How will they rule ??!

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Lmaooo someone drew a swastika on a bathroom stall at Henry clay and herald leader wrote about it LMAOOOO.

Principal calls for more acceptance, etc. Probably start a task force.

The Courier Journal is up in arms about a "convoy" of four military looking trucks that dared to drive down I-65 flying a Trump flag. Of course there is a lefty quoted who compares this to the Nazis (from liberal playbook page 1). I didn't think that liberals could hate anyone more than Bush/Cheney but this a whole new level of derangement.

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Yeah..because there's no bias there. smh

Admit it, you seek sources that tell you what you want to hear, not necessarily what the facts are because frankly, you have no fricking clue if they are lying to you or not or how much what they are reporting is facts vs opinion.

Lot of truth to this for many of us. IMO, you have to be really intentional to truly get a broad spectrum of opinions, facts, news, etc. When a political conversation starts, I typically ask those involved where do you get your news....and then try not to make assumptions based on what they tell me.
if McConnell does not go nuclear on supreme court and says he's an institutionalist I'm voting him out 100%
I just assume everything I read is false these days. Or at least isn't telling 100% of the truth. Unfortunately, most of the time I don't have the energy or desire to actually check, so I go through life being a skeptic.
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Honest question: Who is worse Muslim's or the KKK?

Not trying to flame or anything but if you lay out what each supports it's quite surprising.

On women....Muslims believe women should be submissive to there husbands, wear veils as a sign of submission to their husbands, some cannot drive, vote, etc......KKK have no official policy on women.

On Gays.....Muslims believe they should be killed by throwing them off rooftops...KKK has no official policy on gays but it is thought they would be excluded from the group based on sexual orientation.

On Race....Muslims do not discriminate based on race.....KKK believes that the white race is superior to other races and should excluded other races from America.

On Religion.... Muslims believe any one that is not a Muslim is an infidel and should convert or be killed.....KKK affiliates itself with Christianity but is ostracized by other Christians for their belief and actions.
Honest question: Who is worse Muslim's or the KKK?

Not trying to flame or anything but if you lay out what each supports it's quite surprising.

On women....Muslims believe women should be submissive to there husbands, wear veils as a sign of submission to their husbands, some cannot drive, vote, etc......KKK have no official policy on women.

On Gays.....Muslims believe they should be killed by throwing them off rooftops...KKK has no official policy on gays but it is thought they would be excluded from the group based on sexual orientation.

On Race....Muslims do not discriminate based on race.....KKK believes that the white race is superior to other races and should excluded other races from America.

On Religion.... Muslims believe any one that is not a Muslim is an infidel and should convert or be killed.....KKK affiliates itself with Christianity but is ostracized by other Christians for their belief and actions.
all those things can be fixed with a good pre-k program
if McConnell does not go nuclear on supreme court and says he's an institutionalist I'm voting him out 100%

I'll be surprised if the dems don't make a deal on this pick. This is not the pick that will swing the court to the right for a decade or more; its the next one. Once we have to go nuclear, Trump can pick anyone to the right of Scalia/Bork and the dems can't stop it.
LOL! Maybe you should check the roster of the POTUS' that have granted amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Reagan - check!
Bush - check!

Cry me a river bud...both of my grandfathers fought in WWI and my father and his brothers all fought in WWII and dad was a D-Day survivor. I guess Trump would like them because they were the kind of heroes who didn't get captured. Better not tell ole granddad what your hero said about heroes Guess what else they did??? They paid their taxes to

"Employers should be held responsible for their hiring."...isn't that what I've been saying here all along?

The same opportunities exist for the impoverished in the mountains of eastern Kentucky that exist for the illegal immigrant. They are just willing to leave their homes, live 6 or 10 together in a hotel room or small apartment, do whatever they can to get by. They know they are being exploited but willing to allow it because it is a better life than from where they left. That should tell you something about from where the left.

Yes, extreme poverty exists for some people in Ky and in other states...guess what? It always will. They were impoverished before Mexicans came, they will remain impoverished if they are forced to leave. Most are impoverished because they have no education and no willingness to leave and go where jobs exist. They may be trapped because they have responsibility for others who are unable or unwilling to leave. I feel for them all and I do what I can to help them all. But trying to blame one set of impoverished people for the condition of another isn't an answer that helps either.

What you're failing to see is that there are only x number of jobs for x number of people. The people that are in this country have a hard of enough time getting and keeping a job. Then you bring in tons of desperate foreigners willing to work for pennies and it drives down wages and jobs everyone else. Poverty increases and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The KKK is worse IMO. I've been reading a lot about Muslims and I do think terrorist are a small 2% faction of the group and are really wanting what we want.........they want American materialism out of their world. Which if we ban them to not come here sounds like we agree 100%

The KKK is just stupid scared white people hiding their hate and trying to instill a ghostly fear into black people like Blair witch.
Honest question: Who is worse Muslim's or the KKK?

Not trying to flame or anything but if you lay out what each supports it's quite surprising.

