How will they rule ??!

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80% of what he's said on the debate stage so far has been either forgettable or abysmal.

His town halls have been solid, though. Worth some YouTube time if you're in the market for a candidate.

It's so difficult to get to know the candidates through debates or ads only. I am somebody who tends to believe that oftentimes, the best leaders who have the most character, are those who don't necessarily lust for those positions of power.
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I think if Biden decides to run he will be the democrat nominee.

I could support a Kasich/Rubio ticket. I would prefer Rubio as the POTUS nominee and Kasich as the VP. As stated already to win the presidency you need Ohio and Florida.
I saw today where Trump is mad at Fox News again because - of what I don't know - I am getting tired of his whining. Anybody that disagrees with him, they get blasted by him. He is an obnoxious, egomaniac who can call people names and yet when someone calls him out, he gets all bent out of shape. As someone who watches Fox News, I can say I won't miss seeing him on there. He can go on 60 Minutes, Colbert all he wants because I don't watch those shows so I won't miss seeing him. I notice that he is sliding somewhat in the polls and he will only slide more in doing these childish antics.

People will get tired of his childish temper tantrums.
All sorts of awesome:

David Brody: “Who is God to you? What are some of your thoughts on this? Clearly, you’re a smart man, you’re a smart businessman, you’ve contemplated this before or have you contemplate this?”

Donald Trump: “Well I say God is the ultimate. You know you look at this? Here we are on the Pacific Ocean. How did I ever own this? I bought it fifteen years ago. I made one of the great deals they say ever. I have no more mortgage on it as I will certify and represent to you. And I was able to buy this and make a great deal. That’s what I want to do for the country. Make great deals. We have to, we have to bring it back, but God is the ultimate. I mean God created this (points to his golf course and nature surrounding it), and here’s the Pacific Ocean right behind us. So nobody, no thing, no there’s nothing like God.”
I know he gives 'em hell, and everyone loves that and all.....but eventually you'd think there'd be some consequence for talking consistently in gibberish....
Trump is down 12 points with women since the CNN debate. He may be poking Fox on purpose as a way to get out of the race.

As for Kasich, he is doing nothing to stand out. I can't remember a thing he has said in the debates and he came into the race without any cornerstone message or idea. Now is way down the list to get invited to talk shows. Everyone wants Trump, Fiorini, or one the evangelicals (in hopes they say something stupid).
qwesley, if you're right, and trump eventually drops out (not convinced of that right now), it will create quite a vacuum. To be filled by who? Would be interesting to watch.
It's so difficult to get to know the candidates through debates or ads only. I am somebody who tends to believe that oftentimes, the best leaders who have the most character, are those who don't necessarily lust for those positions of power.

That's especially true with this primary. With the debate stage so flooded with voices, I feel like only the loudest and most obnoxious are getting heard.
qwesley, if you're right, and trump eventually drops out (not convinced of that right now), it will create quite a vacuum. To be filled by who? Would be interesting to watch.

Rand Paul. Grabs the evangelicals. Will grab Inds. Will grab Libertarians, will grab Dems. Will grab Repubs that will only vote Repub.

Rubio or Bush won't be enough to overturn the liberal media. Bush will get butchered and Rubio will get lumped in as the "Tea party". Neither one of them will grab Ind or Libertarian votes.
Trump is trying to fire up his feud with Fox because that was his 2nd most successful campaign angle for drawing support after Mexico bashing. Doubt it works a 2nd time, but nothing in this campaign has gone according to prevailing wisdom so far.

Trump supporters are anti establishment anti Washington folks, the prevailing theory is they would gravitate towards Cruz among all the current options
Willy, I agree with those here who have said that Paul is much more suited to a general election than a republican primary. He'll never make it out of the primary IMO, but if he did, he would recapture many of the millennials who voted Obama.
Willy, I agree with those here who have said that Paul is much more suited to a general election than a republican primary. He'll never make it out of the primary IMO, but if he did, he would recapture many of the millennials who voted Obama.

Man, just saying the one constant in this election will be him. We need votes to take the POTUS from democrat rule. None of the candidates now are going to take votes away from that liberal media wrecking ball machine. Dems don't have to do anything. They have to watch. So why not we take votes from them.

