How will they rule ??!

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I don't really think BO is a Christian, or a Muslim, but likes to co-opt elements of both, essentially thinking all religons are the same. His real god is using to power of government to achieve social justice, preferably on a world scale.

He's not. BO is an Atheist.
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Bernie Sanders scares me more than any candidate on the ticket.

That dude will have the U.S near $40 trillion in debt.

Just to clarify, not saying I agree with Sanders, just admire that he's not fake. I'm pretty sure you already knew that, but just clarifying.
Just to clarify, not saying I agree with Sanders, just admire that he's not fake. I'm pretty sure you already knew that, but just clarifying.

I know man. I tried to see his perspective, but all I see is more gov't with him. You're right he isn't a fake, just scary.
The odds of Obama believing in a physical resurrection of Jesus, much less a virgin birth, are approximately 0%.
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I don't really think BO is a Christian, or a Muslim, but likes to co-opt elements of both, essentially thinking all religons are the same. His real god is using to power of government to achieve social justice, preferably on a world scale.
He's not nearly as deep of a thinker that many think he is.

What's a self worshipper called?
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is what the left is offering us but likes to mock the GOP. That's good comedy. Every single candidate in the GOP field is better than what they're offering.

Granted times are different with brainwashing and social media but we haven't had a party win three straight elections since Reagan, Reagan, Bush.
I don't think he's that either. I'm not sure he knows what he is, and isn't fully committed to anything regarding God. I think he believes in A god, but that's as far as is goes.

No, Wkycat. He's an Atheist. The guy who wrote his autobiography concludes that.
I don't really think BO is a Christian, or a Muslim, but likes to co-opt elements of both, essentially thinking all religons are the same. His real god is using to power of government to achieve social justice, preferably on a world scale.

I wonder sometimes if Obama don't view himself as God. He is a Muslim appeaser. I do know that Obama's views of himself are not what the rest of the world view him. Most of this country and a majority of the world see him as a very weak leader, and a coward that talks really big, but no action to back the talk. In other words, he is all talk and no action. He does give pretty speeches, tho.
No, Wkycat. He's an Atheist. The guy who wrote his autobiography concludes that.

Not doubting you. Jeremiah Wright 'thinks' he's a Christian, but will never completely abandon Islam either. IMO, those are incompatible. My point being, I'm not sure anybody really knows, even him. I think he could be a deist. A very strange deist.
Not doubting you. Jeremiah Wright 'thinks' he's a Christian, but will never completely abandon Islam either. IMO, those are incompatible. My point being, I'm not sure anybody really knows, even him. I think he could be a deist. A very strange deist.

Yeah, Rev Wright is an a-hole. Cut from the same sheet as Jessie Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.

Obama will be whoever he has to be to get what he needs. But deep down in side, he has no religious beliefs.
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Ed Klein needs to release those interview tapes with Wright if he wants to be believed.

I think his attendance there, a very large church, was all about political support.
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Ed Klein needs to release those interview tapes with Wright if he wants to be believed.

I think his attendance there, a very large church, was all about political support.

Has Obama ever did anything that wasn't about politics, or feathering his own bed?
With Walker out, the GOP's best path to the White House is Kasich/Rubio and it's painfully obvious. That's the perfect mix when it comes to policy, personal backgrounds, and electoral map; you couldn't ask for a much better ticket to go against Hillary in this particular election.

The question is whether Jeb's money is sufficient enough for the power players to accept the baggage he brings with him.
With Walker out, the GOP's best path to the White House is Kasich/Rubio and it's painfully obvious. That's the perfect mix when it comes to policy, personal backgrounds, and electoral map; you couldn't ask for a much better ticket to go against Hillary in this particular election.

The question is whether Jeb's money is sufficient enough for the power players to accept the baggage he brings with him.

My fear is a GOP brokered convention. If that happens, all bets are off, and its Jeb in a back room deal.......
The media is going to absolutely hammer Jeb about FoPo in general and Iraq in particular. Like, it'll make Kerry's war record look like small potatoes.

The crucial part is whether they do it before he has a chance to win NH.
So I guess Rand Paul being religious is a bad thing too, FTS?

He could be the Libertarian candidate once he gets blackballed from the GOP (which is happening already-just like they did to his dad). So you have an option other than the god awful democrat candidates and the god awful GOP candidates, but he is religious.

Is that a deal breaker for you? It isn't for me, and I hate everything about religion.
If Paul makes a statement saying it's God's plan for me to _____ in regards to any policy decisions, sure.
With Walker out, the GOP's best path to the White House is Kasich/Rubio and it's painfully obvious. That's the perfect mix when it comes to policy, personal backgrounds, and electoral map; you couldn't ask for a much better ticket to go against Hillary in this particular election.

The question is whether Jeb's money is sufficient enough for the power players to accept the baggage he brings with him.

