How will they rule ??!

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Just found this out the other day, and am sure it's not new to anyone, but The Daily Caller was founded by him. Had no clue.

It's pretty wild how much The Tuck has been around. He's never leaving fox though.

I remember when I used to watch MSNBC and enjoy it. Back in the early 2,000's and before. Tucker was good. Dan Abrahms "the abrahms report" was pretty good. Even Chris Matthews was fairly decent. And then it just went straight to hell.
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By the way...

Theyre all closet racists, but I have no proof to back it up?
My experience is my proof. Just because it doesn't jive with your experience doesn't mean it's not what I experienced. Didn't experience it in Eugene, so it definitely wasn't a figment of my imagination.

The right has no say in media
You made that up. Never said it, not once. Not to mention, this is me quoting a post of yours a few days ago bluntly saying Fox News is right wing media.

Completely agree. And the shittiest part is, they're all like that. To me, Fox News is more palatable because they're much more friendlier to the right.

Bottom line, though. Imo, they're just as bad as the others because they're guilty of the same exact thing, just for a different team.
The right really doesn't have adequate representation like the left. I call it all liberal propaganda.

Nearly every major newspaper outlet

All in the tank alt left.

Fox is the only network that you can get an array of viewpoints without the anchors going off the rails liberal. Just yesterday fox had.
Charles krauthhammer drilling trump.

Oreilly took shots at him.

The five took shots at him.

Bernard Goldberg took many shots at him and conservative voters. You don't get that kind of moderation from any other news source on TV.

I don't think fox leans right as much as I think they give the right a voice they don't get anywhere else. Since they aren't extreme alt left fanatics like CNN, they appear to be far right. Not so.

Still too much editorializing, information saturation, and entertainment. Just give me the facts.
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Still too much editorializing, information saturation, and entertainment. Just give me the facts.

I agree with that, but journalism is now show business, and real journalism is dead. If I want facts, I go to Drudge or other online media sources.
Hmm. Haven't heard much of him slerping obama. If you can find some examples I'd definitely watch. I know there were times when he would offer the side of obamas views, but you can always see that look on his face when he does it.

"To be fair" - whenever he says this, and throws his hands up, you know he's playing to the journalistic side.
I wouldn't say slurping, but I did see him defend him sometimes. Don't really remember any examples off hand as I haven't watched him in a while.
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By the way...

My experience is my proof. Just because it doesn't jive with your experience doesn't mean it's not what I experienced. Didn't experience it in Eugene, so it definitely wasn't a figment of my imagination.

You made that up. Never said it, not once. Not to mention, this is me quoting a post of yours a few days ago bluntly saying Fox News is right wing media.
Sorry, I get you and mrmagoo mixed up. Also, what you described about experiences are feelings. I get you feel a certain way, but may not be objective reality.
I've religiously watched him for years. He was just trying his best to be independent in a world of fanatical journalists. His talking point segment is where he really hits it better than anyone.

And the way he handled Megyn smelly's ass was beautiful.

His books are off the charts good. Even liberals give him that. The guy knows his history.
No, he doesnt know his history. Im sure I am on ignore, but this is a prime example of alternative facts. O'Reiliy doesn't follow any rigorous scholarship. He writes historical fiction. The issue is people believe this is real. A 5 second google search or google scholar sear will confirm this.

Its amazing how wrong a person can be. If you base your conclusions on faulty premises, such as historical fiction, your conclusions will always be wrong.
That's straight. Gotta admit though, 21 years as the number 1 cable news show is damn impressive.

I had a guy in college ask me, "How is Fox News the No. 1 rated show?" He, like all college kids, are brainwashed to hate fox news. "Faux news" is what they always crack themselves up with.

Anyways, I told him, "Pretty easy because they're the only ones who don't push the liberal point of view. They're the only game in town for conservative media. CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN all push the same exact views and topics. There is nothing special about them because it's all liberal propaganda and there's a lot of options.
I had a guy in college ask me, "How is Fox News the No. 1 rated show?" He, like all college kids, are brainwashed to hate fox news. "Faux news" is what they always crack themselves up with.

Anyways, I told him, "Pretty easy because they're the only ones who don't push the liberal point of view. They're the only game in town for conservative media. CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN all push the same exact views and topics. There is nothing special about them because it's all liberal propaganda and there's a lot of options.