Yeah, Rubio and Bush will get conservative votes, but that's it. It may be a bigger ass kicking than Romney. The Dems have nothing to lose at this point, the pressure is all on the GOP. Let's take Dems votes.

I totally agree with your post.
and I've said it before and I'll say it again as a reminder. this election is crucial. If we get another dem, we will get more liberal judges and the dynamics and demographics of the U.S in 8 years will never lose another election for the democrats.

So I just wish people would look at the big picture. The fact Trump is getting tossed around as a serious candidate scares the hell out of me. Jeb Bush will not win. Rubio, will not win. So we need to start figuring out who is going to get votes in this MF'er.
I don't think there's any hope, Willy. Even with republicans in office, we as a society have raised kids that honestly believe the government is here to solve all of our social problems. Republicans played a *huge* role in that.

It's why it's ridiculous that people still use the labels republicans and democrats. There's no difference. There truly isn't. They might pick different battles, but the goal is the gd same on both sides - HERE AMERICA JUST SIT DOWN AND LET US HANDLE IT. NO, ITS OK WE CAN HABDLE MORE FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. WERE GOOD WITH MONEY ;). YEA, WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS TOO. WE'LL END RACISM. NO PROBLEM. HERE, HAVE AN IPAD AND LET US HANDLE IT ;). VOTE FOR US. WE CARE.

Adults believe that shit. No hope for the kids who haven't lived long enough to see just how powerfully wrong our government is. After all this stupid bickering, and more divisive tactics, all that will be left is war, and by god there ain't nothing America lives more than war.
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I know man. All of the U.S's current problems have been created by both parties.

Yet, we keep electing these people. No one in their right mind would keep hiring the same 2 shitty plumbers to fix a water leak. Eventually they would call another plumber. But no, apparently most people think Dipshit Plumber A and Dipshit Plumber B are the only two plumbers in town. derp derp derp
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Trump is down 12 points with women since the CNN debate. He may be poking Fox on purpose as a way to get out of the race.

As for Kasich, he is doing nothing to stand out. I can't remember a thing he has said in the debates and he came into the race without any cornerstone message or idea. Now is way down the list to get invited to talk shows. Everyone wants Trump, Fiorini, or one the evangelicals (in hopes they say something stupid).

Trump starts feuds because it gets him tons of publicity, which amounts to free campaign ads. This has been crucial to his self funded campaign thus far. Although, his latest "birther" issue may be the final straw.

Kasich had a slam dunk response to the issue of gay marriage in the first debate. Hopefully the herd starts thinning soon. Just too many candidates for debates. Cruz, Huckabee, and Christie all need to drop. Itll be curious how long Rand stays in if his fundraising is going as poorly as some stories indicate. Reportedly, Fiorina has fundraising issues too; plus shes an awful candidate. So thatll be interesting to watch also.

Rand Paul. Grabs the evangelicals. Will grab Inds. Will grab Libertarians, will grab Dems. Will grab Repubs that will only vote Repub.

Rubio or Bush won't be enough to overturn the liberal media. Bush will get butchered and Rubio will get lumped in as the "Tea party". Neither one of them will grab Ind or Libertarian votes.

Willy, I agree with those here who have said that Paul is much more suited to a general election than a republican primary. He'll never make it out of the primary IMO, but if he did, he would recapture many of the millennials who voted Obama.

I agree Rand would fair much better in the general. Hed need either Kasich or Rubio as VP to really have much of a shot though. Anyway, doesnt look like hes making it out of the primary.

Jeb Bush will not win. Rubio, will not win
Nate Silver has those as the top 2, in that order, for the nomination. Their biggest factors are fundraising and endorsements.

Bush will get killed by the MSM. No way any undecided voters are breaking his way. I still think the Kasich/Rubio ticket is the best, given all things.
Why hasn't Jim Webb taking off? He is a centrist Democrat that I could take a serious look at. Has the far left hijacked the Democrats that he has no chance?
Why hasn't Jim Webb taking off? He is a centrist Democrat that I could take a serious look at. Has the far left hijacked the Democrats that he has no chance?
he's too busy losing on the first weekend of the NCAAT
Why hasn't Jim Webb taking off? He is a centrist Democrat that I could take a serious look at. Has the far left hijacked the Democrats that he has no chance?