Can't argue with this part of your premise.
My fear is a GOP brokered convention. If that happens, all bets are off, and its Jeb in a back room deal.......
and if that is the case, we are doomed as has already been posted. Hillary or Bush, it is a nightmare to all except Deee, Catdaddy, FTS, and a few others.
and if that is the case, we are doomed as has already been posted. Hillary or Bush, it is a nightmare to all except Deee, Catdaddy, FTS, and a few others.
you obviously haven't been paying attention so quit talking out of your Trump. I loathe Hillary and Bush and have said it regularly. I could take Rubio or Kasich though. I believe they both could be good Presidents, but I'm not sure if Rubio is ready. Because Obama obviously wasn't ready.
No, Wkycat. He's an Atheist. The guy who wrote his autobiography concludes that.

Yeah, Rev Wright is an a-hole. Cut from the same sheet as Jessie Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.

Obama will be whoever he has to be to get what he needs. But deep down in side, he has no religious beliefs.

This is what kills me. I honestly dont care what religion he is, if any. I just despise the hypocrisy of pretending to be something hes not; when its obvious to any objective observer.

With Walker out, the GOP's best path to the White House is Kasich/Rubio and it's painfully obvious. That's the perfect mix when it comes to policy, personal backgrounds, and electoral map; you couldn't ask for a much better ticket to go against Hillary in this particular election.

The question is whether Jeb's money is sufficient enough for the power players to accept the baggage he brings with him.

Absolutely. Moderates with the correct views on social issues and appeal to the latino vote. Not to mention they can deliver Ohio and Florida. This is a winning ticket.

If its a brokered convention with Bush getting the nomination, I may never vote again.
With Walker out, the GOP's best path to the White House is Kasich/Rubio and it's painfully obvious. That's the perfect mix when it comes to policy, personal backgrounds, and electoral map; you couldn't ask for a much better ticket to go against Hillary in this particular election.

A Kasich/Rubio - or Rubio/Kasich - ticket is one I'd endorse fairly enthusiastically (as opposed to the last couple of Republican tickets, which were more of the hold your nose and vote variety). In terms of pure electability, I wonder if replacing Kasich with Fiorina might be even better. I know Kasich brings Ohio, and you can't understate that. And I know the knives - both Dem and media (essentially the same thing) - are lying in wait for her, HP and otherwise. But that's true of any Republican. Ask McCain, who went from media darling to media target once he got the nomination, he learned the hard way. Still. She's a woman, and an "outsider", and her profile generally may be more favorable to being elected than Kasich (old white guy) in this particular climate.

Of course, if you win, you have to eventually govern. But who cares about that. heh.....
If she gets the nomination and the expected media wave comes at her over her track record at HP, Carly just needs to turn the table and claim that the media are discriminating her because she is a women. Seems to work for the Democrats.

She really did not do a great job there and wish she would just fess up to it, admit she made some mistakes, and turn it into a positive before the media gets a hold of her. So far, she has been defiant to a degree about her record. She made a terrible decision buying Compaq and eventually the board fired her because of it.

Agree with others that a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a strong one. Almost guarantees Ohio and Florida for the Republicans which we all know is crucial in winning a general election.
All sorts of awesome:

David Brody: “Who is God to you? What are some of your thoughts on this? Clearly, you’re a smart man, you’re a smart businessman, you’ve contemplated this before or have you contemplate this?”

Donald Trump: “Well I say God is the ultimate. You know you look at this? Here we are on the Pacific Ocean. How did I ever own this? I bought it fifteen years ago. I made one of the great deals they say ever. I have no more mortgage on it as I will certify and represent to you. And I was able to buy this and make a great deal. That’s what I want to do for the country. Make great deals. We have to, we have to bring it back, but God is the ultimate. I mean God created this (points to his golf course and nature surrounding it), and here’s the Pacific Ocean right behind us. So nobody, no thing, no there’s nothing like God.”
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All sorts of awesome:

David Brody: “Who is God to you? What are some of your thoughts on this? Clearly, you’re a smart man, you’re a smart businessman, you’ve contemplated this before or have you contemplate this?”

Donald Trump: “Well I say God is the ultimate. You know you look at this? Here we are on the Pacific Ocean. How did I ever own this? I bought it fifteen years ago. I made one of the great deals they say ever. I have no more mortgage on it as I will certify and represent to you. And I was able to buy this and make a great deal. That’s what I want to do for the country. Make great deals. We have to, we have to bring it back, but God is the ultimate. I mean God created this (points to his golf course and nature surrounding it), and here’s the Pacific Ocean right behind us. So nobody, no thing, no there’s nothing like God.”

sure wish god would give me that kinda sweet deal. Guess he's too busy taking care of the Donald Trumps of the world.
Kasich has been terrible so far and if catdaddy's endorsement, as made up as it is, gets out he is surely toast.