How will they rule ??!

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When this is all said and done, Im predicitng Bush v. Biden, with the next POTUS being Bush III.
The "at least he kept us safe" is going to really play in his favor with all of the threats in the world today.
Im thinking by election time, national defense will be more important than immigration, debt or abortion.
When this is all said and done, Im predicitng Bush v. Biden, with the next POTUS being Bush III.
The "at least he kept us safe" is going to really play in his favor with all of the threats in the world today.
Im thinking by election time, national defense will be more important than immigration, debt or abortion.
The "at least he kept us safe" sound bite had better not be his catch-phrase
Actually it kinda does, because of the fortune that has been acquired through old money has traces rooted all the way back to the country's founding which has been has 100% white. Oprah is the only US billionaire and there is only 7 in the world. I am trying to give an explanation as to why 150 years later won't be forgotten. Not until more blacks break into 1% and gain a footing. The current set-up won't allow for them to advance because we have a gov't that is pushing to keep them dependent on gov't.

The second part is true. Every race has an equal opportunity, but only one has a true chance to make to the upper 1%. That's stats prove that.

I think we're saying the same thing. African Americans are poorly represented in the billionaire class because, as a race, they havent been afforded the equal opportunity to earn money until fairly recently (in the context of history). So they havent been able to generation legacy wealth with a small, small exception.

Whereas wealthy anglos have been inheriting wealth, and building on that for generations.
I think we're saying the same thing. African Americans are poorly represented in the billionaire class because, as a race, they havent been afforded the equal opportunity to earn money until fairly recently (in the context of history). So they havent been able to generation legacy wealth with a small, small exception.

Whereas wealthy anglos have been inheriting wealth, and building on that for generations.

Ding ding ding. Inheritance wealth and housing discrimination are the two biggest factors, IMO. From there you get the drastic differences in education, criminal justice, employment, and median wealth.
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I'm glad you two liberal twits can yuck it up. You probably laugh at your own farts too.

I love that the liberal lunacy/lack of rational thought on here is right on par with an episode of The View.
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Ding ding ding. Inheritance wealth and housing discrimination are the two biggest factors, IMO. From there you get the drastic differences in education, criminal justice, employment, and median wealth.

Housing discrimination? Who's fault is it if you go to shitty schools or live in shitty areas and don't have a job to pay for the better neighborhoods and better schools? Not everyone is "given" everything.

I'm curious what many of you in the "oh, it's because they're poor and not provided the same opportunities" group think of Appalachia? That is one of the poorest areas in the country yet they rank below the national average in violent crime. Why is that?

In terms of inheriting wealth, I'd say the offspring of black pro athletes, musicians and actors have been provided a huge step up over the majority in wealth.

And on a related note, on Forbes list of richest people, 10 of the top 50 are Jewish. That is remarkable for such a small group. But I don't believe many of them "inherited" wealth (that's an excuse for a lot of people). You have guys on that list who founded Google, Facebook, Dell computers, founder of Rockstar Energy drink, etc.

There's just a ton of excuses always when it comes to why certain groups fail more-so than others.
Many parts of Appalachia suffer from the same vicious socioeconomic circle as urban black communities, actually. Lack of opportunity -> lack of money -> bad schools -> bad job resumes -> lack of mobility. And the next generation picks up where the previous one left off. The difference is that when you're spread out over thousands of square miles of mountainous terrain, you don't have to deal with beat cops driving down your street looking for a reason to frisk you.
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Many parts of Appalachia suffer from the same vicious socioeconomic circle as urban black communities, actually. Lack of opportunity -> lack of money -> bad schools -> bad job resumes -> lack of mobility. And the next generation picks up where the previous one left off. The difference is that when you're spread out over thousands of square miles of mountainous terrain, you don't have to deal with beat cops driving down your street looking for a reason to frisk you.

Maybe they wouldn't be looking for a reason to frisk you if they statistically, didn't commit the most amount of crime per capita. I pointed out that 9 of the top 10 cities worst for crime are Democratic ran cities where the majority of the population is black.

I have the same advice for people in the ghettos and in Appalachia, if you do not like your situation...CHANGE IT! Don't fall into the same traps as the others around you. Work hard, study hard, do the opposite of those who could not succeed and better themselves. No one is going to hand you anything. If you want a better life, then go make it happen.
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While everyone cries because of the "clock kid", this guy says Muslim Migrants Should Breed With Europeans to conquer their countries. Basically, rape, since that's what they usually do. Just ask Sweden.

