How will they rule ??!

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it is very important to ask which one is better or worse Why? Because Islam is actively trying to destroy America and Europe. Why does Saudi Arabia fund 200 mosques in Germany but won't spend a dime on helping them come in to Saudi Arabia? B/c they are invading, they are spreading their beliefs and trying to take over these countries. The KKK does not do this. We are like a beautiful Oak Tree that is being infested with termites ; people who don't realize that are enabling it. That's why it's important.

The difference is your making Muslims black/white issue by comparing it to the KKK.

There are white Muslims dude. The religion is celebrated just like Christianity which also has several races involved.

Not trying to call you dumb but wake up! Terrorism is bad, and there is proof your govt supports it to keep the ME unstable. Christianity has been under attack since the day before Christ died........

Yet and still your comparing a global religion to Southeast American scared group of whitie tightly wearing penciled dick losers scared their daughters fall in love with the black peter.
Again, with regards to the KKK...I've lived my entire life in the South, more than half of that time in a small farming community, and I've never seen the KKK. Never heard one person talk about it relative to any person they know, knew or saw. Nothing. Don't ever remember seeing any fliers, signs, etc. Did I just miss something or was it more prevalent in other places...I'm talking this generation--not the 1920's.

I've had discussions recently with friends from the Northeast, California and from other countries where they bring up the KKK, and I'll ask them---how prevalent do you think it is? And there reply is typically that it's very big in the South.

Hate to surprise them, It isn't.

I believe that. Their perception of places they have never been is based on nothing but stereotypes given to them by their masters. Reminded me of some Japanese people I met a long time ago who thought everyone over here is a cowboy that just eats cheeseburgers.

The KKK is a joke and a small group of morons that are put out there to laugh at and put a face to the boogeyman for the left's voting blocks. And they're universally condemned and rightfully so but meanwhile, the left backs BLM and Islam. Pure comedy.
The difference is your making Muslims black/white issue by comparing it to the KKK.

There are white Muslims dude. The religion is celebrated just like Christianity which also has several races involved.

Not trying to call you dumb but wake up! Terrorism is bad, and there is proof your govt supports it to keep the ME unstable. Christianity has been under attack since the day before Christ died........

Yet and still your comparing a global religion to Southeast American scared group of whitie tightly wearing penciled dick losers scared their daughters fall in love with the black peter.

I wasn't even taking about terrorism in my post. They're just insane in that culture.
If you put those three all on ignore, you are pretty much left with a useless echo chamber. JMO.

You got Moe and jameslee and another lib on here to stop that.

There is zero to gain from a Fuzz or LEK post. Fuzz will write four paragraphs blindly supporting something, LEK will come by and say something crude like he told a guy he hoped his wife got raped and Z just trolls.

I think Moe, jameslee and Cardkilla are more than enough for the left POV. And you also have to remember, we are all exposed to the left's view everywhere else in life especially in media and social media.
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Again, with regards to the KKK...I've lived my entire life in the South, more than half of that time in a small farming community, and I've never seen the KKK. Never heard one person talk about it relative to any person they know, knew or saw. Nothing. Don't ever remember seeing any fliers, signs, etc. Did I just miss something or was it more prevalent in other places...I'm talking this generation--not the 1920's.

I've had discussions recently with friends from the Northeast, California and from other countries where they bring up the KKK, and I'll ask them---how prevalent do you think it is? And there reply is typically that it's very big in the South.

Hate to surprise them, It isn't.

I have a friend that lives in Chicago suburbs that thinks the same. Her husband is black, and she told me she would feel safer in the southside of Chicago than the South.

Their is no KKK anymore, at least to any real organization or threat to anyone.
You got Moe and jameslee and another lib on here to stop that.

There is zero to gain from a Fuzz or LEK post. Fuzz will write four paragraphs blindly supporting something, LEK will come by and say something crude like he told a guy he hoped his wife got raped and Z just trolls.

I think Moe, jameslee and Cardkilla are more than enough for the left POV. And you also have to remember, we are all exposed to the left's view everywhere else in life especially in media and social media.

I've got 3 people right now on ignore. I am not one to use the ignore feature but damn, a few of these guys are just worthless and strange. You've named 2. Had to put Fuzz on ignore today. Just not clever enough with his liberal retorts and it's old blowing the f*** out of points I finished off in college.

"Trump is rich he doesn't care about you!"

When he actually went and brought Saudi Arabia into this, pulling dual hypocrisy out his ass, that was it. I'm not discussing Saudi Arabia with a liberal, at all. Especially him for obvious reasons.

Cardkilla is dumb, but he's harmless. Epic yet ridiculous rants displaying his media matters talking points horsesh*t.

WindyCityWildcat isn't bad. He's just in Chicago and can't help himself. Honestly seems like the type of guy that in person could be swayed. I think he sees half the nonsense we're taking about. Just get that vibe.
The Hill ‏@thehill 8s8 seconds ago
Amy Schumer defends relative Chuck Schumer after Trump targets him


Now come on q, That's her closest relative around. I'm sure she saw him crying and, being related, knows his softer side and understands his reactions. Don't you with your family? I'm sure being as close as they are she'd spot him faking a mile away.