“I believe we can bring a different tone to the Democratic party,” Webb told Fox News’ Bret Baier. “You’re right, the party has moved way far to the left. That’s not my Democratic Party in and of itself. We need to bring working people back into the formula.”
I agree Rand would fair much better in the general. Hed need either Kasich or Rubio as VP to really have much of a shot though. Anyway, doesnt look like hes making it out of the primary.

Nate Silver has those as the top 2, in that order, for the nomination. Their biggest factors are fundraising and endorsements.

Bush will get killed by the MSM. No way any undecided voters are breaking his way. I still think the Kasich/Rubio ticket is the best, given all things.

Man, this is what has me frustrated.

Rand is good enough to poll well in the national, but won't poll well in the primary.

Yet, the candidate that gets chosen out of the primary, won't poll well in the national.

Man, that is my definition of insane.
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Man, this is what has me frustrated.

Rand is good enough to poll well in the national, but won't poll well in the primary.

Yet, the candidate that gets chosen out of the primary, won't poll well in the national.

Man, that is my definition of insane.

Pretty frustrating. This is what happens when the party basically sells to either establishment or evangelicals. Anyone in between is lost. Although, Rand has done his fair share of pandering to evangelicals, he still is on the popular side of some social issues.
Silver thinks Rubio will eventually emerge.

HRC finally agrees to a lengthy interview....with Lena Dunham.
Anyone think Carson's comments about Muslims will hurt him?

The fact that we are supposed to pretend Islam is not pure evil and in constant conflict with a modern society and cultures that don't believe the same as pure comedy.

Yeah, let's pretend that they're not as backwards as possible. We get upset here because some nobody doesn't want to issue a gay couple a marriage license or doesn't want to bake a cake for someone. They throw homosexuals off of roof tops. They have lashes for rape victims. They have stoned women to death RECENTLY. They have 109 verses in the Quran calling for violence against non-believers and it's pretty graphic. We call the people that follow the text that they believe in "extremist" but they're following it.

Why is it that everyone else can live with each other and have no issues but this group constantly demands everyone believe the same and is always at odds with people. Let me ask you this...what do Muslims contribute? Has any country been better off when Muslims came in? What do countries look like where Islam rules?

In the west, you're dumb as hell if you think we should have a Muslim leader.

What an advanced group of people.
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"(T)o say that it is the law of the land is questionable," she said. "The questions we don't ask is -- and these questions need to be asked first of all is -- whether the Supreme Court, one of three coequal branches of government, is the final arbiter of anything because, if that was true, I would still be a slave.

"And number two, does the Supreme Court, in fact, have the authority to overrule a state constitution as they did, because in our state constitution, Section 233A, we have defined marriage as between one man and one woman. Those are questions that still need to be resolved," Hampton said.
Silver thinks Rubio will eventually emerge.

HRC finally agrees to a lengthy interview....with Lena Dunham.

Hard hitting interview im sure.....

Anyone think Carson's comments about Muslims will hurt him?

60% agree with him

For starters, MSM didnt report his entire quote. He said he didnt think a Muslim should be president unless they rebuke Sharia law. When you see the whole quote, its a very reasonable position.

However, since the MSM is only taking part of the quote - I think it will hurt him. There are already growing rumbles for him to end his candidacy over this alone.

"(T)o say that it is the law of the land is questionable," she said. "The questions we don't ask is -- and these questions need to be asked first of all is -- whether the Supreme Court, one of three coequal branches of government, is the final arbiter of anything because, if that was true, I would still be a slave.

"And number two, does the Supreme Court, in fact, have the authority to overrule a state constitution as they did, because in our state constitution, Section 233A, we have defined marriage as between one man and one woman. Those are questions that still need to be resolved," Hampton said.

This is essentially the Huckabee/lunatic argument. It really pisses me off, because they all know its not true. But theyre hoping it sounds intelligent enough to fool uneducated people into believing them. Politics at its worst.
Silver thinks Rubio will eventually emerge.

