FIT.Y.E.R.O. (Meathead, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise) Thread

- To back up what anth and Bonz have said: BMI and the number on the scale can be helpful information, but they aren't the be all end all, particularly when you're trying to change your body composition (especially with lifting). At 5'9" and 178 immediately before conception, I was, by BMI, "overweight." And lol. Fwiw, before I got serious about lifting, I walked around about 140-145 lbs and I looked like I might blow away in a stiff breeze. According to BMI, I could be in the "healthy" range as low as 125, and I can't imagine how sickly I'd look. I feel a billion times better now that I've put on a lot of muscle and maintain 175+. Hell, I hit 195 this week at 22 weeks pregnant and I was pleasantly surprised. I always thought almost 2 bills would look ginormous, but I still don't look like I've gained an ounce with my baby bump turned away from view haha

- Not many ladies in here, but for all the dudes with wives who are or have been pregnant - if they're complaining about hip/lower back pain or pelvic dysfunction, I started pelvic floor PT for pubic symphysis pain and it is so helpful. Highly recommend. We don't think about "training" the muscles in the pelvic girdle but there's LOADS of them, and if things are keyed too tight/imbalanced (vast majority of people), it can result in sciatica, etc.

- Creatine is the most studied supplement aside from caffeine. Hell, my OB said it'd be fine to take during pregnancy if I wanted to. It can be a tremendous assist in recovery and muscle growth and it IS worth the hype.