"The comic is distantly related to New York Senator Chuck Schumer, though their connection is unclear even to Schumer herself. (She is reportedly his second cousin once removed.) In 2011, she attempted to set the record straight. “He is not my uncle; he is my dad’s cousin,” she said. “I don’t even think they are first cousins. He knows I exist, I have run into him a few times in NYC,[laughing] but I highly doubt he has ever seen my act."
If you put those three all on ignore, you are pretty much left with a useless echo chamber. JMO.
Yes, but its an INTELLIGENT echo chamber.

Having said that, this forum has become hilarious since the election.

Between the misguided arrogance of Mime, and the flat out insanity of Cardkilla, its the funniest/best read on all of CI (other than KY Bob's "Naughty Teacher Alerts").

I do miss the room temp IQ of Albany Cat though; she's been scarce since the election.
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The Hill ‏@thehill 8s8 seconds ago
Amy Schumer defends relative Chuck Schumer after Trump targets him


She should stick to things that she is good at like paddle boarding and swallowing man-chowder. I am guessing that her Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) will cause her to pack on an extra 10-20 lbs over the next four years.


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Holy effing shit. Watching these press release by Sean Spicer. One thing is for sure. These MSM reporters are all hacks. every goddamn single one of them. Hacks.

Not one time did Obama's press secretary ever go through what Sean Spicer is going through.

These goddamn parasites just twist words and use mental gymnastics all to try to make Trump look bad.

If I were him, I'd personally go into that crowd and beat them down like liberals do to conservatives on the street.

I'd go in and punch Glen thrush's ugly ass mug (btw-Hillary paid him from the CF)
If I was Spicer, i'd quit doing press releases. yeah, I know it's in the Constitution, but MSM is taking that right and pissing all over it. I'd put an end to all of this bullshit
I think (hope) it goes without saying, but Donald Trump had nothing to do with Amazon expanding at CVG. That was pure sarcasm.
LEK, you throw out the racist card pretty frequently on here....from my experience, it's typically only used as a last resort when you got nothing. You insinuated that I was a racist a week or so ago...any proof to back that up? Or was it just more BS.

And, I'm not claiming there are no racists on this or any other board. IMO, everyone, and that includes every single one of us has some inherent bias or opinions based on their background and life experiences. I think it would be virtually impossible not to.
You mean I am calling WhitesRules a racist, who by his own terms, is? :scream:

And no, I am very careful to use the word these days. I actually think its become overused, so its not my go to argument. Now when people present an argument about their one black friend or start saying an entire race is bad, then yes. There are about 3-4 posters who's racial bias is coming through. WhitesRule and Heisman. If you dont know their new screen names, sorry.

Its like your Hitler argument. Just because someone gets called Hitler, it might mean they are acting like Hitler. Not because its a go to repsonse. But like racist, its overused and loses its value.You have a tendency to deal in generalities. Just because you do, doesnt mean others do. This point will go over your head.

Please point to whatever post you are referring to in the past? I was banned last week, so you may be confused. I may have, but only if you said something inherently racist.

Inherent bias isnt racism. Having a preference for cultures isnt racism. So not sure what you are trying to argue, but it sounds like you are trying to justify racism, just a tiny bit. Discriminating and creating hate speech and then point to anecdotal facts doesnt make it a "bias." It makes it racism.

Also, unlike you, I can back everything I say up. I dont rely on alternative facts and hatred of the left as my guide. Obviously I am left, but I trust truth more than anything. Its why wikileaks was so great. In truth, it destroyed HRC. At least for me. I dont think that is possible for you. I heard so much about how the right will question their own candidate, yet none of that appears to be going on...hmmm

Also, I think there is muslim terrorism and I think the travel ban is fine. I would bet money you dont have positions like that, ones that cross party lines.
I've got 3 people right now on ignore. I am not one to use the ignore feature but damn, a few of these guys are just worthless and strange. You've named 2. Had to put Fuzz on ignore today. Just not clever enough with his liberal retorts and it's old blowing the f*** out of points I finished off in college.

"Trump is rich he doesn't care about you!"

When he actually went and brought Saudi Arabia into this, pulling dual hypocrisy out his ass, that was it. I'm not discussing Saudi Arabia with a liberal, at all. Especially him for obvious reasons.

Cardkilla is dumb, but he's harmless. Epic yet ridiculous rants displaying his media matters talking points horsesh*t.

WindyCityWildcat isn't bad. He's just in Chicago and can't help himself. Honestly seems like the type of guy that in person could be swayed. I think he sees half the nonsense we're taking about. Just get that vibe.
You say that, but you liked a post of mine in the seashells thread. Not even 12 hours ago...
San Fran suing Trump over sanctuary cities.

I heard a good idea. Remove immunity from city leaders in sanctuary cities where illegals harm American citizens. That way, the goddamn mayor and his/her soulless lackeys get sued into oblivion when American citizens are accosted by illegal garbage immigrants. Putting a financial lawsuit or charging them with accessory to the illegal's crimes.
If I was Spicer, i'd quit doing press releases. yeah, I know it's in the Constitution, but MSM is taking that right and pissing all over it. I'd put an end to all of this bullshit

Liberals just don't learn, especially smug elitist dipshits like the MSM.

