How will they rule ??!

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Calling people out on their "alternative facts" is what the press is supposed to do.

wow. Like the f***** fact that the NYT ran a GD story about Kelly not being briefed and then an hour later Kelly came out and stated a description of everything that he wasn't supposedly briefed on? hahah nice try.

No matter how many new ways to be condescending with coming up with "alternative facts" "fake news" or "alt-right". No matter how you try to be little Americans, you sure as shit aren't fooling me.
These little catchy media terms are a goddamn joke
Dems do not even show up to cabinet confirmation hearings delaying votes. Our government is beyond disfunctional. I want every single person in leadership on both sides gone.
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It's probably gone because most of what Windy has posted over the past couple of weeks has been cleansed, but he bluntly called me a racist and you quickly "Liked" it as if it was a truth. Surprised me a bit.

Not sure what "alternative facts" I've used unless it was some statement with the pure intention of it being smartassed where the content should be obviously sarcasm and/or fake. Again--point out your evidence.

And I have plenty of cross-aisle positions.....against capital punishment, pro legalization of marijuana, etc.

I have a lot of tolerance for many things including virtually any opposing opinion based on some level of reasonableness. But being called a racist isn't something I take just know if you throw it out there I'll challenge it. Peace.

My vote comes down to the second amendment. If I had one reason to vote, that would be it. I am 100% iron ass against any form of government intervention into a free peoples right to own weapons of their choice. Past a simple background check through the FBI, I hate most gun laws. If you've got a violent felony, you shouldn't own a gun. That's it as far as I'm concerned. Maybe a slight exception for a proven mentally ill individual.

And that means all weapons, including automatic / class 3 weapons. I call it common sense, others use the term "extreme".

But I'm with you on one of the few issues I happen to fall on the left (eww), capital punishment. The government can't tie it's own shoes, yet we allow them to kill citizens based on revenge. I don't see it as a strong enough deterrent and when innocent people will die at the hands of government, it's just a non issue for me. No.

Other than that I'm extremely traditional and conservative.
Its been known for awhile who you are. I thought Heisman was originally, but about 15 others said I was wrong, even a few in this thread. We all know who you are.

LMAO! Again dude...your weak. You can't come up with anything original and you sling the racism word around like it's candy. Your a detriment and insult to ever black American that has suffered through the horrors of racism. I believe they refer to your kind as a race baiter.
Once i get home, ill post the Madelin McCann story. Parents got denied cop inestigation into the little girls death. Podesta brothers kidnapped and raped her.
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Once i get home, ill post the Madelin McCann story. Parents got denied cop inestigation into the little girls death. Podesta brothers kidnapped and raped her.

Well once I'm not on my work computer and figure out some sort of Tor or VPN or whatever it is the kids use these days so the Clintons can't find them, I'll click the link.
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Back story on white SEC rules?

From what I have been told it was a poster that posted on here years ago about racial things and got banned. Our left leaning friends on here use it very often to refer to anyone that has a different opinion as them.
From what I have been told it was a poster that posted on here years ago about racial things on got banned. Our left leaning friends on here use it very often to refer to anyone that has a different opinion as them.

gotcha. Dont remember him.

Oh so you mean kind of like how they'll take the one white trump supporter who actually started problems and use it while pretending the thousands of cases of criminality on the left never happened?
wow. Like the f***** fact that the NYT ran a GD story about Kelly not being briefed and then an hour later Kelly came out and stated a description of everything that he wasn't supposedly briefed on? hahah nice try.

No matter how many new ways to be condescending with coming up with "alternative facts" "fake news" or "alt-right". No matter how you try to be little Americans, you sure as shit aren't fooling me.
These little catchy media terms are a goddamn joke
I'm sure they are glad that they have plenty of simpletons that will lap up and defend anything they say. They have already been proven to be liars and proven that they will double down on lies...How about those inauguration crowds???

You want to carte blanche defend everything they do...that's on you. Even members of his own party have asked him to quit telling lies... Guess it's true, you can't fix stupid.
I'm sure they are glad that they have plenty of simpletons that will lap up and defend anything they say. They have already been proven to be liars and proven that they will double down on lies...How about those inauguration crowds???

You want to carte blanche defend everything they do...that's on you. Even members of his own party have asked him to quit telling lies... Guess it's true, you can't fix stupid.

Like when CNN took the pict of the crowd inauguration almost 3 hours after it ended? Ha ha yeah, keep doubling down with MSM and continue to see their plunge as the least truthful news.

Hey, how about Trump pissing on those Russian hookers. Ha ha CNN Buzfeed special. Great reporting. Lol.

