How will they rule ??!

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Muhammad Ali is a poor example. He is Nation of Islam, which is different from and not recognized as Islam by Muslims. Nation of Islam deviates too far from core Islamic beliefs to be accepted.

The Nation of Islam believes blacks are the aboriginal people and a superior race.
It's crap like this why I have lost a ton of interest in sports. Ignoring the character of garbage human beings because they play sports is despecable and not worth it. May the worst happen to these kids.

You're totally correct on that. :clap:

The other one is playing football at a Community College level now.
I don't see how any coach would let them still suit up.
You're totally correct on that. :clap:

The other one is playing football at a Community College level now.
I don't see how any coach would let them still suit up.

Because that coach sold his soul and doesn't care in the slightest. The amount of chances that athletes get has become a joke. Laurence Phillips was a prime example. Everyone kept giving him chances because he could play ball and we all saw how it turned out.

Football has more of these problems than anyone. I used to really like FSU's football program but could not ignore the culture that they allow and ignore when you're "good."

I also, love that that story mentioning "kids need a second chance." On certain things, I'd drugs or robbery or something to the extent of seeing the error of your ways without hurting someone violently. Raping someone deserves no second chances. How would those sacks of crap feel if it was their daughter? "Oh, well, sorry, baby girl but he runs a 4.3 40 and scored 20 TDs last year. You should forgive him."
So all these immigrants will help the economic condition of the euro countries right?


Because it works out real well with mass imports of Muslims because Muslims are super tolerant of other beliefs especially western culture.

I like how the Army of God website celebrates Paul Jennings Hill as an American Hero.

Please enlighten us to your "unbias" sources. Imo you have to take a bit from each side and try formulate some truth.

A few posts back was trying to make a correlation between Muslims and Sweden rape statistics.
This article came from the Gatestone Institute
a anti-muslim, pro-isreali think tank which is headed by Nina Rosenwald. She is also VP of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs which has been pushing for US military action to degrade Iran's nuclear program.

Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and legal definitions of rape vary widely.
"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.
"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."
I did not post those stats but, what you posted does not refute the claims posted it just pretty much says what I have been saying all along about countries and saying you cannot compare any stats including economic and universal healthcare. But, you and your kind seem to pick and choose which instance to use this stance. My post was dealing with the differences with the Bible and the Quran and Muslim attitudes vs Christian attitudes when dealing with lunatic fringes of both religions. Try to keep up please. I know it is hard for you.
Glad you can enlighten us on the attitude and thought process of a lunatic. [laughing]

But both sides pick ,choose and warp statistics into graphs and pie charts to prove their points.
Wow, how stupid is this post. You really are a clown and a homer. That attack happened 9 months into his presidency. It took over 2 years to plan and they were in the US planning it. That attack was much more Clintons fault than Bush. I know you are not really this stupid so, you are being disingenuous and misleading showing your obvious far left nut job agenda. Centrist my foot. :flush:

If you would get you news somewhere other than you might have learned the Bush ignored his intelligence briefs that continued to warn that al Queda was planning such an attack. The man's in office for 9 months and you're giving him a free pass and blaming the previous president - goes to show you how brain-washed you are by the right wing propaganda machine. If it had been Obama you would have been blaming him if it was 9 hours into his term. In fact I'm surprising you aren't blaming Obama for 9-11 anyway. I mean he was a state Senator in Illinois, surly he could have done something right?

Serious question, if Obama can somehow get a world war 3 started with Russia and whoever, he does run for the dems for 3rd term right?
If you would get you news somewhere other than you might have learned the Bush ignored his intelligence briefs that continued to warn that al Queda was planning such an attack. The man's in office for 9 months and you're giving him a free pass and blaming the previous president - goes to show you how brain-washed you are by the right wing propaganda machine. If it had been Obama you would have been blaming him if it was 9 hours into his term. In fact I'm surprising you aren't blaming Obama for 9-11 anyway. I mean he was a state Senator in Illinois, surly he could have done something right?

