How will they rule ??!

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@Phil_Mattingly: Baghdad (AP) -- Iraq announced an agreement on "security and intelligence cooperation" with Russia, Iran and Syria.
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@Phil_Mattingly: Baghdad (AP) -- Iraq announced an agreement on "security and intelligence cooperation" with Russia, Iran and Syria.

Libs and their ideology are incapable of common sense. That's why this country would be better off if the territories were just split and conservatives/moderates could have their own territory while the ideologues get their own utopia so their stupidity doesn't hurt the rest of us.

The Pope is making a lot of Republicans so mad.


Pope says, "Stop abortion."- Liberal media: *crickets*

Pope says, "We need to do something about climate change."- Liberal media: HEY DID YOU HEAR WHAT THE POPE SAID ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE?!
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I must have missed all the complaints and teeth gnashing by the Left about the Pope's abortion stance. Or did the MSM just sweep it under the rug?
Watched a few minutes of the Trump piece on 60 minutes. Ridiculous. Was more interrogation than interview. In five minutes, I saw more tough questions asked of Trump than Obama's fielded his entire presidency/campaign.
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How did Trump hold up under the questions?

What little I saw, I thought he did well. Especially considering the circumstances. Basically, hed be asked a question, hed respond with a substantive answer. Then hed be attacked claiming he wasnt saying exactly how he would do it.

I thought he gave a fair amount of detail, considering the medium. This wasnt meet the press, where one would expect an in depth, substantive analysis. Hes given at least as much detail as any other candidate.

Especially laughable since Obama was basically worshiped by the MSM for simply repeating "hope and change" and "yes we can".
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Meanwhile Clinton gets the molester Leena Dunham.

Hard hitting stuff.

I didn't watch it, but I imagine a few questions like this

Lena: "So Hillary, how do you feel about the Republicans, who planted the email set-up to make you look like a criminal?"

Lena: "Why do you think the Republicans are trying to frame you for Benghazi, when it was Republicans who were the ones behind the whole thing?
Boehner says there will be no Government shutdown and that he has a lot to accomplish in his final Month.
Scott Pelley smirked throughout the whole interview. Pretty funny to see him incredulously ask how something was going to be paid for.

Trump was Trump, lots of adjectives and zero details.
Fact is the media hates Trump, but loves the ratings he gives them. They will field him fastballs because they know it will give them soundbites to have something to talk about.

As expected, the Clintons are now playing the "It's the 90's all over again, the Republicans are after us" card. Last time I checked, the FBI does not work for the Republicans but they "forget" to mention that part.
The only way Boehner gets passed whatever he has planned in the next month is with the help of Democrats. Trust him even less now.

Watched a few minutes of the Trump piece on 60 minutes. Ridiculous. Was more interrogation than interview. In five minutes, I saw more tough questions asked of Trump than Obama's fielded his entire presidency/campaign.
I don't like Pelley. He kept interrupting Trump and just being rude. I have to commend Trump for not losing it.
I think there will eventually be a split between the Tea Party Pubs and the Mainstream Pubs. It just seems to be an unholy alliance that can't last.
Boehner says there will be no Government shutdown and that he has a lot to accomplish in his final Month.

"A lot to accomplish" sounds like bad news.

Scott Pelley smirked throughout the whole interview. Pretty funny to see him incredulously ask how something was going to be paid for.

Trump was Trump, lots of adjectives and zero details.

It was just bizarre. Far from an objective interviewer, but at most at least pretend for the period of the interview. I wouldnt even have a problem with it if candidates from both parties were subjected to the same. But we all know thats not the case.
Perhaps if Dems weren't such mindless whores for their very flawed leaders they would not be coming off two historic mid-term defeats and a national trend in state govts that has left them at a all-time low there.
Let's hear some hot takes on Santorum or Graham though, by all means ignore the socialist and grifter leading your party.
BTW, you have one Dem candidate protesting outside the DNC for more debates, one saying the party has shifted way too far left, and Bernie saying the process seems fixed. Yeah, that should be our model for democracy.
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Kevin McCarthy said to be favored to be the next Speaker, is more aligned with Boehner than Conservatives according to reports.
Here'c Chuck Todd, all objective and neutral like, interviewing Hilary and providing some reasoning for her. Heh.

CHUCK TODD: Perhaps the reason you wanted to have a private server and not a government server is that Republicans have been coming after you for years, you might have been running for president in the future, you wanted to make it a little more difficult for Congressional investigators to subpoena your emails, and a little more difficult to make FOIA requests. Is that a fair theory or not?

Chuck and Hilary agree - if any wrong was committed by anyone, it was the Republicans' fault.
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So Trump introduces his tax plan and yet there will be many who says he is not giving enough details, etc. He seemed to be pretty clear today and even gave the press handouts of his plan. There is nothing about his plan that I think is so anti conservative that I cannot even consider the plan. The wealthiest folks need to pay more, but the middle class and businesses need relief. Also, the trade deals are horrible and need re-negotiated. Its pretty common sense that the better the economy does the better the folks with the most money will do so paying more taxes is not going to hurt their pockets at all.

Everyone has an opinion of Trump and I absolutely think he does and says some real stupid things, but if there is one area I think he is very strong in, it is the economy.
Not sure what to think of Boehner/establishment vs the wing.