The only stupid not being fixed is you, Fuzz.

Pay Brady
Rare D-League forum sighting:

Or the Weiner's? Those mf'ers are D.E.D. deader n shit, imo.

Prosecutors Weigh Child-Pornography Charges Against Anthony Weiner
Former congressman is being investigated for sexually explicit exchanges he allegedly had with a 15-year-old girl

In recent weeks, according to some of the people familiar with the matter, attorneys for Mr. Weiner have had discussions with federal prosecutors in Manhattan in hopes of dissuading them from bringing charges, or at least from bringing the most serious one: production of child pornography, which carries a 15-year mandatory minimum prison sentence upon conviction.

These types of discussions can indicate both sides are trying to reach an agreement in which the defendant pleads guilty in exchange for a less-severe charge.

Mr. Weiner could face the production charge, some of the people familiar with the case say, because he allegedly solicited explicit images from the teenager. Prosecutors also are weighing other charges, including receipt of child pornography, for which conviction carries a five-year mandatory minimum, and possession of child pornography, which has no mandatory minimum.

Prosecutors could decide not to bring any charges.

San Fran suing Trump over sanctuary cities.

I heard a good idea. Remove immunity from city leaders in sanctuary cities where illegals harm American citizens. That way, the goddamn mayor and his/her soulless lackeys get sued into oblivion when American citizens are accosted by illegal garbage immigrants. Putting a financial lawsuit or charging them with accessory to the illegal's crimes.
I have an idea for a compromise with left thinkers:Let SF and other cities that want to be sanctuary cities do so....Cut all federal funding to those cities and require all illegals to move immediately to one of those cities. Then Pres Trump can build walls around the cities.
If you like your doctor, you can keep him...
There is nothing in the ACA that required doctors to change insurance networks.
If a doc leaves your insurer's network you still have the option to see that doc out of network...You can change your insurer to one who offers a network where the doctor you want practices. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him..." is not a lie. It might cost you more to keep him but there is nothing stopping you from doing so.

Dude, I work for a health care plan that serves about 6 million members in all 50 states! We have doctors joining and leaving our network all the time! They did so before the ACA and they will continue to do so as long as we use private insurers to pay for healthcare.
I have worked all over the South for 32 years and I've met some crazy bastards along the way, but i have never heard anyone talk about the KKK other than to criticize them.

Tried to explain this to a lib friend from Cincy. That's why nobody batted an eye when DJT didn't immediately dismiss them. Who cares. They have no credibility or power.
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Alternative facts have been the world leader in climate change since the beginning of climate change. The left eats them up like Ashley Judd's blood stained bed sheets. Now they're all the sudden the flavor of the month buzzword. Yawn.
Dude is a class A moron.

I'm hoping he double downs on the MSM and it will be the easiest reelection in American history for Trump
Not sure he realizes those members are just as much against Trump as Democrats are. Citing them as proof isn't really an indictment on Trump. I'm assuming he's talking about McCain and Graham which makes it all the more laughable. They hate Trump more than Schumer.
Latest count I saw said there were 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. 2% would be 32 million. That's way too many for my taste.
I don't doubt what he is saying could be true or that he read it for that matter. Just would like to check it out myself.

I've read 15%-25%, and have even heard that number quoted among scholars. Not saying that number is true either. Just curious about the large discrepancy.
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Prosecutors Weigh Child-Pornography Charges Against Anthony Weiner
Former congressman is being investigated for sexually explicit exchanges he allegedly had with a 15-year-old girl

In recent weeks, according to some of the people familiar with the matter, attorneys for Mr. Weiner have had discussions with federal prosecutors in Manhattan in hopes of dissuading them from bringing charges, or at least from bringing the most serious one: production of child pornography, which carries a 15-year mandatory minimum prison sentence upon conviction.

These types of discussions can indicate both sides are trying to reach an agreement in which the defendant pleads guilty in exchange for a less-severe charge.

Mr. Weiner could face the production charge, some of the people familiar with the case say, because he allegedly solicited explicit images from the teenager. Prosecutors also are weighing other charges, including receipt of child pornography, for which conviction carries a five-year mandatory minimum, and possession of child pornography, which has no mandatory minimum.

Prosecutors could decide not to bring any charges.

Who are we to tell them they can't feel for each other. Love knows no race, gender, or age.

- liberals 2028
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I am registered independent. No way in hell I vote for a dem anytime soon. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. The only way I vote for one is if the person denounces the protests and hypocrisy from their side to obstruct everything DJT is trying to do.
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