
Somebody besides me been watching Tulsa King, it seems. :cool:
I haven't finished the 1st season yet. Started it, then the free trial on paramount ran out. My sister gave me her access and I'm going to get back into it. Seen the first season is now on TV. I was enjoying that one.

As for Franceze, I know he's a criminal and what not. Anyone who believes he's a reformed mobster giving motivational speeches are wildly mistaken. That dude made millionsssssss. Is the wealthiest living mobster still alive. His connections to Russian mobs run deep. He's either still running things old school or more realistically still running things on behalf of our govt in some capacity.

Like him or not, his shit is definitely interesting. I believe the only still living mobster mentioned in goodfellas. He might be full of himself but he's not full of shit. That's a scary dude.
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