no more Soros/Koch Brother/Wall Street puppets.
Had a similar mindset.

1. Immigration was No. 1 issue for me and Trump became my guy after he was the first one to bring it up. Having to live around a ton of illegals really made this my top issue and seeing Muslims destroy Europe really made this even more important.

2. Protecting the second amendment. With the libs getting Hillary, no doubt she would have tried to get rid of that and basically be an end to this nation.

3. Having a candidate that could actually be free from donors and lobbyists and special interest groups and actually help the people. No more Bush family, no more Clintons, no more Soros/Koch Brother/Wall Street puppets.

Doing what he promised though, that is new to American politics.
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