HRC finally agrees to a lengthy interview....with Lena Dunham.

Maybe that sweat hog Dunham can ask Hillary about the time she laughed at getting a rapist off. Now she's supposed to be the "face for women." I'd love for this idiot to ask her about Bill's victims too but we're talking about a fat PE teacher-looking idiot that likened voting to losing your virginity.
Some actor douche called Carson a bigot (libs love this word) for his comments on Islam.

Yes, Islam. The most intolerant religion and people in the world have libs crying for them.
Anyone think Carson's comments about Muslims will hurt him?

No but his answer was stupid IMO. He said it depends on if they are consistent with "American values". The problem here is what exactly is the definition of American values? You ask 1000 different people you get 1000 different answers.

The correct answer is the one Rand Paul gave. He pointed out that the Constitution provides that there will be no religious test, but that his decision to support someone of the Islamic faith would depend if his faith would influence or controll his decisions.

It's the old JFK argument. People wanted to disqualify him becasue they thought he would take orders from the Pope. He made it abundantly clear he would not do that, and the public was satisfied. The bottom line is the voting public will select who they want, and the Constitution outlines who is qualified to run, not Ben Carson or anyone else.
Now for the most "WTF?" thing I have ever come across.

You guys know Salon, right? Progressive garbage rag just like Huff Post. They gave a pedophile a platform to ask for understanding and request for praise for not acting on his sexual orientation. This is why the progs are the most mentally effed up and morally bankrupt human beings. Read the comment section of "I'm a Pedophile but not a monster."

Some further notes about this new activism.
You want to see some staged propaganda funded by an activist group to bring a little girl in to see the pope?

"A 5-year-old girl in a brilliantly colored dress and braids who was handed up to Pope Francis for a blessing during a parade in Washington on Wednesday morning shared a message with the pontiff about immigration.

The girl, Sophie Cruz of South Gate, California, delivered a bright yellow T-shirt and a letter expressing wishes that Sophie's mother and father and millions of others who are in the U.S. illegally are allowed to remain in the country, according to Gloria Saucedo, director of Hermandad Mexicana Transnacional, an immigration advocacy group."

The fact that we are supposed to pretend Islam is not pure evil and in constant conflict with a modern society and cultures that don't believe the same as pure comedy.

Yeah, let's pretend that they're not as backwards as possible. We get upset here because some nobody doesn't want to issue a gay couple a marriage license or doesn't want to bake a cake for someone. They throw homosexuals off of roof tops. They have lashes for rape victims. They have stoned women to death RECENTLY. They have a 109 verses in the Quran has a 109 verses calling for violence against non-believers and it's pretty graphic. We call the people that follow the text that they believe in "extremist" but they're following it.

Why is it that everyone else can live with each other and have no issues but this group constantly demands everyone believe the same and is always at odds with people. Let me ask you this...what do Muslims contribute? Has any country been better off when Muslims came in? What do countries look like where Islam rules?

In the west, you're dumb as hell if you think we should have a Muslim leader.

What an advanced group of people.

For everyone that is SO upset about Carson's comments, think about this, if this were a muslim country, how long would you live, IF, you were gay, had an abortion, women showed skin in public, had an affair? Liberal, be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.
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Silver thinks Rubio will eventually emerge.

Had lunch today with two guys from NYC, both Jewish lawyers, they can't understand why the Repubs don't just pick Rubio already, as he's clearly the best candidate. I'm inclined to agree - though I'm neither Jewish nor a New Yorker the end, far as I'm concerned, who I personally "like" isn't relevant - I want the person to be nominated who has the best chance of winning in November. The Buckley Principle.......
Had lunch today with two guys from NYC, both Jewish lawyers, they can't understand why the Repubs don't just pick Rubio already, as he's clearly the best candidate. I'm inclined to agree - though I'm neither Jewish nor a New Yorker the end, far as I'm concerned, who I personally "like" isn't relevant - I want the person to be nominated who has the best chance of winning in November. The Buckley Principle.......
Oh the irony of Jews and political leanings.