If your reading comprehension was on par with your blind allegience with Obama and the far left, you would see that I said more on Clinton than Bush. Moron
Glad you can enlighten us is on the attitude and thought process of a lunatic. [laughing]

But both sides pick ,choose and warp statistics into graphs and pie charts to prove their points.
Which was the point I was trying to make to you. Seems your reading comprehension is on par with Deee. Congrats, you and him are rapidly approaching Catdaddy status.
The face of the Dem party is now a proud socialist. Surely some, ahem, moderates here will move away from that.
I agree not all islamists are violent. But there are more than a tiny fraction who are extraordinarily violent. Im not aware of any other religions who are routinely cutting off heads, gang raping, and blowing people up; all in the name of their religion.

So no, because some islamists are very violent doesnt mean they all are. But because some are very peaceful doesnt mean they all are. If you cant recognize both groups exist within the same religion, then youre just being unreasonable and ignoring facts.

So all these immigrants will help the economic condition of the euro countries right?

According to these "moderate" posters, their economy should be booming any moment now.
If you've read anything about WWI and WWII, you know the Europeans have it in them to man up and kick the Muslims out. The question is when.
If you've read anything about WWI and WWII, you know the Europeans have it in them to man up and kick the Muslims out. The question is when.

Interesting. And let's hope you are correct. And be cautious with that hope. Because the real questions would be "how" and "to where?"
Huckabee is seeking attention, nothing more, nothing less. I see you are obsessed about him tho.

I mentioned him once how is that an obsession?
I actually like him if he left his religious views out of politics.

I'm sure you've mentioned Obama, Hillary or Trump many more times.
Huckabee is seeking attention, nothing more, nothing less. I see you are obsessed about him tho.

I mentioned him once how is that an obsession?
I actually like him if he left his religious views out of politics.

I'm sure you've mentioned Obama, Hillary or Trump many more times.

What really peeved me about Huckabee more than anything, was his ludicrous and continuous rants about how SCOTUS didnt have authority to make the decision regarding SSM.

With his background, he knows full well they do. And he sure thought they did when they sided with Hobby Lobby. Yet he made sure his position sounded scholarly enough to fool the uneducated. Nothing pisses me off more than hypocrisy or intentionally misleading people. Hes guilty of both.
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What really peeved me about Huckabee more than anything, was his ludicrous and continuous rants about how SCOTUS didnt have authority to make the decision regarding SSM.

With his background, he knows full well they do. And he sure thought they did when they sided with Hobby Lobby. Yet he made sure his position sounded scholarly enough to fool the uneducated. Nothing pisses me off more than hypocrisy or intentionally misleading people. Hes guilty of both.

When Huckleberry Hound likes a decision he refers to them as The Supreme Court, when he doesn't like a decision they're "five unelected lawyers".
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Huckabee kinda lost me on the Kim Davis thing. Not the way I would have handled it if I was Davis. Either hold your nose and hand out the 'marraige' certificates, or resign, with a letter for the media citing why.
The bible is very clear too. Go read the old testament. And I doubt you ever read the Quoran either. Vast majority are peaceful people. When you have billions of Muslims you're gonna have a lot of bad seeds in areas like the Middle East. Muhammad Ali is a Muslim and there are much more like him than like ISIS. Get out of your bubble and out from under the sheets. It's sad that all this talk about religious freedom only applies to one religion in your world.

True, however, read "Son of Hamas". I've done a lot of reading about the history of Islam in the MIddle East, Europe, and Africa. Not a pretty picture.
POLITICO retweeted
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Ted Cruz spoke at a 10th grade reading level in the second debate. Donald Trump? Fifth grade

FYI, Obama's SoTU speeches have averaged 6th-7th grade level. Dumbing down of America.

I believe the majority of America reads at a 7th/8th level.

There are studies that suggest only 8 percent of people under the age of 30-years-old read a newspaper.

I'm not surprised. We constanty lower standards so no one gets their feelings hurt
It's crap like this why I have lost a ton of interest in sports. Ignoring the character of garbage human beings because they play sports is despecable and not worth it. May the worst happen to these kids.
Same thing is happening to me. I'll always pay attention to UK sports, but I don't have anywhere close to the level of interest I once had. The NCAA is beyond ridiculous, I never latched on to any pro teams when I was younger, and even as a former athlete I find the environment and the people surrounding sports to be toxic.