We've been waiting on Obama to amp up the fight against ISIS and lay out a he names a gay guy to lead the Army. That's a whole shitton of trolling.
We've been waiting on Obama to amp up the fight against ISIS and lay out a he names a gay guy to lead the Army. That's a whole shitton of trolling.

Seems on par with his ideology. He has a ton of Muslims put in homeland security positions, which seems like a conflict of interest.
Maybe they wouldn't be looking for a reason to frisk you if they statistically, didn't commit the most amount of crime per capita. I pointed out that 9 of the top 10 cities worst for crime are Democratic ran cities where the majority of the population is black.

I have the same advice for people in the ghettos and in Appalachia, if you do not like your situation...CHANGE IT! Don't fall into the same traps as the others around you. Work hard, study hard, do the opposite of those who could not succeed and better themselves. No one is going to hand you anything. If you want a better life, then go make it happen.

I left a small town in eastern Kentucky at age 18 in the 1960s. No jobs at all there (still aren't). I hitchhiked out of there to a city 400 miles away with probably $20 in my pocket. Found a decent job in less than a week and have been self-sufficient ever since. No help from parents (they couldn't help) or anyone else.

There was nothing special about me. I just recognized that no decent job was ever going to come to me. I was going to have to go to where that decent job was.

Just as those decent jobs are never coming to the hills, neither are they ever going to come in to the ghettos. Moan and grown all you wish at the situation. It's never going to change. We can only change ourselves.

*Oh yeah, even though the "getting away" story is true, I forgot to mention that I walked 5 miles barefoot to school, uphill both ways.
I left a small town in eastern Kentucky at age 18 in the 1960s. No jobs at all there (still aren't). I hitchhiked out of there to a city 400 miles away with probably $20 in my pocket. Found a decent job in less than a week and have been self-sufficient ever since. No help from parents (they couldn't help) or anyone else.

There was nothing special about me. I just recognized that no decent job was ever going to come to me. I was going to have to go to where that decent job was.

Just as those decent jobs are never coming to the hills, neither are they ever going to come in to the ghettos. Moan and grown all you wish at the situation. It's never going to change. We can only change ourselves.

*Oh yeah, even though the "getting away" story is true, I forgot to mention that I walked 5 miles barefoot to school, uphill both ways.
And nobody is arguing that such pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps stories are possible even in the worst situations.

The issue is that WhitesRule's race-based stats don't reflect the relative difficulty different socioeconomic groups have in obtaining quality educations, jobs, housing, etc.
And nobody is arguing that such pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps stories are possible even in the worst situations.

The issue is that WhitesRule's race-based stats don't reflect the relative difficulty different socioeconomic groups have in obtaining quality educations, jobs, housing, etc.

If you're implying that I'm a whitesrules, you are mistaken as me, Willy, BKH have pointed out in the past. I'm pretty sure he's the guy with the Yosemite Sam avatar.

Also, cry me a river on the "relative difficult socioeconomic group" crap. If you don't want to be surrounded by that quit encouraging it, quit living in it, make sure you provide a stable household, stop crime, stop selling drugs, stop with the gangs, hold others accountable, stop fighting cops and giving them a reason to bother you and then maybe..MIRACULOUSLY.. your schools will be better, maybe more jobs will come, less of the community will be in jail, etc.

Because the current "I'm a victim" crap isn't working. Nothing is changing no matter how much money gets thrown at this issue to fix. I'm sorry but I'm a realist and people such as yourself don't seem to want any truth to be discussed about this situation. You just want to keep pandering and tossing out the "victim" crap and I don't buy it.
I left a small town in eastern Kentucky at age 18 in the 1960s. No jobs at all there (still aren't). I hitchhiked out of there to a city 400 miles away with probably $20 in my pocket. Found a decent job in less than a week and have been self-sufficient ever since. No help from parents (they couldn't help) or anyone else.

There was nothing special about me. I just recognized that no decent job was ever going to come to me. I was going to have to go to where that decent job was.

Just as those decent jobs are never coming to the hills, neither are they ever going to come in to the ghettos. Moan and grown all you wish at the situation. It's never going to change. We can only change ourselves.

*Oh yeah, even though the "getting away" story is true, I forgot to mention that I walked 5 miles barefoot to school, uphill both ways.

Shh. How dare you pull yourself up and go make something of yourself and not blame everyone for what you didn't get in life. DON'T YOU KNOW YOU'RE A VICTIM!?

Vote for me

- Every Democrat

When this is all said and done, Im predicitng Bush v. Biden, with the next POTUS being Bush III.
The "at least he kept us safe" is going to really play in his favor with all of the threats in the world today.
Im thinking by election time, national defense will be more important than immigration, debt or abortion.