On women....Muslims believe women should be submissive to there husbands, wear veils as a sign of submission to their husbands, some cannot drive, vote, etc......KKK have no official policy on women.

On Gays.....Muslims believe they should be killed by throwing them off rooftops...KKK has no official policy on gays but it is thought they would be excluded from the group based on sexual orientation.

On Race....Muslims do not discriminate based on race.....KKK believes that the white race is superior to other races and should excluded other races from America.

On Religion.... Muslims believe any one that is not a Muslim is an infidel and should convert or be killed.....KKK affiliates itself with Christianity but is ostracized by other Christians for their belief and actions.
Both are awful but the easy answer is islam. The KKK hasn't been relevant in decades, while Islam is openly killing people every single minute of every day.
The KKK is worse IMO. I've been reading a lot about Muslims and I do think terrorist are a small 2% faction of the group and are really wanting what we want.........they want American materialism out of their world. Which if we ban them to not come here sounds like we agree 100%

The KKK is just stupid scared white people hiding their hate and trying to instill a ghostly fear into black people like Blair witch.

How many honor killings or rapes have the KKK committed the last 50 years? How many of them committed female generatalia mutilafion? How many of them throw acid on women for looking at another man of becoming too westernized? How many of them kill you for leaving the KKK?
Saudi ship hit with missile, intended for a US warship. Done by Iranians. Killed 2 sailors on a Saudi ship.
How many honor killings or rapes have the KKK committed the last 50 years? How many of them committed female generatalia mutilafion? How many of them throw acid on women for looking at another man of becoming too westernized? How many of them kill you for leaving the KKK?

How would we ever know the truth? Much like liberals don't report their trash now no one really reported KKK trash then.

That said I won't argue this point ever. They both suck really so why ask if one is better!
How would we ever know the truth? Much like liberals don't report their trash now no one really reported KKK trash then.

That said I won't argue this point ever. They both suck really so why ask if one is better!
it is very important to ask which one is better or worse Why? Because Islam is actively trying to destroy America and Europe. Why does Saudi Arabia fund 200 mosques in Germany but won't spend a dime on helping them come in to Saudi Arabia? B/c they are invading, they are spreading their beliefs and trying to take over these countries. The KKK does not do this. We are like a beautiful Oak Tree that is being infested with termites ; people who don't realize that are enabling it. That's why it's important.
Ha, I've tried. It just seems odd to me that for nearly an entire 24 hours the story was it was two Syrian refugees. Then yesterday morning the story was one was a shooter, the other a witness. Now the story is the shooter was a white neo nazi. All of this within two days. Just seems odd to me. It very well could be true, but why such a drastic change in stories?
I'm kinda here. This is all WAY too convenient and in stark contrast to eyewitness and initial reports. Smells fishy. Started smelling fishy when I overheard a TV spot yesterday detailing that the "Trump supporter had attended 45 Trump rallies." Yeah. I call bullshit. Trump didn't even attend 45 Trump rallies.
LEK, you throw out the racist card pretty frequently on here....from my experience, it's typically only used as a last resort when you got nothing. You insinuated that I was a racist a week or so ago...any proof to back that up? Or was it just more BS.

And, I'm not claiming there are no racists on this or any other board. IMO, everyone, and that includes every single one of us has some inherent bias or opinions based on their background and life experiences. I think it would be virtually impossible not to.
The KKK is worse IMO. I've been reading a lot about Muslims and I do think terrorist are a small 2% faction of the group and are really wanting what we want.........they want American materialism out of their world. Which if we ban them to not come here sounds like we agree 100%

The KKK is just stupid scared white people hiding their hate and trying to instill a ghostly fear into black people like Blair witch.
2% of 3M American Muslims(0,9-1.0% of US population) is 30,000. I doubt there are that many KKK members. And there are Islamist terrorists outside USA trying to hurt us. Very few KKK outside US.
I'm kinda here. This is all WAY too convenient and in stark contrast to eyewitness and initial reports. Smells fishy. Started smelling fishy when I overheard a TV spot yesterday detailing that the "Trump supporter had attended 45 Trump rallies." Yeah. I call bullshit. Trump didn't even attend 45 Trump rallies.

He came to the U.S. and did this? Lol. How many of you have ever given a crap to go to another nation and get behind a politician and attend a rally? How could the media even know that? That'd be like within 24 hours of the public even knowing my name, they could say, "He has been to the mall 137 times in his life. Chronic shopper."
Again, with regards to the KKK...I've lived my entire life in the South, more than half of that time in a small farming community, and I've never seen the KKK. Never heard one person talk about it relative to any person they know, knew or saw. Nothing. Don't ever remember seeing any fliers, signs, etc. Did I just miss something or was it more prevalent in other places...I'm talking this generation--not the 1920's.

I've had discussions recently with friends from the Northeast, California and from other countries where they bring up the KKK, and I'll ask them---how prevalent do you think it is? And there reply is typically that it's very big in the South.

Hate to surprise them, It isn't.