How will they rule ??!

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latest NH polling data fresh off the presses. Great news for Rubio and Fiorina, Jeb and Kasich continue to stall, Christie surprisingly strong even by NH standards.
I'd much rather have Chris Christie than Rubio. Look at Rubio's background. Not really that impressive.
touch that, Christie is a typical northeast mostly liberal/centrist RINO.

Rubio was the speaker of the state legislature in Florida, a pretty big ass state, and became that at an incredibly young age. Much more of an accomplishment than the current occupant with his back bench present voting background prior to his senate tenure.

the only republicans who dont want Rubio as the nominee at this point (I was more partial to a sucessful gov like Walker or Perry, but we see how that worked out) are those who simply don't want to ever win the White House and are happy with an old liberal democrat running things. Conservative, young, always speaks about his love for this country and wanting it to be great, check boxes some minority categories that are now oh so important to the shallow low-information millennial voters. Rubio compared to Sanders or Biden or Hillary, ancient septuagenarians who all look 10+ older than their age? Yes, please.

"(T)o say that it is the law of the land is questionable," she said. "The questions we don't ask is -- and these questions need to be asked first of all is -- whether the Supreme Court, one of three coequal branches of government, is the final arbiter of anything because, if that was true, I would still be a slave.

"And number two, does the Supreme Court, in fact, have the authority to overrule a state constitution as they did, because in our state constitution, Section 233A, we have defined marriage as between one man and one woman. Those are questions that still need to be resolved," Hampton said.
This. The level of stupidity in this country is haunting. Its not just stupidity, its dense stupidity. When they are clearly wrong, they ignore it. Its insanity. Its willful ignorance.
touch that, Christie is a typical northeast mostly liberal/centrist RINO.

Rubio was the speaker of the state legislature in Florida, a pretty big ass state, and became that at an incredibly young age. Much more of an accomplishment than the current occupant with his back bench present voting background prior to his senate tenure.

the only republicans who dont want Rubio as the nominee at this point (I was more partial to a sucessful gov like Walker or Perry, but we see how that worked out) are those who simply don't want to ever win the White House and are happy with an old liberal democrat running things. Conservative, young, always speaks about his love for this country and wanting it to be great, check boxes some minority categories that are now oh so important to the shallow low-information millennial voters. Rubio compared to Sanders or Biden or Hillary, ancient septuagenarians who all look 10+ older than their age? Yes, please.
Christie doesn't have a chance, but I would rather have a "centrist" than a far right republican or a far left democrat.
touch that, Christie is a typical northeast mostly liberal/centrist RINO.

Rubio was the speaker of the state legislature in Florida, a pretty big ass state, and became that at an incredibly young age. Much more of an accomplishment than the current occupant with his back bench present voting background prior to his senate tenure.

the only republicans who dont want Rubio as the nominee at this point (I was more partial to a sucessful gov like Walker or Perry, but we see how that worked out) are those who simply don't want to ever win the White House and are happy with an old liberal democrat running things. Conservative, young, always speaks about his love for this country and wanting it to be great, check boxes some minority categories that are now oh so important to the shallow low-information millennial voters. Rubio compared to Sanders or Biden or Hillary, ancient septuagenarians who all look 10+ older than their age? Yes, please.

Rubio/Kasich or Kasich/Rubio is the best ticket. On the right side of social issues, will get minority votes, and will deliver OH and FL. Thats a winner.

A Bush/Kasich ticket could also win. But it would be a battle.

This. The level of stupidity in this country is haunting. Its not just stupidity, its dense stupidity. When they are clearly wrong, they ignore it. Its insanity. Its willful ignorance.