Yea he kept us safe except for the worst attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor which he conveniently forgets.
When will Jeb! realize that every time he mentions his brother, his poll numbers go down another percent or two?
after that "he kept us safe" line, I was thoroughly expecting Rand to break in with a "does 'us' not include the 4,500 US soldiers killed in Iraq??" zinger.
While everyone cries because of the "clock kid", this guy says Muslim Migrants Should Breed With Europeans to conquer their countries. Basically, rape, since that's what they usually do. Just ask Sweden.

so you found the Muslim Rush Limbaugh...want a cookie? I love how you and the guy who asked Trump that question use a few bad Muslims to judge the entire population. But carry on with your white jihad. I'm sure I'll read about you in the news one day.
so you found the Muslim Rush Limbaugh...want a cookie? I love how you and the guy who asked Trump that question use a few bad Muslims to judge the entire population. But carry on with your white jihad. I'm sure I'll read about you in the news one day.

A "few bad Muslims." That's a laugh. You're a freaking idiot. Please, research Sweden. Those "few Muslims" have made Sweden the rape capital of the west.

The Quoran is very clear on its scripture. It's what they believe. It's also why they are always at odds with everyone and have yet to adapt to modern civilization. They are primitive people who never assimilate to any country ...EVER! They have backwards views on women, western culture and many other things. They also have over a 109 verses of advocating violence against infidels. Their scripture condones rape as well as lying to advance Islam.

But hey, go on being a total moron in the dark and ignoring that since 9/11 there have been over 26,000 Muslim acts of terror on others.

Also forgive me if IDGAF about what you have to say considering you're on board with people killing cops.
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The bible is very clear too. Go read the old testament. And I doubt you ever read the Quoran either. Vast majority are peaceful people. When you have billions of Muslims you're gonna have a lot of bad seeds in areas like the Middle East. Muhammad Ali is a Muslim and there are much more like him than like ISIS. Get out of your bubble and out from under the sheets. It's sad that all this talk about religious freedom only applies to one religion in your world.
I'm curious what many of you in the "oh, it's because they're poor and not provided the same opportunities" group think of Appalachia? That is one of the poorest areas in the country yet they rank below the national average in violent crime. Why is that?

Because the closest person to shoot/stab/rob/rape is miles away, possibly drunk on moonshine, high on pills/meth/both and is likely to be heavily, heavily, heavily armed?

There tends to be more crime in higher populated areas because there's more opportunities to get away with said crime + basic probability that more bad seeds will live in a city of 3 million than a town of 320.
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The bible is very clear too. Go read the old testament. And I doubt you ever read the Quoran either. Vast majority are peaceful people. When you have billions of Muslims you're gonna have a lot of bad seeds in areas like the Middle East. Muhammad Ali is a Muslim and there are much more like him than like ISIS. Get out of your bubble and out from under the sheets. It's sad that all this talk about religious freedom only applies to one religion in your world.
What is more sad is how you tell him to read the Bible and the Koran (Quran), it is obvious you have not. There are a lot of differences, most glaringly, how in the Bible Jesus comes to Earth to correct mans mistakes in the old testament and teaches love and compassion where the Koran goes from a compassionate loving book to more aggressive and more hateful towards anyone who does not convert. Furthermore, Christians largely denounce anyone or organization (Church, Westmore Baptist) that teaches and practices hatred. Muslims not so much. A large portion of them can be seen dancing in the streets celebrating acts of terrorism towards us and other western cultures or not coming forward to denounce it at all. Their silence speaks volumes. Get out of the hazy bubble you live in and quit watching and listening to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, ETC....your obvious lemming rhetoric shows you have no view at all of the real world. LEARN SOMETHING. Your welcome.
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Yea he kept us safe except for the worst attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor which he conveniently forgets.
When will Jeb! realize that every time he mentions his brother, his poll numbers go down another percent or two?
Wow, how stupid is this post. You really are a clown and a homer. That attack happened 9 months into his presidency. It took over 2 years to plan and they were in the US planning it. That attack was much more Clintons fault than Bush. I know you are not really this stupid so, you are being disingenuous and misleading showing your obvious far left nut job agenda. Centrist my foot. :flush:
I don't blame Clinton or Bush for 9/11. I also did not blame Iraq or Hussein. It is well documented that factions of our government knew full well that something was being planned involving aircraft. What would the normal occurrence be? A simple hijacking. Some people would die sure, but we would kill the hijackers just like we always have.

