How will they rule ??!

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Let's be honest here, Canadians are kind of like the little girl on the right....they aren't really relevant but are always trying to get someone's attention.

The sad truth is that the world is overpopulated by billions of people most likely. Advancements in technology will continue to put pressure on our workforce. Bottom line is what BigSexy is saying: we need to hunker down and take care of our own because we have plenty of problems here. I'm all for helping other impoverished nations with food, safe zones, clean water, energy, etc.. just on their soil not ours.

Flood victims in WV still in poverty. Take them in.
Flint water. Fix it.
Chicago gang war. End it.
Homeless Vets. Feed them.

Mid thought while typing this is that we are just as bad as the all talk no action. DJT is right step up and do something this week to help America. Government is not our savior. You want to protest libs help somebody less fortunate in this country.
I hate the conspiracy type stuff, but I have been following the Canadian terrorist attack pretty closely...plenty of false reports, but you could tell this am w/the Alexandre and Muhamed names that they were legit...many of the original reports of those 2 names have been removed from twitter searches, and a profile of Muhamed Khadir from Morocco (also young and looks like an image floating around of the suspect) has also been removed from basic search.

You now have to hit the exact match (add "el" before Khadir), to get his profile to return.

Saw these changes for myself. Weird.

Same thing happened during the begining of Pizzagate before it was called that. I watched with my own eyes post being scrubbed on 4chan, reddit, voat, twitter, facebook, lame stream media, and etc. Unbelievable the amount of censorship and media manipulation that is going on. Just like some on here have said "chaos and confusion" spouted out all over the fake news to control the narrative. I just can't believe how many people don't see this. Some people I work with are still asleep.
I agree with you about a church attack. But I don't believe it's isis that we need to worry about. I fully expect a bunch of these Godless, unhinged, lefties, lying liberals to start attacking churches. I mean if you disagree with these lunatics, they're coming after you & nothing is anymore opposed to liberal beliefs than God's church. When over 80% of church going people votes republican. I'm surprised it hasn't already happened.

Yep. It's why the left prefers darker Muslims over whiter christians. They not only want to redo our culture, their main goal on the left has always been to destroy the Christian faith and values.

And I'm not talking about jerry who's a liberal that goes to Church. I'm talking about who jerry votes for.

I hope all of my agnostic libertarian and conservative friends have our back when we are persecuted for our faith. Which I do believe will happen in the next 200 years.
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Nice to know Fuzz cares about illegals and refugees, too bad he apparently doesn't give a shit about actual real Americans who are struggling. What about the 95 million out of the work force? No sympathy for them huh?
Nice to know Fuzz cares about illegals and refugees, too bad he apparently doesn't give a shit about actual real Americans who are struggling. What about the 95 million out of the work force? No sympathy for them huh?


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When Obama was POTUS, I was worried about the government getting in the way or shitting on my desire to just be left alone. With Trump as POTUS, I'm worried* about dipshit lefties getting in my way of shitting on my desire to be left alone.

Trump is the POTUS. He was elected by half the country. He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Get that? He actually has kept some of his campaign promises.

So stop bitching you whiny losers. Four years from now put up a candidate who isn't the most corrupt piece of shit the world has ever seen. Until them, stop trying to disrupt the lives of those of us who just want to be left alone by our government, whiny lefty bitches, terrorists, etc.

* Not really worried or concerned about it, just not sure of a better phrasing.
Good to see John Cranley announcing Cincinnati's status as a sanctuary city. Should really help that Brent Spence get built. Jack ass.

I hope Trump cuts off every single dime of federal funding until the losers that run this city are out of work.

Didn't Obama threaten funding for schools who didn't commit to their brainwashing and leftist insanity like trans bathrooms?
I admire your compassion for others who are less fortunate. The problem is that America has literally millions of people that are in desperate situations of their own. Most of the world lives at or below poverty levels. So to think that we can just assimilate all the poor people of the world is asinine. We need to care of our own before we can take of others.
First of all, most of what is considered poverty here in the states would pass for "middle class" in most parts of the world.
Still, you miss the point. Illegals come here because there is work, because people will pay them for their services. These same jobs are available to US citizens but are undesired by many. I will never blame someone who is poor who is willing to work to improve their lot in life. They are willing to leave their home, take the risk, travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to live in what we consider poverty but is much better than from where they come.
America also has thousands if not millions who are willing to break the law to use these people for profit. Are those who profiting from illegal workers not at a minimum, equally responsible?
If you leave food out on your countertops at home, you will have ants and cockroaches. You can kill ants and roaches all day long but they will continue to come if you don't clean your countertops. It is simple, cause and effect. Sure, you can poison your home with pesticides time and time again to reduce the numbers...but as long as that food is there, they will come. On the other hand, you can clean your countertops, remove the food that attracts the ants and roaches and fairly quickly the ants and roaches will remove themselves because they have nothing to eat.
As long as you are focused only on killing ants (removing illegals) you'll never succeed because you've not dealt with the root cause of the problem.
What is true is that what the overwhelming majority of illegals are doing is EXACTLY what you would do if you were in their shoes.

