How will they rule ??!

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Welp, at least Mike Suck-a-dee can defend one of his "own" now.

Did Boehner quit because libs were being dicks or was it because his party has turned into a bunch of crazy theocrats who are trying to save souls that don't want to be saved? I'm confused.
You really have no clue.
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Let me make sure I have this right... and I'm not at all suggesting Repubs are doing an excellent job.

The sitting POTUS, Democrat, is widely acknowledged to be one of the worst POTUS in history.

The leading Dem candidate, is headed for jail.

The 2nd leading candidate, is a socialist.

And Dems are making fun of Repubs?

Again, the Repubs suck badly... but... Dems... really?

SMH... lol

Perspective... please!
Let me make sure I have this right... and I'm not at all suggesting Repubs are doing an excellent job.

The sitting POTUS, Democrat, is widely acknowledged to be one of the worst POTUS in history.

The leading Dem candidate, is headed for jail.

The 2nd leading candidate, is a socialist.

And Dems are making fun of Repubs?

Again, the Repubs suck badly... but... Dems... really?

SMH... lol

Perspective... please!

This is what our country has sunk to. Simply amazing.
Serious question for CatDaddy, FTS, Megablue05, Deee, Deboss, and others on the left here, When do you stop supporting the biggest liar in recent political history. Hillary continues to lie about the e-mails with this recent findings of more found e-mails after she said that she had turned them all over. Lie, after lie to cover up more lies. Are you digging in? Or, finally seeing the futility of supporting such an evil mistress.
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FTS is now out of the closet and a full time liberal trolling twat. Pegged it long ago.

(KPIX) — A bill that would end birthright citizenship in the U.S. is gaining steam in Washington, thanks to the Republican Presidential campaign.

It targets a controversial underground industry known as birth tourism, pregnant foreign women traveling to this country just for the purpose of delivering American citizen babies.

Business is booming here in the Bay Area, especially in the South Bay.

But publicity is not welcome.

“I don’t have a comment, I don’t have a comment,” said Jerry Zhou. He runs a popular tourist agency. The destination, not Fisherman’s Wharf, or the Golden Gate Bridge, but a regular home on a residential street in North San Jose.

We’ve learned the home is actually a birthing hotel. It caters to pregnant women, mostly from China, who come to the U.S. to grab that prize: instant U.S. citizenship for their baby.

Neighbor Robert Ramos says the women keep a low profile, rarely walking the neighborhood, going in and out only in a van with tinted windows. But he says what’s going on inside is pretty obvious.

“At one time I think there were four — four of them at the same time,” he said. “It’s pretty predictable, you can see when somebody’s giving birth. You don’t see them afterwards, and then a new family comes in.”

The house is one of at least two locations run by Jerry Zhou, who advertises on the internet under the name California Baby Care. For $3,000 to $4,000 a month everything’s included: dedicated nannies, professional chefs, transport to- and from the hospital, and a passport for the newborn.
Serious question for CatDaddy, FTS, Megablue05, Deee, Deboss, and others on the left here, When do you stop supporting the biggest liar in recent political history. Hillary continues to lie about the e-mails with this recent findings of more found e-mails after she said that she had turned them all over. Lie, after lie to cover up more lies. Are you digging in? Or, finally seeing the futility of supporting such an evil mistress.

Wasting your time. They are whores for their machine.

Standing blindly behind Reid, Pelosi, and Wasserman-Schultz is a positive.....UNITED!!!!
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Wasting your time. They are whores for their machine.

Standing blindly behind Reid, Pelosi, and Wasserman-Schultz is a positive.....UNITED!!!!

^ This, they have been brainwashed and have no ability to have an independent thought.
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Let me make sure I have this right... and I'm not at all suggesting Repubs are doing an excellent job.

The sitting POTUS, Democrat, is widely acknowledged to be one of the worst POTUS in history.

The leading Dem candidate, is headed for jail.

The 2nd leading candidate, is a socialist.

And Dems are making fun of Repubs?

Again, the Repubs suck badly... but... Dems... really?

SMH... lol

Perspective... please!

"widely acknowledged" by who the right wing echo chamber? come on the President is still popular among half the country and has a long list of accomplishments - ones you may not agree with but ones the people that voted for him wanted.

I do agree with you though that the Dems have a weak field. One huge problem is for whatever reason they have not brought along younger candidates like the Republicans have. I mean everyone that's polling more than 1% right now is pushing, or already over 70. If Biden or Sanders were elected they would be over 80 in the 2nd term. Does anyone really want an 80 year old man in the most pressure packed and important job in the world?