On one hand, they do appear to be unmoored from reality. Give the appearance of not getting their way and stomping their feet in trantrum. As the WSJ said Saturday "Mr. Boehner has spent nearly five years trapped between an implacable President Obama and an uncompromising faction within his own party. Conservatives blamed him for not delivering victories no Speaker could."

On the other hand, however.....Tax reform? Obamacare? Ex-Im Bank? Immigration? Everything else? Nothing. This Congress has delivered nothing. What good is winning a majority if nothing comes of it other than some Grand Bargain with Obama (or whatever phrasing Boehner used)?

Prior to Reagan, conservatives/Republicans weren't really an equal party it seemed. Not a real threat since Hoover, they amounted to not much more than a permanent opposition. "Go along and get along" was the common descripter. It's very popular right now in this country to talk about two classes of people - the haves vs the have nots - in terms of economics. Income inequality. There is another kind of dualism going on. This country is pretty equally split between conservatives and liberals - but because liberals run so many of the insitutions that control things, the even footing gives way. The haves (in terms of power, influence and policy making) are the liberals - and not only do people not talk about correcting that, it's viewed as just. Yes, half the people are conservative, and very likely largely aligned with those who are giving Boehner fits. But they are disregarded by the establishment, sneered at.

Anyway, bottom line, there has to be some middle ground between "give the Dems whatever they want" and "we must win every issue, elections have consequences!"
So Trump introduces his tax plan and yet there will be many who says he is not giving enough details, etc. He seemed to be pretty clear today and even gave the press handouts of his plan. There is nothing about his plan that I think is so anti conservative that I cannot even consider the plan. The wealthiest folks need to pay more, but the middle class and businesses need relief. Also, the trade deals are horrible and need re-negotiated. Its pretty common sense that the better the economy does the better the folks with the most money will do so paying more taxes is not going to hurt their pockets at all.

Everyone has an opinion of Trump and I absolutely think he does and says some real stupid things, but if there is one area I think he is very strong in, it is the economy.

The Trump tax plan is pretty much what most Democrats have been advocating for years - lower taxes on the middle class and raise rates on the super wealthy by axing the zillions of loop holes. His argument is that the benefit of the middle class having more spending power will offset any losses in revenue is a basic Keynesian idea that Republcian supply siders have railed against since the 80s.

However becasue every Republican has taken the Grover Norquist pledge of not raising taxes, such reforms have never been made possible. Someone should ask Trump how he will get all the Congressional Republicans to "unpledge" themselves.
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Anyway, bottom line, there has to be some middle ground between "give the Dems whatever they want" and "we must win every issue, elections have consequences!"

Obama has been untouchable. He does not compromise or bend because he doesn't have to. TPP, Iran, UCA....all opposed by the majority and yet no heat on him. Even if HRC were to win she would not get the same protection.

No they cannot throw down on every issue like Cruz wants but a strong leader could have picked a few battles to stand firm on and worked a cohesive message. And they have to go harder at the media than they have. There is nothing to lose there.
deee being deee....the Trump plan is very close to Romney's which deee railed about. Of course that was just a few months after he said he might vote for Romney.
Political time! Here's my question. Should there be or not be an age limit on the death penalty? Looking at the youngest person ever excited he was 14, black, and given the chair for killing two white girls ages 11 and 7. This happened in 1944. Btw, 70 yrs later he was found innocent so he got out to enjoy the rest of his life.

So here it is, if your as young as say 14, should you get the death penalty if your crime was so bad you have earned it?
deee being deee....the Trump plan is very close to Romney's which deee railed about. Of course that was just a few months after he said he might vote for Romney.
Trump's plan is nothing more than a massaged version of what Democrats have talked about for years and derided by the right for war on the makers. Give me a break...just shows the hypocrisy of the Trump nut huggers.

No mention of his pie in the sky healthcare plan to replace Obamacare...with Trumpcare? Pretty much the same thing but more delusional. But I'm sure Trump's poll numbers will go up with Republicans after proposing things that you'd hear from one of those awful lefties. He's the new George Wallace of American politics
^ This came up in 2005, and SCOTUS found that the death penalty for those younger than the age of majority (18) was cruel and unusual, hence barred by the Constitution. So unless you're talking constitutional amendment, it's not a political question anymore.

But the death penalty is stupid for a whole host of reasons. I find it strange that people who trust the government the least are the strongest advocates for the state to have the power to execute someone after the imperfect judicial system, and a jury of morons, renders a verdict. That's to say nothing over the disturbing social (much more likely to get fried if you're black) and pseudo-science (lol FBI hair analysis) and witness (eye witness is terrible evidence) issues that come up.
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Trump's plan is nothing more than a massaged version of what Democrats have talked about for years and derided by the right for war on the makers. Give me a break...just shows the hypocrisy of the Trump nut huggers.

No mention of his pie in the sky healthcare plan to replace Obamacare...with Trumpcare? Pretty much the same thing but more delusional. But I'm sure Trump's poll numbers will go up with Republicans after proposing things that you'd hear from one of those awful lefties. He's the new George Wallace of American politics
So if he is proposing lefty stuff why are you so offended?

Fwiw, I won't vote for Trump under any condition
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This whole big pharma thing that is making the news. I swear.It's getting to a point that you'll have to be rich to live. This whole health insurance isn't free market. At all. It's a GD scam

Then throw in Obamacare. GD what a racket. Read where the Unaffordable Care Act has actually gave 8 million people health insurance, but guess what they don't tell you? That the deductibles are so high that those 8-9 million people can't afford to get medical help.