They are breaking the law. It is inherently unfair that they be allowed to break law while others have to follow law.
I agree a civil war is coming. Democrats vs. everyone else, its happening soon I am afraid. Democrats at work openly talk about someone assassinating President Trump, it will hit the fan if that happens.
2 people that I have worked with and consider friendly for the last 10 plus years are now getting angry at me and have started yelling when we discuss this situation.
It would appear that Soros' money is being spent wisely. The tools are being well played.

Will be interesting to see how many of these tragic immigration stories of people being denied entry are completely false. Made up in the heat of the moment by a media looking for a story and an agenda to push.
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First of all, most of what is considered poverty here in the states would pass for "middle class" in most parts of the world.
Still, you miss the point. Illegals come here because there is work, because people will pay them for their services. These same jobs are available to US citizens but are undesired by many. I will never blame someone who is poor who is willing to work to improve their lot in life. They are willing to leave their home, take the risk, travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to live in what we consider poverty but is much better than from where they come.
America also has thousands if not millions who are willing to break the law to use these people for profit. Are those who profiting from illegal workers not at a minimum, equally responsible?
If you leave food out on your countertops at home, you will have ants and cockroaches. You can kill ants and roaches all day long but they will continue to come if you don't clean your countertops. It is simple, cause and effect. Sure, you can poison your home with pesticides time and time again to reduce the numbers...but as long as that food is there, they will come. On the other hand, you can clean your countertops, remove the food that attracts the ants and roaches and fairly quickly the ants and roaches will remove themselves because they have nothing to eat.
As long as you are focused only on killing ants (removing illegals) you'll never succeed because you've not dealt with the root cause of the problem.

How do you feel about landscaping and lawn businesses. In Tennessee, immigration, both legal and illegal from Mexico, has destroyed the working class Americans businesses and it's something that's never discussed. When I owned a pro lawn care business in 2011, we literally couldn't compete with their 3rd world wages. And the legal immigrants that own lawn care businesses bring illegals from the border and pay them 1.50 an hour and destroy the market. I ended up closing our business due to simply not being able to compete and place bids. I can't mow 5 acre for 50 bucks and make it. It's a big problem in Tennessee, and I'm sure it is elsewhere too.

I've had family fight and die for me to have opportunity. The illegals fought for nothing. Stop pretending you aren't taking your position based on anything other than voter blocks. You don't care about the Americans around you or the people who fought for us to prosper. You want ideology over all.
They wouldn't be here if someone wasn't breaking the law and providing them employment.
Chicken or egg argument. I can just as easily say people wouldn't be taking advantage of the situation and providing them employment if they weren't breaking the law and coming here illegally.

Besides, which do you think happened first; an immigrant came here illegally and sought employment or an employer offered an illegal immigrant employment before he/she had entered the country?
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They wouldn't be here if someone wasn't breaking the law and providing them employment.

Do you feel the same about heroin dealers?

If there weren't addicts they wouldn't be selling it and breaking the law. So I guess it's no fault of the heroin dealer.

Liberal logic, maybe that's why you support a party who pushes drug use as a non issue and drug dealing as non violent.
Liberals are working so hard to change this country to brown because they see darker skin as a pawn for their utopian ideology. It's that simple. They don't actually care about the people. And there's proof of this. The soft bigotry of the left has been shown over and over in American ghettos where liberal policies have failed, miserably, but the white establishment alt left voters will never help the less fortunate and self reflect on 60 years of a rise in poverty, drug use, and crime. They simply don't care. Vote for my ideology, that's it.

It's a disgusting group of individuals but really liberals always have been.
They wouldn't be here if someone wasn't breaking the law and providing them employment.

they wouldn't be here if the govt wasn't handing out free healthcare, wic and ebt allowances for their kids, driver's licenses now and sanctuary, subsidized housing. oh and someone breaking the law by giving them cash under the table employment, much of which they ship back to mexico. alright libtard, please include the entire story, all the facts, not just the one that makes your story look better.
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How do you feel about landscaping and lawn businesses. In Tennessee, immigration, both legal and illegal from Mexico, has destroyed the working class Americans businesses and it's something that's never discussed. When I owned a pro lawn care business in 2011, we literally couldn't compete with their 3rd world wages. And the legal immigrants that own lawn care businesses bring illegals from the border and pay them 1.50 an hour and destroy the market. I ended up closing our business due to simply not being able to compete and place bids. I can't mow 5 acre for 50 bucks and make it. It's a big problem in Tennessee, and I'm sure it is elsewhere too.

I've had family fight and die for me to have opportunity. The illegals fought for nothing. Stop pretending you aren't taking your position based on anything other than voter blocks. You don't care about the Americans around you or the people who fought for us to prosper. You want ideology over all.
If you had competitors that were hiring illegal workers, why didn't you report them?
Funny can't make it but they can? Somebody is making money.

The most ignorant argument that can be made is that it has anything to do with voter blocks. You must be a US citizen to vote. My boss is a Canadian citizen who has lived in the states for 30+ years...he can't vote because he isn't a US citizen.

It is a problem because nobody is talking about bait that brings those workers here.
Do you feel the same about heroin dealers?

If there weren't addicts they wouldn't be selling it and breaking the law. So I guess it's no fault of the heroin dealer.

Liberal logic, maybe that's why you support a party who pushes drug use as a non issue and drug dealing as non violent.
You kind of have that backwards there Skippy.
Heroin dealers bring in the product, they are the ones looking to profit. If there were no heroin dealers where would the addicts get their heroin?