The Pubs have some flawed candidates too but they have some pretty good ones. Between Rubio, Kasich and Fiorina there's a winning ticket in there somewhere IMO.
"widely acknowledged" by who the right wing echo chamber? come on the President is still popular among half the country and has a long list of accomplishments - ones you may not agree with but ones the people that voted for him wanted.

Well, that's one way to characterize it. You could also say that i) Obama's approval rating has been mired in the low to mid 40s for the vast majority of his time in office, ii) his signature domestic achievement, Obamacare, has always been very unpopular, from the beginning until now, with approvals in the 30s and at times 40s, iii) his signature foreign polic achievement, the Iran Deal, is also very unpopular, and iv) he is underwater, and has been nearly all his time in office, on race relations, education, terrorism, the economy, immigration and a host of other issues. The other day I saw a poll that said his approval on one issue - climate change - was slightly positive, 44-42. It was notable because it's rare. He is what he's always been and likely always will be - generally, people like him personally, but don't care for his policies. If the Rs had had any kind of bench in 2008, he'd have been in real trouble.
Obama's administration has been one of the most lawless non-transparent administrations in US history. Dems say he has done what he was voted in to do. How about all of his promises about transparency? Many areas he has not done anything to help. He has been a disaster in about every way imaginable. The best thing about him at this point is he and his cast of criminals will be gone in less than two years.

To be fair, Bush was a disaster in many ways as well. Give Obama another 2008 financial crisis in his last few years and his Presidency goes down as the worst ever.

What's your thoughts on all of the scandals that have occurred under this administration where no consequences have occurred due to the media being apologetic for him?

Fast Furious

We've had presidents resign for less.
Planned Parenthood, fully fund or
FTS is now out of the closet and a full time liberal trolling twat. Pegged it long ago.

(KPIX) — A bill that would end birthright citizenship in the U.S. is gaining steam in Washington, thanks to the Republican Presidential campaign.

It targets a controversial underground industry known as birth tourism, pregnant foreign women traveling to this country just for the purpose of delivering American citizen babies.

Business is booming here in the Bay Area, especially in the South Bay.

But publicity is not welcome.

“I don’t have a comment, I don’t have a comment,” said Jerry Zhou. He runs a popular tourist agency. The destination, not Fisherman’s Wharf, or the Golden Gate Bridge, but a regular home on a residential street in North San Jose.

We’ve learned the home is actually a birthing hotel. It caters to pregnant women, mostly from China, who come to the U.S. to grab that prize: instant U.S. citizenship for their baby.

Neighbor Robert Ramos says the women keep a low profile, rarely walking the neighborhood, going in and out only in a van with tinted windows. But he says what’s going on inside is pretty obvious.

“At one time I think there were four — four of them at the same time,” he said. “It’s pretty predictable, you can see when somebody’s giving birth. You don’t see them afterwards, and then a new family comes in.”

The house is one of at least two locations run by Jerry Zhou, who advertises on the internet under the name California Baby Care. For $3,000 to $4,000 a month everything’s included: dedicated nannies, professional chefs, transport to- and from the hospital, and a passport for the newborn.
Believe that Canada passed a law prohibiting anchor babies because the same thing with the same group of people was happening there.
Sanders was an independent but realized the growth of radical liberalism in the Dem party would enable him to push socialism successfully there.

Bernie is in the right party now.
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What's your thoughts on all of the scandals that have occurred under this administration where no consequences have occurred due to the media being apologetic for him?

Fast Furious

We've had presidents resign for less.

Don't have time to go into detail on all these but I'll give you a few off the top of my head:

Benghazi - According to former Defense Secretary and Bush appointee Robert Gates (also under Obama) he would have handled the situation exactly the way the administration handled it. IMO this has been a trumped up political issue. There have been 7 congressional hearings but yet not one piece of evidence that anyone did anything wrong. Hind sight is 20/20 I'm sure in retrospect everything might be different.

IRS - While it's apparent the head lady used her office to punish political opponents, there has never been one shred of evidence that the whitehouse was involved.

Bergdahl - Deal sucked didn't it! However if you look at what happened at the time no one knew exactly why Bergdahl had disappeared from the base. It wasn't until several months later that the Army fact finding body determined he was a deserter. Everyone in the DOD at the time said "we don't leave our people behind". Again hind sight is wonderful but at the time the decision was made it was correct. I will admit that the whitehouse rose garden ceremony with his parents was a political disaster and horrible optics.