And hell, there's a reason CNN and NBC are licking at the chomps to get ahold of fox anchors and journalist when they can.

You can always tell when a person doesn't watch fox and knows nothing about them by the "faux news" bullshit.
Absolutely nothing is more hypocritical, ridiculous, fake political grandstanding than Trump banning muslims from 7 countries and not Saudia Arabia, the actual country that sponsors 90% of islamic terrorists and the country most likely behind 9/11. Nothing shows how crooked our stupid government is than not even mentioning Saudia Arabia in all these terrorist strikes, because Saudia Arabia gives all our politicians money. Just ridiculous bullshit for the stupid American public to gobble up.

We get verifiable paperwork on those traveling to our country from Saudi Arabia, something we do not receive from the countries on the list created by President Obama.
That said, I too wish they were included on the list.
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I get you feel a certain way, but may not be objective reality.
Not really. I alone wasn't the only person who thought it. My fiance and brother in law did as well. If you had a different experience and think differently about the place, good deal.

Again, I know what I experienced. Just never thought it would be necessary to memorize the things that were said. Anyways...
Well you're my Twitter guy. Get On it.
Ha, I've tried. It just seems odd to me that for nearly an entire 24 hours the story was it was two Syrian refugees. Then yesterday morning the story was one was a shooter, the other a witness. Now the story is the shooter was a white neo nazi. All of this within two days. Just seems odd to me. It very well could be true, but why such a drastic change in stories?
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Ha, I've tried. It just seems odd to me that for nearly an entire 24 hours the story was it was two Syrian refugees. Then yesterday morning the story was one was a shooter, the other a witness. Now the story is the shooter was a white neo nazi. All of this within two days. Just seems odd to me. It very well could be true, but why such a drastic change in stories?


I bet obama made a call. And if not.

Muslim fanatics / refugees - 300,008

White alt right nazi fanatics - 14
Ha, I've tried. It just seems odd to me that for nearly an entire 24 hours the story was it was two Syrian refugees. Then yesterday morning the story was one was a shooter, the other a witness. Now the story is the shooter was a white neo nazi. All of this within two days. Just seems odd to me. It very well could be true, but why such a drastic change in stories?
Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that our national media is trying to insinuate that it was a white anti Muslim far right neo Nazi terrorist that shot up the mosque? Are you saying that they want it to be a white male and would mis lead the public?
Not really. I alone wasn't the only person who thought it. My fiance and brother in law did as well. If you had a different experience and think differently about the place, good deal.

Again, I know what I experienced. Just never thought it would be necessary to memorize the things that were said. Anyways...
Hence feelings. And one event? To claim an entire city's populace is racist over one interaction seems, ugh. Even if it was 2 or 3. Eitherway, were beating a dead horse.
Unless of course your opponent is actually acting like Hitler...

I dont think Trump is, but sometimes, a spade is a spade. If youre a bigot, because someone calls you out, maybe youre just a bigot and not some leftist fantasy.

Personally, I dont understand the outrage over the travel ban. I have tried to learn, but when talking to my more liberal friends, I cant get straight facts.
Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that our national media is trying to insinuate that it was a white anti Muslim far right neo Nazi terrorist that shot up the mosque? Are you saying that they want it to be a white male and would mis lead the public?
Of course not, we all know the media would never lie, especially about them damn honky bastards.
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John Podesta: Compare your opponent to Adolf Hitler. This is your heavy artillery, for when your opponent is obviously right, and you are spectacularly wrong. Bring Hitler up subtly. Say, “That sounds suspiciously like something Adolf Hitler might say,” or “You certainly do remind me of Adolf Hitler.”
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Theres a ton of conflicting reports on that shooting. Not sure which one to believe.

No way that Muslim guy is not involved. Witnesses aren't detained for that long.

Because it's Canada, I very much am betting that they do not want to have egg on their face after advocating for mass migration and because their PM is an Islam sympathizer. They need an enemy to fire up their cause and base.

BTW, does anyone ever think this stuff is just coincidental? The timing of stuff like this is incredible. Almost like a Manchurian type.
Also, Im watching a host of ICE admins stand up to the podium and answer every damn question from the media. Unreal. We never had transparency like this. This alone will change the media bc people have actual facts and quotes to print. Not jkst BS opinions and taking points casually telling the people "hey govt is very good and great and just do what theg say, we gotta do better, we gotta change, don't be a meanie pants, we also gotta get free college, health, etc.".
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saudia Arabia isn't included because they have a central govt. when obama originally selected the HR 150 or whatever the hell Trump included........Obama purposely left out countries with a central govt because it took too much legislation to pass.