You morons, you have an approval rating hovering 1% above congress. People LOVE watching a guy like Trump smash you. Even some progressive liberals like it because they hate you too (for different reasons).

Talk about working the public on a 2% issue totally to your detriment.

I mean If Wolf Blitzer asked to be punched in the face I wouldn't be surprised if the pope was on the list. And he'd be in line.

The left is full retard. There's no other way to explain it.
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It's probably gone because most of what Windy has posted over the past couple of weeks has been cleansed, but he bluntly called me a racist and you quickly "Liked" it as if it was a truth. Surprised me a bit.

Not sure what "alternative facts" I've used unless it was some statement with the pure intention of it being smartassed where the content should be obviously sarcasm and/or fake. Again--point out your evidence.

And I have plenty of cross-aisle positions.....against capital punishment, pro legalization of marijuana, etc.

I have a lot of tolerance for many things including virtually any opposing opinion based on some level of reasonableness. But being called a racist isn't something I take just know if you throw it out there I'll challenge it. Peace.
Liberals just don't learn, especially smug elitist dipshits like the MSM.

You morons, you have an approval rating hovering 1% above congress. People LOVE watching a guy like Trump smash you. Even some progressive liberals like it because they hate you too (for different reasons).

Talk about working the public on a 2% issue totally to your detriment.

I mean If Wolf Blitzer asked to be punched in the face I wouldn't be surprised if the pope was on the list. And he'd be in line.

The left is full retard. There's no other way to explain it.

I'd pay to break Wolf Blitzer's face. Give me one punch with brass knuckles and I'll send his nose through his skull
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You mean I am calling WhitesRules a racist, who by his own terms, is? :scream:

And no, I am very careful to use the word these days. I actually think its become overused, so its not my go to argument. Now when people present an argument about their one black friend or start saying an entire race is bad, then yes. There are about 3-4 posters who's racial bias is coming through. WhitesRule and Heisman. If you dont know their new screen names, sorry.

Its like your Hitler argument. Just because someone gets called Hitler, it might mean they are acting like Hitler. Not because its a go to repsonse. But like racist, its overused and loses its value.You have a tendency to deal in generalities. Just because you do, doesnt mean others do. This point will go over your head.

Please point to whatever post you are referring to in the past? I was banned last week, so you may be confused. I may have, but only if you said something inherently racist.

Inherent bias isnt racism. Having a preference for cultures isnt racism. So not sure what you are trying to argue, but it sounds like you are trying to justify racism, just a tiny bit. Discriminating and creating hate speech and then point to anecdotal facts doesnt make it a "bias." It makes it racism.

Also, unlike you, I can back everything I say up. I dont rely on alternative facts and hatred of the left as my guide. Obviously I am left, but I trust truth more than anything. Its why wikileaks was so great. In truth, it destroyed HRC. At least for me. I dont think that is possible for you. I heard so much about how the right will question their own candidate, yet none of that appears to be going on...hmmm

Also, I think there is muslim terrorism and I think the travel ban is fine. I would bet money you dont have positions like that, ones that cross party lines.

LOL! You really are as bad as everyone says you are. How many people have accused of being White Rule SEC? Seems like I remember you naming quite a few. It's your go to post when you can't win an argument. Like I said before your weak.
It's probably gone because most of what Windy has posted over the past couple of weeks has been cleansed, but he bluntly called me a racist and you quickly "Liked" it as if it was a truth. Surprised me a bit.

Not sure what "alternative facts" I've used unless it was some statement with the pure intention of it being smartassed where the content should be obviously sarcasm and/or fake. Again--point out your evidence.

And I have plenty of cross-aisle positions.....against capital punishment, pro legalization of marijuana, etc.

I have a lot of tolerance for many things including virtually any opposing opinion based on some level of reasonableness. But being called a racist isn't something I take just know if you throw it out there I'll challenge it. Peace.
I doubt I liked it because you were a racist, probably because someone was talking trash.
LOL! You really are as bad as everyone says you are. How many people have accused of being White Rule SEC? Seems like I remember you naming quite a few. It's your go to post when you can't win an argument. Like I said before your weak.
Its been known for awhile who you are. I thought Heisman was originally, but about 15 others said I was wrong, even a few in this thread. We all know who you are.
If I was Spicer, i'd quit doing press releases. yeah, I know it's in the Constitution, but MSM is taking that right and pissing all over it. I'd put an end to all of this bullshit
Calling people out on their "alternative facts" is what the press is supposed to do.
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The difference is your making Muslims black/white issue by comparing it to the KKK.

There are white Muslims dude. The religion is celebrated just like Christianity which also has several races involved.

That's why I get so mad when you say you're against islamic terrorists and the left calls you racist. islam is not a race dumbasses.
LOL! You really are as bad as everyone says you are. How many people have accused of being White Rule SEC? Seems like I remember you naming quite a few. It's your go to post when you can't win an argument. Like I said before your weak.

Back story on white SEC rules?

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