Ronald Reagan committed impeachable offenses in the Iran/Contra deal yet most historians regard him as one of the best presidents of the 20th century - and I personally agree with that. However here is a list of Reagan officials found guilty of criminal offenses:

Name ONE Obama official that has ever had a criminal indictment for anything associated with the Whitehouse.

The bottom line is all presidents good and bad are a mixed bag of successes and failures. On balance I think Obama's positives far out weight his negatives. I realize you and 90% of the board that are pretty far right won't agree and that's fine, and I won't wast my time our yours trying to convince you. To each there own.

Muslims freak out on school board because Jersey public schools won't shut down for their Muslim holiday. One woman exclaimed, "We’re going to be the majority soon!"

Honest question for the libs. I don't care if you believe in God at all nor do I think that has any relevancy to this discussion. What I want to know is why are Christians ALWAYS the enemy/focal point from libs when they pose zero threat yet Islam is constantly ignored and pandered to?

How can anyone not see that Islam is the ONLY "religion" that is a danger to any of us. Even Bill Maher made this claim and he's as anti-religion as one can be.


What's your thoughts on all of the scandals that have occurred under this administration where no consequences have occurred due to the media being apologetic for him?

Fast Furious

We've had presidents resign for less.

I wanna play:

Benghazi - Only Republicans care.
IRS - Bad deal there, but they did the same shit to "progressive" groups under Bush. White House never linked to either issue.
Fast Furious - See No. 1
NSA - Patriot Act ushered this type of behavior in. That was a bi-partisan deal that was based solely on reactionary fear.
Bergdahl - Bad deal. Barry screwed up royally there.

This administration has been poo. The last one was too. Bush 2.0 and Obama are the same but different. If you or anyone else can emphatically say one of those guys is better than the other, you'd be wrong and a giant partisan hack to boot.
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We've had two terrible presidents ever since Clinton left office. We went from one extreme to another.

As for Benghazzi, I'd say we should definitely care about this administration intentionally lying about the truth of the situation and using it to try and portray some BS about an Islamic video.

The fact that only Reps care is not surprising considering the left gets riled up over freakin Kim Davis or whatever social injustice of the week, etc

Muslims freak out on school board because Jersey public schools won't shut down for their Muslim holiday. One woman exclaimed, "We’re going to be the majority soon!"

Honest question for the libs. I don't care if you believe in God at all nor do I think that has any relevancy to this discussion. What I want to know is why are Christians ALWAYS the enemy/focal point from libs when they pose zero threat yet Islam is constantly ignored and pandered to?

How can anyone not see that Islam is the ONLY "religion" that is a danger to any of us. Even Bill Maher made this claim and he's as anti-religion as one can be.

The best part of that video was that p*ssy Charlie Rose squirming in his chair.
Serious question for CatDaddy, FTS, Megablue05, Deee, Deboss, and others on the left here, When do you stop supporting the biggest liar in recent political history. Hillary continues to lie about the e-mails with this recent findings of more found e-mails after she said that she had turned them all over. Lie, after lie to cover up more lies. Are you digging in? Or, finally seeing the futility of supporting such an evil mistress.
I don't support Hillary, don't know where you got that unless you are falling for Quesley's lies. Q just has insults, he's like the frat kid surrounded by his buddies, yelling taunts at people wearing the other teams colors. That's not my style. My back and forth with you are generally civil and that's my preference. I'm gonna keep gigging the far right and enjoy Trump criticizing his opponents as long as he's running. I hope a candidate emerges who I can get behind, but I can always vote for Gary Johnson again if he decides to run as the Libertarian.
Lying troll at that.

Yes you did and you urged BC to go read up on her stances. Smgdh at grown ass men stooping that low.

Stick with one liner trolling, more your style. Your schitick is done.

Lastly, Gary Johnson had more TP stances than liberal ones.
You cannot make this up.

The United Nations is coming under fire for handing Saudi Arabia a key human rights role even though the Kingdom has “arguably the worst record in the world” on freedoms for women, minorities and dissidents.