Also they were and still are an ally, supposedly.

I do wish Trump would slow down some. This ban could have waited 2-3 days for Sessions to be approved and then half the mess he is dealing with wouldn't be a factor.

We got 4 years let's not push everything in 1 week please!
So Kelly said he saw drafts of the EO, meaning he knew all along? The media has been saying for days that the Trump administration acted sloppily by not alerting DHS is advance. That couldn't be more false, at least according to the head of DHS.
saudia Arabia isn't included because they have a central govt. when obama originally selected the HR 150 or whatever the hell Trump included........Obama purposely left out countries with a central govt because it took too much legislation to pass.

Also they were and still are an ally, supposedly.

I do wish Trump would slow down some. This ban could have waited 2-3 days for Sessions to be approved and then half the mess he is dealing with wouldn't be a factor.

We got 4 years let's not push everything in 1 week please!

Trump will slow down when Cal runs zone and uses his timeouts.
First of all, your party pushes for amnesty. If republicans backed off liberals would take this country to 400 million citizens over night. don't act stupid and pretend you don't understand the children aspect either.. By 2100 liberals would have massive New voter blocks of their favorite "brown voters" originally from 3rd world counties to pander to. You don't win in the arena of ideas. You win by changing the culture.

And what good does reporting Mexican businesses do when nothing gets done? They are reported all the time. Are you awake?

And yes, I'm glad you find it funny that an American citizen who was paying his way through college couldn't compete in a business with illegal and legal Mexicans hiring their trailer of cousins for 1.50 cents an hour. I'll be sure to let my dead grandfather know they fought, received Purple Hearts, were captured by the Germans and tortured for a Mexican to put me out of business by hiring foreigners for crap wages.

By the way, in case you're too stupid too figure this out yet, this is why you and your party are the laughing stock of the nation and out of business.
LOL! Maybe you should check the roster of the POTUS' that have granted amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Reagan - check!
Bush - check!

Cry me a river bud...both of my grandfathers fought in WWI and my father and his brothers all fought in WWII and dad was a D-Day survivor. I guess Trump would like them because they were the kind of heroes who didn't get captured. Better not tell ole granddad what your hero said about heroes Guess what else they did??? They paid their taxes to

Extreme poverty is prevalent within the borders of your own state. I have seen places in Kentucky that have no running water, no electricity and children bathing in streams. There is another America out their that no one talks about.

The "jobs that no American will have" line is a piece of propaganda shit used by employers to get cheap ass labor which in turn puts more money in their pocket. Latinos and other immigrants have become the new slave labor in our country. It's unjust to them and American born workers. Employers should be held responsible for their hiring.
"Employers should be held responsible for their hiring."...isn't that what I've been saying here all along?

The same opportunities exist for the impoverished in the mountains of eastern Kentucky that exist for the illegal immigrant. They are just willing to leave their homes, live 6 or 10 together in a hotel room or small apartment, do whatever they can to get by. They know they are being exploited but willing to allow it because it is a better life than from where they left. That should tell you something about from where the left.

Yes, extreme poverty exists for some people in Ky and in other states...guess what? It always will. They were impoverished before Mexicans came, they will remain impoverished if they are forced to leave. Most are impoverished because they have no education and no willingness to leave and go where jobs exist. They may be trapped because they have responsibility for others who are unable or unwilling to leave. I feel for them all and I do what I can to help them all. But trying to blame one set of impoverished people for the condition of another isn't an answer that helps either.
So Kelly said he saw drafts of the EO, meaning he knew all along? The media has been saying for days that the Trump administration acted sloppily by not alerting DHS is advance. That couldn't be more false, at least according to the head of DHS.
Kelly said he knew for almost 2 years that Trump was going to do it. Hell, Trump said on the campaign trail a thousand times he was gonna do it.

MSM- Trump didn't alert anybody. Lmao, stfu.
I agree with that, but journalism is now show business, and real journalism is dead. If I want facts, I go to Drudge or other online media sources.
Yeah..because there's no bias there. smh

Admit it, you seek sources that tell you what you want to hear, not necessarily what the facts are because frankly, you have no fricking clue if they are lying to you or not or how much what they are reporting is facts vs opinion.