The Patriot Act was written long before 9/11, but they couldn't just say "here are some new rules for us to steal more power from the American people and further shit on the Constitution". There had to be a catalyst.

I think everyone on our side was truly blindsided by the extent of what happened.

Half the people in this country are too stupid to see what the government has done to the ideals this country was founded on, the other half are too comfortable to care. As long as the government can keep us divided against each other for the reasons de jour, the longer it can continue to plunder and oppress us.
In terms of inheriting wealth, I'd say the offspring of black pro athletes, musicians and actors have been provided a huge step up over the majority in wealth.

And on a related note, on Forbes list of richest people, 10 of the top 50 are Jewish. That is remarkable for such a small group. But I don't believe many of them "inherited" wealth (that's an excuse for a lot of people). You have guys on that list who founded Google, Facebook, Dell computers, founder of Rockstar Energy drink, etc.

There's just a ton of excuses always when it comes to why certain groups fail more-so than others.

Yet, none of those black athletes are billionaires. It appears that sports are the only way for blacks to earn the big bucks. Oprah is the measuring stick and they ain't even close to Oprah.

Jews. We can't compare god's "chosen people" to a people that has been herded cattle until the last 150 years. Are we really going to try to compare jews and black historical wealth? hahaha I mean Hitler hated their financial influence in his country.

No. If we are going to a make a better comparison to the jews, then look no further than Malaysia. Malaysian Chinese run the economy there, yet they are in the minority. Which is why that huge rally in Kuala Lumpur even happened. Racism. The main difference between the situation in Malaysia and Nazi Germany is Hitler's murdering. That's a better comparison.

If only Jesus had been from Africa.......
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What is more sad is how you tell him to read the Bible and the Koran (Quran), it is obvious you have not. There are a lot of differences, most glaringly, how in the Bible Jesus comes to Earth to correct mans mistakes in the old testament and teaches love and compassion where the Koran goes from a compassionate loving book to more aggressive and more hateful towards anyone who does not convert. Furthermore, Christians largely denounce anyone or organization (Church, Westmore Baptist) that teaches and practices hatred. Muslims not so much. A large portion of them can be seen dancing in the streets celebrating acts of terrorism towards us and other western cultures or not coming forward to denounce it at all. Their silence speaks volumes. Get out of the hazy bubble you live in and quit watching and listening to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, ETC....your obvious lemming rhetoric shows you have no view at all of the real world. LEARN SOMETHING. Your welcome.

I like how the Army of God website celebrates Paul Jennings Hill as an American Hero.

Please enlighten us to your "unbias" sources. Imo you have to take a bit from each side and try formulate some truth.

A few posts back was trying to make a correlation between Muslims and Sweden rape statistics.
This article came from the Gatestone Institute
a anti-muslim, pro-isreali think tank which is headed by Nina Rosenwald. She is also VP of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs which has been pushing for US military action to degrade Iran's nuclear program.

Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and legal definitions of rape vary widely.
"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.
"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."
The bible is very clear too. Go read the old testament. And I doubt you ever read the Quoran either. Vast majority are peaceful people. When you have billions of Muslims you're gonna have a lot of bad seeds in areas like the Middle East. Muhammad Ali is a Muslim and there are much more like him than like ISIS. Get out of your bubble and out from under the sheets. It's sad that all this talk about religious freedom only applies to one religion in your world.

Muhammad Ali is a poor example. He is Nation of Islam, which is different from and not recognized as Islam by Muslims. Nation of Islam deviates too far from core Islamic beliefs to be accepted.
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I like how the Army of God website celebrates Paul Jennings Hill as an American Hero.

Please enlighten us to your "unbias" sources. Imo you have to take a bit from each side and try formulate some truth.

A few posts back was trying to make a correlation between Muslims and Sweden rape statistics.
This article came from the Gatestone Institute
a anti-muslim, pro-isreali think tank which is headed by Nina Rosenwald. She is also VP of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs which has been pushing for US military action to degrade Iran's nuclear program.

Klara Selin, a sociologist at the National Council for Crime Prevention in Stockholm. She says you cannot compare countries' records, because police procedures and legal definitions of rape vary widely.
"In Sweden there has been this ambition explicitly to record every case of sexual violence separately, to make it visible in the statistics," she says.
"So, for instance, when a woman comes to the police and she says my husband or my fiance raped me almost every day during the last year, the police have to record each of these events, which might be more than 300 events. In many other countries it would just be one record - one victim, one type of crime, one record."

Use the BRA stats. Hell yeah, there is a correlation of the massive increase in rap due to mass immigration of Muslims. They're sick people. One of the worst cases of rape occurred there a few years back.