Critics, including the wife of imprisoned pro-democracy blogger Raif Badawi – sentenced to 1000 lashes for blogging about free speech – say that the appointment is “scandalous” and means that “oil trumps human rights”.
Why do you constantly invoke Bill Cosby? You seem to seek his approval, like you have a school boy crush on him.
That was the post dipshit where you were pumping Hillary that you can't explain away. I really think you may have a mental issue that causes you to forget what your story is day to day. The only consistent element is you being a whore for liberalism on every issue. Deeeee minus 15 iq points basically.

So who are you supporting since Johnson is not running?
I just marvel at the obsession with the TP by liberals, much less those that call themselves moderates. They control most they influence GOP objectives.

Still waiting on the first post "gigging" the far left that have hijacked and control media, academia, and entertainment.....basically the caucus supporting Bernie who is whistling along with no one lifting an eyebrow.
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I just marvel at the obsession with the TP by liberals, much less those that call themselves moderates. They control most they influence GOP objectives.

Still waiting on the first post "gigging" the far left that have hijacked and control media, academia, and entertainment.....basically the caucus supporting Bernie who is whistling along with no one lifting an eyebrow.

That is why I've always shook my head at the left freaking out over Fox News. They own every propaganda tool/network/university out there yet freak out about the one network that doesn't pander to them.

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS are all luge liberal networks. Not a single peep about that. Nor about the treatment of Republicans on liberal campuses. You want to see intolerance? Go enroll in the nearest state university. C'm on out to California and see how you're treated out here.

I want to post an article from our college newspaper. It shows you how pathetic and misinformed this group is and what they advocate. In my classes, it is non-stop focus on insulting and attacking the GOP/whites/Christians etc.

America’s Islamaphobia plagued ninth grader Ahmed Mohamed who was arrested for bringing a self-built clock to school.

John Broadway, Staff Writer
September 22, 2015

When isn’t a clock just a clock? Well, that depends on who is holding it.

One of the biggest changes that 9/11 caused within our culture is the widespread proliferation of Islamophobia.

Many Americans have little knowledge of the Muslim religion and this ignorance can cause them to make sweeping generalizations about Islam, usually based on the terrorist acts committed by extremist radicals.

One example of this Islamophobia, occurred last Monday in Irving, Texas.

A 14-year-old Muslim boy named Ahmed Mohamed, brought a homemade clock to school to impress one of his teachers, but instead of receiving the praise and admiration he sought, Ahmed was met with skepticism and handcuffs.

Ahmed’s English teacher reported the ninth grader for building what she thought was a bomb and police officers proceeded to take him to the police station where they interrogated him. Mohamed was held without legal representation and was not allowed to make a call to his parents.

Although police eventually dropped the charges against him, they refused to apologize and Ahmed still had to serve a three-day school suspension.

For building a clock.

This incident highlights the Islamophobia that is rampant in American culture today; it is highly doubtful that a white student in this same situation would have received the same treatment.

Even though radical Muslims have committed horrible acts, these extremists do not define the religion as a whole. Americans are so quick to forget the horrors that have occurred in the name of Christianity, yet the religion has not been defined by these acts. So why should it be any different for Islam?

Islam and Christianity are more alike than they are different.

A survey completed by The Economist in February showed that over 50 percent of Americans believe that the religion of Islam encourages violence among its believers.

The Quran does not promote violence any more so than the Bible does. Although Muslims follow this text, both religions regard the Old and New Testament of the bible as sacred texts. Islam and Christianity promote morality and the following of the Ten Commandments; both believe in the same God, both recognize Jesus and the other prophets (Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc.) they both condemn Satan; and the list of similarities between them goes on.

It is unfortunate that there have been so many extremist Muslims who have misinterpreted what is the will of God, but many Americans like to conveniently forget that Christians are just as guilty as Muslims, in this aspect.

The Crusades, slavery and the genocide resulting in displacement of the Native Americans were sanctioned or justified by Christianity. These three events have resulted in pain, suffering, discrimination and millions of deaths.

There are numerous Christian terrorist groups, such as The Army of God, The Covenant, The Sword, The Arm of the Lord, Phineas Priests and many more.

The Ku Klux Klan, arguably the most prominent hate group in America, was ironically founded upon Christian beliefs.

But every religion has its bad apples.

It is unfair for any religion, Islam included, to be defined by the evil extremists that commit acts of terror.

The American media and culture so often promotes Islamophobia while completely ignoring the hateful acts that are committed by Christians. This is a huge injustice to Muslims because it leads to prejudice, discrimination and hate crimes. This injustice committed by our culture leads to incidents like a 14-year-old Muslim boy getting arresting and suspended from school for trying to impress his teacher with a homemade clock.