The worst part is, these national level analysts/experts KNOW this isnt true. But they also know it sounds true enough to dupe a portion of the population.
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WASHINGTON — In a shocking announcement, John Boehner told his GOP colleagues he will step down as House speaker and resign his Ohio congressional seat on Oct. 30.
Did he say he wants to play more golf with President Obama?
He's going to be the more pc mascot of the Washington Redskins. Instead of war paint he will hold a glass of merlot, be dangling a cig, and have tears rolling as an homage to the plight of native americans.
He's going to be the more pc mascot of the Washington Redskins. Instead of war paint he will hold a glass of merlot, be dangling a cig, and have tears rolling as an homage to the plight of native americans.

If Boehner becomes the Redskins mascot, will they change their name to the Orangeskins?

/shows self out
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I can't stand Christie. He was anti-gun guy back in his early days. He's not a real conservative either and I think he is partially to blame for Obama winning the 2012 election by getting cozy with Obama during the campaign due to Hurricane Sandy. He allowed Obama to portray himself in a way that he will work with Reps and how we need to unit BS.
I can't stand Christie. He was anti-gun guy back in his early days. He's not a real conservative either and I think he is partially to blame for Obama winning the 2012 election by getting cozy with Obama during the campaign due to Hurricane Sandy. He allowed Obama to portray himself in a way that he will work with Reps and how we need to unit BS.
He was just part of the whole picture the republicans that got Obama re-elected, not because he "cozied" up to Obama during Sandy.
The people
Anyone think Carson's comments about Muslims will hurt him?

I'm not very impressed with the history of Islam in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, or with Sharia Law. It will hurt him with muslims and with people who weren't going to vote for him anyway.
He was a terrible leader for the republican party.
Well, he wasnt for the whole party, just the house of reps. and while I'm no fan, not sure there is anyone in the current group who could do a better job. we'll soon find out starting in Nov.
The people

I'm not very impressed with the history of Islam in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, or with Sharia Law. It will hurt him with muslims and with people who weren't going to vote for him anyway.

I got into it with some Muslim idiots on twitter. Those people are crazy brainwashed. Say whatever you want about Christians but you'd never hear them be as brainwashed as this group. These people claim that there are no violent verses in the Qur'an and denied all of the murders and terrorist attacks had anything to do with Islam and claimed they were just consequences of global conflicts and that genocide against Muslims is occurring right now. LUNATICS! Had nothing to say about Charlie Hebdo except to curse and insult me.

No country has benefitted from these psychos.
Kevin McCarthy is prob on the short list for replacements. Maybe Hensarling or Price. I just don't see Ryan leaving his wonkish wheelhouse for an administrative deal like the speakership.

EDIT: I'll pick Jim Jordan as my dark horse
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Boehner will have a million-dollar "consulting" job within a month after he leaves Congress. Most of these influential guys don't get paid bribes while they are in office. Payoff comes after they leave office.

Exactly. But dont forget all the boards of directors them and their spouses are on, where they get paid tons of money for not even showing up. Oh and all the phony non profits where they get major donations, but theyre the only employee. Last but not least was all the legal insider trading they were allowed.

Members of congress come out much richer than when they went in. That says all you really need to know about our political system.
MSM refused to report she was a Dem all this time.
Just the latest installment of "Name That Party!" Amazing how the negative stories always identify the Rs in the caption of first paragraphs, but darnit you have to really look to find out if the subject is a D.
Yea, you're right. Very judgemental and intolerant of other ways of life.

For the record, I have no issues with any other "religion" or any other group except this one cobsidering the violence and oppression that occurs from this group and the doctrine that tells them to do it.

I will not apologize for stating that Islam is crazy evil. History and even today shows that to be true.
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Welp, at least Mike Suck-a-dee can defend one of his "own" now.

Did Boehner quit because libs were being dicks or was it because his party has turned into a bunch of crazy theocrats who are trying to save souls that don't want to be saved? I'm confused.
Boehner will have a million-dollar "consulting" job within a month after he leaves Congress. Most of these influential guys don't get paid bribes while they are in office. Payoff comes after they leave office.

Goldman Sachs could use a good man like John Boehner. I'm sure he would be worth every penny of that million dollar a year salary.:D