Americans, and the whole world for that matter, need to realize that Muslims do not deserve to be treated or viewed any differently than followers of other religions.
Serious question for CatDaddy, FTS, Megablue05, Deee, Deboss, and others on the left here, When do you stop supporting the biggest liar in recent political history. Hillary continues to lie about the e-mails with this recent findings of more found e-mails after she said that she had turned them all over. Lie, after lie to cover up more lies. Are you digging in? Or, finally seeing the futility of supporting such an evil mistress.

No it's not a serous question becasue if you were capable of reading you would have read the numerous posts I have made - still in this thread - articulating my criticism and non-support of Clinton, who I usually refer to as The Chipmunk because that's what she looks like.
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That was the post dipshit where you were pumping Hillary that you can't explain away. I really think you may have a mental issue that causes you to forget what your story is day to day. The only consistent element is you being a whore for liberalism on every issue. Deeeee minus 15 iq points basically.

So who are you supporting since Johnson is not running?
I guess you have 0 ability to comprehend anything I say without attaching some of your own bias to it. What I said back then was Hillary's positions are more mainstream than some of her far right rivals and in a hypothetical match-up against a far right candidate she would win. I never said I was voting for her, or supporting her, just stating an opinion of who would be the likely winner. This was obviously written before the email controversy boiled over and she lost her support.

Cosby never commented on my invitation to check out so I guess he was satisfied with my answer. But you continue to bring that up, and defend Cosby when he never asked you to. You are even starting to talk like Cos, throwing out "Goddamn" this, and "GD" that. It's obvious you really want his approval.
[QUOT="Deeeefense, post: 2331563, member: 234"]Don't have time to go into detail on all these but I'll give you a few off the top of my head:

Benghazi - According to former Defense Secretary and Bush appointee Robert Gates (also under Obama) he would have handled the situation exactly the way the administration handled it. IMO this has been a trumped up political issue. There have been 7 congressional hearings but yet not one piece of evidence that anyone did anything wrong. Hind sight is 20/20 I'm sure in retrospect everything might be different.

IRS - While it's apparent the head lady used her office to punish political opponents, there has never been one shred of evidence that the whitehouse was involved.

Bergdahl - Deal sucked didn't it! However if you look at what happened at the time no one knew exactly why Bergdahl had disappeared from the base. It wasn't until several months later that the Army fact finding body determined he was a deserter. Everyone in the DOD at the time said "we don't leave our people behind". Again hind sight is wonderful but at the time the decision was made it was correct. I will admit that the whitehouse rose garden ceremony with his parents was a political disaster and horrible optics.

Ronald Reagan committed impeachable offenses in the Iran/Contra deal yet most historians regard him as one of the best presidents of the 20th century - and I personally agree with that. However here is a list of Reagan officials found guilty of criminal offenses:

Name ONE Obama official that has ever had a criminal indictment for anything associated with the Whitehouse.

The bottom line is all presidents good and bad are a mixed bag of successes and failures. On balance I think Obama's positives far out weight his negatives. I realize you and 90% of the board that are pretty far right won't agree and that's fine, and I won't wast my time our yours trying to convince you. To each there own.[/QUOTE]

That is because the head criminal will not let them be indicted. You are such a homer. Just as evil and immoral as the people you support.
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This douche of a pope is now telling illegal immigrants not to assimilate. Go back to Argentina you third world commie.

The Pope is a sack of shit and the fact that anyone admires this guy is beyond comical. He's no one special. You cannot elect someone to be "holy." He's basically, just the CEO of a huge business.

He should take all of the refugees/illegals and stash them in the Vatican.

It's also a shame that our country let this POS have a voice in our country and give his two cents on our issues and politics.
The Pope is a sack of shit and the fact that anyone admires this guy is beyond comical. He's no one special. You cannot elect someone to be "holy." He's basically, just the CEO of a huge business.

He should take all of the refugees/illegals and stash them in the Vatican.

It's also a shame that our country let this POS have a voice in our country and give his two cents on our issues and politics.

This!! He is just an old man wearing a dress. Vatican hid child molesters for years, what kind of religion does that? I got no use for the Catholic Church, and don't care about nothing that old geezer has to say.
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At 71%, HRC has a higher approval rating within her party than any Rep has in theirs (Carson leads at 66%).

Btw, she played the "conspiracy" card again this morning.
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The Pope is making a lot of Republicans so mad.
